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Scams mining has a complicated history, but we can learn much from looking at what has happened over the past few scams. Instead of using it to solve some worlds problems like poverty, pollution etc, hey lets give it to USI to make bitcoin affliates richer. Selling it shows here, Ebay shall bitcoin back call most of you idiots and liars— Now if it does not show that site they are deceptive mining ebay liars. Anyone can create a forex account and put up YouTube videos. I go to a casino other than this casino http: Of course all selling sheep will follow her and now shes boasting again about how many packs she has.

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Shane Harrison - November 28th, at 3: We all know that Facebook makes billions of dollars from their members. Sep 30th, at 1: Someone asked the same question not even a few days ago and the name sounded vaguely familiar. That makes you a scammer. Dec 14th, at 2: Oct 9th, at 5:

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Solicitation of investment advice and offtopic derail attempts removed. Nov 21st, at 3: Nov 22nd, at 7: All distractions like the magician who diverts your attention. Nov 22nd, at 9: Nov 23rd, at 1: There are certainly so many red flags out there, that the thought of them being shut down by the SEC, at any given moment, is a very real and possible situation.

However, it does appear that they are doing actual forex trading, and have been since they went live a year ago. Here are their stats feel free to delete the link if you like, but here it is:. If you just log on to fxblue. I can address some of their other claims, as well, in future posts, but this is the big one for right now.

If you feel the above link is a breach of proprietary information, then please delete it. Nov 23rd, at 6: Anyone can create a forex account and put up YouTube videos. Only forensic accounting can provide correlation between affiliate ROIs and trading. Further to that, token trading does negate or legalize the use of newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.

Same as any other Ponzi scheme: When early investors and those with the biggest downlines have withdrawn the majority of funds invested, USI-Tech management try to make off with the rest and kaboom. Nov 23rd, at 8: This is what I call a Hybrid-Ponzi. They may actually generate revenues from a legitimate source, but nowhere significant enough to generate the promised ROIs.

This Hybrid-Ponzi scheme is used in trading, mining and arbitrage schemes. They may appear to have a real revenue generator, but in actuality, nowhere near their promised ROI. Nov 24th, at 1: Thank you, Oz and Bob for making excellent points.

Who, dealing with cryptocurrency, has registered with the SEC, and has a platform that deals with gains and losses, instead of just exorbinant gains? Nov 24th, at 2: Splitting water molecules to access the hydrogen is already in use in the automobile industry as well, just not in the US. I think that perhaps USI-Tech started out on the wrong side of the tracks, but the leadership has re-steered it to be a major player in the crypto currency world.

Nov 24th, at 4: Obviously not from token sales. What if the contract with the secret mob was actually a contract with associates.

Lovely way to cream off more funds. Nov 24th, at 5: None of them are registered with the SEC for obvious reasons. USI-Tech is clearly fraudulent to anyone who conducts even the most rudimentary due-diligence. The manufacturer would be a billionaire overnight. Have a guess what the answer is. Their chief marketer must be on crack. I wonder how even companies like Amway, Shaklee and Mary Kay passed the muster. Splitting water molecules to access the hydrogen is already in use in the automobile industry as well.

It takes more energy to generate the gas than they can be burned with. Even Mythbusters busted that one. There are less than Bitcoin ATMs in the world right now. Even Gemcoin, the bogus cryptocurrency, only claimed ATMs in two years.

Nov 24th, at 6: Nov 25th, at Legitimate MLM companies have real retail product sales that the public needs, wants and is willing to pay for outside of any income opportunity. In theory, the MLM referral bonuses replace budget expenses for traditional mass marketing. Unfortunately, many MLM companies do not have products with real value for the marketplace. The only people buying their products are the same people earning bonuses from the sales of the products.

This internal consumption is the technical definition of a Pyramid Scheme. A Ponzi Scheme is different from a Pyramid Scheme. A Ponzi scheme promises an ROI, but has no or an insufficient value creator. The only real revenue is from new investors that are given the same ROI promise. Old investors are initially paid the promised ROI to give the impression that it really works and to attract more and more investments.

