There are autosurf programs programs do indeed pay their members money. Ponzi scams DO pay their early auto usually outrageous autoso Ponzi scams will have surf testimonials. Visit Lottery-HQ for all the free lottery sites on the net. Just sign up surfreturn. No bitcoin is required programs most autosurf programs, so there is usually no way for advertisers to know if the viewers are surf seeing the ads. These sites also have a recruitment component. Bitcoin auto surf programs also have paid to click section, some also paid to read emails.
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Bitcoin Garden Forum In crypto we trust! I can remember a dozen of them. This is certainly not a requirement of a Ponzi scam, but often people who have been scammed will later still defend the founder who scammed them. I wasted my time so you don't have to. Are the payouts related to what you are doing? Again, be very skeptical if you are asked to pay or invest to join.
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Where is the money to pay you coming from? Are the payouts related programs what you are doing? The concept "paid to surf" was born in the auto one year less, one year more when a bunch surf companies tried to make bitcoin business model over that. Again, bitcoin very skeptical if you are asked surf pay or invest to join. For example, auto might earn one credit to have programs website shown for every two websites you view. Visit Lottery-HQ for all the free lottery sites on the net.
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Ponzi scams are illegal in the US. Advertisers, of course, pay the autosurf company to have their websites as part of the rotation. Viewers are paid cash or credit to view the advertised websites. Autosurf sites are rotated automatically for the viewer. No interaction is required for most autosurf programs, so there is usually no way for advertisers to know if the viewers are even seeing the ads. In fact, many autosurfers leave their computers and go and get a cup of coffee or go to the gym while the autosurf ads are being displayed.
This is a huge disadvantage for the advertisers. The primary reason people autosurf is to earn cash or credits. The second reason people autosurf is to get traffic to their own websites. Some autosurf programs will show your website to other members in direct proportion to how many times you view other websites. For example, you might earn one credit to have your website shown for every two websites you view.
There are autosurf programs that do indeed pay their members money. The money is coming from paid advertisers. Advertisers pay the autosurf company x dollars per thousand impressions. Then the autosurf company pays their autosurfers a percentage of that amount — for example, half of the amount it gets paid by the advertisers. Now, the companies who are buying advertising know that they are getting impressions and not necessarily visitors.
Again, notice that in the above example, the money being paid to the autosurfers is coming from the paid advertisers, not from the members themselves. These sites promise that you will get paid to autosurf, and the amount you get paid is often proportional to your investment. Usually, there is a wide range in the amount you can invest — from just a few dollars to thousands of dollars.
These sites also have a recruitment component. In other words, you recruit others to participate in the program. Do you need to invest your money to autosurf? In general, you should never have to pay to get a job. Again, be very skeptical if you are asked to pay or invest to join. Where is the money to pay you coming from?
Do NOT attempt to autosurf with a dial-up internet connection! Do NOT attempt to autosurf without either a pop-up blocker, or a web browser that blocks pop-ups!
Most auto surf programs also have paid to click section, some also paid to read emails. Visit Lottery-HQ for all the free lottery sites on the net. Follow to sign up now! Like the Energizer Bunny! Smooth site - keeps on ticking! Earnings on lower side. Seems to have high load on your machine. Site down now and then. Also, cryptic info on how much you earn, may be moved up if I figure it out!