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Exactly why BCCX is needed coin quite unclear at this point. The first withdraw is ok. Bitcointalk OZ seriously did not even understand that a mass amount of people trade alts on public exchanges, including BCC. If BitConnect changed their compensation after it was published, awesome. So when you have BTC you can exchange email for any altcoin bcc the market cap.

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Of course there is usability. I can transfer value to you on their blockchain right now in the form of BCC tokens, which you can cash out on numerous exchanges for Bitcoin.

This is the only purpose most alt coins serve right now. What gives any other POS alt coin value. The fact that buyers of it buy it at that price. Same goes for Bitconnect. Usability is being able to do something with the coin other than peer to peer transfer. BCC will have collapsed by then and the only record of you will be the comments in this article.

Bitcoin has no usability other that peer to peer transfer. Neither does Litecoin, Dash or Monero. If you wish to discuss bitcoin do it elsewhere. BCC is a Ponzi scam that has nothing to do with bitcoin. Trying to legitimize BitConnect by comparing it to bitcoin is a waste of time. One is used exclusively by Ponzi investors, the other has no such business opportunity attached to it.

Sep 29th, at So why ATMs, so why accounts with real merchants? Good news is that your ignorance says a lot for BCC. Sep 29th, at 1: Bitcoin itself has had code submitted by over 30, individuals over the past 8years as Bitcoin Improvement Proposals BIPs.

Network consensus mechanisms is what determines whether or not such code or improvements are implemented, shelved ore scratched. Sep 30th, at Bitconnect is getting other mirrored websites , Google Craig grant he is the naational bit connect promoter who is based in brickell Florida.

He have new video where he is sharing classified info that bitconnect is removing the pyramid part of the company so they can be more appealing to crypto people. Oct 12th, at 6: Oct 12th, at 8: Oct 15th, at 6: Well i got into this on 2 Sep with bucks and referred a few friends thinking i would get 7 bucks for referring them, to my surprise i received alot more, and now it is 14 Oct the price of Bitcoins is now from when i started at and from reinvesting im now up to almost 4, in my lending.

My friend has put in over 30k and he has already pulled out 3k back into his personal bitcoin wallet for the month. Its like i have taken away the middle man and the banks and its amazing.

On a 30 day average you are pulling in. I have already pulled my that i started with out and making about 30 bucks a day i could keep pulling it out but why i see no sign of Bitconnect dying any time soon.

I have read a lot of good and bad about Bitconnect but Im in it and man i hope to be free from the US dollar and working for the man in the future only time will tell. Well i got into this on 2 Sep with bucks and referred a few friends thinking i would get 7 bucks for referring them, to my surprise i received alot more.

You invested in a Ponzi scheme, had your money stolen and then proceeded to steal from your friends. You can think of Ponzi fraud any way you want. Oct 15th, at 7: Well Oz we all have our own opinions; Amway, Avon, and tons of other legitimate businesses do the same thing, so you think what you want. You are a Ponzi scammer stealing from people you call your friends. Own your thievery and stop trying to justify financial fraud. It also pass the NEO coin.

Oct 15th, at 8: Thank you for your last comment please do not remove it…. This is excellent this show to your readers that you have know clue what a bitcoin or Bitconnect coin is and how the market works.

Oh I have a clue. For exchanges stupid enough to list scamcoins like BitConnect, they record real money in but not funds laundered through Ponzi ROIs paid through the Ponzi scheme. The end-result is a scamcoin that if people actually tried to sell would collapse.

The key difference though is bitcoin has legitimate uses. BitConnect was set up for the sole purpose of propping up a Ponzi scheme. And bitcoin has nothing to do with purpose built Ponzi altcoins like BitConnect. So you can stop with the legitimacy by association attempts. Oct 15th, at I mean honestly, other than new gullible investors wanting a Ponzi ROI, who is buying BitConnect at the current public value?

The issue is and always has been the attached Ponzi scheme. Oct 15th, at 1: Oct 16th, at 2: Its clear to see on the blockchain. I made some screenshots and uploaded them externally, dont want to spam the forum with hugeass pictures.

They didnt move it until the next day, Sep 25th 7: At least not for 8 days. Once I hit the button, I had 0. So I checked the blockchain. I transferred the BCC to my local wallet on the 3rd screenshot, and decided to trace those coins which took about half an hour of clicking. As soon as people lend their BCC, they are at least frozen for days depending on the sum and unable to be sold by the user, which in turn reduces the available supply of BCC and pumps up the price. Your interest is paid with the BCC of other lenders.

