Please consider listing it. BitcoinZ will be a valuable addition to your exchange. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer bitcoin for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. I know the higher the difficulty the nethash it becomes to mine coins but what exactly does it mean? Actually, Nethash think that the last block of each difficulty is bitcoin
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A great BTCZ coin, the whole world will know about it. Puppet Legendary Offline Activity: Full Member Offline Activity: Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Have been with BTCz when it was 4 days or so old. A true decentralized cryptocurrency, with a huge and strong community, it's worth adding it. Would I want to make this number as low as possible or are there benefits to increasing the number?
This coin with the spirit of bitcoin BTC and the technologies of Nethash, it has a bitcoin future. Sign up using Email and Password. I want to fetch this information automatically every now and then, but I can't seem to bitcoin a webpage that provides an API for this. The pool is absorbing the chance of "bad luck" or general variance, and offering you a flat rate. The maximum difficulty is roughly: BTCZ has nethash best criptomoeda portfolio I've ever tested! I nethash the idea.
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The problem with Coinchoose and Coinwarz is that they are not complete, not fully real-time and Coinwarz cost money in addition to that. The block explorer above is for Bitcoin only. Are there block explorers for all AltCoins as well? And are they all providing different API's? There must be some "original source", like the mining network or similar, where you can connect and get this information in real-time? Or is that also completely different for each coin?
I understand that each coin has its own mining network, but are they different except having different IP-addresses for example? Bitcoins as well as all of the altcoins that I know of have their own API. For example here is bitcoins API. It has a method called getdifficulty which. So if you had bitcoind installed, you could then just type in the terminal. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.
Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: I think this covers what you require. The maximum difficulty is roughly: Need to clarify one thing regarding target.
Network takes some random number and it generates its hash 2. Then it distributes this hash as new target 3. Then miners try to find a number whose hash is equal to or less than target Have I understood it right?
The higher the difficulty, the less BTC you would get for the same hash rate Network takes some random number and it generates its hash.
Augusto Croppo on November 03, , The definition definitely helps to understand difficulty. My question is why would I want to have the option to increase or decrease difficulty?
For example, if I start up my mining software, I have the option to increase or decrease the difficulty number. Would I want to make this number as low as possible or are there benefits to increasing the number?
Basically, how does the option to adjust the number benefit a user? Miners issue new coins in the new blocks as well as they confirm transactions. When difficulty rises, creating a block gets harder, which means that issuing new coins gets harder, but does it mean that confirming a transaction, too, gets harder?
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