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Maybe avoid future Hyperinflation by eventually turning off all not official cryptos?? Nick is a musician, software engineer and philosophy undergrad at the University of Toronto. Since ConsenSys began operations before the Ethereum ecosystem existed, ConsenSys has also built core infrastructure elements like Ethereum clients, testing frameworks, rapid application development frameworks, and Integrated Development Environments. Holding a BSc Computer Science degree from Queen Mary UoL, Eric has a growing interest in how blockchain technology can contribute to social impact by incentivising peer to peer behaviours. Fresh off a fairly well-received, if unexciting, sojourn to the globalist-friendly World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump is due to deliver his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night. Prior to Deloitte, Kishore led architecture teams at Fidelity Information Services FIS to build and implement their TouchPoint suite of channel solutions that are currently in use at several leading financial institutions. But Ottawa and Mexico City strongly oppose the proposal that autos produced on the continent should have 50 percent U.

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Has participated and help organize most Bitcoin and Blockchain meetups, workshops and hackathons in Mexico. Julie joined Medici Ventures as Director of Research in Before joining full time, Karl served as a subject matter expert advisor for the Energy group at ConsenSys. Medicinal Genomics made worldwide news in when it publicly released the first genome sequence for Cannabis sativa L. Kyle is a serial technology entrepreneur from Austin, TX.

Prior to founding Multicoin, Kyle founded Pristine, which built software for Google Glass for use by surgeons. Pristine was acquired in Prior to Pristine, Kyle worked for VersaSuite, a healthcare IT company that builds electronic medical records for hospitals.

He assumed a number of roles at VersaSuite across engineering, product management, and sales. He has been programming and building computers since he was 10 and is an avid writer across a number of Internet publications. He has been investing in the cryptoasset space since He never lost his appetite for hacking and continues to contribute code to the various Company Zero projects.

In his spare time he enjoys hacking on his pet projects around a busy social schedule. Marco is also an avid open source developer and has worked on many projects such as OpenBSD, Bitrig, xombrero, spectrwm etc.

He is practically minded and scratches whatever itch he has. Currently he is working on a user-transparent cryptographic communications suite. FTL is credited by many early adopters as giving Bitcoin the early boost that it needed to break through into the world-changing tech that it is today. Mark loves crypto and reports on major stories often. He serves as an advisor to Network Society Labs, Humaniq, Securrency, and Social Evolution and has been involved in several early-stage blockchain startups, including Ubiquity, Trive.

She is the author of the best-selling book Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy. She is a faculty member at Singularity University. Since , Michael has been investing and doing economic analysis in a variety of digital game currencies, and has been involved in Bitcoin since early , including in mining, investing, venture funding, and as a Bitcoin business consultant for various startups around the world.

Michael is considered one of the most trusted members of the Bitcoin community, having been a treasurer and head of the first bitcoin charity, Bitcoin from until , a treasurer holding hundreds of bitcoins for the Bitcointalk.

He started his first company over 8 years ago. His second company continues to operate and generates over 10M USD in revenue per annum. Pablo has over 10 years of design, marketing, and product development expertise. He is also one of the founders of the Mexican Fintech Association. Paul is CEO and Co-Founder of Airbitz, a mobile wallet and single-sign-on security platform for Blockchain technology and decentralized applications. Airbitz has won accolades including being one of the top 3 mobile apps for Bitcoin in the Blockchain Awards, being voted in the Top 50 FinTech Companies to Watch by AlwaysOn Inc, and receiving first place in the Inside Bitcoins and Coin Agenda pitch competitions.

Robert Long previously served as a senior attorney at the U. Department of Justice DOJ. As a result, Rob is uniquely qualified to defend regulatory and white collar investigations and prosecutions; advise corporations, hedge funds, broker-dealers, investment advisers, and other market participants on compliance and regulatory matters; and conduct internal investigations. Rob successfully led enforcement cases involving high-frequency trading, complex products, inadequate anti-money laundering AML compliance programs, due diligence violations, supervision failures, misrepresentations in oil and gas offering materials, unsuitable recommendations, net capital violations, and broker misconduct.