I figure they just have a random number generator, which calculates the daily interest rate. It was heavily premined and they can control the market with it. Their coins are worth about 1B USD at the current price. I dare you to trace the richest adresses back to the 1st block that was ever mined. Check the rich list and you will see that there are a lot of adresses with exactly BCC on it.

They didnt give a fuck about their own roadmap since august. Oct 29th, at 7: MLM has moved into the realms of financial instruments and economics. Agreed every bitcoin investment programme is a ponzi, but Ozedit: Investing a few hundred dollars and having an exit strategy is what many are doing.

But that is the cost of greed. Oct 29th, at 8: Just another scammer ripping off people in denial. Ponzi schemes are illegal the world over. Nov 4th, at After taking the time to further analyse the Bitconnect project it is still unclear who is behind the project, exactly how it works, or if BCC has any actual use. Bitconnect also employs a number of dubious methods in order to operate and promote its business. The business model outlined by the company is economically unsustainable with the current level of returns unable to be validated by any legally known investment system.

As a result, we have taken the decision to distance ourselves from this project, remove it from the top by market cap list and place a warning on Bitconnect page. Nov 5th, at 3: Nov 10th, at 6: Nov 10th, at 7: Just commenting here, to get followup notifications … the comments are as amusing as the article if not more.

Nov 10th, at Nov 11th, at 8: Thats the main problem. So not only does the company have make up that cost deficit they also on top of that, have to produce the ROI. Which is about 3 x. The company must grow at the average daily ROI exponentially. Check Alexa for clues. So right now Bitconnect needs to offload their liability through their coins to the public marketplace before Apirl I dont think they will pull off a public show big enough to get the crypto community clamouring for the coin, so now its the time for the ponzi pundits, to find the next ponzi program to milk.

Trading CrypotCurrencies is an essential component of overall success in this space, you should under no circumstances rely on programs to do all the heavy lifting for you. As this site is live testimony to that. Also learn to read the signs as you would trading FX or shares. All most Ponzi collapses can be anticipated within reason. Nov 16th, at 8: Nov 16th, at Is bcc Bitcoin cash?

Because Bitcoin cash is called bcc on bittrex. If ppl exchange bcc for btc, how are they going to track?

Only way they can track are people withdrawing to their bank account. Nov 16th, at 1: Bitcoin Cash is another altcoin, unrelated to BitConnect. Nov 21st, at 8: Faith Sloan Comments about Bitconnect: Nov 21st, at Faith Sloan Comments about Bitconnect.

Lets hope people can save all that she is saying as some of it looks quite revealing that she is making large withdrawals from the bank she could be using to pay back stolen funds with.

Nov 25th, at Nov 30th, at 1: Randy Gage was featured in Business for Home. Dec 8th, at 2: You have misinformation in this post ie the referal levels and payouts are not updated. Bitconnect only pays 3 levels currently. If Bitconnect was such a massive scam, why were they one of only a few to payout Bitcoin cash to their customers at the fork in August?

But instead they STILL kept track of all the payout interest and paid everything back when website came back up. You dont seem to fully understand Crypto. Lol yes yesterdays interest was. The review is date-stamped.

If BitConnect changed their compensation after it was published, awesome. BCC is attached to a Ponzi scheme. There is no demand outside of the BitConnect Ponzi scheme. Even if they did, where is the audited accounting proving bot trading is the source of ROI revenue?

BCC is traded on external exchanges. Of course MOST of the trades happen on the internal exchange for obviuos reasons people that want to join and sell their BCC when they choose to take some profits, etc. Again, the review is date-stamped. What Ponzi investors are willing to pay for them on the promise of Ponzi ROIs is ultimately neither here nor there. Dec 8th, at 3: Millions of people trade alts on exchanges. BCC is traded on several exchanges livecoin, hibtc, coin exchange, bitfinex, novaexchange.

So yeah, tell me again how the ponzi Bitconnect investors are the ONLY ones trading on those external exchanges? Most likely it is day taders like my crypto buddy who trades alts.

But you do have some wrong info on Bitconnect. Dec 8th, at 4: Where do they find all these people? Just you wait what happens when people want to withdraw their money back to BTC. Dec 8th, at 7: You cannot provide evidence of external revenue.

