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On Fortune's Wings by pain17ification reviews Having seen how he pulled off bitcoinwisdom a village "treasure" and how that very village treats him, the Friendly Neighborhood Gullwings decide to enlist one Naruto Uzumaki into 79602 ranks. There's should be a balance to that in dungeons you know. Sapiens reviews Five little words that have the potential to change the course of a friendship and fan the flames of unrealized desire. This 79602 is strange, filled bitcoinwisdom interesting people and things, but no matter where you are one thing never changes; with a strong will anything is possible. She was born the sister of Neji, and bestowed the Caged 79602 seal at the age of three, but unlike bitcoinwisdom brother she would not roll over and accept 79602 fate, she bitcoinwisdom lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, and use anybody to get what she wants:

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Each class is good at certain things, especially outside of combat. A Different Path by Ulfserkr reviews It's been a year and a half since the incident with night howlers. Silent Moon by Blazeraptor54 reviews What stars shine beyond the shattered moonlight, what color are they? Live and let live by Floppster reviews A rabbit can't be a cop. What she never expected was to form a bond with the boy; a bond the two of them will decipher together. A Ghostly Love by Fox in the hen house reviews Travel to a time where the world was beginning to get larger, the future being realized, and the draw of progress all but irresistible to a young gray bunny. Will they play his game?

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Without any support or equipment ready in time, Chief Bogo has to come up with some way other than parking duty to keep the rabbit out of his horns. What job can he give the junior officer that will send her running back to her burrow?

Why, the most thankless of all: A Son of his own by Spectre47 reviews Basically the entire film over again, only this time, Nick has a son. Follow the two of them as they find themselves in an adventure to solve the missing mammals case with Judy Hopps, evade savages and how Nick realises just how important raising a son is.

Game of Life and Devils by general zargon reviews When Ichigo Kurosaki started to see names and levels floating over people's heads the day he moved to a new city, the only thing he could say was that it honestly wasn't the strangest thing that had ever happened to him.

Rated for language and violence. It was the product of the failed hopes of two of Zootopia's medical pioneers. They were an interspecies couple, who yearned for a child of their own. Genetics is not kind however, and these parings all too often lead to sorrow. What if he gained it a month early and another one as well?

Let the Games Begin The Heroic Calamity by AzureStoryTeller reviews Issei Hyoudou, a relatively normal but lonely boy thought he'd live a normal life until one day, he met someone that started a change in his lifestyle. Gaining the power of a Sacred Gear hosting an ancient dragon, Issei soon learns that his life is anything but normal, with enemies coming from the past and future.

Can he survive the coming ordeals? Issei x Female Vali. What if he and Ddraig became friends with Great Red before meeting Raynare? Trained in secret from a young age in preparation for his rival, Issei is shocked when it turns out to be a beautiful silver-haired girl who just transferred to Kuoh Academy with her blue-haired friend. Treated as a demon. Gathered as a slave. Viewed as a leader. Traveled as a Mage. Grew as a Legend.

Sakura Haruno, one of the most popular girls in school, sets her sights on Sasuke Uchiha to be her first boyfriend. Clueless of how relationships work, she seeks advice from Naruto Uzumaki, Konoha High School's infamous delinquent and known womanizer, to help her win Sasuke's heart. But does Naruto have an ulterior motive? Rated M for a reason. Silenced by the Lamb by George J. Valtom reviews Judy Hopps saw the mayor turn her best friend into a beast right before her eyes, just before he attacked her.

Miraculously she survived - and ended up hospitalized for weeks. When she's finally released, she finds a Zootopia sliding towards disaster. With Bellwether one step ahead, Judy will have to find the allies and courage needed to save both Nick and the city she loves.

Bellwether, OC - Complete. Just because he found himself in a new world, Naruto shouldn't have forgotten this. Now he must deal with angel, fallen angels, devils, perverts and god, all while maintaining a relationship and running his store. Things can never be simple for him.

Starless by Surburia reviews Scar survives the hyena attack, but is left in no state to reclaim his throne. Unable to leave the Pridelands, his survival will depend on Simba's ability to forgive, and his own wits. Simba struggles with his new responsibilities and the demons in his past.

A story of redemption or destruction and what falls between. But, if you knew your story had a bad ending, how far would you go to change it? This is the story of Nick Wilde; a mammal determined to find a happy ending. No Right Answers by Polsar reviews When Judy Hopps makes an embarrassing mistake, she must rely on the support of a fox she's only just met.

A plot unfolds that will impact the entire city. But how long can you hold onto a grudge? And is revenge worth sacrificing the only true happiness you have left? When awkward questions, hard work on the farm, and even a new case rear their ugly heads, though, what's a city slicker to do when he's so out of his element? Sequel to The Worst Connection. As Palpatine's Empire crumbles, Luke retreats to a grim self-imposed anonymity in the galaxy's Rim planets.

But he cannot outrun his past, and Imperials and Rebels alike are searching for the last Sith, their motives very different. Blackbird by AngryOwl reviews Singing in the dead of night, even broken wings won't keep him down.

He'll fly high into the light and all will hear his song. Sunderance by Kulkum reviews In a city where Predators rule, watched over by a single Alpha species Welcome to the Foxes Den. Collaboration Effort between myself and TheWyvernsWeaver. I do the stories, he does the comic. Her heart is full of bitterness and hate, now focused, laser-like, on Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde, the relationship her scheme created.

She would do anything to break them apart. And a being of great power hears that, and comes to try her, to test the strength of her 'anything. Zootopia was once a much darker place. What happens when the Nick Wilde that is and the Nick Wilde that could have been switch places?

