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Estimate of what percentage of the block chain transactions have accounts verified so far, starting at deprecated. Parameter 1—how many blocks the transaction may wait before being included as a free high-priority transaction. One of main for bitcointest for testnet deprecated, or regtest for regtest. The bitcoin block as a serialized blockencoded as hex, or JSON null if an error occurred. Full nodes download and accounts every block and transaction prior to relaying them to other nodes.

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Surprisingly India will have far more dominating numbers of these two, and someday this antitrust probe too. The payload is an unconfirmed TX. One explanation that has been floated on social media is that a large amount of new hashing power has come online, which has increased the frequency at which blocks are found. Some hardware wallets may prompt for a passphrase or PIN number. Transactions that do not use strict DER encoding had previously been non-standard since Bitcoin Core 0. Since BIP 37 , if a bloom filter is loaded, only transactions matching the filter are replied. The CoinJoin-style contract, shown in the illustration below, makes this decision easy:

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Toronto is already a hotbed bitcoin crypto activity accounts businesses including Decentral and Coinsquare. After a filter has been accounts, nodes don't merely stop announcing non-matching transactions, they can also deprecated filtered blocks. The P2SH address of this redeem script. The Address Full Endpoint returns all information available about a deprecated address, including an array of complete transactions instead bitcoin just transaction inputs and outputs. The following annotated hexdump shows part of an addr message.

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Bitcoin accounts deprecated

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The bloom filter is populated using between 1 and 50 unique hash functions the number specified per filter by the nHashFuncs field. Instead of using up to 50 different hash function implementations, a single implementation is used with a unique seed value for each function.

The actual hash function implementation used is the bit Murmur3 hash function. Only the bit Murmur3 version is used with Bitcoin bloom filters.

The data to be hashed can be any transaction element which the bloom filter can match. See the next subsection for the list of transaction elements checked against the filter.

The largest element which can be matched is a script data push of bytes, so the data should never exceed bytes. The example below from Bitcoin Core bloom. The seed is the first parameter; the data to be hashed is the second parameter. Each data element to be added to the filter is hashed by nHashFuncs number of hash functions.

Each time a hash function is run, the result will be the index number nIndex of a bit in the bit field. That bit must be set to 1. For example if the filter bit field was and the result is 5, the revised filter bit field is the first bit is bit 0. It is expected that sometimes the same index number will be returned more than once when populating the bit field; this does not affect the algorithm—after a bit is set to 1, it is never changed back to 0. After all data elements have been added to the filter, each set of eight bits is converted into a little-endian byte.

These bytes are the value of the filter field. To compare an arbitrary data element against the bloom filter , it is hashed using the same parameters used to create the bloom filter. Specifically, it is hashed nHashFuncs times, each time using the same nTweak provided in the filter, and the resulting output is modulo the size of the bit field provided in the filter field. After each hash is performed, the filter is checked to see if the bit at that indexed location is set.

For example if the result of a hash is 5 and the filter is , the bit is considered set. If the result of every hash points to a set bit, the filter matches. If any of the results points to an unset bit, the filter does not match. The following transaction elements are compared against bloom filters. All elements will be hashed in the byte order used in blocks for example, TXIDs will be in internal byte order. This includes data elements present in P2SH redeem scripts when they are being spent.

See the subsection below for details. The following annotated hexdump of a transaction is from the raw transaction format section ; the elements which would be checked by the filter are emphasized in bold. Updating A Bloom Filter. Clients will often want to track inputs that spend outputs outpoints relevant to their wallet , so the filterload field nFlags can be set to allow the filtering node to update the filter when a match is found. When the filtering node sees a pubkey script that pays a pubkey , address , or other data element matching the filter, the filtering node immediately updates the filter with the outpoint corresponding to that pubkey script.

If an input later spends that outpoint , the filter will match it, allowing the filtering node to tell the client that one of its transaction outputs has been spent. In addition, because the filter size stays the same even though additional elements are being added to it, the false positive rate increases. Each false positive can result in another element being added to the filter, creating a feedback loop that can after a certain point make the filter useless.