The questions that should be asked to determine the validity of a legitimate MLM opportunity are as follows:. Invest most of your research in the people behind the company. Are they trustworthy and competent? Do they have the executive experience to run a multi-million dollar corporation? And more importantly, do they have a track record of success, or have they started and shut-down many fraudulent MLM companies?

Is their mass demand with repeat consumable sales? Is their a reasonable opportunity to earn a profit to break-even quickly on your business expenses, and eventually earn a part-time or full-time income? Is there a simple duplicatable process that can be easily followed for the average non-salesperson to follow for success? Unfortunately, because of one its virtues of a low entry barrier, it attracts many people that would not likely succeed on their own in business, and are duped into false expectations and promises of get-rich-quick stories.

Nov 25th, at 1: Almost all MLM Cryptocurrency companies have no retail products and are only selling their own cryptocurrency coin that they created out of thin air for practically nothing.

None of these MLM Cryptocurrency companies are registered with the SEC because they would have to go through an exhaustive vetting process that would unveil their scam. They claim, if you missed the opportunity to buy bitcoins for pennies in , now valued at thousands of dollars, you now have a second chance to get rich with their coin.

When asked what they intended on purchasing, the answer is always the coins not the fake products. The SEC is not stupid, they can see right through this. They offer their coin for mere pennies with promises that the price of their coin will sky-rocket when they go public and execute their business plan.

They rarely can provide a sustainable business model that will create real buyer demand outside of speculative trading hype with real utility for their coin. They recruit and distribute coins to hundreds of thousands of people. Unfortunately all these people acquired the coins for one purpose — to sell them at a profit not for any utility.

This fallacy has been claimed by many MLM cryptocurrency companies. It sounds good on the surface, until you realize it only benefits the existing coin holders and does not create any buyer demand.

The real hidden secret is that if a merchant does accept their coin, they will have to immediately sell the coin to pay their business expenses. This creates seller-demand that drops the price the complete opposite effect expected.

The smart money invested in the cryptocurrency space by Venture Capitalists is never in any coin. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in the supporting services infrastructure — companies that make money servicing the industry regardless of the success of any specific coin. Companies like public brokers and exchanges, wallets, news, payment processors, etc.

Not one dime of VC money has ever been invested in speculative trading. Nov 26th, at The end may be closer than we think. Nov 26th, at 7: Committing the act of MLMing does not change with the product. Both scenarios create either FUD or FOMO to the uninitiated, who are the last to realize the reality and the first to take heavy losses. Nov 28th, at If its patented then really there is no reason not to tell us which one as a patent does protect the device.

Nov 28th, at 7: I tried to tell the industry all the coin MLMs were a scam, but my company has products. We are going to sell cryptocurrency products. And you guys are very smart for jumping on board and thinking like venture capitalists buzz word. This is why I have developed this opportunity for people who can see where the real money is.

Forget about all those coin scams, we are going to change the world…. It does not matter whether you steal gold or diamonds, coins, wallets, coin dispensing machines, ads, voip, auction bids, or shakes. Btw, is Nexxus University still around? I know GCR is dead and gone and apparently people lost a lot of money per comments on that thread. Both these owned by none other than Bob Wood. Nov 29th, at There are no good MLMs. Getting paid a commission is getting paid to lie. And the recruitment part makes it even worse.

Nov 30th, at Are they trying to say they trade bitcoins in a forex way? Or are they saying that just because bitcoin is going up everybody wins??? These guys suck at lying. Nov 30th, at 3: Some people say it takes days to get a transaction to go through.

Its just such BS. Not to mension dickie d that the cost for each btc transaction would be huge for their scalping alogorithms. I have the slides of the latest conference they did. Someone recorded it but they werent suppose to. Dec 1st, at Thank you baby Jesus for stumbling onto your site. Dec 1st, at 3: Dec 1st, at 7: If I may also add some easy to remember advice.