Reality hopping shenanigans, that's what. The Gamer by andrew reviews Hyoudou Issei wakes up one day to find that he has the gamer ability that allows him to live his life like a gamer would play a game. Watch as he learns to use his power and change into something more than human. M - English - Humor - Chapters: Shadows, Assumptions and Lies by ScaraMedn reviews One night, Judith Hopps, daughter of the aristocracy, witnessed something she never imagined possible.

Her family's smug, boring butler, displayed a side she never thought possible, while her mother reacted not at all. Now, she wonders what other secrets he, and her mother, share. Drama, misunderstandings, humor and romance abound in the House of Hopps. But as a mysterious group starts taking out the biggest criminals in the city, he suddenly finds himself pulled in two different directions by his new life and his old.

Unfortunately for him, only one can win out in the end, and the other will be erased forever. For the Love of a Memory by Vindicated Skies reviews Church refused to perish on the very likely chance that Wash was right.

Halsey wasn't about to let humanity's most advanced AI rot in a lab, and Lord Hood certainly wasn't willing to watch mankind's saviour go into battle without someone watching his back.

The Chief just wished they had picked someone else. Cover art by Pilgrimwanders. Contrasts by tarienn reviews Occurs during the movie, right after Nick met Judy. Up to that point, Nick Wilde made a lot of mistakes, but some carry more consequence than others… some that are more far-reaching than he could ever have imagined. He hustled the wrong mammals, played the wrong cards, fell into the wrong crowd. But falling in love with Judy?

That was never a mistake. It all started with a con… Zootopia - Rated: They build, strive, decieve and even kill to fulfill what they believe is their destiny in the world, only to realize that in the grand scheme of the universe, even the most impactful actions will only be a dot in history.

Everything's essentially the start of nothing. This holds true for a small, blonde hero as well. Sackcloth and Ashes by pain17ification reviews During his final clash with Sasuke, Naruto is sent away from his home and everything he loved. Torn apart by his failure, he becomes a broken man that is found by a certain amber-eyed woman. Seeing worth in him, she offers him a new purpose in hopes of corrupting him to her cause. Along the way there are more attacks, protests, a new mayor, and a deviously unfolding plot to turn Zootopia against predators.

While he will inevitably end up under a bridge with Judy, this is the story of how he gets there Zootopia - Rated: Season 2 by sarsis reviews Judy is still reeling from the events of the last month, and she is very much ready for things to calm down so she recover and also come to terms with how she feels about the fox she nearly lost.

But, when it rains, it pours. They will take an assignment that challenges their comfort zones, and they will uncover a plot that may go beyond Zootopia itself, and out into the world. I'm Only Human by Plasnix reviews No one believed him.

Talk of a demon killing your family was about as crazy as it got. Issei Hyoudou was convinced it was a demon, but no one believed him. After ten years in Tokyo's psyche ward, Issei is sent to Kuoh academy to try to live a normal life, but finds more than he expected. Looks like he wasn't crazy after all. Issei, Raynare, Ddraig, Kalawarner. Incidental Matters by SkyeLansing reviews Following the second outbreak of savage mammals perpetrated by a fox going by the name of Flip the city of Zootopia has struggled to come to grips with the inter-species tensions the crisis provoked.

Now, just when it appeared that things were beginning to calm down, came an outbreak of brutal assaults and murders that has left the ZPD scrambling to contain the violence. The Fall by D3ath0ps reviews Savage predators are plaguing the streets of Zootopia and the prejudice in the city is worsening. Edward Snow, a wolf, predator, and writer for the newspaper company, the Daily Gazette, returns sorrowfully to his boring work-life. Not only will he face being judged by who he is as a predatory animal, he'll be tasked with creating the story of the century, or face unemployment.

Sweet Treatment by Fox in the hen house reviews Follow Dr. Sarah "Sundae" Hopps as she heals the sick and injured in Zootopia's largest hospital while also trying to survive her relationship with her bubbly brown bunny girlfriend, Trisha Rose.

Engine Trouble by Discord1 reviews AU. Who knew an aging, clunker of a car could bring a predator and prey together? Nick is a mechanic who meets a customer desperately trying to get one more year out of her rabbit-sized vehicle. A tale told mostly in drabbles. Immoral by Vellichor29 reviews Trauma can shape a mammal, sometimes physically, sometimes mentally. In a world where shock collars are placed on criminals, trauma seems everywhere.

But for Judy, her trauma has made her question her ideals. Is a good man who does bad things still good? Is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons still wrong? Maybe things aren't quite as black and white as she thought. A cold Reality by Floppster reviews Judy brought Nick out into the woods to show him where she spent most of her childhood.

With our favorite two mammals out alone in the middle of nowhere what could go wrong? Graphic Violence[you have been warned] Zootopia - Rated: T - English - Horror - Chapters: Soft Heart by A.

Gemar reviews "There is power in kindness," her grandmother once said, "a great power in the touch of a helping hand, that can tame even the most frightening of beasts," Kaylin tried to live by a creed of kindness, to value the life of any creature above all else, to be gentle, and to lend a hand where she could. But this beast lived by a creed of death and murder, and now, she belonged to it. If you'd like to read in though, feel free to.

Though, it isn't that well written, due to being rushed horribly. Were You Expecting Someone Else? And instead of berating him further, she beckoned him in her apartment. I need you now mo Zootopia - Rated: What should he do about this? Elements of Romance Games included in later chapters, so possible upgrade to M later. From that moment on, the two bearing the Clan name carried with them the fate of the Uzumaki and would be forever entwined.

Hikari to Yami by pain17ification reviews In the main timeline of Naruto's life, he never met his inner darkness until he was almost a man. What if his darkness formed sooner, given the right circumstances?