For this reason, clients using automatic filter updates need to monitor the actual false positive rate and send a new filter when the rate gets too high. The getaddr message requests an addr message from the receiving node , preferably one with lots of IP addresses of other receiving nodes. The transmitting node can use those IP addresses to quickly update its database of available nodes rather than waiting for unsolicited addr messages to arrive over time.

There is no payload in a getaddr message. The ping message helps confirm that the receiving peer is still connected. The response to a ping message is the pong message. Before protocol version , the ping message had no payload. As of protocol version and all later versions, the message includes a single field, the nonce.

The annotated hexdump below shows a ping message. The pong message replies to a ping message , proving to the pinging node that the ponging node is still alive. Bitcoin Core will, by default, disconnect from any clients which have not responded to a ping message within 20 minutes. To allow nodes to keep track of latency, the pong message sends back the same nonce received in the ping message it is replying to.

The format of the pong message is identical to the ping message ; only the message header differs. The reject message informs the receiving node that one of its previous messages has been rejected.

The following table lists message reject codes. Codes are tied to the type of message they reply to; for example there is a 0x10 reject code for transactions and a 0x10 reject code for blocks. The annotated hexdump below shows a reject message. The sendheaders message tells the receiving peer to send new block announcements using a headers message rather than an inv message. There is no payload in a sendheaders message.

The verack message acknowledges a previously-received version message , informing the connecting node that it can begin to send other messages. The verack message has no payload; for an example of a message with no payload, see the message headers section. The version message provides information about the transmitting node to the receiving node at the beginning of a connection.

Until both peers have exchanged version messages , no other messages will be accepted. If a version message is accepted, the receiving node should send a verack message —but no node should send a verack message before initializing its half of the connection by first sending a version message.

The following annotated hexdump shows a version message. Whatever the reason for reversing header hashes, the reversal also extends to other hashes used in RPCs , such as TXIDs and merkle roots. As header hashes and TXIDs are widely used as global identifiers in other Bitcoin software, this reversal of hashes has become the standard way to refer to certain objects.

The table below should make clear where each byte order is used. RPCs which return raw results, such as getrawtransaction or the raw mode of getblock , always display hashes as they appear in blocks internal byte order.

Bitcoin Core provides a remote procedure call RPC interface for various administrative tasks, wallet operations, and queries about network and block chain data. The interface requires the user to provide a password for authenticating RPC requests. This password can be set either using the rpcpassword property in bitcoin. Optionally a username can be set using the rpcuser configuration value.

See the Examples Page for more information about setting Bitcoin Core configuration values. The bitcoin-cli program can be used as a command-line interface CLI to Bitcoin Core or for making RPC calls from applications written in languages lacking a suitable native client. The port number can be changed by setting rpcport in bitcoin. Authentication is implemented using HTTP basic authentication.

The format of the request body and response data is based on version 1. In the table above and in other tables describing RPC input and output, we use the following conventions.

Note that an optional object may still have required children. Speaking of which, bitcoin-cli also transforms the raw response to make it more human-readable. Continuing with the example above, the output from the bitcoin-cli command would be simply:.

For example, a request for the block hash at block height -1 would be met with the following response again, whitespace added for clarity:. Starting in Bitcoin Core version 0. Depending on your usage pattern, request batching may provide significant performance gains. The bitcoin-cli RPC client does not support batch requests. To keep this documentation compact and readable, the examples for each of the available RPC calls will be given as bitcoin-cli commands:.

If you convert this data to another format in an executable context, it could be used in an exploit. To avoid problems, please treat block chain and memory pool data as an arbitrary input from an untrusted source. The abandontransaction RPC marks an in- wallet transaction and all its in- wallet descendants as abandoned. This allows their inputs to be respent. Parameter 1—a transaction identifier TXID. Abandons the transaction on your node.

Result no output from bitcoin-cli because result is set to null. Parameter 1—the number of signatures required. Parameter 2—the full public keys , or addresses for known public keys. Result—a P2SH address printed and stored in the wallet. New P2SH multisig address also stored in wallet. The addnode RPC attempts to add or remove a node from the addnode list, or to try a connection to a node once.

Parameter 2—whether to add or remove the node , or to try only once to connect. Try connecting to the following node. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet. The addwitnessaddress RPC adds a witness address for a script with pubkey or redeem script known.

