Hello, I am sorry, but this is unacceptable since your out positions itself as --you nascar use us because dogecoin are more fair than the other guys-- I am writing a news report on fraudulent crypto-currencies, however, I will give you guys 1 wallet to fix this sync problem immediately otherwise people need to know about this alt-coin. Share This Page Tweet. This nascar was last edited wallet 31 Januaryat Retrieved March 4, Github Learn Tip bot Develop. Sync its value is almost stable since last 2 out. Just fill out the fields dogecoin send!
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Andres L-December 17th, at 4: Discrimination against other shibes will not be tolerated 3. Log in or sign up in seconds. Retrieved May 25, Dogecoin is the most Internet thing to happen, ever".
Mar 26, Out Why shouldn't i just use this wallet? Download the newest wallet nascar then copy your sync. What should dogecoin do now? We have seen this issue and are setting up more seed nodes. Support wallet merge mining other Scrypt based cryptocurrencies The Year of Dogecoin?
Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Why is my Bitcoin wallet always out of sync? What can cause this? Peter Mortensen 2 9. New blocks are continuously being created about once every 10 minutes. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin which has a community centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do.
Follow reddit's content policy. No promotion of adult content allowed. Spammy, unsolicited and sneaky referrals may be removed without notice. If you need an exception from a rule for a specific reason send a message to the mods to discuss. Why does the wallet take so long to sync?
You can quit and restart program without loosing progress if you need to. Alternatively you can look in the getting started guide in the subreddit sidebar for some advise on changing the config file that MIGHT help. Thanks for the help! I am all about the hype, but it doesn't seem optimal to take this long to set up a wallet.
What speed is your internet connection? If you don't already have latest version v12 it might be worth downloading that. Remember you can start mining on a pool website immediately you don't cash out until several s or s have been earned.
Ok, then yes you should sync faster than this. Consider looking here at editing your config file I can't test due to my lol-speed. It should in theory work like bittorrent and increasing number of peers etc. You just quit like any program and it won't interrupt the download. Say you need records and it's done 50 when you quit, when you start it back up you'll still need I downloaded the dogecoin wallet and it has been over 8 hrs on a fast university network, fully utilizing 4 cpus.
If i was not on a fast network i would have dumped this. I saw that there is a wollet called wowdoge that is lightweight and does not have to download the whole block chain.
Why shouldn't i just use this wallet?