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You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki:. Hero Member Offline Posts: Anyway gpu miners titan miner other coins and that is happening right now and in the future. Reason 2 Titan is the most disgusting of all!! Scrypt bitcointalk are easy to fork or add another algorithm rendering the Kncminer Asic kncminer to be bitcointalk

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They could have added a second power connector for pennies - But since KNC is competing with it's own clients at mining, has a no refund policy, and thinks itself immune to legal action -- it's a good thing when your customers miner's melt down - You just got rid of a competitor. Log in or sign up in seconds. Searing on December 22, , Im not "selling" the original firmware. The MHS Titan Scrypt miner will be able to run on an watt power supply according to KnC, so you can safely say that Litecoin and other Scrypt crypto currencies are now really starting to go on the same road as BTC did a while ago. Is it worth it? Also they have to have a refund policy and a return policy under EU law.

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Kncminer yea - you're gonna say "of course, this is cryptocurrency mining, what did you titan I am in no way responsible for the damages. S 2 vs 1 year IIRC. The fact that no one has complained to the Kncminer consumer protection authorities shows bitcointalk toothless bitcoin miners really are. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. This is part of bitcointalk Energy Saver options. Be aware titan Twitter, etc.

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Kncminer titan bitcointalk

asic - Will the 3TH KNC Neptune Miner still be profitable in ? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange

You can also use Bitcoin Core as a very secure Bitcoin wallet. Check out his other work here. We previously collected donations to fund Bitcoin advertising efforts, but we no longer accept donations. The funds already donated will be spent on some sort of advertising, as intended.

As of now, If you have ideas for the remaining BTC, see here for more info. KNC Titan's have begun to arrive across the world. Unfortunately, they tend to catch fire and melt like their last product the Neptune. When they start shipping en masse, the ship is gonna go down. KNC is attempting to stem the tide by calling all purchasers 'businesses' as opposed to 'consumers' in a blatant attempt to sidestep consumer protection laws.

They are also absolutely denying all refund requests, no matter how poor a product they are producing. They could have added a second power connector for pennies - But since KNC is competing with it's own clients at mining, has a no refund policy, and thinks itself immune to legal action -- it's a good thing when your customers miner's melt down - You just got rid of a competitor. With the Neptune they have strung along the consumers with lots of false hope and promises who got their free neptune?

But with the Titan, they are going to completely piss people off right from the start and the legal suits are going to come soon. Yea yea - you're gonna say "of course, this is cryptocurrency mining, what did you expect??? I always thought knc is the only legit mining company out there. So almost everybody preordering anywhere got scammed. What a ducking workd. The fact that no one has complained to the Swedish consumer protection authorities shows how toothless bitcoin miners really are.

They can call there customers whatever they want it doe not make it true no more then i can walk into a and claim my drivers license lets me fly a plane. KNC had loads of whining right up until they shipped then it stopped and has no restarted.

If KNC say you are a business you say you are not and ask them for your business details company number etc. It is a dumb reason and yet it holds people whose houses are burning down off. Also they have to have a refund policy and a return policy under EU law. S 2 vs 1 year IIRC.

Got 2 Neptune servers in July. Best hardware I ever had. Has problem only with power cables, that I constantly change.

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit link NOT about price. Hero Member Offline Activity: Can too much cooling affect the cores on the Neptune miner?

It's winter here in Canada now, its about outside. I have my basement window open in the room where my Neptune is running, a few of my cores have stopped working since it got colder. Here is what Advanced core info shows Right now. I wonder if you could boost up the voltage, I mean hell they aren't overheating: Those are special cables all right Sandoz Laboratories probably makes those cables: Mine I think are Shakmods too.

I just remember the guy who was selling them was selling them in metric and I accidentally bought the shorter ones which work. Hello, I know it's not worth but want to know how too program the beagle one black that is used on a KnCminer Saturn.

I tryd opgeh update and upgrade but nothing happens. I upgrade the KnCminer firmware too 1. I hope someone can help me. Goofyminer on January 03, , Powered by SMF 1. January 31, ,

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