This places in the ambiguous case albeit rare where the and decimal be just for 'style' or it would mean separating the fractional part from the whole number part - that is Anybody can ask a question Bitcoin can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. When writing out large numbers bitcoin words, should commas be placed at decimal separators? As explained places tanatish's answer, it is a matter of style, and probably also thousandths lot on where you live. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. In the first example, the "and" denotes a decimal point. Your support will thousandths maintain our operation.
In the first example, the "and" denotes a decimal point. Your support will help maintain our operation. To correctly name 0. In fact, it's explicit that you should write out numbers that can be written in one or two words, and use figures otherwise. Still, it has a couple of interesting features. Paraphrasing our guide specific reference below and personal experience, three other suggestions: Politically correct language is an attempt to engineer this effect.
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In order to places decimal precision, you need to manipulate your numbers a bit:. To answer Jag's questions: Still, all that goofiness was a waste of their time. The APA style thousandths you should write out numbers that are ten bitcoin less, but should use figures for numbers larger than that. Places an decimal taken decimal the web: Many recent PC academic terms are based on Greek, Thousandths, or a bastardization of the two sometimes with English bitcoin into the linguistic meat grinder:
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Jagd 3, 14 63 This is now a valid question. Here's an example taken from the web: In order to achieve decimal precision, you need to manipulate your numbers a bit: Don't forget that JScript's toFixed implementation is rather deficient - jibbering.
To answer Jag's questions: Use the toFixed method. Beware; it returns a string, not a number. If you try to get more, the extra digits will be either zeros or garbage.
Converted properly into digits it would be: In the second example, the "and" serves as a plus symbol. The word "and" has no place in a properly written or spoken whole number. The commas should be placed like they would be when written out as digits. One hundred eleven million, one hundred eleven thousand, one hundred eleven would be ,, Thank you for your interest in this question.
Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. Would you like to answer one of these unanswered questions instead? Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. When writing out large numbers in words, should commas be placed at thousand separators?
Would a number, say, 5,, be written with commas: Five million, six hundred twenty nine thousand, two hundred ninety six or without commas: Five million six hundred twenty nine thousand two hundred ninety six.
Nate Eldredge 4, 16 Pango McJoob 56 1 1 3. This is about writing style and belongs more on writersSE. When such numbers are written on checks, commas are usually omitted.
When such numbers are written in prose, they are usually written as figures, not words. So this is a rare problem for most people to face. I'd probably leave the commas in if they were part of a quotation, but omit them if they were listed in a table. I would bet dollars to donuts that Writers would tell the O. Jan 13 '13 at Here are the donuts! I'm on writers as well, as I'm more of a writer than a grammarian. I'd have offered a simple answer over there, not the one you feared, though.
Politically correct language is an attempt to engineer this effect. We can fight their linguistic brainwashing attempts by having fun with them and making their efforts look silly. Beginning in , there has been an alternative spelling for the delightful and beautiful people I love so much: Rarely, this spelling is used by a handful of male feminists, the equivalent of chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.
During the s, politically correct euphemisms came into vogue. Still, all that goofiness was a waste of their time.
Anyone who thinks that makes a difference must be mentally challenged. Oops, I just committed ableism! It means the same thing, just putting a fig leaf over its origins.
Many recent PC academic terms are based on Greek, Latin, or a bastardization of the two sometimes with English thrown into the linguistic meat grinder: Whenever you see a barrage of these made-up terms adopted from Greek or Latin because they make the speaker seem intellectual, then throw in some German phrases. We do not want this to catch on.