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I was hoping to get them sorted quickly. How many years has ThePirateBay been up? And this incident is certainly not the first of its kind. Bitinvestor on October 25, , I think you have quite a marvelous writing style, and also think this is article in particular is an excellent article well worth reading. I've gotten several phone calls usually at am in the morning with death threats, one of which knew my address. Transactions are entirely public, while those who transact are nearly private.

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services - Why did GLBSE close? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange

By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

Does anyone know why it closed? B Seven 2 5 Not sure the protection is warranted For not we have 3 answers with reputation 1 - one is just a random comment, one is making claims without giving sources, and one is balanced, but a bit uninformative.

I'd rather avoid the mess of the first two types of answers. I guess I'll start a conversation about this topic on meta. Everything else is either hearsay or speculation. Very simply, the tax man will want their cut of bitcoin activity. Right now people might be able to get away with just by saying that their business is that they sold bitcoins, but once the amounts become worth while tax agencies everywhere will start asking how people managed to aquire those coins in the first place , and this is partly where the money laundering side of things comes in as well.

What would have to be done for that? The initial plan was to make GLBSE itself a legal entity that met all the regulatory requirements, with the hope being that it would be something we could ease into.

But it became very clear that this was not going to be possible. Anyway, what are the difficulties with getting users their money back? A lot of that has to be done manually. When signing up users never agreed to have their contact details given to the issuer, and most of the issuers need a bitcoin address for them to payout to. Once the form went up, the whole process for closing your account is very very smooth and simple. OK, you have a form up now, asking for email and BTC address.

As you may be aware, there are internal disputes in Bitcoin Global. I was hoping to get them sorted quickly. Last I remember he had about BTC. I could probably do that. Obviously not all of them, do them in batches. The first batch will be getting their coins either later today or early tomorrow.

Anyway, what is the internal situation of the company at the moment? I can see theymos is not really on your side anymore. This ended up introducing a vulnerability, which was on the site for all of three days before I had found it and fixed it. It was a parallel programming issue.

So the result was one user had discovered this vulnerability and had taken advantage of it. The user had gotten away with about BTC. He flat out refused, under no circumstances would he release that information. Not just a shareholder, the treasurer. So really this incident was the first. No easy task getting the information or getting him to return the coins. Congratulations, I think that deserves a story in itself. I was going to, but on the news that GLBSE was going to go legit he said that he would resign and sell out.

Not a problem with people disagreeing. After that information I thought the point about the theft was moot. Well, I could understand that — he would need to stop being pseudonymous if btc global became an actual company, right? Yes, which was fine. This is why they were going to sell their stake in the business, and I was ok with that. It was him along with two others. The others who were with Theymos are the ones who have been posting on the forums.

He was perfectly happy for that to happen. You did say at the conference in London that you were willing to relocate to another country if necessary. So you would prefer a tightly regulated, possibly full AML on every issuer and buyer, UK exchange over the status quo someplace in Asia?

Is it true that the glbse bylaws disallow shutting down the glbse? The purpose of this document is to codify the governing bylaws of BitcoinGlobal, whose initial stated purpose is the development and maintenance of the Global Bitcoin Stock Exchange trading platform, but whose operations may extend to other areas with approval of the Members.

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