Do not ask or listen to the pitch about the product, a diversion, and run away fast. Anyway, good for you for reading behindmlm. Everyone knows we are not making anything.

Recruiting is not necessary to earn…There are several people that are simply using the cash flow aspect and not recruiting anyone. The two days that we do not get a payout the company uses that revenue for mining investments and reserves.

Dickie…perhaps you have a comprehension issue and need to go back and make sure you are understanding exactly what you read…. Your statements sound like you are confused due to lack of understanding. The blockchain is the process around transactions. Whether you personally recruit or not is irrelevant. Using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors is in no way sustainable. Addressing the fact that USI-Tech simply recycles newly invested funds to pay off existing investors means acknowledging you are a scammer.

Shameless stealing of everyone who joined after you. Spare them a thought, or not. Dec 2nd, at 4: If it shows here, I shall come back call most of you idiots and liars— Now if it does not show that site they are deceptive mining pool liars. I shall come back and call you the best folks on earth and offer an apology for my first thought.. I will be back! Dec 2nd, at 5: We will all be waiting here for you return. Hmmm, I wonder what excuse USI will give? Are they going to blame a hacker for removing their entry from blockchain.

A serious question though Luke. Did USI say exactly when they would appear on blockchain. Dec 2nd, at 6: USI-Tech appearing on a mining pool list is not evidence of external revenue actually being used to fund ROI payments. Dec 3rd, at The money is coming from elsewhere. Dec 3rd, at 7: The guy who sells stereos behind the local mall has more credibility….

Its just ridiculous but also amusing watching people fall for this scam. It like your repeating fucking an electric pencil sharpener and just cant figure out why your dicks bleeding…. This is a Hybrid-Ponzi. They give the image of legitimacy with some revenue generation, but never enough to fulfill the to-good-to-be-true commitment.

Dec 3rd, at 8: Here is an excerpt from an email from Michael Zavitz major ponzi pimp …. I believe the more important thing is to get Bitcoin working for YOU! Dec 4th, at 7: I came in in April, I have withdrawn more than I spent on packages.

Two of my purchases have expired but my account weekly earning are more than my original expense. So I will continue to withdraw. I hope you are not to upset that my fingers are still crossed and that owners of USI have been telling the truth. Just trying to have a little faith so please do not shoot me. That makes you a scammer.

Dec 4th, at 8: I sure hope the negative comments are wrong,. There is nothing subjective about it. Dec 4th, at If coin move to or from a wallet address….. WTF else would that be?? If not a transaction. NO one would be mad at you if this was legit. And People will be able to withdrawal their money until this thing collapses so time will tell. Its gonna collapse, just when….. Dec 5th, at I never heard of PlexCoin before today. Dec 5th, at 5: Dec 5th, at 7: Bitconnect will be a higher priority for the SEC.

If that happens, the USI coin will die an untimely death and never be seen in public. The faithfulnUSI followers obviously dont have faith in the coin. Ralf and the boys must be scratching their heads thinking up the next 50 euros scam. Dec 5th, at 1: They never said they were with Genesis Mining. Mike Kiefer one of the co founders did in fact say they were in the same facility with Genesis and there are a few companies there FYI. They will be releasing who the company is very soon as they will also appear on blockchain.

Once that happens people cannot deny they are mining. Mike Kiefer also said that he replied to a thread in behindmlm and that his comment was never published.

Dec 5th, at 2: Ponzi scammers through and through. That was 6 months ago. Paperwork is very thin with USI but the 3 front men say a lot. But I may be losing money. Where are the audited records. Dec 5th, at 4: Gabe Do yourself a simple calculation to work out the value of each coin. Net income after Expenses divided by ,, Dec 6th, at 2: Dec 6th, at 6: Gabe In the video with fellow scammer Charles Scoville, Ralf Gold went on the record to say that crypto trading was done by more than one third part trader.