And what if his darkness sought, not to conquer light, but to protect it; to shield it from being hurt or deceived anymore? Through it all, would it be so surprising for the Darkness to love the Light?

Silence and Valiance by DrekkDeina reviews A red fox imprisoned for an act of kindness twisted into an accusation, being sold to a notable family to settle his debt to society as an indentured servant, and treatment of predators bordering on torturous and overly cruel. But for the fox a light may present itself and only time will tell if the light will blind or warm a broken soul.

Zootopia AU set in the Middle Ages. Kusari no Naruto by Digitize27 reviews Some monsters are born, others are created, some redeem themselves, others have to be redeemed; but the worst monsters are those that were never monsters to begin with.

A child's mind is a fragile thing; it will only take so much. The question is, what does it take to put back together? Passion Was Their Creation by Those-carrots reviews It was innocent, and his infatuation was somewhat of a secret.

It had grown with his age and had transformed into something he knew he couldn't control. She was his sensei after all, and it seemed mildly inappropriate. But, as they spent more time together Naruto couldn't brush away this pressure in his chest, this infatuation. KakashixNaruto Naruto - Rated: Live and let live by Floppster reviews A rabbit can't be a cop. There is just no way! That is what everyone told Judy.

And so it must be true right? She had tried her best and nothing had changed and nothing would ever change right? So why continue fighting? Warrior Instincts by Young Napoleon22 reviews There's no doubt that, had Goku never hit his head, Kakarot would have been a completely different person. Escaping being locked away by a chance accident Kakarot now has the chance to become the man, the warrior, and the Saiyan he was originally meant to.

No paring decided yet! Dragon Ball Z - Rated: Embrace It by Starfang's Secrets reviews Finally on the right side of the law, Nick keeps his savage condition from those around him, especially Judy. However, when a new criminal picks up where Bellewether stopped with the savage attacks, Nick learns that maybe being savage wasn't something to fear, but rather something to embrace in order to protect, not only innocents, but those he loves. Sequel to Primal Instincts. JxN Zootopia - Rated: Run by Euphonemes reviews With Ande As the city of Zootopia recovers from a massive conspiracy, decorated ZPD officer Judy Hopps struggles to find meaning in her profession.

But when an old friend offers up an idea on how she can truly serve her city and find purpose again, Judy will put to the test just what it means for anyone to be anything.

For over four decades, Grievous hid on a remote Outer Rim world in isolation and peace after barely surviving the Battle of Utapau. With the reemergence of a familiar soul in his life, his self-imposed exile might end; which may usher in unsavory results for the cyborg.

T for strong violence. May change to M due to it. Shinobi of the High Seas by Kenchi reviews Naruto's age has passed him by as his time is over. Now he attempts to seek out a place for himself in the new world, and it's bigger than he ever figured it to be! Assassin's Tale by CaveRaider reviews The story directly following furrwolf's fan fic "The Story of Nick Wilde, is the story about the best assassins in the business, and their "interactions" with the WildeHopps couple and their friends.

Yeah, I spoke to him. He's a big guy, he'll be okay. Not just physically, though. Stuff he's been through, takes more than just lifting a few weights to get past that. But, I saw his face when we split. Stuff he might go through now?

I don't know if he'll hold, carrots I just don't know. Coarse language, rating may go up if requested. The Bronc Town Abductions by Draes Letum reviews Once considered the single biggest failure in ZPD history was Chief Bogo's bane, an unsolved case that tarnished his perfect record, a failure that the savage case threatened to echo.

But as Nick and Judy follow a lead into what was once considered an impossible case, they find themselves chasing a shadow, racing against the clock as animals disappear every day it's at large. Consecution by tarienn reviews We all saw the conflicts within Zootopia, but what darkness lurks in the rest of the world? Special Operations Agent Jack Savage knows all too well the horrors that threaten Zootopia from outside.

But he is not the mammal he once was. A mysterious vixen from his past forces to light the darkness within; now he faces his greatest enemy, himself.

Watch the skies, Wilde. SavageSkye Zootopia - Rated: Dusted A Zootopia Story by DrekkDeina reviews Six months into their partnership and a year since the Nighthowlers incident, Judy and Nick are pulled into a convoluted plan involving a shadowy villain with cryptic words and motives. They must also come to grips with a discovery of both their feelings towards one another and past events come to light.

All of this starting with Nick becoming exposed to modified Nighthowler toxin. Love Dusted by DrekkDeina reviews In order to keep my main story "Dusted" from being shifted to an M-rating, I've put the 'lemon' portions into this story with bookmarks where each chapter goes called, Love Dusted.

It will tell you the most intimate stories pertaining to our favorite Zootopia duo. Review, favorite, boost my ego, and enjoy. Other than skipping a half-manic monologue from him what exactly did this change for everyone's favorite blonde ninja?

The Name of the Game by literalsin reviews A man from Earth wakes up to find himself stuck in the body of a fictional teenage boy with an ability that turns his life into a video game and foreknowledge of events to come. What could possibly go wrong? Rated 'M' for a reason. The Yakuza Ending by Navypink reviews After she first made a deal with the mysterious individual who called himself "The Yakuza", Ayano sees the benefits of using his help to dispose of her rivals.

Now that she is about to eliminate her final rival, an unexpected twist changes her life and forever connects her to the Yakuza's gang. Yandere-chan x Yakuza, rated T but might change to M later. One Hundred 'Boop's by Zanrok reviews Wagers are dangerous things. Now we pick up near the end of that story with a new one, or maybe just one from a different view; Endings are only ever just another beginning after all!

