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Google took down over , bad Android apps in Google took down , bad apps in Google's cleaning up the Play Store, using machine learning to remove , bad apps. And then it did this. Snapchat takes Bitmoji deluxe with hundreds of new customization options. Snapchat Bitmoji Deluxe Update: How To Personalize Your Avatar.

Bitmoji, Snapchat's best feature, just got its first major update in years. Make your Bitmoji even more spot-on with Snapchat's Bitmoji Deluxe. How to Use Bitmoji Deluxe. Snapchat's Bitmoji Deluxe adds new skin tones and hairstyles. Snap's Bitmoji Deluxe adds hundreds of new customization options. You can now use selfies to help you make a flawless Bitmoji.

Snapchat's Bitmoji now has billion customization combos, embracing diversity while it differentiates from Facebook http: Snapchat doubles Bitmoji's skin tone and hair options, and revamps the backend for updates that could pave the way to sponsored Bitmoji clothing http: Alexa can send SMS messages using your voice.

Amazon's Alexa can now send text messages. Amazon Alexa adds ability to send SMS messages by voice. Android users can now tell Alexa to text someone.

Amazon's Alexa can now send SMS text messages to smartphones via voice command. Amazon Alexa can now send app-free text messages. Verizon reportedly drops plans to sell Huawei phones due to increasing government pressure. Apple's culty iPhone SE is not getting any big changes. Verizon won't sell Huawei phones due to US government pressure, report says. Verizon drops all plans to sell Huawei smartphones. Verizon reportedly drops plans to sell Huawei phones, including Mate 10 Pro.

Huawei loses another carrier deal as spying fears impede its US growth. Verizon's plan to sell Huawei phone suffocated by political pressure. Amid heightened security concerns, Verizon reportedly drops Huawei deal. Verizon drops plans to sell Huawei phones after U. Verizon reportedly drops plans to sell Huawei phones following government pressure.

Verizon dropping plans to sell Huawei phones amid U. Verizon reportedly drops all plans to carry Huawei devices due to government pressure. Verizon won't be selling Huawei phones, either. Verizon Won't be Selling Huawei Smartphones.

Healthcare Feels The Amazon Effect. As health tech booms, new census counts more than health startups in Washington state. Business titans face complex system in US health care push.

Amazon, Berkshire and JPMorgan form joint venture to tackle healthcare costs. Amazon makes health care costs its next world to conquer. Health care experts doubt it. Never a bad idea to widen the debate on healthcare: So, I'm confused as to what this even entails. Are they making an insurance company? A mini employees-only NHS? Buying out some hospital network?

I've read like three stories on it and it seems like no reporter even asked http: Can't wait for Mark Zuckerberg, Goldman Sachs, and Tesla to start a private company so their employees can breath clean air. If this thing takes off we have to nationalize it. Looks like good news for consumers: This is such an indictment of Obamacare. What a disaster, on so many levels. Anyone else remember that one? Microsoft Announces January Updates for Office New in January—enriching teamwork across devices.

Office for iOS gets a significant update with real-time co-authoring and more. Microsoft brings support for co-authoring and AutoSave to Office apps on Mac. Some iOS app accessibility news: There's also full iOS 11 support as well, especially on iPad. Apple is set to report a giant profit. But iPhone X demand worries investors. The reason iPhone X struggles to gain traction in the marketplace.

Apple reportedly slashes iPhone X production. Apple supplier Murata casts doubt on claims of lowered iPhone X production. Release date, specs, price, and features! Apple iPhone X demand spurs worry, but may be misplaced ahead of Q1 results. Apple is reportedly slashing iPhone X orders because it isn't selling well.

Apple said to be cutting production of iPhone X. Apple supplier says report of iPhone X production cuts was overstated. Apple 1Q18 Earnings Expectations. Apple shipped a whooping Weak iPhone X demand: Q2 sales for the last two years were So 40M seems idiotic for just iPhone X. Let's just us our brains Recent Q2 sales were 61M, 51M, 50M. These bullshit reports of Apple reducing production of new iPhones happen every January.

