п»ї Litecoin mining script

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I script a few config files mining my script shut off immediatly after running cg miner. The trading contract is for mining, at which time you litecoin withdraw any part or all of your original stake. Nice guide but lots of typos in scripts and no troubleshooting help. Save litecoin file with a ". Individual results will vary a little bit, but those are realistic expectations.

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The fact is, this is the well-known investment vehicle especially for the center and upper class. I am currently set at I: The 'stratum' URL of your mining pool server eg: This will open the command terminal. I see you on hypernova with a very high hashrate, do you have multiple rigs who gives you these results? With this release the following concepts that were tied to this option have been separated out:. If so, congratulations on your success in getting your rigs running.

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Litecoin mining script

How To Scrypt Mine Litecoin Tutorial - LiteCoin For Beginners - Part 1

You just learned how to install Ubuntu on a brand, new PC! Next download latest AMD Catalyst This will basically install some of the essential software we need to install the AMD Radeon drivers. This is the easiest method to install AMD Radeon drivers and basically we are using Ubuntu to make it install the drivers. For Litecoin mining, you do not need crossfire, you get much better performance without it.

So, unplug the crossfire cable!!! Your Ubuntu should have rebooted. Next, you need to download CGMiner program, which is the Litecoin mining program. You need to get CGMiner v3. If you see all of your graphic cards listed here, you are good to go! To actually mine Litecoins, you will want to join a mining pool. You can join any Litecoin Pool here. Many Litecoin pools may go down and not managed properly so you may want to be careful which pool you join.

This will start running the CGMiner program. You have started making virtual currency! Now, this is just the tip of the iceburg as you will need to optimize the parameters to overclock your GPU and memory to get most of out it. Engine clock is basically your GPU and Memory clock is your memory. So if at Mhz, try going to Mhz. Let the program sit for about 30 seconds and see if your hashrate is going up for that particular GPU.

Next, do the same thing with your Engine clock. You may want to consider having more space between your GPUs or just make a crate-based Litecoin rig. After tweaking and playing with the values, I was able to achieve around 2. Now, a lot of factors determine how much you can overclock, it will first depend on your setup where you have a PC Case or open-air type like a milk crate and also your graphic cards.

For the latest lower-end HD or graphic cards, I found the following parameters to work best:. You should try the values above though, they should work well for most. Additionally, add these values in: The other temperature stuff will make sure your fan runs to cool down your cards. If using PC Case, this will help your fan run faster as your temperature will go beyond 90 degrees. For adding the Engine and Memory clock values you got in Step 27, use the following: This will set your Engine clock to Mhz and Memory clock to Mhz.

Put the values in here that worked best for you. Once you have found the right setup, you will have an optimzed script such as this one which does 2. I am also updating a list of CGMiner. Lastly but not least, check out parameters used by other Litecoin miners here. Nice videos Max, can you do one on how to sell the litecoins? Or perhaps what you could get with them? You can convert them to BTC at any exchanges like btc-e.

I tried doing everything you have in yor tutorials but keep getting the same message: Can you help me fill in the blanks here with my cards similar to yours this is what mine looks like: Kelly i dont know if your joking or not but every important feature of your.

Thanks bmilescrx for responding — I wish I was joking. Every time I increase the intensity HW errors go off like fireworks. I wanted to post my working bat and see if someone would post theirs with a similar machine. There must be a way, but every time I sit down and play with the values it seems like I waste 2 hours and wind up back at square one. I was starting to think that everything out there is misinformation. Hoping someone with X cards would post a working bat.

Max, can you post a working file? You need to change intensity to 20 first, then also set GPU-engine to something around and GPU-memclock to Try setting low at and first then start ramping up. Also look-up gap should be 2 for R9 X and GPU-threads should be 1 and thread concurrency should be around I am having a lot of trouble downloading the catalyst drivers when I do they say my graphics card does not work with the driver.

If you could give me a step by step on how to get these up and running, I will be very appreciative and reward you with the crypto of your choice. Thanks in advance for your time. I have tried countless different methods, and none of them seem to work always ether a dependency or enable to locate problems. Try using Ubuntu Nice guide but lots of typos in scripts and no troubleshooting help..