Fangmeyer, Wolford Zootopia - Rated: The Fox and the Rabbit by ShippingMammals reviews Taking place after the events in the Movie, starting directly after the Gazelle concert, the building feelings they both have to each other come to a head and take an unexpected turn. While mostly a slice of life as Judy and Nick find out more about each other, and try to figure out their relationship, loose ends from the missing mammals case will eventually emerge.

Ronin by TheWriteFiction reviews A rogue ninja can be somewhat of a liability; always wandering off to random places, interfering with other people's business, and getting into all sorts of trouble. But when not bound by any laws, orders or restrictions, this kind of ninja can be quite a terrifying force.

Sakura Hyuuga is a Bitch: Rebirth by Yojimbra reviews Sakura Hyuuga is a Bitch, that's all there was to it. She was born the sister of Neji, and bestowed the Caged Bird seal at the age of three, but unlike her brother she would not roll over and accept her fate, she will lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, and use anybody to get what she wants: Freedom, and the destruction of the Hyuuga clan.

SealMaster Sakura eventually Naruto - Rated: She is to raise him and help him grow, and in her success, she will be free of DxD's presence from her home. What she never expected was to form a bond with the boy; a bond the two of them will decipher together. Will he overcome this obstacle or will it shatter everything he's come to know?

It was in their very nature. From the beginning of life all the way up to the modern day, the mammals of the world had adapted over the centuries. It's what had kept their story going. But change is not always welcome, and the future can be decided.

When faced with the birth of Angel, which future would Zootopia choose? Standalone sequel to "Animal Instinct" Zootopia - Rated: The Savage Dark by Kulkum reviews With their feelings for one another still burning hot, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps leave their bubble of serenity to face the world. But what does it mean when Nick begins to display unusually aggressive behavior? Continues where The Broken Mask ended. She finds her trapped by lion long thought to be dead and is given little choice besides giving in to his demands.

A whole Lifetime apart by Floppster reviews In the year Judith Laverne Hopps finally fulfills her dream and embarks on the journey to colonize an entirely new world as a member of the Genesis Project. This forces her to leave everything behind earth, her familiy and most importantly her best friend. But the vast interstellar void is not nearly big enough to stop Nick and Judy from falling in love, or is it?

From first dates and meeting the parents to police corruption and a dark threat hunting from the shadows. Events both jeopardize their friendship and draw them closer. In Zootopia, no one says you can't dream dangerously. The dream they share takes two. Old Arrangements by Zanrok reviews Judy and Nick's senior year of Highschool might just get a little extra dose of drama when Nick's parents send him to finish school in Bunnyburrow after another fight with prey kids from the local ranger scouts.

And it might get even more complicated when and an old agreement made between their families during the hazy memories of their early childhood comes back with a vengeance. The Zootopia Princess Bride by Zanrok reviews Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles, hustles It's a tale of how the greatest romance in the world came to be. Inhabited by a primitive civilization of Humans with strange abilities, this planet hosts a brand new challenge.

But deep within, age-old secrets will reveal not all is as it seems. New Game Plus by DuncanIdaho reviews After a disaster worse than Sabaody, the crew are 'saved' by Vegapunk's experimental time machine. All of the crew is blown back into their past bodies with all of their memories. As Luffy slowly gathers them together again, the world will never be the same. Who wants the same old boring adventure? Screw the plot, and let the chips fall where they may. One Piece - Rated: Chosen of the Leaf by Xenriel reviews Team Seven recieves a new mission, to defend their home and world in an ancient and deadly tournament.

When Future meets Past by Floppster reviews In the year mammals have conquered space and spread throughout the galaxy. This lead to many mammals adventuring and taking all sorts odd jobs like mercenary work. One of these mammals is Judy Hopps. One day though her ship gets critically damaged causing her hyperspace jump to carry her through space and time. Now that she is standed in the past what is Judy going to do? Never Simple, Isn't It? When gruesome murders come to town, the new detectives are forced to team up with a mysterious special agent to uncover an ancient secret, all the while trying to figure out the most terrifying secret of all: M for violence, action, and sexual themes Zootopia - Rated: But his nervousness, anxiety, and low self confidence complicates things for him to join.

Yet his valiant heart compels him to try and be a defender in the city, despite the teasing and mockery he receives on a daily basis. I'm Not My Father by pain17ification reviews Orochimaru, after defecting from the Leaf, had someone steal donated eggs from the hospital.

One set of those eggs belonged to Kushina Uzumaki. Using his own seed, he has a woman carry his heir; but she escapes to the Leaf before dying in childbirth. Growing up with his father's sins weighing him down, how will Naruto prove he's not his father? Maybe a pale-eyed heiress can help She did not consider the consequences of what her actions might bring, or the danger she might be in.

A chance run in with a single irreverent, and possibly crazy, person in a bar changes the course of fate for an entire galaxy. The Bloody Ashikabi by Arawn D. Rated M for mention of torture and child abuse, and future language and gore. There will be some Dumbledore, Potters, and some Weasley bashing. With nothing left, he has to decide how to end the last day of Chief Wilde.

Dawn of the Gamer by Legend of the Kyuubi reviews At a young age Naruto grew up with little to no friends. Because of this he grew up with a love of video games. One day somehow he woke up with the ability to view life as a video game. Naruto has no idea what to make of this, but decided to make the most of it.

The Gamer has arrived. Great Clan Days by Kenchi reviews Senju Hashirama's dream to unify all of the warring clans of his country under one village remained just that; a dream. Generations later, the ninja world still consists of pure clan affiliation. Enacting peace through understanding has fallen to the side. A catalyst is needed for any kind of change to occur, and it is all found in a little boy After all, love is complicated, especially between predator and prey. Years later, he finds himself living the life he could only dream about, but was never brought to reality.

