п»ї Mining dogecoin windows

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Does anyone know any solution at all? The net effect of this windows that dogecoin other miners now got some Dogecoin at times, windows the overall mining difficulty and hashrate of the Dogecoin network went up dramatically, thereby spreading out the hashrate over a more diverse mining dogecoin, and making mining Dogecoin directly more difficult. I guess it's good that they don't care that we are using their computing mining to reach the moon! The contact info can be found in Contacts! I told her I was starting a commercial space venture trying to send a dog to the moon. Once you started the wallet software you go mining a much receive.

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And the Dogecoin wallet is just a piece of software that keeps your Dogecoins on your computer, unless you send and receive them. Hey, this was an absolutely amazing write-up and super easy to follow, but I was curious about something:. To find the current value of Dogecoins in USD, go to dogepay. And then you go and log in to the mining pool. I went through all the steps again on a new VM and still the same thing. November 29, at

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Turns out the trial is limited to 20 cores 2x 8 core VM's so I'm just running 2 for now. Dogecoin then the final part is once you start mining, just go back to your pool. Then what you want to do is sign up for mining pool. It will also help maintain the Dogecoin network. Projects that show humanity, kindness, mining. I was just thinking of using one of windows virtual machines to windows on mining solo excuse me if that sounds crazy as this is my first mining experience. Now you can download dogecoin miner program — Note:

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Mining dogecoin windows

This page is where you can monitor your VM. You can also reboot it or shut it down and delete it completely once you are done with it. Start PuTTY by double-clicking the. It should look like this. Leave the port at 22 and click the "Open" button at the bottom. This will open a terminal window and connect to your VM. Click yes if a warning pops up. The VM will now prompt you for your credentials before you can do anything on it. Your user name was "azureuser" by default. Type that in the window and press enter.

After a few seconds of looking like nothing is happening, text will appear and it will look like this. Congratulations, you logged into a remote virtual server through SSH. You are now shibe! This does not in any way represent best practices for operating servers.

This server is wide open to evil people, but this is only for digging Dogecoin, so there is no need for standard security measures like private keys. We can now install the miner software. Before the mining software can run on your VM we need to install dependencies, download the miner source and compile it.

This is easier than it sounds! Each dollar sign means the following line is a whole command. You can copy-paste the commands to avoid making typos.

To do that, copy the command from your browser window like you would any text. To paste it in the terminal window you need to right-click right next to the green cursor while the terminal window is selected.

After some text scrolling it will ask you to confirm. Type "y" and hit enter. Lots of text will scroll by as the VM installs what we need. This should be instant. It will create a new folder with all the unzipped files. So far we have been executing all these commands in the azureuser home directory.

Now we need to move down a level into the folder containing the unzipped files. To do that we will use the "cd" command stands for Change Directory by specifying the directory we want to move into:.

This will also be instant. This shows which directory you are in currently. Now that we are in the right folder we need to compile the cpuminer application. This is incredibly easy. Run the following commands one after the other, they should take a few seconds each:. Now to check that everything worked as intended, we will attempt to run the new application. This following command will not start mining, it will simply ask the program to print its help topic.

If you see the help text, it worked! You should now see the help topic describing lots of options to start the miner. Now you are ready to start digging! If you are feeling generous you can send tips here: To start the mining application, you need to execute a single command, but it has many important parts.

Read about its different parts before executing it! Here is the command:. If you already mine on you own computer you might be familiar with parts of this command.

Here is an explanation of its components. Screen is a Linux utility that allows you to start applications in persistant virtual terminal windows. This means that if you close your PuTTY window, you can always summon the screen back, it will keep updating even while you are not connected, as long as your VM is alive. This also prevents certain application from closing after a few hours due to inactivity, it forces it to remain active. The word "screen" in the command tells the VM you want to run the command in a screen.

The "-S miner" is the option that allows you to give a name to the screen to call it back easily later. In this case I named it "miner" but you can name it anything you like. This says that you want to run "minerd", the mining application. You need to edit this part to tell the software how to connect to your pool so it can receive blocks to work on and send the results back. This one can be tricky. Now run the command, with all the modifications you need to point it to your pool. The miner software should detect how many cores your VM has, in your case 8, and automatically start 8 threads.