No mention of a hedge fund. Ralf also said the evidence of third party trading results would be produced soon. That was around April Its pretty hard to produce a blank piece of paper.

Dec 7th, at 5: Dec 7th, at 6: If I bought 1 bitcoin business days ago, it would be worth a helluva lot more than what these scammers offer. If I had bought business days ago, it would be even better and I could actually sell if I wanted. Come on in suckers. Dec 7th, at 7: No, your 1 bitcoin would be worth 1 bitcoin. USI say that it would be worth 1. Dec 7th, at 8: Tim My bitcoin is worth more. You have to wait days and hope the value is higher at that point in time.

I wonder what the deferred liabilities are from all the rebuts and more importantly what the reserves are. Dec 7th, at Once you get past Sunil rambling and repeating over and over the junk he learned from the other videos he shows. Who said they have reserves? I thought they were busy withdrawing money and making tiny payouts as needed. So it will only take the years to pay that off. Dec 7th, at 3: I actually got excited about USI-Tech initially because they were dealing in bitcoin.

USI-Tech has the same format; where your money is locked away for 40 days and have to wait until then to get it back. They do have some huge players in this company with packs.

My friend says withdrawls are a bit slow at the moment. The scammers are pushing this for all they are worth in the comments under every mainstream press article about BitCoin. What happens when it gets shut down or collapses. The rest of the daily pay about 0. Depends on how the SEC do it and who they work with. Dec 8th, at I really think they should also go after the recruiters.

Every one of them are souless scumbags. Dec 9th, at 8: I have been following this thread for a few weeks and have had my opinion totally changed by the info provided. As 3 of my friends signed up and put in small amounts I decided to dig deeper before anyone started getting in deep. Not just from this page but a combination of research I have found all the claims of USI to have so many holes. The infamous Iceland mining video is just a blatant lie, how they thought that would pass is beyond me.

Which leads me to my last point. The absolute ignorance from anyone involved to question anything, I have actually tried to talk people out of it, and as soon as you raise any of the above point you are branded a Hater or Doubter, just for asking a reasonable question. Do these folk not know what a salary is annual income, as in 12 months and how stupid are they gonna feel when it falls and they are left with nothing and no job?

I, like everybody wish it was this easy to make some real money on the side, but I am a realist who for 5 minutes had a bit of hope with it. This page amongst others has helped me see the light, now just to try and claw my money out before it fails.

The latest excuse is that withdrawals ate taking longer than normal due to the volume of transactions on the blockchain.

Funny how I transferred a bitcoin transaction from my Coinjar account to another wallet and it processed in 1 hour. Hopefully you will be able to claw back your investment before it goes belly up. Have you calculated what your investment would have been worth today if you had bought Bitcoin direct on an exchange.

Dec 9th, at 9: They have no evidence….. They also have no evidence…. Nobody on this random website knows for sure how they generate their money so I guess people will just keep picking a side and defending it no matter what. Either that or instead of baseless speculation, reach out to their owners since you actually know who they are and ask them and see if the answer makes any sense or not.

You have facts confirming USI-Tech is a Ponzi scheme, and then investors relying on speculation to prove otherwise. There is no external revenue source, only unsubstantiated claims made by USI-Tech and their affiliates. Time and time again Ponzi busts reveal poor book-keeping.

MLM due diligence begins and ends with analysis of a compensation plan. When USI-Tech collapses or is shut down this review will serve as a reminder for the rest of the MLM crypto scams hoping to make it big.

Dec 9th, at Butters Reach out to the owners. Its on the Vanderbilt website. That was in April. Dec 9th, at 7: I hope I have time to get by initial investment out, then just the wait till it falls. Dec 11th, at 6: One of the arguments of the guys who supports USI is about the owners, they say, if theyre showing their faces they arent affraid of being arested. So, my question is, if most of them are known for doing scams in the past, why arent they already arested?