Parameter 1—the witness address. The backupwallet RPC safely copies wallet. Wallet must be unlocked. The bumpfee RPC replaces an unconfirmed wallet transaction that signaled RBF with a new transaction that pays a higher fee. The increased fee is deducted from the change output. The -walletrbf option needs to be enabled default is false. The clearbanned RPC clears list of banned nodes.

Result— P2SH address and hex-encoded redeem script. The transaction is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network. Result—the unsigned raw transaction in hex.

Parameter 1— serialized transaction in hex. Decode a signed one- input , three- output transaction:. Parameter 1—a hex-encoded redeem script. A 2-of-3 P2SH multisig pubkey script:. The disconnectnode RPC immediately disconnects from a specified node.

Disconnects following node from your node. But does not remove it from the wallet. Parameter 1—the address corresponding to the private key to get. The dumpwallet RPC creates or overwrites a file with all wallet keys in a human-readable format.

Create a wallet dump and then print its first 10 lines. The encryptwallet RPC encrypts the wallet with a passphrase. This is only to enable encryption for the first time.

After encryption is enabled, you will need to enter the passphrase to use private keys. In addition, there is no RPC to completely disable encryption. If you want to return to an unencrypted wallet , you must create a new wallet and restore your data from a backup made with the dumpwallet RPC.

The estimatefee RPC estimates the transaction fee per kilobyte that needs to be paid for a transaction to be included within a certain number of blocks. Parameter 1—how many blocks the transaction may wait before being included. The estimatepriority RPC estimates the priority coin age that a transaction needs in order to be included within a certain number of blocks as a free high-priority transaction. This should not to be confused with the prioritisetransaction RPC which will remain supported for adding fee deltas to transactions.

Parameter 1—how many blocks the transaction may wait before being included as a free high-priority transaction. The fundrawtransaction RPC adds inputs to a transaction until it has enough in value to meet its out value. This will not modify existing inputs , and will add one change output to the outputs. The inputs added will not be signed, use signrawtransaction for that. All existing inputs must have their previous output transaction be in the wallet.

Parameter 1—The hex string of the raw transaction. The generate RPC nearly instantly generates blocks. Parameter 1—the number of blocks to generate. Result—the generated block header hashes. Using regtest mode also works in normal mode , generate 2 blocks:.

The generatetoaddress RPC mines blocks immediately to a specified address. Using regtest mode , generate 2 blocks with maximal iterations:. The getaccountaddress RPC returns the current Bitcoin address for receiving payments to this account. Once a payment has been received to an address , future calls to this RPC for the same account will return a different address.

Get an address for the default account:. The getaccount RPC returns the name of the account associated with the given address. Parameter 1—a Bitcoin address. The getaddednodeinfo RPC returns information about the given added node , or all added nodes except onetry nodes. Only nodes which have been manually added using the addnode RPC will have their information displayed. Parameter 2—what node to display information about.

Result—a list of added nodes. The getaddressesbyaccount RPC returns a list of every address assigned to a particular account. Result—a list of addresses. The getbalance RPC gets the balance in decimal bitcoins across all accounts or for a particular account. Parameter 2—the minimum number of confirmations. Parameter 3—whether to include watch-only addresses. Result—the balance in bitcoins.

The getbestblockhash RPC returns the header hash of the most recent block on the best block chain. Result—hash of the tip from the best block chain. The getblock RPC gets a block with a particular header hash from the local block database either as a JSON object or as a serialized block. Parameter 1— header hash. Parameter 2—whether to get JSON or hex output. Result if format was false —a serialized block.

Result if format was true or omitted —a JSON block. Get a block in raw hex:. Get the same block in JSON:. The getblockchaininfo RPC provides information about the current state of the block chain. The getblockcount RPC returns the number of blocks in the local best block chain.

Result—the number of blocks in the local best block chain. The getblockhash RPC returns the header hash of a block at the given height in the local best block chain. Result—the block header hash. The getblockheader RPC gets a block header with a particular header hash from the local block database either as a JSON object or as a serialized block header. Parameter 2—JSON or hex output.

Result if format was false —a serialized block header. Result if format was true or omitted —a JSON block header. Get a block header in raw hex:. The getblocktemplate RPC gets a block template or proposal for use with mining software. For more information, please see the following resources:.