Same thing will happen in a year, guaranteed. Jennifer Bailey talks retail and Apple Pay in new interview. Jennifer Bailey talks Apple Pay growth, Apple's own retail efforts, and more to kickoff Apple Pay availability in U.

Orbitera and MobileIron team up to make it easier to buy and sell apps in the cloud. Google is launching a new digital store to sell cloud-based software. Using the interactive Bitcoin historical daily price chart at 99bitcoins. This is neither an optimal nor a perfect trading strategy and it misses a lot of profit opportunities, but is easy to automate.

But maybe my huge Bitcoin paper trading success had to do with starting at the very beginning when a Bitcoin was worth only a nickel, which will never happen again. This happens a lot in other financial instruments. It appears to me that there is a lot of similarity between Bitcoin and program trading in stocks.

I imagine tweaking that could affect the profitability, too. Coinbase is probably the most convenient in the US and appears to allow you to trade via your checking account. Do you see any opportunity to sell stock as well? You are a crook, plain and simple. You took my money and you have no backbone to face me or come clean about it. There is no product, I accept that. But you taking no responsibility or admitting anything happened — THAT is unacceptable!

I will not go away and you have no one but yourself to blame. You have sold my children fake promises to better the lives of your own. I hope they follow this and realize daddy is the villain in this story. Assuming NO transaction costs involved. There was no profit on the way down.

Again assuming NO transaction costs. Their basis was that I had wires going to and from the Bitcoin exchanges. Now that you have done so, more people will do it, and the value disappears. This is how the gold standard works.

Some people are saying that Trump zeroed out the program with a memo, but that seems like such huge news it would get more attention. The memo is a little unclear. Cringely stopped responding to people and only generates articles to keep traffic to his website up and try to stay relevant. Class act, that one. Watching a guy destroy his public reputation and brand he spent 30 years building is astonishing.

Watching it happen in real time, even more so. But here we still are, watching. It baffles me that Cringely has done this, especially when he could have avoided it by doing what he does — writing. I too have followed Mr. Cringely for 30 years. I know he has at times taken on more work than he can handle. I agree he should provide an update. We all have faults and Mr. Cringely is no exception. I do know he works very hard to make others successful.

I too have lost money in kickstarter. I knew it was a gamble when I contributed my money. Another is 2 years late and counting. My personal kickstarter score is Cringely is not alone in having problems with his project.

We each have a choice. We can go through life being mad at something, or we can move on and try to help others whenever we can. I choose the latter. Ship the product as it exists. How being on the hook to angry bolt-throwing venture capitalist is preferable to having hundreds of investors in it for a relatively small amount. Proceeds from sales of the book are dedicated to pulling him out of this hole. There are a billion ideas, Bob has almost definitely thought of them. Why do this and not follow through?

This cost you nothing, and you know well, Bob, that failing to do things like this is what is costing you everything. Discussing buying the same kids a bitcoin miner for the hell of it, for a project running parallel with this one. I remember that he was going to create a child monitor after his son died.

Good article, but this sounds like the slow and tedious way of making money with bitcoin. There is lots of programs out there that will give you way more profit. I joined Gladiacoin a couple weeks ago, they promise to double your investment withing 90 days. They do this by using an automated system to leverage the difference in pricing between the different bitcoin exchanges. I know, it all sounds like a scam, and you need to have some nerves to step in, but so far it has been up for 4 months now it is working and they are making daily deposits to my wallet they pay 2.

So, if you have some bitcoin collecting dust somewhere and would like to give it a try, feel free to try it out. You can join at https: Why would you buy Bitcoins — only to immediately use them as a form of payment — if you already have the dollars to complete the transaction? Indians buying gold, sneaking around government currency controls. The main problem with Bitcoin is ownership concentration. Too few people own too much of the Bitcoin market in order to allow a fair exchange.

The price of Bitcoin is affected by a very small number of trades. And, in all of these trades, the owner and buyer is hidden from view. At the current price, about 1. Normally, this can be difficult. Too many dollars are trading for me to really make a dent. However, Bitcoin is more like penny stocks than dollars. There are about individuals who can greatly affect the price of Bitcoin by merely buying or selling their own stash.

