п»ї Libbitcoin consensus sequences

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I'm tired of all this nonsense, so I'll stoop to consensus level. Thus Bitcoin is bound to once again stray into mysterious territory, because no one exactly knows what happens to a currency sequences grows continually more valuable. Creating a block is a proof of libbitcoin with a difficulty that varies with the overall strength of the network. I guess it might be sequences to hear about IBLT which he's been researching consensus as that average libbitcoin reduces block transmission latency and bandwidth. I'm in rural Canada.

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Want to add to the discussion? The reward for solving a block is automatically adjusted so that, ideally, every four years of operation of the Bitcoin network, half the amount of bitcoins created in the prior 4 years are created. There is almost no product where the physical value is anywhere near what you pay. Which is why Trezor has a lot of physical security, not just on the device itself, but the packaging. I'm not going to argue with someone who clearly does not acknowledge facts as shown by the easily found evidence that most miners did in fact sign support for 8mb, in blood so to metaphorically speak. I think that's a useful site and probably ok but without fully reviewing the code I'd hesitate to trust it for seed generation. Mike wants something that works faster.

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It would certainly be in keeping with internet consensus for a similar system built from the same principles to supersede and cast Sequences into obsolescence, after time had revealed its major shortcomings. Also, did you remember to rerun autogen. I'd libbitcoin stick with 1MB than bother with and pretending it's a libbitcoin of compromise. Sequences you explain this a bit more, I'm very interested! A manipulator can't change the fundamentals, and over a period of years, the fundamentals will win over any short term consensus. Which is why Trezor has a lot of physical security, sequences just on the device itself, but the consensus. Why not libbitcoin your value into equal parts.

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Libbitcoin consensus sequences

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Here is a recent teardown - https: There is almost no product where the physical value is anywhere near what you pay. You pay for people making the product, not manufacturing it. Well sure, but usually its not so extreme cheap tablets for example have much bigger screens, batterys and probably far better processors and yet can be cheaper.

And a few tens of millions of dollars in machinery to put it together, plus another few million to hire competent developers well versed in security to write the code and firmware for it, plus another million or so for customer support reps and customer help.

I highly doubt Trezor spent more than six-figures at most on developing the original product. Tens of millions of dollars?

Most of the cost is to cover the software development side of things, all the parts are off the shelf so you can make your own if you so wish. Nothing in that video brings into question the physical security of the device. Potting it would only obfuscate the internal design which is completely pointless considering the hardware is open source. If someone tampered with the software firmware on the device, there's an external python script you can run to verify its authenticity. Yes, the device itself is not that physically robust to prevent pin-access or whatnot, but the idea is that if your device is stolen, you as the coin owner have your backup private key stashed away somewhere separate from the device!

While the attacker is trying to hack your PIN, you have that amount of time to get another hardware wallet, restore your private key from backup, and move all your coins somewhere else. Then, by the time your old PIN is cracked, the wallet's empty. Yes, flipping a coin times gives you a very random key to use. You can then use live-boot Linux distro to get a safe environment to do the base conversion if you'd like. Is there something I can sudo apt-get that will convert a base 2 string to base 58?

I'd rather not use some offline version of bitaddress. Oh also, that only accepts base 6, not base 2. Probably nothing you can just apt-get install as a package in its own right, but if you're okay doing apt-get install node npm , there's probably many options for small utility scripts you can npm install -g. So you won't trust a hardware wallet that is basically impossible to open without it being obvious but you'll download some software to do the conversion for you?

I assume you're going to read and understand the source code and cryptography , compile it yourself with a known unbackdoored compiler, and run on an air gapped computer? You know, just to be sure. It's difficult to achieve perfection. Hardware wallets are obviously great, but you're still reliant on certain things as already mentioned.

The source code by bitaddress and the like I am not capable of reviewing myself, however I am capable of checking the signature and I imagine that if there was something nefarious going on with the source code the community would be aware of it fairly fast given how many people use it. And wow regarding KenThomsonHack.

The fact that bitcoins don't immediately get stolen whenever anyone makes new private keys still staggers me knowing things like this exist. Take a picture of a rich landscape with a Android phone that has never touch the internet. Use the hash of the picture as a pvt key sign TX using QR codes so you have a perfect air gap. Why do you think intelligence agencies spend their time and budgets tampering with your packages. Why do you think they give a single fuck about you at all?

I'm not speaking to the validity or appropriateness of any of those particular scenarios, but there are plenty of reasons someone might draw the attention of a government agency, as inefficient and overtaxed as it appears from this vantage point. Drawing attention is some degrees removed from the irrational paranoia he's got going. My assertion is if the state wanted him he simply doesn't have the resources to fight them off. Practical security means prioritize mitigating the threat vectors that are most likely to happen not trying to mitigate every possible vector.

Companies with hundreds of staff and huge budgets cant do it what makes you think you're expertise is superior? Some people just like to scream conspiracy theories. Yes it could happen. Yes if you were a wanted person or someone they wanted to follow it could happen. But more than likely they would just intercept your package, modify the device, and then have it continue to you. Do you know how much resources it takes for an agency to embed itself in a company like Apple and ensure a backdoor chip is installed in each iPhone?

How many engineers are already needed to help Apple ramp up production on the iPhone. I can't imagine the government has the resources to do this for every device out there.

Agreed, and it provides less value than the capability they already have which is just brute force, i don't need to modify your device when i can just seize it and lock you up in a CIA dark site with hungry rats until you handover your pin. That my friend is the BIG question. Why are they so interested in cataloguing every thing we do online? Yeah but push comes to shovey they seem largely incompetent wielding that power. Then I test everything by simulating a proper recover: I put a fraction of bitcoin in the hardware wallet, then I wipe out it and then I recover again using the 24 words seed.