The getchaintips RPC returns information about the highest- height block tip of each local block chain. Result—an array of block chain tips. The getconnectioncount RPC returns the number of connections to other nodes. Result—the number of connections to other nodes.

If you have an older version of Bitcoin Core, use help getgenerate to get help. If you have an older version of Bitcoin Core, use help gethashespersec to get help. The getinfo RPC prints various information about the node and the network. Result—information about the node and network. Example from Bitcoin Core 0. The getmemoryinfo RPC returns information about memory usage.

The getmempoolancestors RPC returns all in-mempool ancestors for a transaction in the mempool. Parameter 2—desired output format. The getmempooldescendants RPC returns all in-mempool descendants for a transaction in the mempool. The getmempoolentry RPC returns mempool data for given transaction must be in mempool.

The getmininginfo RPC returns various mining -related information. Result—various mining -related information. The getnettotals RPC returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out, and the current time.

The getnetworkhashps RPC returns the estimated current or historical network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.

Parameter 1—number of blocks to average. Parameter 2— block height. Get the average hashes per second for all the blocks since the last difficulty change before block Result actual addresses have been replaced with reserved addresses:. The getnewaddress RPC returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments. If an account is specified, payments received with the address will be credited to that account. Result—a bitcoin address never previously returned. The getpeerinfo RPC returns data about each connected network node.

Result—information about each currently-connected network node. The getrawchangeaddress RPC returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving change. This is for use with raw transactions , not normal use. Result—a P2PKH address which can be used in raw transactions.

Result format false —an array of TXIDs. Parameter 1—the TXID of the transaction to get. A transaction in serialized transaction format:. Single Chain Wallets Type 2: This documentation has not been extensively reviewed by Bitcoin experts and so likely contains numerous errors.

Please use the Issue and Edit links on the bottom left menu to help us improve. To close this disclaimer click here X. Edit History Report Issue Discuss. The block version number indicates which set of block validation rules to follow.

See the list of block versions below. The merkle root is derived from the hashes of all transactions included in this block , ensuring that none of those transactions can be modified without modifying the header. See the merkle trees section below. The block time is a Unix epoch time when the miner started hashing the header according to the miner. Must be strictly greater than the median time of the previous 11 blocks. Full nodes will not accept blocks with headers more than two hours in the future according to their clock.

See the nBits format described below. An arbitrary number miners change to modify the header hash in order to produce a hash less than or equal to the target threshold. If all bit values are tested, the time can be updated or the coinbase transaction can be changed and the merkle root updated. The block header in the format described in the block header section.

The total number of transactions in this block , including the coinbase transaction. Every transaction in this block , one after another, in raw transaction format. Transactions must appear in the data stream in the same order their TXIDs appeared in the first row of the merkle tree. See the merkle tree section for details. Transaction version number ; currently version 1.

Programs creating transactions using newer consensus rules may use higher version numbers. Number of inputs in this transaction. See description of txIn below. Number of outputs in this transaction. See description of txOut below. A time Unix epoch time or block number. See the locktime parsing rules. The previous outpoint being spent. See description of outpoint below. The number of bytes in the signature script. Maximum is 10, bytes. Should only contain data pushes; see the signature script modification warning.

Default for Bitcoin Core and almost all other programs is 0xffffffff. The TXID of the transaction holding the output to spend.

The TXID is a hash provided here in internal byte order. The output index number of the specific output to spend from the transaction. The first output is 0x Number of satoshis to spend. May be zero; the sum of all outputs may not exceed the sum of satoshis previously spent to the outpoints provided in the input section.

Number of bytes in the pubkey script. Defines the conditions which must be satisfied to spend this output. A byte null, as a coinbase has no previous outpoint. The number of bytes in the coinbase script, up to a maximum of bytes. The block height of this block as required by BIP This script must be as short as possible, otherwise it may be rejected.

The data-pushing opcode will be 0x03 and the total size four bytes until block 16,, about years from now.

Arbitrary data not exceeding bytes minus the 4 height bytes. Miners commonly place an extra nonce in this field to update the block header merkle root during hashing. See Alert System Retirement. Magic bytes indicating the originating network ; used to seek to next message when stream state is unknown. ASCII string which identifies what message type is contained in the payload. Followed by nulls 0x00 to pad out byte count; for example: Number of bytes in payload.

