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Given the increased attention, bitcoinity little ltcm known about ltcm behaviour of Bitcoin prices bitcoinity therefore we add to the literature by studying price clustering. It would be ltcm to run this open source code, also, since your program could ltcm manipulated with precision timing attacks, if it were to be fooled into making a bid at bitcoinity price flash. And he might have substantial holdings of ltcm he wants to sell. Kraken has a horrible trading engine, I've seen a lot of examples of delayed executions in the class of minutesso the peanuts of earnings can be lost very easily on the immature trading engines of these exchanges. And you're commenting about how I'm wrong without even reading bitcoinity code. CJefferson days ago I've read it, it's sloppy but fine. GPG Bitcoinity 32bit 64bit.

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Kraken has a horrible trading engine, I've seen a lot of examples of delayed executions in the class of minutes , so the peanuts of earnings can be lost very easily on the immature trading engines of these exchanges. There are a lot of people going after it, and probably some that do it wrongly thinking they are profitable while they are not. If you run this as user, it's safer than root, but not actually safe. The direction doesn't actually matter since you're trading both sides. Make money converging them.

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Gox comes to mind. If you look at some of those ltcm bots, they full of wrong calculations. I think it's completely irresponsible to present that as "without ltcm risk" to bitcoinity audience that doesn't have similar resources and in some cases doesn't even understand what a short is. This is a bit of a bitcoinity argument as this only deals with exchanges directly and never touches the Bitcoin protocol directly. The speed bump increases profits for liquidity providers ltcm that venue but negatively impacts aggregate market quality, increasing both market-wide costs bitcoinity liquidity demanders and consolidated order book fragility.

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Bitcoinity ltcm

Other traders just get in and out right before the robots. How do you know that? Trading with my own robots and by hand. I found that automated triangular and 4, Opportunities were usually small, counterparty risk and fees usually large. Exploiting these mechanically eventually results in humans looking for the source of the arbitrage, and even if there aren't competing bots running it won't last long.

Arbitrage based on first-moving markets and slower moving markets was pretty common, and some people seemed to have automated it. And of course the market making robots run by the exchanges are the most fun to watch. Lots of times they trigger the crossover bot traders' algorithms on purpose. When building an automated trading system the first thing you write should be the risk system. Simply having a 'MaxExposure' per exchange doesn't cut it.

This has nothing to do with it being a market-neutral strategy or not. All code has bugs in it, exchanges have hiccups, quotes from many exchanges are notoriously wonky, programs freeze, Internet connections go down, users fat finger inputs etc.

This needs a real risk system built into it. But there is no market risk, because the project says so. I've spent less than 5 minutes looking at this code, so maybe that's the worst of it. But if 5 minutes of investigation found 's style bugs I doubt that's the worst of it.

I haven't read the code, but regarding unsanitized user input Isn't the user the, well, user, in this case? Complaining about bad data in that situation is like complaining that an admin could hit the power switch. Or maybe I've completely misunderstood the purpose of this software.

Steeeve days ago. System creates child processes, specified by parameters. If you don't sanitize your parameters, any child process could be created.

If you run this software as root, that means root will run the command. If you run this as user, it's safer than root, but not actually safe. Unsanitized system calls are even worse than leaving your system wide open to a sql inection attack. All of the above apply to bash, but it still happily creates processes from user supplied input. As previously mentioned, not all software is run on a remote-access system for strangers on the internet. You're right, unsanitized user input is a risk when its externally crafted.

At best in this case, its more sloppy coding then a high security risk. Do the arguments come from the user or the exchange? Assuming input is from a benign source is literally the cause every single security issue ever.

It's bizarre that I've been downvoted for this. And you're commenting about how I'm wrong without even reading the code. I seriously don't understand this site. CJefferson days ago. I've read it, it's sloppy but fine. The same user who feeds in the values for 'system' is also trusting the program with their bitcoins! This is in my opinion like saying "bash" is a security issue because you can give it bash scripts. I, for one, am astounded at the responses in this thread of discussion.

I put my cups in the dishwasher, not the autoclave. I use 2fa for my financial accounts, but not for my frisbee league. Security is about appropriate paranoia. In no scenario is it better to allow arbitrary hidden process creation than to spend 10 minutes writing a function that validates parameters provided to launch a process.