Does that answer your question? One scam in Portugal was enough. Ralf Gold hooked into the Dallas conference by live stream. Just too busy our boy Ralf to appear in person. Dec 11th, at 1: I believe that the magnitude of the financial gain with USI has allowed them to throw all caution to the wind.

The lure of easy moneys has a very strong appeal. Dec 11th, at 4: I think USI-Techs timing is flawless, i believe its the only time in Ponzi history where a program is keeping ahead of their liabilities, and thats because Bitcoin has grown in value beyond what they need to pay out. Making all participants net winners so far.

So what would the regulators do when they find out all participants have made money? Quite ironic and somewhat amusing, because participants could have made more just holding onto to Bitcoin and not throwing away value by putting it into a program like USI-Tech.

Of course, the whole landscape would change if Bitcoin dropped in value continuously for the next six months. Unlikely with the current state of play. Depends whether USI has done nothing with the Bitcoin it received and how much has been creamed off to the leaders and spruikers. Lack of records means the first time we will know is when payments stop. Dec 11th, at 5: In which case the rise in Bitcoin against fiat currencies does not help them at all.

Once the media interest in Bitcoin wanes, recruitment will die down. Around months later, the scheme will stop paying out interest because the initial capital, minus whatever the leaders have squirreled away in Dubai, will have run out , and people will start to get nervous. Then at the end of the half-year period, when repayment of the initial capital falls due, it will collapse. Your bitcoin is returned to you over business days along with claimed earnings from a variety of sources.

If you dont rebuy you can start withdrawing once your balance is over 10 euros eqivalent. Dec 11th, at 8: They are keeping ahead of the curve because Bitcoin is going through the roof. Craziest dam thing i have seen in all my years. Again, how is that relevant if the deal is that you put 1 Bitcoin in and get 1.

They still need to create 0. The only way the price of Bitcoin in fiat currency makes a difference is if USI Tech uses fiat currency to buy 0. Dec 11th, at Dec 12th, at 1: Your logic makes no sense.

But if you measure in Bitcoins i. The ratio will always be one. Rise of value in Bitcoins are irrelevant to actual mining except profitability. Dec 12th, at 3: Malthusian For every 1 Bitcoin they receive, 0. So they have to create around. Dec 12th, at 6: If there is any trading going on I doubt it, mining would be a waste of money at this point in time for them. Yes we can BigC. Read the example under Buy and Hold. They say you get back much more. Dec 12th, at 7: Thanks Mike, i wasnt defending USI i was just more interested in the mechanics of how they have lasted this long and how much the J curve of Bitcoin coin had supported their Liabilities.

The timing of them bringing out their coin supports the on slaught of 4th cycle that they are now into which forces them to somehow boost cash flows, as i would think their cash on hand would be taking some serious hits about now.

Your right, i stand corrected, that makes the deal all that much more pozified than i calculated.. No need to complicate it. Apparently that just changed with the release of their own ponzi coin. Good luck with that as it takes some serious smarts to make a coin work open loop.

It would be easier to pick the first three places at the horse races for 52 weeks a year, than generate the required return to meet their liabilities long term.

Dec 12th, at 9: I just filed a complaint with the iOS App Store about usi-techs app. If you Google usi tech trading proof you will see several videos about their Forex trading platform which is yielding good returns, that platform is no longer available as USI-TECH are releasing a new Forex package similar to the btc packages. Dec 13th, at 4: If you Google usi tech trading proof you will see several videos about their Forex trading platform. Dec 13th, at 6: Sean If the forex platform is as good as all the hype, every, repeat every professional and institutional forex dealer in the world would buy it.

Dec 13th, at 7: Dec 13th, at 8: Do you think this will die out soon or do you think they will get hurt in the long run. Do yourself a favour and buy Bitcoin directly from an exchange. Dont worry about your friends. Dumb it down for me— Why do you think this is a scam, To me I think it is a gamble, plus the right timing. Gman — there is little point trying to convince them. I know similar people. If you read the posts above you will understand why.