Confusing on second half of guide…. Did you ever run across this issue? Max, Are you referring to a Linux image? I saw the Linux image link you posted back in your original guide, but the link produces an error. Can you please post a new link to that custom Linux image?

You may have to mess with the settings, tone everything down first until it runs. Then you can tweak it. No such file or directory. Max, thanks for making the guide. I am also having the same problem with the lib. Any recommendations for mining pools? I think it will bounce up later this week though.

Thx ffor the guide Max.. Some of the older guides online are good, but not current.. This should help drive clicks your way if you plan on updaing pretty frequently. I just ran through this tutorial, running just 1 for testing purposes , and it went somewhat smoothly.

You might need to do some tweaking. Hi Max, Now that my rig is up and running woo-hoo!! Hi, when i do step 14 this is wat comes up DKMS: No supported adapters detected tmanco tmanco: No supported adapters detected. Thanks for the write up, it was helpful. I have cgminer running right now, but for some reason my temperatures are not being displayed and I cannot change engine and memclock speeds. Any idea what can be happening? I figured it out. If anyone else has this issue when they try to start a session from ssh, you have to be sure that you export the display.

Then start your miner. You can detach from the session by hitting ctrl-a and then ctrl-d. Then you can close the ssh session and the miner will continue to run. Hey Max, thank you very much for the guide! You can use CoinBase. Also, if you are going to use your bitcoins for buying stuff like Amazon, you can use http: Can anyone post weekly revenues?

I have 3 s, two are the same one is different. Only one is able to run, the second one i cant modify as stated above and the third doenst turn on. Hi Max, thanks for the great guide. I am having an issue with my setup. I have to delete the Xorg. I am running 4 x s. A couple of reboots and deleting the xorg. However cgminer just displays a blank cursor when mining, no onscreen output. When I quit it shows mining stats, so it has been mining, just seems as though display is disabled somehow. Hey Max thx your site big help now my miner is running Ubuntu Would like cgminer to auto run at startup do you have tips for that Thx Mike.

Wow, after several tries, just instaled drivers properly, but: Driver AMD is ok: Home -p changed username. Im not even getting that far on a G Devastator core. Been stuck on this for a while. I followed your video step by step and everything worked wonderfully.

My current CGminer settings are: I 20, g 1, w , thread concurrency , I turn to 2. I removed all the settings related to the fans because it crash cgminer.

Have you improved on the settings any? Hi Max, just a little question. I see you on hypernova with a very high hashrate, do you have multiple rigs who gives you these results?

I have built new rigs with 5 r9 x graphic cards and around 5 machines like that if you are getting 2. Can you tell me how to set it up so that it starts Automatically when Linux boots up???

Hi Max, Thanks for this great guide! I also like to know how to set it up so that it starts automatically when Linux boots up.

Where I can find the best config for my cards? Is the mining process takes a lot of internet data? I have a script that will do that I will post it soon so check back this week. Mining does not take any internet data you can almost run it on dial-up.

My rigs are in another part of the house. Hi Max, I am following the guide and everything goes great until I get to step fourteen. I have the same problem.

Thank you for your guide… everything goes well until that command line is not found. Thanks for a great tutorial, I feel that I am almost there but when I run: I get the error: Cannot run in Benchmark mode with scrypt. Then it crashes with a seg fault. My bad… I just noticed that you are using the double dash lol… for some reason it looks like one dash when you place the comment.

No problem thanks for trying Zsar. Any ideas for troubleshooting? HI Max, Thank you for this great tutorial. I have everything working till the last step the most important. I got the following error when I enter sh minenow. How come cgminer 3. No such file or diectory. Are you using older version of Ubuntu? You may have to install 32bit library, try googling the error and you should be able to find the commands to install the missing libraries.

You can pretty much use settings for r9 x but just tone gpu engine and mem clock down a bit like 20 to 40Mhz. Try using Ubuntu if you can u should be able to run much higher than Windows. You have any ideas? I think its all about this ubuntu Hi Joan, A while back I posted to you on here regarding the possibility of buying a percentage of your asic miner. Beyond that question, remember that I mentioned my experience at https: I truly believe the most effective strategy right now is mining coin, and then putting it to work at bitcoin trader.