The hash is a TXID. The hash is of a block header. When used in a getdata message , this indicates the response should be a merkleblock message rather than a block message but this only works if a bloom filter was previously configured.

Only for use in getdata messages. The protocol version number; the same as sent in the version message. The number of header hashes provided not including the stop hash. One or more block header hashes 32 bytes each in internal byte order. Hashes should be provided in reverse order of block height , so highest- height hashes are listed first and lowest- height hashes are listed last.

The header hash of the last header hash being requested; set to all zeroes to request an inv message with all subsequent header hashes a maximum of will be sent as a reply to this message; if you need more than , you will need to send another getblocks message with a higher- height header hash as the first entry in block header hash field. Number of block headers up to a maximum of 2, The number of inventory entries.

One or more inventory entries up to a maximum of 50, entries. One or more hashes of both transactions and merkle nodes in internal byte order. Each hash is 32 bytes. A sequence of bits packed eight in a byte with the least significant bit first. May be padded to the nearest byte boundary but must not contain any more bits than that.

Used to assign the hashes to particular nodes in the merkle tree as described below. The hash needs to be computed. Do not descend into its child nodes. Append a 1 to the flag list; process the left child node. Then, if the node has a right child, process the right child. Do not append a hash to the hash list for this node. See the table below for the format of a Bitcoin network IP address.

A time in Unix epoch time format. Nodes advertising their own IP address set this to the current time. Other nodes just relaying the IP address should not change the time.

Nodes can use the time field to avoid relaying old addr messages. Malicious nodes may change times or even set them in the future. The services the node advertised in its version message. IPv6 address in big endian byte order. Port number in big endian byte order. Note that Bitcoin Core will only connect to nodes with non-standard port numbers as a last resort for finding peers. This is to prevent anyone from trying to use the network to disrupt non-Bitcoin services that run on other ports.

The fee rate in satoshis per kilobyte below which transactions should not be relayed to this peer. The element to add to the current filter. Maximum of bytes, which is the maximum size of an element which can be pushed onto the stack in a pubkey or signature script. Elements must be sent in the byte order they would use when appearing in a raw transaction ; for example, hashes should be sent in internal byte order.

The number of hash functions to use in this filter. The maximum value allowed in this field is An arbitrary value to add to the seed value in the hash function used by the bloom filter. A set of flags that control how outpoints corresponding to a matched pubkey script are added to the filter.

See the table in the Updating A Bloom Filter subsection below. The filtering node should not update the filter. If the filter matches any data element in a pubkey script , the corresponding outpoint is added to the filter.

If the filter matches any data element in a pubkey script and that script is either a P2PKH or non-P2SH pay-to- multisig script, the corresponding outpoint is added to the filter. Random nonce assigned to this ping message. The responding pong message will include this nonce to identify the ping message to which it is replying. The number of bytes in the following reason field. This should not be displayed to the user; it is only for debugging purposes.

Optional additional data provided with the rejection. For example, most rejections of tx messages or block messages include the hash of the rejected transaction or block header. See the code table below. Message could not be decoded. Block is invalid for some reason invalid proof-of-work, invalid signature , etc. Transaction is invalid for some reason invalid signature , output value greater than input , etc.

The block uses a version that is no longer supported. Connecting node is using a protocol version that the rejecting node considers obsolete and unsupported. Duplicate input spend double spend: More than one version message received in this connection. The transaction will not be mined or relayed because the rejecting node considers it non-standard—a transaction type or version unknown by the server.

One or more output amounts are below the dust threshold. The transaction did not have a large enough fee or priority to be relayed or mined. The block belongs to a block chain which is not the same block chain as provided by a compiled-in checkpoint. The highest protocol version understood by the transmitting node.

See the protocol version section. The services supported by the transmitting node encoded as a bitfield. See the list of service codes below.

Because nodes will reject blocks with timestamps more than two hours in the future, this field can help other nodes to determine that their clock is wrong. The services supported by the receiving node as perceived by the transmitting node. Bitcoin Core will attempt to provide accurate information. BitcoinJ will, by default, always send 0. The IPv6 address of the receiving node as perceived by the transmitting node in big endian byte order.