My example has only 1 thread. You are now mining! Check you pool worker status page, and the Azure miner should soon show some activity as it starts sending results. Give your credentials to log in and then run the command:. It should already be detached because you closed the previous terminal, but this is just a precaution. If you need to restart the miner software, navigate to the cpuminer folder with the "cd" command and execute the same command as before to start it.

If you are lost in the folders, type "ls", this will print a list of what is in this folder. If you need to move up one level in the directory structure, type "cd..

While in the terminal window, you can press the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard to navigate through recent commands to avoid typing them again!

Now you need only to wait until you receive your DOGE. By then the VM will simply shut down and it will stop mining. You will not be charged anything once the trial runs out. You can launch other VMs to mine at the same time to take advantage of the low difficulty and mine as fast as possible. The free trial allows you to launch a total of 20 cores across all your VMs. This means you can launch two extra-large VMs 8 cores each plus one large VM 4 cores to maximize usage.

That way you can connect to all your VMs at the same time to fill your screen with terminal windows and impress bystanders with your haxxor ness. This should give you several hundred to a few thousand DOGE before it's over, depending on your pool and the current difficulty. After that if you want to keep mining you will need to find another way because Azure is very expensive without the credit and not cost efficient for mining Dogecoin.

I would suggest this other guide that uses Amazon Web Services. It costs money but can be much cheaper than Azure. I hope you enjoyed this noob tutorial and learned something useful along the way. You are on your way to become a rich shibe!

As you say, not much, but it helps! PS, I now have 16 trials running concurrently pulling down 20 cores each two 8 core and 1 4 core instance each and a combined hash rate of 1. Will be sending you a healthy tip: Are you using Google Voice numbers or something to register so many accounts? What about credit cards, are they all on the same one? I'm glad to see you're using my little guide to the fullest! The moon is within reach Using each piece of plastic from my wallet, my fiances purse, and our roommates.

Weird, when I tried gvoice, it didn't even try to send the verification before telling me it failed. I figured they filtered out google numbers somehow, but now I'm wondering whyyyyyyyyy. Yea, I've tried GVoice as text or real call. I've also tried using another service called Pinger. Nothing is working to verify aside from real numbers. Can I ask how you are running more than 1 profile? I tried doing it on my brothers profile but using my card and phone number, and I think it used those to determine that I already had a free trial.

The install needs to happen before the update, or it won't work. I've had some problem with installing all the dependencies and compiling cpuminer on ubuntu server That is everything smashed into one command so you can run it and let it do it's thing.

You will just need to start a screen session and start the miner. I think once you go over your trial limit they'll start to charge your credit card, so make sure to keep an eye on your balance, and to cancel your subscription when your balance is about to run out. In the term is written: Use up to your Windows Azure credits at no charge.

If you exceed your credits, your service will be disabled. When credit finishes, it just stops. Forgot to check and found the trial expired not time but credit, as I had 3 virtual machines running at once.

Will update again when credit of this one finishes just in case. When the first trial expired I did delete the account, and I've been able to set up another free trial with the phone and CC used in the expired one, but I can't sign up into another one with the same data. Got a VM set up with very little difficulty, and mining has begun. The Azure representative who called me shortly after I set up the machine seemed rather unconcerned as to what Dogecoins are and why I'm using their service to mine them.

You got a spontaneous call from a rep? I guess it's good that they don't care that we are using their computing power to reach the moon! When they called I was sort of worried I had signed up for something unintentionally, but I haven't been charged anything. So yeah, no idea what prompted the call. I told her I was starting a commercial space venture trying to send a dog to the moon. Yeah exactly, and I have at a glance seen reports of other cloud services not being so friendly towards miners.

But at this point things are all gravy: Yup, I'm starting about 6 VM's in different regions on azure right now, just going to get a quick boost in mining: Well the plan was just to make sure I'm not competing with myself, on the off chance the VM's ended up on the same hardware.

Turns out the trial is limited to 20 cores 2x 8 core VM's so I'm just running 2 for now. I see, that's good thinking though, why not max it out and get a 4 core machine as well. Also I have set all my machines up as linux, they are a little bit cheaper. Ah, I didn't max it out because at 4 cores, it would probably not get many, if any, confirmations, but would use up some of my credits the 8-core machines could have used.

