This protocol is expected to be triggered three months after the first part was activated, and it is assumed that bitcoin second course is to activate in November. Microsoft's cloud business just keeps growing. Could they be coursera everyone to course money into coursera currencies, only to crash them so that the people will course again only rely on fiat, or rather digital, bitcoin controlled by central banks? November 6, at But from a more public perspective, they are trying to stimulate or sustain the global economy by providing free coursera infusions bitcoin the system. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Jobs are being taken over by robots, and basic income See These Six Events Will Determine Our Future is now a very real option for many parts of the world, including here at home.
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Very interesting course explaining cryptocurrencies in different aspects. November 3, at If they're less technical, more of the case might be about the dramatic story of Anthony Levandowski arriving at Uber rather than the nuts and bolts of Lidar units UberWaymo. Criminal use of cryptocurrencies is actually minimal and minute. More on this topic in a bit.
Work that empowers a better life. Bitcoin Core Software Video: Bitcoin-Backed Course, "Side Chains". Coursera a Reply Cancel reply You bitcoin be logged in to post a comment. Course is testing a new app that's just for listening to playlists. Applications of Bitcoin Scripts Video: Since the first part of Segwit coursera has thus far been successful, many in the Bitcoin community want to avoid upgrading the Bitcoin protocol in November because the second part of Segwit 2X is much more difficult to implement.
Why are they allowing these currencies to play out? No, it doesn't make sense for the specific reasons laid out above, but additionally, we have not always had leaders. This will take some history reading and a much longer talk more than happy to go into full detail but if I get into that, you're buying the beer but we have not always had leaders. We are just taught we have because the system does not want you to realize that we simply do not need them, and now that bitcoin is solving the debt-based money problem, this dependency on leaders are the next problem to solve.
So sorry, reposting this as the previous post missed half of my responses…ignore the last version… ——————— Dear Ivan Lo,. Blockchain can be simplified by recognizing it as a database. A unique form of a database but really, just a distributed database with clever characteristics.
A database is a collection of organized data. A contact list is a database. A telephone book remember those? All over the news, governments, banks and corporations are trying to separate bitcoin from blockchain because they want you to ignore bitcoin and just talk about blockchain because bitcoin is the threat to their established hegemony.
Why assist them with that false perception? Segwit is not causing higher fees, it is striving to diminish them, and it will, same with the lightning network yet to be implemented.
A smaller rouge group is still trying to push it but it is very unlikely to have much of an effect. The attempt basically failed as it had questionable implementation problems so supporters started pulling their support. Listen to some of them speak, it is well worth your time and you will learn a lot. Bitcoin never leaves the blockchain as all bitcoin is recorded on the ledger that is the blockchain. Thought I would clear that up. The important part is to have control of your private keys and not trust them to a third party.
A wise stance but it is unlikely that Segwit 2x will be causing problems now that the support has melted. This is a big misunderstanding. It is a form of Malware. Already, most antiviruses and ant-malware programs are putting in detectors and eliminators into their packages which will minimize this problem. Miners do not see this as a threat. Best to check into these things more deeply before conjecturing.
The DotCom bubble became that because unrealistic claims were being made about what the internet was and what it could do, ie: Bitcoin is not a company, it is not a business, a stock, a conglomerate, a ponzi scheme or any of the long list of dream creations that people sink money into to get rich quick. Bitcoin is a protocol, a collection of code which simulates a ledger so that people can store and transfer value. Investing in a business runs numerous risks because you have to trust so many players: The management, the staff, the workers, the accountants, the lawyers, the competition, the government, etc, etc.
Endless points of failure. A company can have the best ideas, the best implementation, the best marketing, the works, and it can all be brought down by one key embezzler, mouthy CEO, disgruntled employee, etc. With Bitcoin, we are not seeing a rush to a dreammaker, we are seeing a running away from a corrupt banking system. That is not a dream well, it is my dream , rather, it is an essential accomplishment for humanity.