My results so far have been extremely gratifying, and I think there is great potential for the forseeable future for anyone who combines their mining with a trading account with them. Here is my personal proforma based on a one time deposit of Regular Deposit CalculationBase amount: Hello Ezpacer, Thank you for your response. I did see your offer but I have been busy with other things, so I have not had a chance to consider it in detail; sorry about that.

I also have two partners contributing to the purchase of my mining asic, so I am not alone to make any decision. I will however give your proposal some serious thought.

I will need to thoroughly understand and digest what you are proposing. So let me dwell on this for a few days. At present I am biting my lip waiting for my mining asic to arrive because I see the difficulty rising every day, and I still have at least 2 months to go before the delivery date promise. I think that some asics are already hashing in the LTC network because the net hash rate has increased so much in a few weeks.

I am also considering changing to another coin myself, darkcoin looks quite interesting, as does VTC. Feel free to disagree, but the rules of the game does not change with ASICs: The same is of course true for Vertcoin or any scrypt resistant coin, but without the ASICs the growth in overall network rate and thus difficulty are much slower so you get more time to recoup your investments.

You have seen a big growth of network rate for VTC due to people moving from LTC to Vertcoin I assume , so ASICs are to a certain degree impacting Vertcoin… But with a larger network comes larger interest and hopefully a higher value coin down the road. So are you suggesting that the customers will always be a step behind in the game, and that the asic manufacturers will keep a large portion of the hashing power that they create, for themselves? Furthermore, as a miner, having purchased one asic and then as mining difficulty increases, we need to buy another asic to maintain the same level of mining income.

I see a constraint on this being the fact that asic manufacturers need to allow their customers a reasonable roi, return on investment otherwise there would be no point in anybody buying an asic. In addition, and there are now several vendors in the asic market who are competing with each other to sell their product. Some asics now do both scrypt and scrypt-n, so changing to Vertcoin may not be saving you from an asic onslaught. Just make sure that you do your research and be careful.

If you want, drop me a note at glenndruryc yahoo. Very honored to have you take time to post. You have been very perceptive regarding the altcoin events for the past year, and I recognized early that you had a very good grasp of financial reality. I have an extensive background in penny stock dealing, so I know exactly what you are referring to! That said, my readiness to take risk was what brought me into your site and my subsequent adventure in the world of altcoin mining, and it has been great.

I have emphasized in conversation with others who are following me into bitcoin trader, that the nature of an internet opportunity like this includes the very real possibility that we could come to a morning when we try to log on, and there is no site to log on to, and no trail to follow!

Also, they are taking great efforts to participate in the public eye, including sponsoring several European bitcoin symposiums lately, and maintaining a facebook page. My bottom line is that the potential gain is certainly worth the risk of a moderate amount of funds, which I am willing, if it so turns out, to lose.

From my perspective, arbitrage between the exchanges with the results btc trader is currently posting, given the price differences that are prevalent at this time between the popular exchanges, is very do-able. Of course it may be different at any given time to come, but in all I think it is a thing to diligently pursue while it is in its season, again with funds that can be used speculatively just for the chance of a significant score.

I want to always treat you and your site with the respect that is due, so feel free always to let me know if I post too far afield of the aims you maintain for the site! With affectionate good wishes for your contributions and leadership that have gained me so much ground I would never otherwise have known how to accomplish,. I am putting out a cryptocoin for the website and I wanted to hear from people on the subject of Vericoin and Vertcoin.

Also, the coin is for food establishments. The guide says that you can produce approx. Which is more accurate? Hello Gaurav — the guide was written nearly two years ago, over which time the difficulty required to mine a single litecoin has risen dramatically.

I no longer recommend building a GPU-based mining rig for scrypt coins; there are plenty of purpose-built ASIC machines that will mine far more effectively.

Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Build your own Litecoin Mining Rig, part 1: One of my finished plastic-crate mining rigs. April 16, at Needs your help says: April 19, at April 21, at May 18, at 9: April 1, at 2: April 21, at 3: April 22, at 9: April 22, at April 23, at April 23, at 3: May 12, at 9: August 6, at 3: August 6, at 4: April 24, at 8: April 25, at May 2, at 6: May 2, at 5: May 4, at 8: May 10, at 1: May 12, at 2: May 12, at May 14, at 3: May 14, at 5: May 15, at May 18, at 1: May 18, at June 4, at 7: June 5, at 1: June 5, at 4: June 5, at 9: June 6, at 2: Scrypt tends to be the more memory intensive of the two — however, home PCs with reasonably powerful graphics cards can still mine those cryptocurrencies quite effectively, as there are no dedicated ASICs to compete with — yet.

This holds true, even if you have only a laptop with integrated graphics; though this may not prove terribly effective and is not a set-up we would recommend. Before you start mining, you will need a wallet to keep your hard-earned coins in see our guide to storing bitcoin.

A good option is to head to the homepage of the currency you intend to mine and seek out the download link for the default wallet app. If you would like to do more research into litecoin specifically, we have a guide on how to get started. If you find yourself in need of help and advice, most altcoins have community forums, as well as their own subreddit.

The majority of wallets are based on the original Bitcoin-Qt client. Be warned, though, that before these wallets are truly usable, you may face a lengthy wait while the coin's entire block chain downloads.

Unless you possess specific mining hardware, there are two ways to mine cryptocurrencies: Of the two, a GPU offers far better performance for the cryptographic calculations required. However, if you are making your first foray into mining and don't possess a souped-up gaming computer — a laptop with Intel integrated graphics, perhaps — it will still be possible to mine those altcoins, but at a far slower rate.

The catch with GPU mining is that it requires a dedicated graphics processor, such as you may have fitted inside your desktop PC — the Intel integrated graphics cards found in most laptops are just not suitable for the task.

To keep speeds up to a respectable level, most altcoin miners build dedicated machines using motherboards that can house multiple graphics cards, usually via riser cables.

Be aware, too, that mining digital coins is very system intensive and can reduce the lifespan of your electronic components. It's a good idea to make sure you have adequate cooling in place, keep an eye on those temperatures and keep hold of any warranties — just in case. Mining can either be a solitary venture or you can join a mining 'pool', where a number of people combine their processing resources and all take a share of the rewards.

It can be helpful to think of mining pools as joining a lottery syndicate — the pros and cons are exactly the same. Going solo means you get to keep the full rewards of your efforts, but accepting reduced odds of being successful. Conversely, joining a pool means that the members, as a whole, will have a much larger chance of solving a block, but the reward will be split between all pool members, based on the number of 'shares' earned.

If you are thinking of going it alone, it's worth noting that configuring your software for solo mining can be more complicated than with a pool, and beginners would probably be better off taking the latter route. This option also creates a steadier stream of income, even if each payment is modest compared to the full block reward.

A handy piece of software called cpuminer is the easiest way to start mining, but does require the ability to use the command line on your computer. For the purposes of this guide, though, we are making the assumption that you are using the Windows OS. First, download the appropriate file for your operating system. The zip file can be extracted to anywhere on your hard drive, as long as you remember where it went.

A good idea would be to create a 'cpuminer' folder on your desktop. So, how to set up cpuminer with the parameters needed for your mining pool? Well, it's usually simplest to write a one-line script known as a 'batch file' in Windows to launch the miner with the correct instructions.

Now, open Notepad or your preferred text editor. Do not , however, use a word processor such as MS Word. Next, enter the script using the following formula note that this method assumes you are mining a currency that uses the scrypt algorithm:. Once the batch file is saved, double click it to activate the miner program.

Your mining pool will most likely have a web-based interface and, within a few minutes, the website should show that your mining worker is active. For those that intend to mine with GPUs, or USB mining devices , cgminer is the program to use and can be downloaded from the developer's website — unless, that is, you're a Mac user, in which case you will find some unofficial binaries here.

Versions of cgminer following version 3.

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