Oh okay, I am mining securecoins which seems like it is worth it to use the 4 core machine, not too sure haha. So if you create a new VM and change the Ubuntu version to So all Linux distributions are basically just a collection of software packages , which are themselves just collections of programs and other files. All distributions have a program that manages the packages, called the package manager catchy, I know. In Ubuntu, which is what we're running on the VMs, that package manager is called aptitude, or apt for short.

Other distro's use other manages, for instance Arch Linux uses one called pacman get it? Package managers have a plethora of commands that you can run, though the one you're dealing with here is get , which retrieves a package that you don't have on your computer. Every once in a while, some of the packages or programs on your computer are no longer current enough to run, because whoever created the packaged has written a newer, hopefully better but not always version.

At this point, your package is out of date, and you have to tell your package manner to update your packages. Basically, the program logs on to a remote server, and compares all of the packages it has with the ones on the server and then updates its list so it can compare the files on your computer with the most up to date versions. You then have to download the more up to date versions of the packages in order to ensure that you have the most up-to-date programs on your computer.

Above, one of the packages I had openssl was out of date when Ubuntu got installed on my VM. Therefore, I had to tell my package manager to get the new package and install it , so that the configure script in cgminer would run properly it was probably written so that it called a command the old version of openssl doesn't have, which is why it didn't work. It's an easy mistake to make. I'm just especially wary of them from back in my programming days: Ahh, thank you very much.

That was my problem. I'm a poor doge, but if you post an address i will tip you a few doge for your help! Thanks for the Advice, but turns out the problem was user error. I was mistaking the O for an 0. Question, after I implemented your suggested command, it downloaded the files and I was able to do the.

However, when I tell it to "make", it says that "make is not currently installed. How do I fix this? Just restarted my VM and followed the steps again and it worked! I did use Ubuntu Just so you know, my option for choosing At least for me Edit: It worked fine for me, though. If it was not all so complicated, I would love to mine, but it is all Double Dutch to me, but thanks anyway.

I will have to buy them. I should have started this last week when I saw your post but it seemed a little daunting at first, looking at everything I had to do. It wasn't difficult at all and your instructions are clear, conscise and super easy to follow. They're just multiple steps and hey I've got 3 VM's running, I'd love to add another trial I guess I can use my husband's phone but it would be the same addy and my name with another CC.

Any idea if it's one trial per address or phone? Thank you SOOO much!! First you need to stop the miner that is currently running. If you don't you will have two miners fighting for the CPU power and that is not good. To stop it, connect to the VM and call back the running miner screen as described in the guide.

Then you can start the miner again with the usual command pointing to the new pool. I was able to get two trials up and running using this guide. However, a few days later the first trial was abruptly cancelled with no explanation and I can no longer access that account. I'm not sure what flagged or if my account was flagged, but I just thought I'd mention this incident. It could be random or they might watch and flag miners.

Hey, this was an absolutely amazing write-up and super easy to follow, but I was curious about something:.

My second VM 8 cores gets My third VM 4 cores gets Is there any way I can bump the first VM up to par with the others? I'm trying to make new accounts, I've used new emails, numbers and debit cards but I keep getting "Sorry! We could not complete the transaction using this payment method. Looked briefly at Azure when I was working with EC2. Decided not to pursue due to low khash rate, but the free credit really could make it work. You can actually set up two 8-core extra large, and one 4 core large 20 cores max on free trial.

Yup you can turn off your computer and reconnect later if you want, it should keep running until the trial ends. I chose it since OP suggested a region close to yourself but it looks like there is some problem with it sorry, technoob shibe here.

With both Ubuntu It doesn't download all the required files. Took me a while to figure out that the region was the problem I'm guessing it has something to do with the OS in each region I don't really know.

To be more specific, it said that some parts of the package did not download and that I should try using apt-update which didn't work. First time around, I didn't notice this and went on with the rest of the commands until I got stuck with the. This is when I tried fellipeale's suggestions but they didn't work either. Finally, the make step just refused to happen. Tried this over a few times until I decided to try it with another region since I guessed most people who got it working on Anyway, I hope this helps someone else out there!

Side question to OP: Even if we close the Putty window, the miner keeps running, doesn't it? So, I can close the window, reopen it and initiate a second miner, close it and just monitor my workers, correct? Yup, it will keep mining. You can even connect to all of them simultaneously by starting separate PuTTY instances, if you want. If you are having issues with not getting all dependencies.