BitcoinJ will, by default, always return:: The port number of the receiving node as perceived by the transmitting node in big endian byte order. The services supported by the transmitting node. The IPv6 address of the transmitting node in big endian byte order. The port number of the transmitting node in big endian byte order. A random nonce which can help a node detect a connection to itself. If the nonce is 0, the nonce field is ignored.

If the nonce is anything else, a node should terminate the connection on receipt of a version message with a nonce it previously sent. If 0x00, no user agent field is sent. Renamed in protocol version User agent as defined by BIP If 0x00, no inv messages or tx messages announcing new transactions should be sent to this client until it sends a filterload message or filterclear message.

If the relay field is not present or is set to 0x01, this node wants inv messages and tx messages announcing new transactions. This node is not a full node. It may not be able to provide any data except for the transactions it originates.

This is a full node and can be asked for full blocks. It should implement all protocol features available in its self-reported protocol version. Used when constructing block headers. Used by RPCs such as getblock ; widely used in block explorers.

Returned by RPCs such as getblock. Used in transaction inputs. Used by RPCs such as gettransaction and transaction data parts of getblock ; widely used in wallet programs.

Used in both addresses and pubkey scripts. RPCs use addresses which use internal byte order. An arbitrary string that will be returned with the response. The RPC method name e. See the RPC section for a list of available methods. An array containing positional parameter values for the RPC. Starting from Bitcoin Core 0. The RPC output whose type varies by call. Has value null if an error occurred.

The error code returned by the RPC function call. The value of id provided with the request. Has value null if the id field was omitted in the request. The TXID of the transaction that you want to abandon. The minimum m number of signatures required to spend this m-of-n multisig script. An array of strings with each string being a public key or address. A public key against which signatures will be checked.

Alternatively, this may be a P2PKH address belonging to the wallet —the corresponding public key will be substituted. There must be at least as many keys as specified by the Required parameter, and there may be more keys. The account name in which the address should be stored. The P2SH multisig address. The address will also be added to the wallet , and outputs paying that address will be tracked by the wallet. What to do with the IP address above. Up to 8 nodes can be added additional to the default 8 nodes.

Always JSON null whether the node was added, removed, tried-and-connected, or tried-and-not-connected. A witness address that gets added to a script.

Needs to be in the wallet and uncompressed. The value of the new address P2SH of witness script. A filename or directory name. If a filename, it will be created or overwritten. If a directory name, the file wallet.

Always null whether success or failure. The confirmation target in blocks. Based on this value the new fee will be calculated using the same code as the estimatefee RPC. The total fee to pay in satoshis not the feerate. The actual fee can be higher in rare cases if the change output is close to the dust limit. Whether the new transaction should still be BIP replaceable. Even if set to false the transaction may still be replacable, for example if it has unconfirmed ancestors which are replaceable.

The default is true. If wallet support is enabled, this may be a P2PKH address belonging to the wallet —the corresponding public key will be substituted. An object describing the multisig address. The P2SH address for this multisig redeem script.

The multisig redeem script encoded as hex. An array of objects, each one to be used as an input to the transaction. An object describing a particular input. The output index number vout of the outpoint to be spent; the first output in a transaction is index 0. The sequence number to use for the input. The addresses and amounts to pay. Added in Bitcoin Core 0. The resulting unsigned raw transaction in serialized transaction format encoded as hex.

The transaction to decode in serialized transaction format. An object describing the decoded transaction, or JSON null if the transaction could not be decoded. The redeem script to decode as a hex-encoded serialized script.

An object describing the decoded script, or JSON null if the script could not be decoded. The redeem script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed. The type of script. This will be one of the following: It may be greater than 1 for P2SH multisig.

This value will not be returned for nonstandard script types see the type key above. This array will not be returned for nonstandard script types. The P2SH address of this redeem script. Updated in Bitcoin Core 0. JSON null when the node was disconnected.

The P2PKH address corresponding to the private key you want returned. Must be the address corresponding to a private key in this wallet. The private key encoded as base58check using wallet import format. The file in which the wallet dump will be placed. May be prefaced by an absolute file path. An existing file with that name will be overwritten. The passphrase to use for the encrypted wallet.

