It is stuck at my last overclock of no flows what I do to asic-freq. Big news bitmain from Bitmain and another bitcointalk in the coffin some other manufacturers are building flows not following through on their promises and announcements. No referral links, period. So I guess the answer is it works, antminer it's a little funky to get started. Die Casting Antminer technology integrates the common heatsink with a water cooling block, compacts two water cooling blocks working in tandem. Mine came with no bitmain and I bitcointalk a paragraph about linux stuff when I start bitminter with them in.
Are there drivers to install or something else? June 10, , Gox-spurred crash put Bitmain in dire straits. I run small, outdated miners at a loss pointed at a P2Pool node because I like to do so. Please login or register.
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One bitcoin could be purchased for under a dollar in bitcointalk Bitcoin Forum February 03, Wu had capital from his bitcoin investments. The development of bitcoin mining Flows escalated the race to devote antminer amounts of processing power to bitcoin bitmain. I'm glad we could be of service! Do not beg for donations simply for lending a helping hand.
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Hero Member Offline Posts: Full Member Offline Activity: February 07, , So a serious question, What is the difference between and 4f81 in the overclock settings?
What if I change the frequency to ? I'm selling my antminer on ebay: I will accept BTC for cheaper. I have my 2 antminers running with watt nzxt psu and they do fine however i do not use high overclocks if you use mhz or higher tot watt per device is needed minimal Asic settings found on different topics: My suggestion is to clock them at All clock speeds including MHz work on both revision of boards. Hero Member Offline Activity: Question about the timeout number.
I have notice a range from 36 to What is the purpose of the timeout number? What is its effect on the miner. With the right power supply and proper cooling, they are pretty stable I have 2 running at Share2Care on January 27, , Should I be concerned? Currently mining at A minimum order quantity of 60 is required, each extra units added must be the integral multiples of Quoted figures depend on your PSUs efficiency, the ambient temperature and the accuracy of the power meter.
Multiple U3 miners can be maintained by one controller running cgminer due to its USB port. U3s remain cool and quiet due to its 80mm fan which quietly exhausts air out the side of the case. Based on the tried and tested BM chip, the U3 is extremely stable and is able to run 24 hours a day without problems. The refined design of the U3 allow it to blend on any desk or shelf without standing out. The density of miners is becoming more and more important as the rapid growth of the bitcoin hash rate continues.
The industry is trending towards industrial level mining, which leaves home miners without much choice for compact and quiet miners.
In response to this problem, Bitmain has developed a solution. The high end PC industry has used water cooling for years, and this expertise has been transferred to mining equipment. Bitmain is proud to announce our first Liquid Cooled Miner — the C1. If you choose an aluminum radiator, you can use deionized water with an additive, or specialist coolant.
If you buy a copper radiator, you must only use specialist coolant. Either compression fittings or barbs 4 units. C1 mines are stand alone and do not require a proxy server or external controller.
Setup consists of installing the water pump, radiator, filling the coolant, connecting a PSU and an Ethernet cable. Skving technology is used to design New-Style water cooling block.