Even better than penny stocks, the buyer and seller are only known through their wallets. I could easily sell Bitcoins to myself. Take 10, bitcoins out of one wallet with a high Ask, and then buy them back — one wallet to another. Currently, there are many systemic problems that should be causing a panic in the Bitcoin market. One is the amount of transaction delays.

If I spend a bitcoin, it takes an average of 43 minutes to confirm a bitcoin transaction. This is why there are many Bitcoin ATMs that will convert your dollars into bitcoins, but few that will convert your bitcoins into dollars. Another is the brewing civil war in the bitcoin community. They want to make Bitcoin easier to use. There is truth in this. Right now, the major banks want nothing to do with Bitcoin until the blockchain issues are resolved. In this case, the original species is original bitcoin BTC , and the species that evolved from it is bitcoin with the Segwit2x change B2X.

In the case of a hard fork, you now have two similar but different species of cryptocurrency where there used to be only one. What happens next is anyone's guess. Both might just continue on their own ways, or one or both might end up going extinct. With the Segwit2x hard fork, there's no clear agreement on whether bitcoin even should be evolving like this. A contentious fork like this is more likely to end up with two different species of coin competing for limited resources, which might be bad news for both of them.

Like other forks, the B2X hard fork means current bitcoin key holders on the "old" BTC prong of the fork will have a mirror image on the "new" B2X prong of the fork. Generally yes, but it might depend on factors like whether your coins are held on an exchange at the time of the fork, and which one if so.

Some exchanges, such as Coinbase , have said that they will be crediting their users with an equal amount of B2X on the new blockchain. If your exchange hasn't made any statement to that effect, or has said that it won't be supporting B2X, then you probably don't want to keep your currency there at the time of the fork. Around a fork, investors, miners and other stakeholders may need to decide how to allocate resources.

For investors, the decision is probably how to distribute funds between the forks for the highest returns. For a miner, this would be how to divide hashing power between forks.

For bitcoin network participants, this question takes the form of whether to install and use the modified B2X software, stick with the legacy BTC software or use both. The main problem is that there's no consensus on whether the fork is a good idea, so it's difficult to anticipate how many miners will be running the B2X software and how many will be sticking with the old BTC system.

A few months ago, it looked like a safer assumption that B2X might be taking over as the main version of bitcoin. According to Medium, as of 25 May , a critical mass of the bitcoin ecosystem had signed on to support the B2X changes, including Generally, the majority rules and no one wants to be left on the wrong side of the fence, so this kind of support would have suggested that B2X was almost a sure thing.

But more recently, some companies have withdrawn their initial support of B2X, and significantly, some core developers of the initial bitcoin have strongly condemned Segwit2x. This divide suggests that it's going to be an especially contentious fork, and that the value of BTC and B2X may be even more prone to abrupt shifts than usual. It's not possible to tell with any certainty what the outcome will be, and it's possible to find experts on both sides who appear confident that one will come out ahead.

On paper, B2X has enough support from miners to switch the majority of the network over to the B2X chain. If the bulk switch over immediately, then the remainder might also follow shortly afterwards for fear of being left on unprofitable software.

Also, many miners will probably be working both blockchains rather than committing to one. It's not possible to speculate on where people will shift, but the third outcome is probably the most likely in the short term. In the longer run, you might also ask yourself what the purpose of bitcoin is and where its future lies. The B2X changes are designed to improve bitcoin transaction capabilities and make it more of an actual usable currency by making it easier to mine. B2X proponents argue that this might hurt the value of bitcoin in the short term, but that it's essential in the long run.

Some experts have said that the main reason bitcoin is so resilient is because buyers think it's being seriously undervalued in the long run and will someday become the next main global currency. This might be dependent on bitcoin eventually solving problems with transaction times and costs, and becoming more usable as a currency. B2X opponents, many of whom have large sums of money invested in BTC, argue that Segwit2x isn't reliable, that it puts the value of BTC at risk and that it's generally a bad idea to rock the boat.

It might also be worth remembering that the eventual "winner" isn't necessarily going to be the side with the most compelling arguments or the better system.

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