Satoshi was someone, a person or group that had real dialogues with the initial core developers. Simple, people see it as better than that crappy fake fiat we have been controlled with. Bitcoin will have Trillions in value when billions of people start using it and leave banks to wither. You do not believe it to be real because you do not understand it. It is a common misunderstanding. Let's clear it up… Do you believe math to be real?
Of course, it is a tool we use to quantify the world around us and communicate that understanding. Do you believe email to be real? Of course, it is a tool we use to communicate thoughts and ideas around the world in seconds so we can add chat, skype etc. Bitcoin is a tool for communicating value. That is a real thing. It is not physically tangible but it is nevertheless, quite real and has real impact on people's lives.
Computer programs are created out of thin air and do amazing things that people and companies pay real money for to get things done and there is value in that. Music, art, writing, philosophy, speeches etc. All out of thin air. Still all useful and valuable. Mmmm, thin air is not looking so thin. So banks are not altruistic entities who want the economy stimulated for yours, mine or the masses benefit. They want the economy stimulated using their fool's paper fiat so they can keep control of everything.
Again, it is not about running 'to' bitcoin, it is about running away from the corrupt banking system. They would be most happy if not one other person entered bitcoin. Kind of self-defeating if you want people to run to it. If at this point a reverse psychology argument is raised, you will lose all credibility. Bitcoin is purchased with fiat,which was bought by people who have generated that money with their labour. Bitcoin's market cap valuation is a transfer of wealth not a magical creation of wealth.
It shows as a real entry on my balance sheet. Yes, I've been following all of that. SDR's is your actual attempt by the system to reboot their failed fiat ponzi scheme. In other words, there could be a reason why governments around the world are letting cryptocurrencies run rampant: To temporarily infuse free money into the system "off-the-books".
Answered the 'off the books' claim above. That's like saying the post office created email to get people to become used to electronic communications so that they can implement their own version of email and trap everybody on their walled garden system. Ooops, that didn't work so well. I'll let Andreas Antonopolous a core developer of bitcoin explain it better…Love the clapping scene… https: Actually, watch anything by Andreas to get a clear perspective on what bitcoin is and is not, and why it is the probably the most brilliant human invention since fire, I kid you not.
Banning it and severe penalties will not stop bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Prohibition did not stop drinking, the war on drugs did not stop drugs, laws do not stop crime, shall I go on? Governments can only curtail but they cannot stop, and often they fail to curtail. And when they try and fail to stop, they look impotent so they ultimately stop trying and make it 'legal' but it still goes on no matter what. This is an old and failed argument and just let it die here and now.
But seriously, I've heard the speculation many times, and even studied the possibility for my own clarification. The result, it just makes no sense at all and even if they did, as silly as it would be for shooting themselves in the foot, it just doesn't matter. What is unmentioned or forgotten when this speculation is brought up, is that the bitcoin protocol is 'open-source'. The code is fully transparent to anyone who wants to look at it.
There is no back door, trip wire, malware, trojan, booby trap. And this gets back to my previous statement about the post office creating email. It just doesn't make the slightest bit of logical sense. Prove me wrong, I will listen to ANY argument, but bring out the solid proof because speculation doesn't cut it. When you consider that civilization have always had leadership, whether it's government or other entities such as banks or secret rulers, the idea of these central banks and their intervention makes sense.
I guess, the initial intention of crytocurrency is probably good. The second reason is people in the loop transact unnoticed, anonymously. There is no secrete how many transactions are done without the knowledge of the governments or the public. The advance underground technologies are way beyond the ability to catch up by modern world known to the public.
But the key focus here when it first started was probably: Therefore, every transaction can be monitored easily because they are related, with no secrete. Operation based on trust and righteousness. The opening to the public created problems. The big data base and number of unselective inclusions created unforeseeable hurdles in data handling and monitoring.
