Please enter your name here. In bitcoin, C-CEX lists different cryptocurrencies on its market, ranging from large cap currencies to virtually unheard-of currencies. This issues started about bitcoin days ago. While most other competing companies c-cex on the C-cex idea is that bitcoin cryptocurrencies and ICOs are so unknown that some exchanges simply invent altcoins, then profit from trading activity involving those altcoins. The exchange c-cex offers competitive pricing:
His passion for finance and technology made him one of the world's leading freelance Bitcoin writers, and he aims to achieve the same level of respect in the FinTech sector. One user reports how his account saw funds stolen on several occasions. Out of the blue the balance is shown as "0" and on the ledger page a comment appears stating "Blockchain Broken". I don't know how they are going to resolve this. The idea is that some cryptocurrencies and ICOs are so unknown that some exchanges simply invent altcoins, then profit from trading activity involving those altcoins. In any case, C-CEX continues to operate online today and maintains strong daily trading volume.
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Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3. The decentralized blockchain distributed ledger cryptocurrency technology and bitcoin are c-cex to gain Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Please enter an answer in digits: As a bitcoin, the cryptocurrency c-cex
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Back in July of , users claimed this exchange was a scam for hosting their own ICOs in an attempt to defraud users and investors. Since no one knows who the real developers are behind most of the new altcoins, it is not unlikely exchange operators create fictitious listings to earn more revenue.
One of the business practices people have been concerned about pertains to these altcoin ICOs. Most altcoins attract early investment and get dumped across exchanges shortly afterward. That is the way these — mostly useless — currencies have worked from day one. However, there is no reason for C-Cex to put up a full buy wall for 2 full days at the original ICO price, as that only attracts more people to sell their coins. A very shady tactic that hurts the overall public perception of cryptocurrency.
Banning people is an effective way of censoring them, although it is not the only way for them to make their voice be heard.
The sudden listing of the Ghostly currency had quite a few people stunned, as there is absolutely no reason to list that coin on any exchange. There is no innovation, no roadmap, and no use for another copy-and-paste altcoin that brings nothing new to the table.
It remains unclear how much money was raised from investors during the process, though. At the moment the problem still remains and the support has not offered any feedback to my ticket. Second, the chain seems to be on its own fork.
This issues started about 4 days ago. Basically, they are on different forks. I don't know how they are going to resolve this. Probably due to the developer being either lazy or ignorant in changing the MessageStart signature. Thus in reality, if you do a getpeerinfo, you can find both GoldenBird daemon and FutCoin daemon in the peers list.
Thus causing the GoldenBirdd very very busy handling a whole lot of orphan blocks. Powered by SMF 1. February 03, , MikuMiku Member Offline Activity: