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Cheers to the bitcoin who put together this SD card image. Eggless Raspberry Tartlets by sabina delpinoh. Zero Illustrated Introduction to the Mining Outline Introduction What will you learn from this course 3: If raspberry market gets flooded with new ASICs, the value of coins will also skyrocket. However I continually get segmentation faults with CGminer when running only 10 units on 1 pi.

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I bought a seperate 16gb class 10 sd card and downloaded your ini file and wrote it to the sd card. I have one gridseed hooked up to my GPU rig and I keep getting this error after an hour or so. Raspberry Pi Tablet by madmungo. I have plugged and unplugged things too many times. Raspberry Pi Webserver by sebastian. A watt meter can be your best friend as far as becoming efficient. One of the most popular uses for a Raspberry Pi is as a dedicated smart TV box, sitting underneath your big-screen TV to give you access to all kinds of digital media, whether stored locally or hosted online such as catch-up TV.

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A side note i burned up mining of my inland 10 port hubs. Raspberry Pi Light Controller by mathieubonte. By the end of the course, you'll have a bitcoin knowledge of automation with Raspberry Pi Zero. Just get zero port hubs if you need more. Call the LCD display function Real time demo: In this article, we're going to look raspberry five of the most popular and distinct Raspberry Pi distros.

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Have you found the smaller CCTV model you are using to be ok in the long run? So i run them on Mhz Does your image support also modded gridseeds? I have your Ubuntu litecoin rig running and want to also mine Vertcoins on the same rig. I edited the cgminer. I try to di the same to change number of chips per device because i also use gridseed blade Do you know a way do do that?

The download was taking 6 hours but it disconnected at 2 hours. Is it possible to get this hosted somewhere else? I can paypal you for the efforts. Max, I downloaded the image you have a slow connection and burned it to an sandisk sdhc 8gb and others for testing purposes. I could not see anything on the monitor. The RPI does work as I have tested it with another image I burned from minereu that uses cpuminer and with the stock raspbian os that came with it.

The md5 for the img file on my drive is 6ccbafaea5c18b Could you verify that the img is correct? Thanks for your great contributions.

Really want to find out why the img I down loaded twice wont work. As a follow-up, I downloaded the cgminer-gc from the link Max mentioned on to a stock raspbian image that comes with the raspberry and got it working with ten 5-chip gridseeds. So far so good. Will be adding more soon. The problem with the monitor was strange. As noted below by Michael, the monitor wont initially work.

You have to plug in an eth wire, boot with no monitor working, figure out the ip assigned, ssh in and do a sudo reboot. The reboot will cause the monitor to start working. Quick question — I have four, 5-chip Gridseeds and 0ne, 1-chip Gridseed on a usb device called a dualminer, scrypt only kind.

I continue trying to use your image and I am using the exact hardware you specify here. However I continually get segmentation faults with CGminer when running only 10 units on 1 pi.

Do you have any experience debugging this issue? Thanks for putting together this excellent write-up. Typing cgm would just tell me no screen is attached ie not running. The other RPis are fine though. I could then compare it to the other working ones. Although it seems to be working ok again hmm. Thanks for the reply. Hey again Max… will this work with the 80 chip Gridseed Blades? I heard the chance of board blowing up on 80 chip is higher that you could lose lots of hash rates at onces.

Also less setup time required for the blades vs. But I should have an update, they are coming by next Tuesday. I have one and I thought to make use of it do you know blade works with windows system? Hi, ZoomHash can deliver this products to Turkey? Just something I noticed. If you want use multipools with your RPi image you will have to edit the config file. One thing I would love is the ability to set some of the GSD frequencies manually.

Look forward to your Blade review. Apparently you should be able to run 10 blades off of 1 RPi. You can change the GSD frequencies using the config file not sure if you can do it individually though.

Let me look into it. You can also use 3rd party cgminer software to do the API, that may allow you to switch frequency more easily. I should have an update on that too. I used this CGminer here: For example Bank of America lets you pseudo generate new visa numbers from your card and use them to make purchases, you can set limit and then discard the number once the purchase is done.

They had some trouble with the delivery. So as commercial gesture. Thanks for the img file for the gridseed setup for RPi. I have 11 running right now and also have a Gridseed blade coming next week. I will try it out when I get but look forward to your testing as well. I too have blades coming and was wondering the same if the will behave like 2 miners and not give grief on a raspi.. Keep us updated if yours arrives 1st. Thanks a bunch highcoin man! Your build was the secret to success. Been working on stability with different images and nothing quite does it right.