Rob is also a former federal prosecutor. As an Assistant U. Secret Service, and Postal Inspection Service, to prosecute high-profile white collar and public integrity cases. As a former federal prosecutor, Rob is versed in overt and covert investigative tactics.

Prior to joining Algebraix Data, Robin Bloor was a leading advocate for data algebra. He has more than 30 years of experience in the world of big data and information management, and is an influential and respected researcher and commentator on many corporate IT issues and strategies.

He is the author of several books on a variety of topics, including e-commerce, service management and cloud computing. His most recent book is The Algebra of Data: Sherman, PhD, the mathematician who invented the algebra of data.

As an analyst for The Bloor Group and Bloor Research, Robin has written scores of white papers, research reports and columns. Rolf Versluis is co-founder and technical operations manager of the privacy oriented cryptocurrency ZenCash. Rolf is an experienced data network security professional with over a decade of experience designing, installing, and troubleshooting systems as the CTO of the company he founded in the IT industry.

In the cryptocurrency industry, in addition to his work at ZenCash, Rolf operates a private Bitcoin and Altcoin mining facility with operational systems, and hosts the Block Operations blog and YouTube channel providing instruction and assistance to cryptocurrency miners worldwide.

For both ZenCash and mining, Rolf uses his electrical, nuclear, and data network engineering background as well as his management and leadership experience from running his 60 person company and as a US Navy submarine officer operating out of Hawaii for four years. Sheldon constantly seeks the opportunity to solve industry problems with novel solutions.

Sheldon is well-versed in creating long term value within organizations and seizing market opportunities. Sterlin Lujan is the Communications Ambassador for Bitcoin. Veteran financial cryptography expert and creator of the Warrant Canary and Street Performer protocol.

Co-developer of eCache, an early untraceable digital cash system. Director at MojoNation and Wi-Fi spec creation participant. Steven is the co-founder of Rivetz Corp. Rivetz provides app developers services and tools to enable simple integration of embedded cyber security capabilities of modern devices.

Rivetz is playing an important role in providing the key technologies for the protection of private keys, encryption and secure instructions for blockchain, identity, messages, IoT and cryptocurrencies. Steven Wilkinson is a certified cryptocurrency, blockchain and information security professional. He brings more than 10 years of experience in technology leadership, IT and security consulting to Algebraix Data, Inc.

While researching a solution for secure value transfer across the Internet, Steven discovered Bitcoin in early and began building multiple mining operations around it. Since then, he has been working and advising on a variety of blockchain projects and startups in this emerging ecosystem, including multiple token crowd sales. In , Steven founded the Bitcoin consulting firm, Austin Bitcoin, which is one of the first BitPay merchant integration partners.

Tai and his team were early crypto investors and is now retired and spends his free time traveling, building trading and portfolio management tools, and educating individuals and hedge funds learn how to invest in cryptocurrencies in addition to serving as private advisors on ICO projects he invests in.

She has over 15 years experience in accounting and tax compliance services. Because of her passion with solving IT problems, she immediately became excited with Blockchain and its potential to become a universal virtual currency.

Her research in the world of digital currency is ever-evolving. She continues to stay informed on Congressional legislation and Internal Revenue Service treatment of digital currency. Tawanda Kembo has been geeking out about bitcoin since and has been deeply involved in bitcoin and the blockchain technology since Tawanda has launched, contributed to and consulted for several blockchain-related projects in Africa so he understands the bitcoin landscape in Africa very well.

Tawanda has spoken at several blockchain conferences worldwide, is a widely published author of bitcoin-related articles and blog posts. Previously, Tawanda started his career as a software engineer having writing his first software program in when he was 13 years old. Tiana Laurence is an author, investor, and startup founder. Tiana helped create Factom Inc. Her passion is growing great companies, and she loves helping young aspiring entrepreneurs learn about business and technology.

Silicon Valley Entrepreneur — 2 Exits. Founded DAI, world leading private equity firm focused on acquiring ultra profitable websites. Before ConsenSys, Will led product at a hedge fund where he launched an options analysis tool.

Karl recently graduated from The University of Texas at Austin, where he received his PhD in Materials Science researching advanced battery technologies.

Before joining full time, Karl served as a subject matter expert advisor for the Energy group at ConsenSys. He is now the Director of Energy at ConsenSys.