Just add american repositorys and you'll be fine. But, I guess the same effect is achieved by using the US region?

I seem to be mining fine now. I guess the only advantage to choosing a SEAsia region would have been a faster terminal access? Now that it's all set up, I think I'll manage. I followed this guide precisely and I'm very familiar with VMs, Ubuntu, etc. I'm a noob when it comes to mining. So each thread is 3k. Carry on and thanks for the awesome guide. I realized that after I made the post and starred at the screen for a bit.

I blame my kids for my brain derp this morning: One other question, I know it might not be wise but can this be used to mine solo? I was just thinking of using one of the virtual machines to gamble on mining solo excuse me if that sounds crazy as this is my first mining experience. You can definitely mine solo, but I would't expect a good return. The trial will almost certainly end before you find a block. Mining in a pool is the most logical way to use this.

If you follow the exact same instructions, you can make additional virtual machines, each with additional cores! You can run up to three machines essentially with the free trial.

Anyone experience throttling recently? I have two VMs setup with 3 workers each. If the miner successfully connects to the pool and starts mining coins, you should see some output referring to the current hash rate.

You can also visit the mining pool site after a short while to see if your stats there update. For cpuminer on multi-core systems, you can use the -t parameter to specify the number of working threads to start with, otherwise, the default is to use the max.

After a short while of mining, you should get some yay!!! This indicates that your share of work was accepted OK. To find the current value of Dogecoins in USD, go to dogepay. Just supply your wallet address and amount to transfer.

Now copy and paste the wallet. Of course the value of Dogecoins may increase in the future, but it tends to be a very volatile market in the short-term.

If you want to work out the profitability of mining at current valuation rates, you can use the Litecoin profitability calculator. The maximum power consumption for this card, however, is only around watts, making it quite efficient. Power consumption can be between W. These new cards are certain to be popular with the Dogecoin and Litecoin mining communities.

The GeForce GT is a new entry level Maxwell architecture card that runs at an astonishingly thrifty 19W, and is available for less than. An ASIC is a dedicated piece of computer hardware designed to do one specific task — in this case, mine coins. However, there are serious risks involved with investing in ASICs.

Got your mining rig running sweet? Time to relax with a refreshing cup of Doge. However, perhaps Dogecoin and Bitcoin are the forerunners of some sort of more advanced, useful computational currency that has yet to be fully developed. But even without that being the case, it could be argued that there is actually an inherent value in using all of this energy, simply to make the currency workable — after all, a huge amount of energy is also expended in transferring, protecting, processing and storing conventional forms of currency, simply for the purposes of keeping those systems running smoothly.

And even carrying around cash in your wallet has an energy cost too. The Dogerush — To Infinity and beyond? What is fascinating about Dogecoin at the moment is that it feels like perhaps the start of Bitcoin felt like, except with more fun and less politics. This seems to have helped it grow so rapidly over the recent past. I have been curious for quite awhile on not only how to mine DogeCoin but what it even was. Now I can sleep at night haha! Then I looked at the other currencies of the world, held together by shoddy governments and inflated dishonestly as opposed to honestly the creators of Doge Coin actually tell you how much money they will add to the circulation instead of just printing more when they feel like it.

I would have no problem trading fully in Doge if more retailers accepted it. Thanks for very useful information about Dogecoin mining. Here is a tool to check Dogecoin Value.

I have tried and tried and cried using CGminer. Virus checkers hate CGMiner. Your email address will not be published. Update — State of the Doge — Spring Dogecoin is now a little over a year old, and a lot has happened in that time, far too much to list here! Some of the most important have been: The net effect of this was that these other miners now got some Dogecoin at times, and the overall mining difficulty and hashrate of the Dogecoin network went up dramatically, thereby spreading out the hashrate over a more diverse mining group, and making mining Dogecoin directly more difficult.

This was a result of the natural halvening reward schedule for Dogecoin, and was entirely expected, but still put pressure on miners. December 21, at 4: January 10, at Then I looked at the other currencies of the world, held together by shoddy governments and inflated dishonestly as opposed to honestly the creators of Doge Coin actually tell you how much money they will add to the circulation instead of just printing more when they feel like it I would have no problem trading fully in Doge if more retailers accepted it.

February 17, at May 28, at 7: November 29, at December 22, at 1: January 1, at 5: December 30, at 8: January 7, at

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