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We kindly ask you to please contact AstroPay at direct astropaycard. I had already sent them the transaction data that AstroPay sent me, now will wait more two weeks for support answer? I did it before bitstamp ask! Astropay provided the Invoice of the transfers, and sent to Bitstamp. Hey Bitstamp support, if you're reading this reddit My patience is over. My money back or I will be seeking legal means to resolve this problem. After many, many emails sent to both parts at the point of AstroPay contacts Bitstamp, my deposit was processed manually.

I'm having the same problem. I made a deposit via AstroPay 4 days ago, and has not been credited to my account. I want an urgent solution. Please someone from Bitstamp solve my problem. I am trying to make an astropay deposit. Bitstamp redirects me to astropay website, where I am asked about a document number and select the form of payment.

Where does the document number comes from? AstroPay is a UK company that operates in Latin America, enabling fast online payments in markets where more regular payment options, like credit and debit cards, are not readily available to all customers. As well as direct online payment options, the company also provides AstroPay Cards with pre-loaded US dollar-denominated values for purchase with local currency.

All transactions are settled offshore in USD. It is widely accepted as a payment option for online merchants in 11 Latin American countries; the seven on Mt. The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is an independent media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies.

Have breaking news or a story tip to send to our journalists? Contact us at news coindesk. Jan 26, at Though the Coincheck theft may superficially resemble 's Mt. Gox hack, the impact on cryptocurrencies is not nearly as significant. Jan 15, at Two former users of the defunct bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox have brought a lawsuit against the company over the loss of 9, bitcoins. Dec 12, at At the same time, in order to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, EU is also working towards identifying the Bitcoin users.

The directive, to be transposed by June 26, , establishes a framework to require member states to identify and mitigate risks related to money laundering and terrorist financing.

As per the proposal , technology has created alternatives for financing that are beyond the scope of EU legislation that should no longer be justified. To keep pace with evolving trends, new measures to improve the existing preventive framework are needed. The European Parliament has already approved a proposal for a task force to investigate the role of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and blockchain technology.

However, the proposed directive does not address when digital currencies are used without exchange into fiat currencies. The bank also claimed some criminal groups can currently conceal their money transfers using digital currencies, benefiting from a degree of anonymity. The possibility of allowing users to self-declare to authorities on a voluntary basis should also be considered.

Regulating digital currencies to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing is appropriate, the Bank explains. ECB also feels that the existing definition of digital currencies in the proposed directive are not clear enough. At the end of the report, European Parliament President Martin Schulz, Council President Robert Fico, and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker jointly declared that while they will continue to work on all legislative proposals, some initiatives will be given priority treatment.

The commission proposed a competent authority to be made responsible for ensuring transparency. Alternatively, the declaration can also be made independently by all parties to the payments. Surprisingly, the commission extended these restrictions to cryptocurrencies as well. The problem with cryptocurrency is different from that of cash.

Cryptocurrencies are not regulated at the EU level. On the other hand, restrictions on cash payments could promote the development of alternative payments technologies compatible with the non-anonymity objective pursued. According to the Commision, if the cash restrictions were to be extended to cryptocurrencies, they will supplement the existing proposed measures to reduce cryptocurrency anonymity as outlined in the Anti-Money Laundering Directive AMLD.

As mentioned earlier, the Juncker administration confirmed that the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, which includes cryptocurrencies, is its priority. It is quite an intriguing statement by the Prime Minister of Malta, to say the least. As a keynote speaker , Muscat proposed many ideas in favor of cryptocurrencies. The government has made it clear that it will focus on the development of innovative technologies such as Bitcoin and Blockchain technology to stay at the forefront of European technological innovation.

According to the recently released Inception Impact Assessment , EC is considering transaction limits on virtual currency transactions as it steps up efforts in its fight against the financing of terrorism. The Commission published a Communication to the Council and the Parliament on an Action Plan to tackle terrorism financing.

The Action Plan builds on existing EU rules to adapt to new threats and intends at updating EU policies that are in line with international standards.

The idea is to put limit on the cash entering or leaving the country. In this context, the relevance of potential upper limits to cash payments could also be explored. In February of last year, the Economic and Financial Affairs Council called on the Commission to explore the need for restrictions on cash payments exceeding certain thresholds. The EC is also considering an option to extend restrictions to cash payments to all payments ensuring anonymity, which includes virtual currencies and payments in kind.

Therefore, any measure that limits cash payments would be complementary to the actions addressed by the review of the AML Directive targeting risks posed through virtual currencies and prepaid instruments.

That said, actually implementing the strategy may not be so easy — it might even prove to be counterproductive, the assessment goes on to state. While no specific limits are cited in the assessment, it does highlight that different EU countries have adopted different approaches and that any final amount would need to take those strategies into consideration.

This sudden push for amendments came amid increased regulatory debate about cryptocurrencies following the terrorist attacks in Paris. Much of the debate focused on the anonymity provided by cryptocurrency exchanges and prepaid cards. Notably, exchange services between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies and custodian wallet providers are not presently required to identify suspicious activity, the new proposal stated.

For anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, authorities should be able to monitor the use of cryptocurrencies. It would safeguard technical advances and the high degree of transparency attained in alternative finance and social entrepreneurship.