For someone to "exploit" this they must already have code execution. Have you made much profit using the software? Looks like a great app for anyone looking to accidentally destroy their life savings and get arrested by the IRS. Short selling is significantly more dangerous than other forms of investing, because it requires borrowing the securities that you then immediately sell.

You eventually have to return those securities to the person you borrowed them from, so that requires a purchase in the future. If the price of the security goes up, you don't just lose your money, you take on a debt that you must repay. The worst thing that can happen if you buy a security is that it will become worthless, thus you lose all the money you put in. The worst thing that can happen if you use any form of debt to leverage your investments is that you get wiped out completely because you end up owing more money than you can possibly pay back.

What you're talking about is a "naked short", which is of course very risky. No Bitcoin exchange allows for this.

In fact, most exchanges don't allow for shorts or any sort of leverage. While what you're saying may be true in some context, it doesn't apply here. RoboTeddy days ago. Are the price differences between markets already arbitraged to the point of maximum profitability? There is at least one exchange that has enough discount, but their reputation is horrible, so if you want to arbitrage that then it's on your head.

In general that's the case if there is any opportunity. While they don't make mainstream headlines, mini MTGox'es still happen, like a Polish exchange some months ago.

There are a lot of people going after it, and probably some that do it wrongly thinking they are profitable while they are not. If you look at some of those bitcoin bots, they full of wrong calculations. Highly doubtful, considering the spreads between even highly regulated exchanges.

Just curious why someone would open source a project like this? If it works, it should be making money consistenly, but giving away the system will make the arbitrage opportunity non-existant if enough people use it. Perhaps he realises that other people are doing it too and, as you said, realised the more people who do arbitrage the more it goes away.

He could be out to stabilise the bitcoin exchanges as well as provide liquidity to the market. Perhaps as more people use it, the demand for bitcoins go up also, and since limited supply the price goes up. And he might have substantial holdings of bitcoin he wants to sell. More people trying to find arbitrage opportunities makes it easier to sell his bitcoin which are now higher value. A big red flag in the SEC decision was that large arbitrage opportunities exist in bitcoin markets for far longer than is considered normal.

Anyone wanting more mainstream adoption of bitcoin would do well to promote arbitrage trading to as many as possible. TheDong days ago. Other implementations, including two Javascript ones and a Go one, have had significant bugs in handling the protocol correctly.

Does the library directly use the Bitcoin protocol? I had the impression that it only uses the Rest API of the individual exchanges interact with them.

This is a bit of a orthogonal argument as this only deals with exchanges directly and never touches the Bitcoin protocol directly. Because nobody ever faced risk short selling. That big market crash that was part of the worst recession in 60 years had nothing to do with short selling.

Long Term Captial Management totally came out of that just fine. Bear Sterns is alive today and doing swell. What does that have to do with anything? You don't understand the point. You go short on one market, while simultaneously going long on the other market. That's how you profit arbitrage. You also can't lose money beyond what you put in on the exchanges that allow for this , your position just gets terminated.

The liability from short-selling on exchange A is balanced by the buy order on exchange B. I suggest reading more on long-short arbitrage before disparaging someone's ideas with such condescension. Find support across a growing number of Litecoin communities:.

Find general information as well as a list of services and exchanges that support Litecoin at the Litecoin Wiki. Up-to-date network statistics can be found at Litecoin Block Explorer Charts. Source code for Litecoin Core and related projects are available on GitHub. The software is released in a transparent process that allows for independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code.

The Litecoin blockchain is capable of handling higher transaction volume than its counterpart - Bitcoin. Due to more frequent block generation, the network supports more transactions without a need to modify the software in the future. As a result, merchants get faster confirmation times, while still having ability to wait for more confirmations when selling bigger ticket items.

Wallet encryption allows you to secure your wallet, so that you can view transactions and your account balance, but are required to enter your password before spending litecoins. This provides protection from wallet-stealing viruses and trojans as well as a sanity check before sending payments. Miners are currently awarded with 25 new litecoins per block, an amount which gets halved roughly every 4 years every , blocks.

The Litecoin network is therefore scheduled to produce 84 million litecoins, which is 4 times as many currency units as Bitcoin.

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