Yours is simple, elegant, and has two of the key features to success. I know that I will probably have people hissing at me, holding crosses and making the evil eye my way, but I want to dual min with my gridseeds. My questions are how and where do I load it into the raspberry pi?

How do I set it up like you have cgminer setup so if the gridseeds start messing up the pi will restart them or do a reboot? I know enough about linux to be dangerous without clear instructions. I have downloaded your version of the os for the pi and have it loaded and running. I would hate to make things harder for you when you are doing me the favor.

I do have one running right now doing dual mining on my laptop running ubuntu, every 12 hours or so I have to restart them and when I read your tutorial on using the pi I ordered one right away. It was a pain in the rump trying to setup this first one on my own and having to try and track things down all over the net. I think my Gridseed blades will be here tomorrow or Tuesday. I found this link for the updated version of cgminer I will use on windows until I figure out how to incorporate into Pi or Max or someone beats me to it.

I found Mhz is working well on my gridseed test setup with very few, if any, HW errors. Can someone explain to me how amps work? Therefore a Gridseed not volt modded would draw about.

I had problems with the highoncoins image always wanting to reboot every min so I went back to the normal rasbian image. While trying to figure out how to get it to restart I read about cpuminer no does individual chip tuning, can handle the new blades AND the hash rate display works too.

Here is the command line I used to get it going with my 5 gridseeds:. Now if I can just figure out how to have it auto start and maybe use sha at the same time I would be in heaven. Using your image file and my lonely gridseed plug directly into the pi got kh.

No device seen when gridseed plug in two different usb hub. Gridseed does not power on with the cctv power brick and cables.

Thanks for your very good works. Install xrdp on PI: First of all, thanks for this post! That should be fine so long as you have a small fan pulling in air or out, a small PC fan drilled into the closet door will do.

Someone in reddit recommended bailing wire instead of zip ties. I say its a bad idea having conducting wire so close to a multi layer pcb. Better solution would be cheap trimmer string or fishing line, IMO. Could you post the md5 hash of the img file? For some reason, the burned img will not run on any of my pies. I also downloaded the blade version and that does not run on any of my pies too. Or sha1, sha will do fine too. Just something to verify the downloaded file. Using sandisk 8g sdhc class I have 4 pies running.

I can burn your image no problem but when I try to boot it, I cant see it on my monitor. The same thing happens with your blade image too. Did you modify anything on the image to shut off the hdmi port? It may be running but I just cant see it on the hdmi monitor. Still no luck on pulling img. Both links above error out. Any way to get a hold of the img file?.

Tried from 3 Different Networks. Example of a successful login: I am completly new to raspberry pi model b, I bought one from micro center and i am trying to get my greedseeds working on them for efficienty. I was able to load the software from raspberry and got raspberry stuff working.

I am using a 42 vizio at a moniter as it is the only thing i have with a hdmi in put. So, i i can verify that the pi does in fact work.

I bought a seperate 16gb class 10 sd card and downloaded your ini file and wrote it to the sd card. I inserted it into the pi and powered it up. I am pretty sure that the pi is working i am just no getting any video to the tv now. I am using a 10 port usb hub to run the mouse keyboard and one gridseed until i get everything working and build the towers.

Is there anything in the programming that would be preventing video output? Any help would be greatly appricated and once i get this working i will throw some btc your way. To Michael Until Max gets to you here is what I would suggest this. I used a clean SD card and loaded the image and then find the ip address to the Raspberry on your router screen.

It will then ask for the password the password is Raspberry… That will take you to the same screen as you would have with a screen plugged into the HDMI plug. Type in sh test. After you get things working how you want then do this to enable auto restart type q on the CGMiner screen and then when your at the prompt type:. Once installed, IP entered for an SSH connection, then you just use your root login, which is probably raspberry. I also recommend as you get more comfortable looking at different miners.

I also tried the ini file on a 8gb c6 sd card that came with the raspberry. Second… under the miner information there is the number in his stock image for the seeds. That would be where you can try , etc. By default Max has it set already at Why not start with one seed and add after you get one running the rig will see each added seed as you plug them in. Good luck Michael let me know how it goes. I later found a moniter that i could hook it up to and it picked it up right away.

I didnt change any of the setting and basically mined for someone for a few minutes to make sure my it worked and it did. I then used WinSCP http: I have 4 rigs running, 2 comps and 2 pis, I decided for simplicity i invested in a kvm switch, which is great because i can use it with one mouse, one keyboard and one monitor to control all 4 rigs. If you look up a Pi view adapter on microcenter or ebay it should come up it is an hdmi to vga adapter they go for around However, on my first pi i am noticing that it will randomly stop working, it coincides with my modem shutting down, sometimes.

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