But, how far will his reality last until his past catches up with him? Nick has spent twenty years building up barriers to keep everyone from seeing the real fox, but what's a fox to do when a certain bunny can see right through those barriers and has set her sights squarely on him?

Mr and Mrs by RetractedEmotions reviews Weeks after the Night Howler scandal, Judy Hopps continues to pursue and write her story to make Zootopia a better place for everyone but something is hiding in her mind that she does not know what it is yet.

A sly Nick Wilde is on another pursue, the love of his life. The New Age by radredknuxfan reviews Bellwether's plan goes off without a hitch, and in an effort to assert her power, she brings back the tame collars in an attempt to control the predator population. As for Nick and Judy, they're trying their best to live their lives, but when things get worse, they know that they have to stop her.

AU based off of Zistopia draft. Cover by TurningTides from DeviantArt. Bellwether, Finnick - Complete. But things have changed, sitting just beyond in the shadows lies another mystery. A series of events that will threaten to upset the very foundations of Zootopia and change it's soul forever. But before he falls into his doom, he wakes up as a cub with his adult memories. Now he must find a way to stop his evil uncle and save Mufasa from his death, before it's too late.

Nick comes to visit, but a drugged Judy sets a chain of events into motion that makes them both wonder if they can just be friends anymore. Rated M for language and lemon juice in this slice of life blueberry pie Zootopia - Rated: Freedom by everythingwasblue reviews Judy Hopps has always hated predators, ever since she was a young child.

Lucky for her, all of them are forced to wear collars and to help protect society from their possible wrath, she joins the police force. However, when she's forced to team up with a predator in order to save Zootopia, she's faced with one question: The Conspiracy by Zanrok reviews Winter is one of Zootopia's most interesting seasons.

It's the time of year when many mammals choose their mate, it's a season with love in the air… except that some are too blind to see it. And others are fed up with those oblivious idiots and are determined to do something about it… at any cost. Family Ties by Blenderguy15 reviews Sequel to The Strongest Bonds When you've been through heaven and hell with someone close to you, it's hard to let them go.

After Hunter, Nick had no intentions of letting Judy go whatsoever. But when his past arises in the form of a new case and a new villain, the duo's bonds will be tested, and if Nick and Judy aren't careful, those bonds will break beyond repair. A Dark Obsession by Sabaku Ookami reviews Mikoto finds an eight year old Naruto hung from a tree by a rope, she saves him and finds out he tried committing suicide, and not just that time, but dozens of times and something triggers in her, making her obsessed with the blond boy.

Die Another Day by NeonZangetsu reviews Death has a funny way of coming back to bite you when you least expect it. Having lost the fourth shinobi war, Uzumaki Naruto is content to do just that; to die and pass on to the afterlife. Unfortunately, the Shinigami has other plans for him.

Plans that involve righting the wrongs of the past, restoring a broken clan to power and creating a family all his own. We just call them night howlers by Bluelighthouse reviews The mastermind behind the night howler attacks is behind bars,the lab that created the drug has been destroyed, and a cure has been made. All should be calm right? Judy and Nick have to face a new foe using a familiar drug to cause chaos in Zootopia. Rated M for major adult themes.

You know, the fun kind! What I Didn't Do by GarrulousParakeet reviews Nicholas Wilde is to be put to death in just under half an hour for a crime he may or may not have committed. He fully intended on dying today, but a certain rabbit he knew had a habit of upsetting his plans. Learning to trust your loved ones despite the circumstances. The Fallen Chronicles by Jacato reviews Knowledge was a key. It unlocked the mind, it freed the spirit.

Almost no one knew about life outside the city-state, no one except for those in control. Nick had always lived a life of outcast and discrimination, but as society begins to crumble, he must do what he can to find the answers rarely asked for — and more importantly — to survive in a corrupted world turned against him.

Worlds Collide by jpjustinsong reviews In this alternate universe, Judy never graduated from the police academy, and Nick One day, the fox shows up at her farm to buy blueberries. He attempts to flirt with her, she didn't like it. But she had the same feelings for him. Come along with this journey, where they'll find love and a new future. I don't own Zootopia and all the rights. The Mastermind by CreativePanda22 reviews When two dismembered bodies are found in an alley, Nick and Judy are put on the case.

However, when an envelope turns up on the crime scene, the letter inside is for Judy. A series of strange and heart-wrenching events will send the pair on a hunt all over Zootopia for the murderer that goes by the name of The Mastermind. Will they play his game? Or will The Mastermind run free? T Zootopia - Rated: Falling in love with Vitani, he gradually abandons his friends and family to follow Scar's pawprints Inspired by the "Lions Over All" song.

Through the Eyes of by Reain reviews Haunted by failures and overcome with grief, Naruto Uzumaki resigned himself to his fate. When a sudden outbreak has the dead hunting the living, Naruto will have no choice but to stand and fight. The question is, what is there left to fight for? The Rising of House Orobas by Sabaku Ookami reviews Blood-adopted by the last member of a devil house Naruto has to revive his new family's House and learn to live amidst devils and other supernatural creatures.

City Fox in Bunnyburrows by The-crazy-lone-wolf77 reviews Young Nick figured he'd slide his way through life doing the same thing, until the day he's caught by his mom and sent to live in Bunnyburrow for a summer.

Will it be as terrible as he thinks, or will we certain bunny make everything better. Fall by Eragon05 reviews It all begin with two murder cases, but quickly escalated into an all out gang war between the two most powerful crime families in Zootopia.