Re-categorization is probably necessary to make transaction and monitoring easier. Because there is no physical property to be owned, there is a risk……….. How long can the trust hold before problems occur or things change hands and problems occur, is an unknown. Top personnel are the lucky ones, regardlessly. Instead of chasing over things that way beyond catch up and causing the trusting public to probably fall prey at the end, why not refurbishing the tax and fees systems?
The creation of cryptocurrencies aims to evade payment of tax and fees, or is it not?? Why are people so reluctant to pay? Imagine a farmer working his ass off from morning till evening. After he gains his harvest, one third or half of those have to be forced to be delivered to some one or a group of people who are there because they are rich and have more manpower to beat him up when he does not comply??
For good service rendered, people are willing to pay. But not by forced, without justifiable reason. Therefore, give people a reason not to evade paying is the best solution by far?? Something that is intangible and delicate. Valuable to many, especially the underground world; but not by some….. On the other hand, what could be done when things are not delivered?? Why are we encouraging a crowd change now?? And who or what is there to safeguard the functionality and sustainability of it??
A few questions to ponder, before we jump into the conclusion to have paper backed or cashless society based on TRUST………. Kind of like dollars. There are those that keep cash so as to avoid being tracked.
Crypto was not designed to evade taxes, but it does allow one to keep full control over their money. Taxes should be voluntary. If taxes were voluntary, government would HAVE to be far more responsible with what it gets.
No, it aims to give people control over their money so it cannot be arbitrarily confiscated. Most of us work very hard for our money and we do not want a bank, a government, a police agency or a criminal to just take our money.
Look at Asset Forfeiture for instance. Only a tiny proportion of the public are drug runners. But they do and we need to. Have you seen the obscene level of waste by government? Truth is, most do pay tax. But by giving individuals protection from arbitrary confiscation means government has to be more accountable. Criminal use of cryptocurrencies is actually minimal and minute. News stories tell you otherwise without proof but do the research.
Yet we are not berating dollars for their use by criminals. Completely un-trackable, can be brought across boarders without being checked, pretty much as good as cash, etc, etc. It is the tool of choice by drug runners and the underground. Crypto is picked on because it is a threat to the banks, it takes away their reason to exist, that is why the banks attack crytpo. Additionally, bitcoin is not good for laundering as all transactions are registered on the blockchain and visible for ALL to see.
What idiot criminal though there are many would post large transaction on the blockchain where it is instantly visible to authorities to focus on and investigating to attach the transactions to individuals? The Users and the Miners. It is a trustless system trust not required , run by mathematics with built in incentives to keep it going on in perpetuity. That is the brilliance of it. Watch this documentary to get a proper idea of how it works before disparaging it….
Fear comes from lack of understanding. Learn about bitcoin to understand how it works and why it is so brilliant and why it will free humanity from the enslaving bonds of the banks.
Please replace the previous response to Ivan with this response. In the previous response, your system deleted half of the text. This response has the full text.
I was given this newsletter as an FYI, but I feel that I should respond and in detail as this demands a solid examination. A company can have the best ideas, the best implementation, the best marketing, the works, and it can all be brought down by one key embezzler, mouthy CEO, disgruntled employee, mis-visioned executive, etc. Electrical power is very expensive already as Block Chain uses a lot of current on an escalating scale.
These are just a few. In my mind, the concept of Bitcoin was promoted to high. As the markets open up to other bitcoins wanting to raise fresh cash, there is nothing backing the coin value.
I call it the Shoebox valuation. Pure IT technology always increases to meet the demand and reduce costs. Let history be your guide, not false analogies.
When the latest improvements get added over the next 1. Transaction prices will fall to pennies again and the take-up rate will go ballistic. Do you really want to stand on the sidelines for that? Do you have any idea how much power it takes to run the current banking system? The buildings, lights, heating, etc? BTC is a drop in the ocean by comparison. The power consumption helps to secure the network and is bound into the price of bitcoin.
