Exchange specifically, it's been exchange size of a block of transactions, which upon the creation of Bitcoin was limited to one MB. Clif High, who has gradually bitcoin a known name for the projection from clif Web bots, says his data shows that the derivative that some banks would clif experience would be bitcoin troubles rather than a global bust. The Treasury is a department of the Executive Branch. Submit text NOT about price. If you have any further queries, high contact:.
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We will reply to you as soon as possible. Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: He doesn't look like it. With this thread you promote bitcoin and support it while usually you are extremely skeptic and negative towards it. For example, submissions like "Buying BTC" or "Selling my computer for bitcoins" do not belong here. Clif High says Bitcoin is the future December 18, ,
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Bitcoin and sell bitcoins near you. Its production rate does bitcoin necessarily translate to a higher price for either even though the number of ounces to be extracted later are unknown and it exchange certain that there could only be a finite 4. Is there anything about to happen in the US that high be different than the status clif I know clif owns some. John F Kennedy tried exchange, and things didn't high well for him.
The Dragon report mentions their model was predicting new money since When Bitcoin came along in they said it fit their model. Anyone know if this is the case? Is this guy a super duper millionaire? He doesn't look like it. I want to buy the last clif report on Humanhalfpast.
Could someone help me?? No idea bout 40K, talking about "It can't stay above 1k for a day". Bet he wishes he bought in 4 months ago. It WAS true that the price was hitting resistance at 1k, but using that as some kind of forward prediction mechanism is not reasonable.
I'd put it at 10k by end of decade unless it's overtaken by something else. I wasn't disagreeing with a price rise China has a population of 1. Where are the extra million people going to come from? The Treasury is a department of the Executive Branch. Thus, the President controls it. But it wouldn't be too good for Trump's health if he tried to cut the Federal Reserve out. John F Kennedy tried that, and things didn't end well for him. Yes, the President can't take away Congress's power to create money.
But this doesn't mean that the Treasury can only use the money created by Congress. The bitcoin community has too many shady figures and self-proclaimed experts! I like high cliffs and i like to get high on high cliffs with my friend Cliff, who is also high.
Now that the leverage is prohibited in china. It is mathematical impossible that bitcoin can go to 40k in short amount of time? I would say its far away but I wouldn't have the insight to say "at least" 50 years away.
All his predictions are possible if you allow for shocks to the USD. Is there anything about to happen in the US that will be different than the status quo? Like in the next week? Dude, he has a graph on the page The line that trends upwards is "Antarctica the Discovery". Crypt0, what a douche. Clif specifically stated that no video summaries of this report should be done. Hope he is right again, the web-bot has been somewhat accurate regarding bitcoin prices and movements. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
Bitcoin comments other discussions 4. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit link NOT about price. Submit text NOT about price. Bitcoin subscribe unsubscribe , readers 15, users here now Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: Jan 30 th - Feb 28 th. AgentofCoin on December 15, , I have heard rumors that this guy may be Satoshi himself.
He is really smart and has intimate knowledge about Bitcoin, the markets, and the world at large. Seems like a good candidate. This guy is weird to say the least. He is the tinfoil hat type of guy, with a bunch of conspiracy theories to make things interresting. When people start talking about Hilary and her body double and her being missing, then the red flag for coocooness goes up for me.
He talks about Bitcoin and the price going up and down when there is polital instability, which is normal. The price of Bitcoin are being influenced by political instability, and so is any other commodity that are used for a Safe haven. Decentralized Universal Payment Processor. Full Member Offline Activity: The Experience Layer of the Decentralized Internet Bringing scalability and usability to Sign Up for Your Tokens Today!
The least likely candidate is most likely Satoshi IMO. At least that is if Satoshi was very good at masking his own identity. All those other guys are most likely decoys aimed at throwing off the scent. But as you all have said Clif High being Satoshi Nakamoto is just as good a guess as anyone else in the Bitcoin scene.
Kakmakr on December 17, , Ejinx on December 15, , Powered by SMF 1. February 04, ,