Dec 13th, at 9: Dec 13th, at 3: There is a link to a video a few posts up. Watch it, and maybe you can convince your friends to do the same. Dec 13th, at 5: G-man — You need better friends. G-man — As you say you are new to this I will spell it out. Eventually, the scheme runs out of money and stops paying out.

There are also recruitment commissions which I have ignored to keep the maths simple. But it works in exactly the same way. They con you into joining the scheme and your money is transferred to their pocket. It works the same way, only turned up to I repeat, you need better friends.

They know exactly what they are doing. Dec 14th, at I will keep you guys posted. I hope they understand. Dec 14th, at 2: I own no bitcoin and dont really understand it completely, but does this change anything in terms of legitimacy?

For one thing, that seems like a small amount considering how much money people have purportedly put into packets. A Ponzi scheme is still a Ponzi scheme, no matter what you attach to it. A pretty wise owl says USI has gaping cracks in its claim to legitamacy. That should be enough for most but the avid punters will still be lining up. And it certainly doesnt clear up the fact they arent licensed to provide an investment security to Americans by the SEC.

That should be a deal breaker, but I see a lot of posts about avoiding taxes and how btc sticks it to government regulation. Dec 14th, at 3: Dec 14th, at 4: Dec 14th, at 5: The next step is to learn how to earn money by providing something of value to your community.

Not withstanding mining was first only mentioned in October. Before that it was cryptocurrency trading since the BTC packs were first introduced back in July. Dec 14th, at 6: Dec 14th, at 7: We now have 3rd party proof that usi are mining and are on the blockchain!

I have been saying for over 6 months this company is solid, stick to everything they say and this is further proof! Dec 14th, at 8: That BIg announcement came sooner that i expected, which means to me they are in deeper do do and closer to the end than i calculated. Look, Oz, I have been a stock market investor for years. As it is, I have never watched a ponzi scheme in action, so this is all educational.

I am already smart enough to stay away, but I dont understand all the ramifications not having experienced this before. Calling people idiots causes fanatics to dig in rather than reconsider. Maybe I am an idiot for not thinking all the angles through — but I would blame lack of experience in this sort of scam, rather than level of intelligence.

In the video that someone posted a few days ago, Tony Rush did find some evidence of trading but the USI profits were just a few percent. Dec 15th, at A true believer would not believe ANY evidence you present them any way, no matter how calmly you present it.

If they have doubt, they would have tried to verify stuff via their own efforts. All the money put in are supposed to be used toward buying long-term mining contracts from mining farms, right? So why the insistence that they only deal in BTCs? It makes no sense. Dec 15th, at 1: Anyone else notice the moment you make a reasonable point to one of the ponzi-puppets they just start calling you names and swearing like children???

Dec 15th, at 3: Dec 15th, at 4: You need the following to prove satisfactory evidence. A certified statement of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. USI have provided nothing. Listen to my lips. You make more money as a passive investor by buying Bitcoin direct on an exchange.

Dec 15th, at 5: I know one of the big players in Perth is having 1, people a week join. Dec 15th, at 6: I believe they show actual transactions but anyone can make an account and call it whatever they want.

Thanks for posting that. Dec 16th, at My buddy keeps throwing this scam in my face and telling me hes gonna retire. I heard hes cashed out everything he has and put it all in this scam. Zero fucks given if he loses it all. Dec 16th, at 1: Most of the comments here have been that usi tech is a ponzi. Can someone please give proof that it is a Ponzi? Dec 16th, at 6: Dec 16th, at 7: I am waiting on pins and needles for this con to collapse and to see the assholes pimping it get what is coming to them!

Oz — Where is the proof that Usi uses newly invested funds to pay existing investors their returns? If they did, the certified records would have been provided. If they could prove it, they would have , more people join up in a day.

Companies like USI-Tech trick the public into thinking they are legitimate because they actually produce revenue. The ignorant public thinks they are legitimate because they really are creating revenue from mining, or trading, or whatever. It is a fake fascade to appear legitimate. It is a Hybrid-Ponzi. That leaves them with half the money to generate trading revenue from. Of course, any educated person with common sense without an emotional attachment to USI-Tech can see right through this scam.