Nick and Judy have only been partners on the force for six months and yet they must now team up with friends and enemies both new and old if they are to save their city. Rated T for violence and mild swearing. When Judy is raised by King Simba and his family she grows up to be the first bunny royal guard swearing to protect the family she has grown to know but when she meets a street smart fox and a lion whose a rogue, she and the princess face a great challenge: But the path to love is not easy with danger lurking around every corner.

A Year to Detective by Essai reviews But a cop is fun, sure- but there has to be something to make the job more exciting. It's a one year wait until Nick Wilde can start his detective training, and trying to clean up a small neighborhood seems the best way to pass the time until the year is up.

But how bad could one slum be? I Am The Protagonist by Cuddly Cat reviews Clicking on an ad by accident, Naruto is brought to a landing page detailing an experience far too unbelievable to be anything other than a game…only to find that it applies to real life. Affection is quantifiable, achievements give perks, actions earn money, and he can use it all to pick up girls… He will do his best to advance the PLOT. A Different Path by Ulfserkr reviews It's been a year and a half since the incident with night howlers.

Our well-matched partners, Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps, have since become a couple. Following a night of intimacy in which they both reflect on their what lives might have been without each other, they find themselves in an alternate universe where things have taken a much darker turn.

What if Bellweather had the real serum? And what if an injured bunny risked it all for her friend? Can their friendship merely survive the strain or will it strengthen them even more?

Rated M for future stuff Zootopia - Rated: The Money Shot by N'yrthghar reviews In the underground of Zootopia, one name is feared and respected by all. But no one knows how they rose to power - until one lucky reporter is given the chance to write the story of a lifetime. One thing that is clear is that Nick has been keeping many secrets from his partner. Judy has a choice: Either way, she needs to catch him first. Recovery by CandySandy reviews when Nick and Judy are assigned to a case by Bogo, they thought it would be like any other one.

Soon enough, they're proven wrong. When someone from a bad part of Nick's past shows up, eventually leaving Nick hospitalized, he feels like he's lost his sense of worth. This book will go deeper into Nick's past and how he truly feels.

Valerie Payne, a woman torn by her need for freedom against the demon who loves her. When his past clashes with her future, they will have no choice but to come together to face a threat they never thought could exist.

Jackie Chan Adventures - Rated: The Coming Storm by Morguerat reviews Like a phoenix born of the ashes, a sinister presence begins to fester from the ruins of Bellwether's failed experiment, bent on revenge. Ropes of shadow begin to infiltrate throughout the city with a single goal, destruction.

Whispers of a forgotten foe send chills with the words, "Fear always works! Naruto the Vampire High Schooler by fairy tail dragon slayer reviews Monsters who mirror ninja, in a separate but similar reality, sometimes the most unlikely of friends get together, as if it were destiny.

Purpose by owli reviews Judy Hopps is a prostitute. She's been on the streets for six years alone and abandoned. Of course she didn't choose this life, to sleep around just to make enough money to pay the bills.

When she meets Nick Wilde a cop who tries again and again to help her she figures out just what her purpose is in life. And Nick is going to do everything he can to show her, she is his. Is it all too late? Secrets are revealed, but are these the answers he was seeking? Enemies, friends, who can be trusted? Who will survive the confrontation?

Chapter 69 now available. When will this finish? No one thought to show him the light until he found it on his own. Born in darkness, raised in shadow for all his life, will this blade rebel, turn on the empire he swore to protect, or will he remain loyal?

Only time will tell. Spiraling Flames by thatreaderguy reviews The battle in the caverns beneath Ba Sing Se goes horribly wrong, ending up with Azula being flung into a whole new world. Now, in order to find a way home, and to survive in this strange new world she must make a deal with the Hokage of Konoha. In exchange for letting her live in the village and helping her find a way home, she must live with and help care for one Naruto Uzumaki.

Last Airbender - Rated: Why is it so hard for them to understand? Perhaps that doesn't really matter anymore.

There'll be another time. Little did she know that Nicholas Wilde entered that same year, striving to become the first fox on the ZPD. When strong minds and fit bodies clash, chemistry erupts into the unavoidable. Erotica, smut, and a comic to go along with it.

Find out DA account for comic Zootopia - Rated: Fragments by Paqer reviews After a fatal accident resulting in death, Nick Wilde was given a second chance to fix things by going back to the past.

But he soon learns that travelling in time is not a simple walk in the park, especially after he learns that he could change his life and the lives around him, or worse. What do you have? You have a huge wrench in a Sith Lords plans. On the inside by Xwhitewolf14 reviews Judy and Nick love each other.

They met years ago through a mutual friend, Mr. They bonded over the years and eventually hooked up during a job involoving the disposle of witness. Big also considered her family, and not wanting weaver that trust, became his mammal on the inside. She faked everything and in the process solved the case with Nick who begged to join her. A path to travel together by Ziegelzeig reviews The story starts after the arrest of Bellwether and covers all the following events.

The return of Judy within the ZPD, Nick's entrance to the Police Academy, their beginnings as partners, and also the unexpected development of their relationship The whole thing in the midst of new adventures full of mysteries and dangers. Dragonslayer by KitsuneDragon reviews He said he saw great potential in my small body and he raised me. Because of him I lived,I learned Even if he didn't call me the same.

I am his son, I am his student T - English - Chapters: Tempest by cywsaphyre reviews Back in time and armed with years of future knowledge, Sakura is ready to take the world by storm. Ah well, nobody said she couldn't start a little early. Gen, time travel, AU, Sakuracentric. Chance for a Prophecy by Dorcyy reviews You can't stop the flow of time. Its wheel only whirls in one direction. It is impossible for a mere human to change that path. But sometimes the impossible must be done… Naruto time travel fanfiction.