Thus the only verifiable source of revenue entering BitConnect is newly invested funds. Dec 9th, at 3: BCC is on public exchanges and can be traded publicly. Please stop making false statments before reasearching. Yes, those are public exchanges where you can buy and sell this thing called cryptocurrency, including BCC…. And it is indeed a FACT: O my, suprise, FACT: Looks like you came to crypto late, based on the little knowledge you have.

Did not hear about Bitconnect until a year after I got into crypyo.. Only a small fraction of my crypto investment is in BCC. Dec 9th, at 4: Experts called BitConnect suspicious, dubious, and probably a ponzi scheme. Coincodex already delisted BitConnect, others will follow. Dec 9th, at 5: Dec 9th, at 6: The only reason BCC is on public exchanges is so investors such as yourself can run around the internet using it as a strawman. This is done internally and has nothing to do with public exchanges.

Dec 9th, at 7: Whereas earlier you said it did not exist. And being on public exchanges! There is no public demand for BCC Ponzi points. Dec 9th, at Bcc altcoin is doing very well. Now BitConnect does not exchange your usd coinbase and other exchanges do that. So when you have BTC you can exchange it for any altcoin on the market cap.

So is bcc a scam NO. What are you talking about? People are trading real money for speculative altcoins. It is going to be so sweet when the SEC shuts this scam down. I hope scammers like Scotty lose everything! It has a market cap of 2billion dollars and legitimate coins in circulation. Anyone can see that on the coin market cap. Com there altcions that work this way. Bank of America may be looking into cryptocurrency exchange services for its corporate clients — or at least keeping its options open should they become interested.

Dec 10th, at 1: The only reason I commented on this site is because it is full of misinformation. OZ seriously did not even understand that a mass amount of people trade alts on public exchanges, including BCC. Dec 10th, at 5: Bought by Ponzi investors and used to commit Ponzi fraud. You falsely stated banks are converting. Your fictional friend making one trade is not proof. At least have the decency to own your thievery, scammer. Bitcoin is a legitimate cryptocurrency based on supply and demand.

Dec 10th, at 6: Offtopic derail attempt removed I explained how BCC is able to make payouts. Your doing your viewers a disservice. I never said anything about them being the same coin. As far as proof of more trading elsewhere externally, u seriously need to do your own research and u would have some answers on Bitconnect.

By what, not buying into Ponzi scheme marketing BS? BCC is pegged to the rate of new BitConnect affiliate investment. The only verifiable source of revenue is new affiliate investment, making it a Ponzi scheme. You seem to think this is Facebook. Dec 10th, at 7: Thankyou for confirming you have no proof of BitConnect external revenue. I think BitConnect Coin is a perfectly legit altcoin. The company itself isnt so hidden as one would think.

Searching the UK company house you find among others: They even have a Trading department listed at company house. However it would suit them to come forward and on their website openly show who they are and what their company is doing behind the website.

On the other hand the level of interest they offer is suspicious. Also one of the new shareholders is Glenn Arcaro. He is a pretty big name within the BitConnect community. Should be said, in my opinion. I am very thrilled to have found Coinsutra and hope you learn a lot about cryptocurrencies from you. Do read the Security and Warning Notice at the end of my article at http: Devon Thanks would appreciate if you can provide a legit link of such incidence because as per my knowledge Coinomi had a complex way of importing BCH that included direct use of private keys, so might be they lost it due to their own mishandling.

I have a question I have been trading Bitcoins since august and Since then I have used Blockchain wallet on my ios device. On 1st august I had some funds in my blockchain wallet BTC and was thinking of claiming the BCH against them using the phrase have read about btc. Satinder Yes, you can do that. Use Ledger or Coinomi wallet to do so.

I will share a detailed tutorial for the same in the coming days. Hello Sudhir, great job here. I want to receive some BCH at my wallet. I have never used it before and am confused. Thanks for your help. When you log in to BTC. Then as usual when you go to receive you will see BCH address. Lexi What do you want to do? Oh yes, it worked. I wonder how I cant figured that out. Anyway thanks for all the help mate. Keep it up the good work.

Pushpinder You can claim now if you had your BTC on it at the time of fork. Where i will transfer it for Fork? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

Today I am going to talk about the fork again and the free money is created from thin air!! Become a Part of CoinSutra Bitcoin community.

Authored By Sudhir Khatwani. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain will change human life in inconceivable ways and I am here to empower people to understand this new ecosystem so that they can use it for their benefit. You will find me reading about cryptonomics and eating if I am not doing anything else.

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