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This is bitcoin-qt a donation fee, this is a transaction fee and it is not forced either, its totally voluntary but you should always pay a small fee to make sure your transactions will multibit picked up by a miner. Hi Luigi, I suggest you to read wallet article about wallets, it should be helpful for you to understand the differences between the different types. It does not answer your question of bitcoin-qt your private keys out of bitcoin-qt, but this link explains how you import a single private key into MultiBit:. Drag the Bitcoin-Qt wallet. Your wallet course via email provided multibit helpful information, thank you! Multibit is No Longer Supported.

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It has stubborn bugs that have caused us and Multibit users much grief. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. The date alongside each key is a bit non-obvious. The transaction size depends on the number of inputs it must combine, most of the time this will only be one or two inputs, only if you have received a lot of dust transactions and must combine a lot of them to pay a larger sum it will need a lot of inputs and then it will automatically charge more fees but not more than necessary. Related communities Sorted roughly by decreasing popularity. For example, submissions like "Buying BTC" or "Selling my computer for bitcoins" do not belong here. Considering I use the default clients for the altcoins, I'd rather go with Core.

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I don't think people would use a wallet that would force a donation. Blockchain's first intelligent social marketing platform The method of importing the wallet via Multibit. Money lost for no real reason. Java is no less secure than python bitcoin-qt any other language. Bitcoin-qt please don't worry, your report will be anonymous. If your computer is always on and has a good internet connection, you could run bitcoin-qt as wallet service to the network, even wallet you multibit to use Multibit as your primary wallet software.

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Multibit wallet to bitcoin-qt

How do I switch from MultiBit to Bitcoin-QT? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange

You could pay someone to do that process for you -- but then you would need to trust them as they have your private keys. The method of importing the wallet via Blockchain. I can produce a JSON file from dumpwallet. Unfortunately there are some commandline geeky stuff commands that you will need to execute. Please see my answer below. Manual Steps Copy your public receiving addresses from Bitcoin-Qt. Go to the Bitcoin-Qt console: Run walletpassphrase [your password] [timeout in seconds] to unlock your password protected wallet.

There may be hidden private change addresses in Bitcoin-Qt which don't show up in the receive tab. Copy the results of dumprivkey for each address which are the corresponding private keys. Start the Multibit client and create a new wallet. Open the exported file in a text editor. Below the private key generated by MultiBit, paste the private keys you have copied above. Remember to paste them before the End of private keys line. After each private key, add a date that is prior to when you created the corresponding wallet.

You can check this date in the Bitcoin-Qt Transactions tab and scrolling to the very bottom. Repeat for all addresses you want to move to Multibit Client. Scott 1 6 Scott's answer above is excellent, but I think there are some final steps missing, which are: Save the file that you added the keys to Find the file you saved and import it. By the way, this is a great answer, but besides the comment of Velonius above, you have to make sure to put a date prior to the creation of your wallet when pasting the private key into multibit.

This ensures the proper replaying of the blockchain which will then pick up all the transactions. Also missing, if you have a password on your wallet, is before step 3 writing: Also, be aware that the QT-client uses hidden private change addresses that don't show up in the receive tab.

Those contain raw private keys. I'd like to improve this by importing labels as well, but couldn't figure it out. Here is one way to do it without the "command line geeky stuff".

Drag the Bitcoin-Qt wallet. Login to the new wallet. Under the Backup heading click download. Now import the wallet. Delete the keys from the blockchain. Ben Reeves 2, 12 This is a good solution but yes, the goal was do the export without giving my private keys to a 3rd party. I think what I will eventually end up doing is a transfer via a transaction easiest but not the cheapest way, since the transaction size will be large. Few keys were not imported. I guess if the number of keys are large, the problem occurs.

A good programmer always wants to avoid calling OS API directly whenever he can and instead he will try to find and use a cross platform wrapper for the needed functionality instead.

Multibit is in Java? We are encouraging people to put that horrid, bug-riddled mess on to their computers? Look, Java has been an insta-uninstall item for about a year now, and will continue to be.

While we do need to start people off on a more lightweight client than bitcoin-qt, multibit's reliance on Java makes it a no-go. A note on Java from the MultiBit site. I think like half of the things on my computer use java. How in the world do you get by without it. As well as being written in Python, it also has the huge advantage of deterministic wallets.

I would never go back to a client that didn't have that. Android does not use Oracle's Java Virtual Machine which is the reason Java is broadly considered a security risk but a custom bytecode compiler. You can run multibit with OpenJDK if you don't like oracle java implementation or if you prefer open source solution. I could probably agree on dangerous. The Oracle VM is not a security risk either.

Its just a VM to run compiled byte code and as such it is totally neutral. The Browser plugin is the risk if one decides to enable it.

Also if I'm not mistaken it's a lightweight client, it doesn't download the whole blockchain. MultiBit is an SPV client. Otherwise, it's not that good. Exactly, internet speed is a far greater problem worldwide than disk space. I have 8TB on my desktop, but I also happen to live in Africa with a slow internet connection that peaks at 2mbps. I remember having to wait over a week for the blockchain to download back when I first got into bitcoin in January.

And the blockchain wasnt even that big back then. A friend of mine who just heard about bitcoin a few weeks ago never actually managed to download the whole blockchain at all, so I recommended him to try Multibit. If we want Bitcoin to become a world currency, it needs to be accessible to folks with slow internets.

Not everyone has your stable mbps fiber connection. Right on that very page under "Software wallets. Not much searching needed there. MultiBit is already, and I think anyone going nuts over Java needs to take a chill pill. But I will say that the features for Armory are quite awesome, and Electrum is another lightweight wallet like MultiBit but is written in Python I believe. So people have plenty of options here, no one is being forced to do anything. I do think that the first wallet people use should not be Bitcoin-Qt though.

The amount of space it takes up on my computer sometimes bothers me, and I could easily see it turning some people away.

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