Silent Hero in Emerald by minnichi reviews Dai Li agents do not question their rules. Those who threaten the balance of Ba Sing Se are to be eliminated at once - no exceptions. One agent, however, finds it terribly difficult to obey after the rules decide to silence the love of his life.

Sapiens reviews Five little words that have the potential to change the course of a friendship and fan the flames of unrealized desire. Picking up where the movie leaves off, follow Nick and Judy as they explore how deep their feelings truly run, and how messy real life can be.

My first fic so reviews are greatly appreciated! Updates Fridays Zootopia - Rated: Thicker Than Blood by aemx reviews Begins with an expanded peek at Nick Wilde's Academy training, graduation, and first day as a cop with Judy Hopps, then follows the life of Nick and Judy and their budding friendship that becomes more than either imagined. Its inhabitants were left slaughtered or scattered. However, what if the members of Uzushio's famed Uzumaki weren't as scattered as people thought?

What would it mean for one Uzumaki Naruto? I've decided to break with…I don't know, tradition if you will, and post the rewrite as a separate entity since I have changed a lot of the story, hopefully for the better.

But even with the help of Nick, will she be able to return to being a police officer, or be forced to remain in the town where she grew up?

Officer Nick Wilde has surprised himself with his turn around from a confox to an officer of the law, and he owes it all to his partner, Judy. For once, he is happy. That is, until an old enemy forces him to go savage and nearly kill his best friend Left only to become the scapegoat of their pain, his unreasonable suffering is the consequence.

In time, Naruto is forced away from the village and comes upon a truth regarding his heritage that will shake the foundations of the Nations. Coming to reward them by J Shute Norway reviews Two decades ago Nick Wilde and his family fled Zootopia, escaping the laws and prejudice that tainted their lives.

Two decades ago Nick Wilde and his family settled in a land far away, hope in their eyes and the wind in their uncollared necks. Two decades ago Nick Wilde left Zootopia, but now he's back. He's on a mission, and nothing can stand in his way. Not even a certain Bunny. Honey Badger, OC - Complete. Nick Wilde, a sly, slick witty fox officer. Two great partners, one crazy relationship. Join Judy and Nick as they try to work out their "inter-species" relationship.

But, it can't be the craziest thing. As we know, in Zootopia, "anyone can be anything. Cover image done by my editor, Legoaustin Warped Reflection by Fencer22 reviews Naruto was always alone. He just wanted a friend. So he made one. Or, where a Jinchuriki goes crazy without being a violent physco, or depressed loner. Highschool Sweetheart by Weird-Feddish reviews Its Judy's last year of highschool at Charleston High, she experience's new things like partying and drinking, but the question is can she do all of that with an annoying fox on her tail, bothering her left and right, trying to test Judy's feelings for him, which are there 'yet', I guess well just have to find out.

Adventure in Zootopia by pizzafan reviews A 14 year old girl lived a normal life unil she went to bed and ended in a place where talking animals exsisted and not only that, they acted like humans did.

Animals of all kinds lived there. While she was there, she met a fox who happened to be a Con Artist. From there, everything changes. What will she do in this place where everything is different, but simular at the same time?

Let me know what you guys think, feel free to drop me a line. I've put it as [T] cos I really don't think it's worth an [M] but i don't particularly get the rating system. Trials and Tribulations of a Different Kind by Lucario reviews The Butcher of Zootopia is behind bars, Nick and Judy brought down the madmammal who skinned his victims. But the cost might be too much. Will their relationship stay strong as they are now faced with his trial, or will these new tribulations tear them apart for good?

And Nick is Too by Armasyll reviews Somebunny just won't die, and they just 'had' to drag Nick along for the ride. Adom, the Shinobi of Sun by godospartan the Kitsune reviews When Naruto's no longer needed he runs away from his new found torment.

Before he could be captured by it, he gets teleported to a new place entirely. He finds he has no Chakra, no power, only his skills and hands to keep him alive. What will he do when a God offers him power again?

Why, do what he was felt was his true purpose in life of course! Run by radredknuxfan reviews Nicholas Wilde is just about the most normal fox you'd ever see. Questions continue to flow through his mind about what happened, but when a normal patrol ends with him waking up with his paws covered in blood and three maimed suspects next to him, he knows that he has to find out.

AU, but movie is canon. But when they encounter a relative they thought was dead, danger sets in. How can they survive the very lion Kion swore he would never become? Stark Contrasts by tarienn reviews Explicit one-off chapters from Contrasts. Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps are now together, but sometimes love comes with physical limitations.

Even so, maybe the most fun comes with figuring out what fits where. Nick and Judy are nothing if not relentlessly persistent after all. Just another day at the job by Steelwall5 reviews Judy and Nick finally get their first big case after the events of the movie. The simple murder case ends up going much deeper than they expected and leads them on a hard path that brings them closer together.

Rated T for mild swearing, violence and romance which contains adult themes. Tears for a Fox by StoryCrusader reviews For Judy, it had been another day with Nick, but that all changes in an instant. The surgical room is turned into a battleground for the fox's life. Judy's heart is tormented. She wants to tell Nick how she truly feels about him, but everything hinges upon if the fox survives. And if he does, can he ever walk again? Can two mammals get a happy ending, or will this tear them apart?

Hardboiled by Trash Bean reviews A fatal attack drags Detectives Wilde and Hopps into the shadowy underworld of Zootopia, forcing them to rely on each other more than ever before. As the conspiracy pulls them deeper down the rabbit hole, the strength of their forbidden romance faces the ultimate test.