It is an ecosystem and it works. This is a non-argument propped up by terrified banks. Obviously you did not read my response to Ivan. Go back and read it as it shows this position to be devoid of substance. Let me save you the time…here it is…. People used to think Facebook's fall would be due to the rise of a rival. But what if we just drift away from it?
Users are noticing that Facebook is getting more and more aggressive at sending you alerts in order to goose engagement. Facebook is getting increasingly aggressive with asking people who don't log in very often to log in, sometimes with tricky messages about account security.
Qualcomm shares dip despite upbeat earnings, Samsung deal. Qualcomm share prices drop despite rosy earnings, new Samsung deal. Stations by Spotify 0.
Stations by Spotify is a playlist-centric experimental music app that is only supposed to be …. Spotify Stations launches on Android, but good luck using it.
Stations by Spotify beats Pandora at its own game. Spotify takes on Pandora with Stations, a free radio-like music streaming app. Spotify is testing a new playlist-based music app that's a lot like Pandora. Spotify is testing a new app that's just for listening to playlists.
Spotify launches new app just for free playlist listening. Spotify tests new, Pandora-like app called Stations. Spotify tests new app to rival Pandora: Spotify has a new stations streaming app on Android. Spotify is testing a Pandora-esque standalone Android app. Twitter now says 1. Twitter warns more of its users about Russian propaganda. Twitter Doubles Its Estimates, Saying 1. Democrats lashed Facebook and Twitter for not fully investigating if Russian bots spread the ReleasetheMemo campaign.
Twitter has notified at least 1. Pandora is laying off about 5 percent of its workforce as it shifts to more automated ads. Job boards-some of the most visited sites on the internet …. Who's Hiring In Tech? Talented People Thrive Here. Work that empowers a better life.
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This is what fitness sounds like. Come as you are. Do what you love. You might have heard of us Facebook's daily active user base in the US and Canada fell for the first time ever in Q4, dropping from M to M in the previous quarter Find. From Mediagazer New York Times: Twitter accounts for celebrities and media figures lose followers after NYT probe into firm that sold followers and as officials call for scrutiny of practice.
Upcoming Tech Events Jan China's Lenovo reports surprise Q3 loss from tax reform write-off. Very little progress has been made by women founders …. That's a statistical impossibility-bias is at work. If you have a financial advisor, ask where your funds are invested. Or ask your university's endowment.
The fund managers won't change until you care. Sobering statistics, but kmlake is right: Which is a good thing. What are you leaving on the table here? Biggest Stories in the Cryptosphere. I first understood cryptocurrency in the context of how it could help people in places where economic and monetary policies had failed them. Venezuela's government is turning this promise on its head. Venezuela dictator holds ICO. Sounds like a sound investment http: Waymo can't use its self-driving forecasts, but it can use Uber's, judge rules.
In Waymo trial, what fired Uber executive may not say could be key. Waymo will have to stick to Uber's self-driving car projections. I'm at UberWaymo jury selection right now. Trial starts on Monday. They'll be selecting a jury of 10 people. Alsup is much less forgiving on Uber's possible spoilation of evidence.
But he will withhold instructing jury to draw adverse inferences until he's seen evidence presented at the trial. On the surface, the upcoming trial between Uber and Waymo is about trade secrets — but it might have bigger implications on how talent moves from company to company in Silicon Valley. The Jacobs Letter — which caused a major delay in the case until today — is not admissable in the case, except for impeachment and contradicting Ric Jacobs testify if he's called https: Alsup will instruct the jury that Uber failed to disclose some timely info about Levandowski supposedly destroying discs and a comms log, but won't instruct it to draw any adverse conclusions.
Jury selection is an important signal because we'll get to see how technical the jury we'll be. If they're less technical, more of the case might be about the dramatic story of Anthony Levandowski arriving at Uber rather than the nuts and bolts of Lidar units UberWaymo. Alsup tells the jurors they can go change their Facebook privacy settings so the press can't snoop on them. Former Apple Executives Launch Caffeine.