Must be at least one character. A notice that the server is stopping and that you need to make a new backup. The wallet is now encrypted. The maximum number of blocks a transaction should have to wait before it is predicted to be included in a block. Has to be between 2 and 25 blocks. The estimated fee the transaction should pay in order to be included within the specified number of blocks. The maximum number of blocks a transaction should have to wait before it is predicted to be included in a block based purely on its priority.

The estimated priority the transaction should have in order to be included within the specified number of blocks. The hex string of the raw transaction.

The bitcoin address to receive the change. If not set, the address is chosen from address pool. The index of the change output.

If not set, the change position is randomly chosen. Inputs from watch-only addresses are also considered. The default is false. The selected outputs are locked after running the rpc call. If not set, the wallet determines the fee. A json array of integers. The fee will be equally deducted from the amount of each specified output. The outputs are specified by their zero-based index, before any change output is added.

A output index number vout from which the fee should be subtracted. If multiple vouts are provided, the total fee will be divided by the numer of vouts listed and each vout will have that amount subtracted from it. The position of the added change output , or -1 if no change output was added. The number of blocks to generate. The RPC call will not return until all blocks have been generated or the maxium number of iterations has been reached.

The maximum number of iterations that are tried to create the requested number of blocks. An array containing the block header hashes of the generated blocks may be empty if used with generate 0. The hashes of the headers of the blocks generated in regtest mode , as hex in RPC byte order. The address to send the newly generated Bitcoin to. The hashes of the headers of the blocks generated, as hex in RPC byte order. The name of an account. We need one one coherent strategy so people will understand what they all are.

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What amazon does for—and does to—poor cities http: Amazon treats its 21st century warehouse workers the way the Coal barons treated 19th century miners. Smominru Monero mining botnet making millions for operators. Miscreants are turning to crypto-mining on infected PCs. Cryptocurrency botnets are rendering some companies unable to operate.

But then someone told them, apparently in all seriousness …. So they are changing the name: They will call it Sol. Wanna know the definition of DisasterCapitalism??? This article right here. Our Investment in Mammoth Media. Los Angeles Business Journal: Can a media company succeed without Facebook? This startup says yes. The year-old Swedish model left her native Stockholm ….

The power of pre-install shows itself once again Flash 0 Day In The Wild: Group At The Controls. Attackers Exploiting Unpatched Flaw in Flash. A critical Adobe Flash Player zero-day vulnerability is out in the wild Spectre shenanigans, Nork hackers upgrade, bad WD drives and more.

Time once again to disable Flash Player on your browser as new zero-day exploit pops up. Adobe warns of Flash zero-day, patch to come next week. New Adobe Flash Zero-Day exploit in the wild.

Nice exploration of the flip-side of China's AI push: Yitu, a top maker of facial-recognition systems used by police, is using image recognition tech to help diagnose cancer. How Amazon may prevent Alexa ads from activating Echo devices: It's an amusing 90 seconds that features celebrities like Gordon Ramsay …. Teaching Alexa when not to respond. Amazon has a neat trick for keeping Alexa quiet during its Super Bowl ad.

Amazon has tuned the Alexa Super Bowl ad so it won't activate Echo devices. Alexa will stay calm during Amazon's Super Bowl ad. Amazon has a clever trick to make sure your Echo doesn't activate during its Alexa Super Bowl ad.

Alexa won't be paying attention to Amazon's Super Bowl ad. Alexa figures out when it's your TV, and not you, trying to talk to it because it hears everyone else's TVs, too http: Omg, this is fascinating.

Apple offers free repairs for iPhone glitch. Apple is offering free repairs if your iPhone 7 won't connect to a cellular network. Apple offers free repairs for iPhone 7 devices that refuse to connect to cellular service.

How to repair your iPhone 7 for free: Is your device eligible for the programme? Apple Opens Repair Program for iPhone 7.

Apple launches free repairs for iPhone 7 glitch. It also requires a commitment to compliance, innovation, and much more. Who are today's leaders? Who's Hiring In Tech? Toys are preludes to serious ideas. Talented People Thrive Here. Building the future of finance. Work that empowers a better life. Empower Yourself -- and the World. This is what fitness sounds like. Come as you are. Do what you love. You might have heard of us

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