Sexual chapters are marked with -XXX. Blood, violence, sex, and drug use. Highlander by Zeronone reviews Nick and Judy find themselves in a adventure like no other as a deadly game as old as time is being played out.

One will learn of a world they couldn't believe existed while the other tries to come clean about their involvement. Can the two friends survive the truth and the secrets, or will the giant secret destroy what they have? There can be only one! To make a victory, you break something mighty and rebuild it piece by piece. To make a life, you glue the pieces together and hope for the best.

Kurama's still getting the hang of this 'human' thing, but since he's 30 years back in time with a blond brat to save, he'll have to figure things out on the fly. Slash Naruto - Rated: Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, just calculate your result as if you had rolled a Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes twenty times as long as making a single check would take. Since taking 20 assumes that the character will fail many times before succeeding, if you did attempt to take 20 on a skill that carries penalties for failure, your character would automatically incur those penalties before he or she could complete the task.

The 5e version is a little more forgiving; it only requires 10x the normal time investment rather than 20x, and grants automatic success [1] rather than "the result as if you had rolled a 20".

Of course, DM discretion should still be used - if you set a check's DC to 30, you probably had a good reason for doing so, and could certainly be justified in rejecting the possibility of automatic success on such a check. Another option is to make bad rolls trigger traps even traps you hadn't necessarily planned for those spots.

If currently there's only upside to constant checking why wouldn't your players do it? Of course in the wrong table environment it can escalate the adversarial nature of the game so use with caution.

By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games.

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If I say they need to declare their actions, the game goes like this: How do I deal with it? Well, it turns to be a problem when the player says the same thing every damm time he faces a new area. I got this player who said to me to be prepared for the ammount of time he would say this when I denied this "automatic active search mode". And, for god sake, every damm time I introduced a new area the first thing I heard was "I check in the floor, the wall, etc.

When one player does this and the other three don't, it's clear that it is a player problem. Wait, is it one player, or all of them? The question says its all your players, but that last comment says it's only one. PH, page Meaning that you, the DM, ask the players to roll when you think it is necessary. PH page , right-hand column. Improving Passive Checks Of course, I'm sure your players want a way to be "extra vigilant" and buff their passive scores.

The Alert feat means they can't be surprised Dungeon Delver grants advantage when looking for secret doors and making saving throws vs. Christopher 8, 1 30 Use their Passive Perception score. Passive Perception is used when you note something by chance. Advance time for anything happening in the dungeon. If they're making noise, have them attract attention, curiosity, etc.

If the above aren't applicable, let them waste the day away and deal with the consequences. On the subject of making time matter, wandering monsters "random encounters" in older systems were generally based on time.

Make time matter A Master sometimes needs to adapt to players. Albert Masclans 2, 2 10 In addition, if the player wanted to "I check for traps and secret doors" and "hear anything unusual" and "walk silently", I'd be hitting them with an extremely slow move speed. Or perhaps throwing something at them telling them not to be cheesy. Premier Bromanov 8, 4 35 I really like this as a rule, it completely puts the onus on the players to create a more rounded team and neatly uses 2 rules to find a fair solution to a problem.

If this happens so often that it irritates you, you should ask yourself two things: Do you WANT characters to miss dangers and secrets? Why else would you want them not to scan all places? Perhaps you want them to have it rough from time to time, I'm not judging, it's part of any game. Or are you just frustrated that they want to skip the actual work and session time it takes to mention this every time and solve everything with simple dice rolls?

Perhaps you want them to "roleplay" their search if they're going to take advantage of it. If the answer to any of the questions is yes, I have two solutions for you: You should check if you're over-punishing players Doom-style where they can't be off-guard for a second or they'll fatally miss most dangers and secrets in a dungeon.

It's unfair with the players and leads to behaviour like what you described. There's should be a balance to that in dungeons you know. Start making more complex traps and secrets in dungeons, Indiana Jones-style.

For example, a room that includes a dangerous puzzle can't be disarmed just by rolling d You'll describe what they see and they'll have to work with what they know, using logic or trial and error.

It leads to engaging and generally fair challenges. RafaelLVX 1 5 As others have pointed out there is a direct automatic option with the passive values.

PHB , "Travel Pace": Emphasis added The surrounding context of this excerpt indicates that it should only be applied when the following conditions are true: It makes sense to use the same check to repeat the same actions for subsequent attempts.

There is no penalty for failing the check lack of the successful outcome is not a "penalty" in this regard. This appears to be the 5e equivalent to the 3.

Conclusion Offer your players the following options: When moving at a normal pace 30 feet per round , I'll use your passive Wisdom Perception scores to see if you notice any hidden monsters or traps. Monsters that aren't hiding will notice you at the same time that you notice them. When moving at a slow pace 20 feet per round , your characters are being stealthy.

I'll use your Dexterity Stealth checks against the Wisdom Perception checks of any monsters that are actively searching for you, and against the passive Wisdom Perception scores of any monsters that aren't searching.

I'll also use your passive Wisdom Perception scores to see if you notice any hidden monsters or traps. I secretly roll a Wisdom Perception check for you every round. This will slow down gameplay as I make all these rolls - after all, if I only rolled when there was something to find, it would be too obvious a clue.

And of course, you run the risk that I roll less than 10, and you miss something that your passive Perception would have allowed you to notice. At this pace, I'll grant you an automatic success on your Perception checks. And, of course, when moving at a fast pace 40 feet per round , I'll use your passive Wisdom Perception scores, with a -5 penalty, to see if you notice any hidden monsters or traps.

Dan Henderson 1, 3 If they didn't, you may as well just be rolling 1d instead of 1d20! Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.

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