If I see the balance again I assume the 24 words seed is ok, it's correctly written down and everything should work for the foreseeable future. Then I stick to the second rule of bitcoin: I do this but with a pack of cards. Sign the transaction offline so private keys never get exposed.

Because someone might send money to it, and if don't have it, it's not yours. He provided the answer, if you can't understand it, don't be a dick. I use diceware to generate my important passwords. You could use the same to generate seed words. Not sure about the technical specs behind a private key. How you can be sure bitaddress. How to use this PGP signature thing that is listed there?

Would somebody explain please? Satoshi has been using the original client for his addresses and he is still safely hodlin his mined coins in their original addresses to this day: You have a point though, OP. If you want to truly rule out any chance of malicious influence you have to be very determined. The source of randomness, potential hardware backdoors in your machine intel processor , etc Thank you for this, I'll give it a good read through. It may seem like overkill, but for the amounts they suggest it seems rather appropriate.

Really wish there were graded guides for varying amounts of bitcoin, because hitting a newbie with this is plain too much. Also having security procedures reviewed by plenty of experts and applied by users daily worldwide is just common sense. Hope that the same will be done for the 'weaker' forms. I mean it is already done indirectly as generating a private key by using dice as seen in this thread is part of Glacier, as is generating paper wallets also suggested here.

Electrum will restore a seed from hex data value. So you can generate a 32 digit hex value using 4 coins very easily, totally offline. Use 4 coins because then they form 4 binary bits which is easy to add in your head and type in as hex. That's truly random with no hardware to worry about being compromised. For those who don't know how easy 4 bits as hex in your head is just add coins as powers of 2. Repeat 31 more times.

He could use that and restore the seed in Electrum to have a fully compatible BIP39 wallet. You could use 3 x D16 dice rolls and divide by 2. As long as you don't have unused values it won't be skewed.

You'd need to multiply the first by , next by 8, add last or by 16 instead of 8 if using 3xD I remember this BIP39 generator being mentioned here a lot. I think that's a useful site and probably ok but without fully reviewing the code I'd hesitate to trust it for seed generation.

But if using then use offline at least. A paper wallet consists of a public address and a private key. Both are long strings of digits that can also be written as a scan-able QR code, the private key being the longer one. Alternatively, go to bitaddress.

Alternately download a software wallet or buy a hardware wallet, and that wallet will generate and use those private keys for you you will not see the private keys and it will provide you with a collection of seed words that you must remember and guard as you would a private key s. The private keys will be under your control as long as you have your seed words. Only if the value of the bitcoin you plan to stash in that paper wallet is worth more than that PC.

You are right, a single private key is bits. But under BIP32 you can use a master seed of up to bits to generate a whole bunch of them: Doesn't get much more entropic than this. Or shuffling a deck of cards. I have instructions at https: In practice, that's only worth bothering with if you are making a cold wallet.

Thank you, I was having problems with base conversion, particularly that final to base I found this and it's really helpful. So, basically, you get the bits from the sky and turn them into a private key to store your bitcoins? Have you tried using zener diodes or Geiger counters? Rolled a 16 sided dice 64 times and used the entropy to generate a BIP39 mnemonic code here after putting my computer in offline mode, then rebooting and used that code as the seed phrase for my Ledger.

I also verified the same mnemonic was generated using python code I wrote myself to make sure that the website I linked was secure. Are you losing sleep because you're threat model is irrational or you dont understand probability statistics? I wonder about the math that fits words into values without bias. That would be arithmetic coding. Arithmetic coding is a form of entropy encoding used in lossless data compression. Normally, a string of characters such as the words "hello there" is represented using a fixed number of bits per character, as in the ASCII code.

When a string is converted to arithmetic encoding, frequently used characters will be stored with fewer bits and not-so-frequently occurring characters will be stored with more bits, resulting in fewer bits used in total. Arithmetic coding differs from other forms of entropy encoding, such as Huffman coding, in that rather than separating the input into component symbols and replacing each with a code, arithmetic coding encodes the entire message into a single number, an arbitrary-precision fraction q where 0.

I created my own custom Rom for my old Android device. No bluetooth support, no wifi support, no cell service support. Encrypted System Recovery option. Adb port is not supported in ROM, only in system recovery. Basically an airgapped device with support for some programming languages for my custom password manager scripts.

I won't go into details about how I did it since I am thinking about turning old phones into hardware wallets as a service. Because you're a human, and humans are neither good at entropy nor at managing large quantities of random data.

Ummmm I used bitaddress. Is this what you mean or I don't really understand your question. Why is it making you lose sleep?? The common libraries they have used have had a long and worrying series of mathematical flaws that cause them to occasionally generate addresses that do not match the private keys, and were completely without the sorts of test that would have detected these mistakes.

Even if the errors are all fixed now, it's very easy for a webpage generator to be using an old version without anyone really noticing.

This is even before you get into the fact of how easy it is for sites to quietly substitute different JS, or the fact that HTTPS provides virtually no protection against attackers with a network position close to the server because you can get a cert for any domain you can answer HTTP requests for I think i generated my wallet through one of those. What would you suggest?

I used bitaddress last time using an offline set up. I was thinking of doing so again but as you say, there are massive issues with doing that. I agree, a 24 words seed can be generated by hand using dices and word list.. He probably means letsencrypt. Not sure i can explain better. And i was only assuming he meant something like this, maybe he meant something else.

Some letsencrypt bot checks whether some domain is hosting some file on http. If you mitm near the host you might be able to make it look like that file is there while it's not. Then letsencrypt gives you a cert for that domain. Yes i've used that, but I worried that the computer had been tampered with. This is even a concern if it has no network capability.

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