Ex-Apple designers unveil Caffeine social broadcasting platform for games. Lyft opens its first European office in Munich, Germany where staff will work on localization and geometric mapping tech for autonomous vehicles. Lyft opens its first European hub to develop autonomous car tech.
Messaging giant Line catches cryptocurrency fever. SoftBank Group to take majority stake in Line's mobile unit. Fujitsu agrees to sell majority stake in mobile phone unit to Polaris: Japan's biggest messaging app Line is planning to launch a cryptocurrency exchange.
Line to apply for registration as a cryptocurrency exchange with formation of new finance business. SoftBank to secure majority stake in Line mobile service. Japan's Line turns to SoftBank and cryptocurrency to make its messaging app a one-stop shop. SoftBank buys majority stake in Japanese messaging giant Line's mobile division.
Takes majority stake in LINE mobile http: Xerox becomes Fuji Xerox in cost-cutting move with Fujifilm. Fujifilm takes control of Xerox, will create a new joint venture. Fujifilm will take over Xerox, cut 10, jobs. Fujifilm Nears Deal With Xerox. Fujifilm takes control of Xerox to create joint venture. Fujifilm to take over Xerox as photocopier demand drops. Japan's Fujifilm to take over partner Xerox. Japan's Fujifilm to take control of Xerox. Xerox, a once-iconic American innovator that became synonymous with office copy machines, is ceding control to Japan's Fujifilm http: Fuji gains control of Xerox.
Bytedance, operator of Chinese news app Toutiao, sues Baidu for unfair competition, claims Baidu deliberately places negative news about Toutiao in top results. The battle between Chinese internet firms escalated. Toutiao is suing Baidu for unfair competition after alleged biased search results and security warning. South China Morning Post: ByteDance, operator of popular Toutiao news app, takes Baidu to court for unfair competition.
Internet firms fight for access control as battle for market share intensifies. South Korea now says it has no plans to ban cryptocurrency trading. Amid cryptocurrency frenzy, South Korea bans anonymous accounts.
South Korea will not ban cryptocurrency trading, finance minister confirms. South Korea will regulate, not ban, cryptocurrency trading. Samsung is now the world's largest chipmaker. Samsung enters crypto-currency chips business. Samsung confirms it's working on chips for cryptocurrency mining. Samsung surpasses Intel as world's biggest chipmaker for the first time. Samsung passes Intel in semiconductor business, but mobile revenues slip. Samsung made a special chip for mining cryptocurrency.
Samsung is moving into the cryptomining business with production of ASIC chips. Intel's year reign comes to an end as Samsung takes of over as king chipmaker. Samsung is making chips for cryptocurrency mining. Samsung confirms production of cryptocurrency mining chips. Samsung's now making chips designed for cryptocurrency mining. Samsung is reportedly manufacturing cryptocurrency mining hardware. Samsung starts building Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining hardware.
Samsung is making chips designed to mine cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Samsung Yes Samsung has entered production phase of ASIC miners and mining equipment specialized for bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining.
I believe this would provide Bitmain its first real competitor. Nintendo Switch Online service will debut in Mario Kart will be playable on your smartphone by March The Nintendo Switch online service is launching in September.
Nintendo has sold more Switch consoles in 10 months than it did Wii U's in 5 years. Nintendo's Switch took just 10 months to outsell the Wii U.
The Nintendo Switch has already outsold the Wii U. Nintendo's profits soar per cent as Switch sales surpass the Wii U. US DoJ and SEC are investigating whether Apple violated securities laws concerning its disclosures about update that slowed iPhones with old batteries.
We would never degrade the iPhone experience to get users to buy new phones. Your iPhone Slowed Down. Apple confirms that government agencies are investigating secret iPhone throttling. This iOS update has the iPhone battery saver kill switch. Apple to respond to US probes into slowdown of old iPhones. Canadian customers can now reserve iPhone batteries from Apple's website.