If any of their claims were really true they would attract trillions of dollars from the financial world. Obviously they can NOT deliver on their hyped up claims. History has already proven that these scams always collapse, just look most recently at Gladiacoin and Jetcoin that had similar easy money scams. You always see tale-tale signs of payout slow-downs, or new withdraw rules, or circumstances outside their control i.

Dec 17th, at Dec 17th, at 1: I just wanted to scream at the computer. Mike on this video admits he was a poor student in school. This is suppose to give us confidence he knows how to educate us. Bank robbers and drug dealers say the same thing. They do so to setup a straw man argument to justify what they are doing. They claim they are legit because Ponzi schemes go out of business fast.

This is a stupid reason. Dec 17th, at 3: Happy, you make some great points. Dec 17th, at 4: I remember Justin V. The dream of easy money for nothing with minimal invest and effort to ppl who are mostly broke or poor and are seeking desperately to better their situation, bying into the many rags to riches stories by the top few, which Justin is part of as well. Dec 17th, at 5: If I buy say 10 Bitcoin Packs for Euros then someone else, or more than 1 person, has to buy 1.

And then someone or more than 1 person has to buy 1. Trouble is nobody in a Ponzi scheme is satisfied with one return. They keep reinvesting, monopoly money liabilities increase and inevitably new money entering the scheme slows down. Dec 17th, at 7: Ponzi schemes go out of business fast. A couple of you have been screaming Ponzi!

I have been looking at this thing and trying to stay unbiased. I see things that come off as big red flags. A lot of which have been mentioned above. Strawman derail attempts removed. I have been hearing you screaming that anyone that is even interested in USI is a scammer and a fool and that its crash is imminent. You have commented above that no one is interested in the coins. They have sold or given as part of the BTC package over 80 million coins.

Sounds to me like there is more than a little interest there. I am skeptical and cautious though, and threads like this make me leery of getting involved, because I would hate to see anyone get hurt or misled, however, I have found that has led to me sitting on the outside watching others see great profits while my skepticism keeps me on the sideline. If you wish to invest in Ponzi schemes, have at it.

They have sold or given as part of the BTC package. Hell, even the dedicated MLM altcoin schemes collapse.

A free coin add-on MLM altcoin is just worthless marketing fluff. I am skeptical and cautious though, and threads like this make me leery of getting involved, because I would hate to see anyone get hurt or misled. USI-Tech, whether it collapses or it shut down by regulators will be no different. It is what it is. So they wave the magic wand and grow the remaining Such a programme would command a couple of billion dollars on the open market.

The early adopters and pimps and scabs will make money if they have been smart enough to pull their money out. Dec 17th, at 2: Jeff — 80 million coins divided by a reputed , members is a huge coins on average per member and a lot of the coins are free and bonuses.

I would have expected a more enthusiastic uptake. If you have facts to the contrary that you can prove with evidence , feel free to share. Jeff I own Bitcoin bought directly from an exchange.

No need to make Ponzi groupies like James, Ghobril and Calabro any money for doing nothing. I asked if anyone here had proof that Usi Tech is ponzi and also if there is any evidence of Usi using new investors funds to pa the existing investors. But the reverse logic could also apply: Why would any company divulge details of their revenue streams? Said company claims to generate revenue from any number of sources, none of which it has provided any evidence of. Basic MLM due-diligence when it comes to any investment opportunity requires an investor to verify any and all claims made by a company.

Avoiding investments you do not understand, or for which you cannot get complete information, is a good rule of thumb. The SEC sees too many investors who might have avoided trouble and losses if they had asked questions from the start and verified the answers with information from independent sources. No worries mate, here have my money! You cannot ask for proof of a negative.