Requiring exchange services between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies and custodian wallet providers will not fully address the issue of anonymity of cryptocurrency transactions since the virtual currency environment will largely remain anonymous since users can also transact without these providers.

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are characterized by their anonymity, with neither payers nor payees required to identify themselves and the system open for anybody to use.

Regulators believe this makes them attractive to criminals. This perception comes from the so-called Islamic State — which claimed responsibility for the attacks on March in Brussels and November in Paris — was receiving funding via the so-called Dark Web. This part of the internet is highly encrypted and hard to reach where Bitcoin and other digital currencies are the preferred payment methods. A report from the U. Treasury and Home Office concluded digital-only currencies were already the preferred method of online payment for illicit goods like firearms and drugs.

It also added that the money-laundering risk associated with digital-only currencies was low, but could rise if their use became more prevalent. Those exchanges already in compliance include San Francisco-based Kraken, which claims to be the largest euro-bitcoin exchange, and Circle, a peer-to-peer digital currency player that has secured Barclays as a U. Other players might have to consider relocating their operations away from the European Union or not serving EU customers.

Some jurisdictions such as the U. According to a recent survey by Mastercard, European consumers are largely shunning digital currencies when making e-commerce payments. The online survey polled just under 43, people between the ages of 18 and 64, from 23 different countries, who said they shop online. The report also included data on overall interest in new payment types, with the survey focusing on a list that included digital currencies, banking apps, e-wallets and QR code scanning.

MasterCard also reported that, based on the countries it surveyed, Spain was the top country for consumer interest in digital currency, followed by Croatia and Italy. The following statistics come from bitcoinx. It is interesting to see what sort of demographic uses Bitcoin in Europe. Bitcoin has been criticized in the past for not having a female presence. That general sentiment holds value, but the overall theory was quickly debunked, as Forbes wrote an article that rumors of the lack of women in the bitcoin industry have been greatly exaggerated.

The European Central Bank has reaffirmed the need to make sure it takes initiatives to ensure regulations that do not undermine the development of blockchain or distributed ledger technologies DLTs in its Capital Markets Union mid-term review. The bank said that Eurosystem a collective comprising the ECB and the central banks of all member states who wield the Euro as the state currency , has a statutory task to support efficient payment and settlement systems.

One aspect of this is to make sure technology enables faster, safer and less costly domestic and cross-border transactions while ensuring that innovation based on disparate standards in different national markets does not obstruct integration. Blockchain technology has attracted interest from both the financial industry and public authorities in their roles as supervisors and regulators.

The adoption of DLT by market participants would require bringing technological innovation into the current legal framework. There is also the need to examine the legal characteristics of virtual currencies and digital financial assets; the need to define interoperability standards among market participants; and the need to comprehend technological innovation for existing institutions as well as for financial oversight.

The ECB wants the existing initiatives develop harmonious and principle-based regulation be reinforced. The purpose is to make sure market participants creating new technologies will not be constrained by different national laws or by the risks of unanticipated regulations.

The review said the regulation should be developed that is long lasting. The bank should constantly interact with developers to prevent situations where regulations directed at specific innovations are overlooked until the innovations are ready for adoption by market participants.

That said, ECB believes it is still too early for blockchain to be implemented in Eurozone. Still, the ECB is pursuing a research effort alongside the Bank of Japan, which sees the two institutions weighing potential applications. The bank has kept the door open to possible use in the future, though it offered nothing in the way of a possible timeline or indications as to what would drive it to utilize the tech.

Mersch said that the the two institutions plan to explore the tech, with an eye to publish the results of its research sometime next year. The ECB has also formed an internal task force focused on distributed ledgers, building on past research efforts. The project is expected to release its main findings next year. This work can help define how new technologies can change the global financial ecosystem of today and ensure that central banks are adequately prepared.

Furthermore, any system that might be developed either solely by the ECB or in partnership with other central banks would be subject to intense scrutiny prior to launch, Mersch said. Banks around the world have invested time and resources into understanding distributed ledger technology. Most banks including the Bank of England, concluded that DLT could significantly reduce the costs of the banking system.

European Commission, an institution of the European Union responsible for proposing legislation and implementing decisions, proposed a pilot project on blockchain technology with the goal of improving its regulation.

A draft of the proposal addressed to the ECB and other groups said a pilot project would be aimed at reinforcing the capacity and technical expertise of national regulators regarding blockchain technology.

The idea is to work towards creating an environment in which financial innovation for the benefit of consumers can thrive. The Commission revealed that it would seek to improve its institutional knowledge through the pilot, operating in tandem with a task force created by the European Parliament last year.

While the scope of the project centers primarily on education, there do appear to be some practical elements, including a plan to build and animate a platform for the European blockchain community. This pilot, if successful, could lead to new policies in the EU centered around blockchain. As the commission explained that the purpose will be to inform and assist the European Commission in understanding what role — if any — European public authorities should play to encourage the development and uptake of these technologies and to formulate related policy recommendations.

Whether any of the tests translate into actual applications of the tech by the Commission remains to be seen. French Federal Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and former minister of social affairs Michel Sapin have proposed a set of financial measures to the European Commission, to urge the control of bank accounts and digital currencies. Due to the increase in the use of bitcoin in purchasing illicit goods on the dark web and hacking attacks, Germany and France have been pressuring the EU Commission to implement improvised policies to control electronic and anonymous payment systems.

A section from a report by the European Commission reads:.

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