The onus is on the party making a claim to provide evidence to verify it. Look if you want to make excuses for Ponzi schemes awesome. The fact of the matter however is that USI-Tech are offering a security and making outrageous return claims. They need to comply with regulatory laws, regardless of what you think.

Dec 18th, at Oz, you are the person making claims that Usi is a ponzi, therefore by your own admission you should provide evidence to back up your claims. There is no reason for a legitimate company to be offering unregistered securities in the US, unless they are a Ponzi scheme committing wire fraud.

You cannot provide any evidence at all that Usi is a ponzi. Simple maths prove that it cannot be. Dec 18th, at 1: Dec 18th, at 2: You have no concerns about notorious Ponzi pimps, who have promoted scams in the past, are now promoting USI? Perhaps you are one of those Ponzi pimps? Idk, just asking because anyone who disregards this information would seem a fool.

What information are you referring to? The issue here is about Usi Tech being a ponzi and so far a lot of people have said it is a ponzi but not one person has come up with any evidence that it is. I am sure people will be irate when I say this: I await a lot of derogatory comments!!!!

I know, someone will say that is more money for the owners etc…. The owners travel the world attending meetings and talking to people.

People here have been talking about the tokens that have been for sale for the past 6 weeks, as of now 82,, have been sold, correction make that 82,,, that is SOLD. The free tokens are not included in this total nor are the bonus tokens. Dec 18th, at 3: Dec 18th, at 4: If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck then it must be a duck. Your logic says its a monkey. JC — the owners are in it for the money.

Of course, transactions over the Bitcoin network do not directly affect the market price of Bitcoin.

In the sense that an active Bitcoin network reflects a healthy protocol enjoying plenty of usage and demand, there is an indirect influence. Only where bitcoins interface with other currencies — at exchanges — is there a direct impact on the price of Bitcoin.

Every bitcoin exchange transaction that involves the purchasing of bitcoin via another currency, whether fiat or cryptocurrency , has the effect of pushing the bitcoin price up. However, it is the exchange transaction that counts toward an uptick in the Bitcoin exchange rate. Routine purchases are made daily, for various purposes, and typically increasing toward month-end:. Every exchange transaction that involves the selling of bitcoin, i. Let us consider the last example listed above, namely usage of the Bitcoin network as a means of money transmission.

Instead of using the illustrious Western Union, they opt for the Bitcoin payment network. No queues, no forms to fill in, no proverbial rubber gloves, and no extortionate fee. The above example also serves to illustrate the effect of money flow that causes some currencies to increase at the expense of others. Here are some more routine bitcoin sales that put a downward pressure on the Bitcoin exchange price:. This seems a sound strategy, although it must be pointed out that no single financial policy applies to every business.

It may very well be the case that some companies receive astute investment advice and either hold bitcoin amounts or channel them into investment funds. This would have the same effect as long-term bitcoin storage. Hoarding effectively keeps bitcoins out of circulation and leads to price appreciation as increasing demand for a limited supply of bitcoin raises cost per unit. In the case where merchants convert bitcoin receipts straight to fiat there is, indeed, a downward pressure on price.

However, it is balanced by the upward pressure caused by consumers or their bitcoin paying employers purchasing bitcoin with the aim of eventual spending. The speculative market for trading the Bitcoin price chart is sizeable.

No speculative instrument has ever achieved the phenomenal growth of Bitcoin. Whereas the exchange transactions discussed in the section above represent recurring monthly or daily expenses, their relative volume is miniscule when compared to the millions of bitcoin being bought and sold in the speculative Bitcoin market every month.

Buy-and-hold investors have been included in the category above rather than here merely because their buying and selling of bitcoin is infrequent. The present category does include, however, the early adopters — a group that includes Satoshi Nakamoto and most of the earliest Bitcoin miners.

Their bitcoin holdings are sizable and their special status as founders of the Bitcoin network entitles them to profit-taking for buying houses, cars and other sizeable purchases typically only available via fiat payment. Due to an unfortunate accident of history, the central banks and government have become bed-fellows.

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