He is the founder of the biggest Bitcoin prediction market, Fairlay, but has shifted his focus to Ethereum and co-founded the decentralized Gnosis prediction market - the first bigger DAPP that went live on Ethereum. Closely related to prediction markets is his work on decentralized market driven governance mechanisms: Beyond the entrepreneurial activity Martin has done research on the economic incentive structure of different consensus mechanisms and scalability solutions via state channels.

Marc Lijour helps people and organizations realize their full potential, leveraging technology and freedom to innovate. He started his career in education, later focusing on system change in government and large public sector organizations.

Marc also helps start ups and larger organizations launch new and exciting products with a high potential to disrupt the industry status quo. He has been an active Free Software evangelist for the last 20 years. Enterprise development, implementation and delivery experience at a variety of Fortune companies. University of Waterloo, Honours Computer Science alumni. Currently creating web3 crypto token economies on the Ethereum blockchain with focus on disruptive decentralized products, security, developer tools, and n-sided ecosystems as part of the ConsenSys Mesh.

Matt dove into the cryptocurrency space in after becoming fascinated by the potential for smart contracts and blockchains to revolutionize information economies.

Currently he works on strategy and communications for Gnosis. When not DAO-whispering he composes algorithmic music and dreams of a future Skynet-on-a-blockchain.

Subsequent to graduating cum laude with a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Princeton, he worked as research staff in the Robotics Lab at Princeton and then at Vision Applications, Inc.

His next project was the development of an autonomous music composition tool with tomandandy music. Joseph worked as a software engineer and consultant on various projects, eventually being tipped for the role of Director of the New York office of Blacksmith, a Virginia-based software consulting firm.

Switching gears, Joseph moved to Kingston, Jamaica to work on a set of projects in the music industry. Two years into the music project, Joseph co-founded the Ethereum Project, and has been working on Ethereum and more recently ConsenSys since January ConsenSys began as a blockchain production studio building decentralized applications, mostly on Ethereum, and continues on this track, but has expanded its activities since inception. Many of those components are core elements that can be used to construct larger solutions as well as being standalone solutions in their own right.

Since ConsenSys began operations before the Ethereum ecosystem existed, ConsenSys has also built core infrastructure elements like Ethereum clients, testing frameworks, rapid application development frameworks, and Integrated Development Environments. ConsenSys Enterprise, the professional services arm, works with various enterprises to help them formulate their blockchain strategy and develop business processes for them on private or consortium blockchains, as well as on the public Ethereum network.

Christian started his career as a mathematician doing research in Algebraic Geometry, followed by a deep dive into quantitative finance developing and implementing derivatives pricing models at Bloomberg. After venturing down the Bitcoin rabbit hole he discovered Ethereum and ConsenSys. Christian is now working on a diverse set of projects including accounting systems, document signing, wallets, and various financial applications. He also maintains a general overview of ConsenSys projects and provides technical expertise when needed.

Thessy Mehrain is a user experience designer and product strategist. At ConsenSys she creates experiences for enterprises that look to gain efficiency and transparency via the blockchain, and designs products that are uniquely enabled by blockchain technology to disrupt existing markets or create new ones. Thessy holds a Masters degree in Human-Computer Interaction. Working at the intersection of technology, transaction and social change, she promotes inclusion as essential to creating a world that works for everyone.

More recently, he was early advisor to Acunu, one of the core developers of Cassandra, acquired by Apple. Jeremy was a founding partner at Magister Advisors, where he led the emerging technology practice. He is also an active angel investor and mentor with the Barclays Accelerator powered by Techstars.

ConsenSys is one of the largest blockchain companies globally, with over employees in 15 countries. At ConsenSys, Jeremy oversees commercial operations and global expansion. Alex is a software engineer with a background in applied physics. Although he had been familiar with cryptocurrencies for some time, Alex became immersed in the blockchain space when he learned about Ethereum and realized the impact it could have on large, established industries.

He is excited to participate in the growth of blockchain technology. Sarah is an award-winning designer with experience spanning industries such as scientific publishing, government, journalism, and software. Sarah cares most about solving problems for human beings in this high impact space while making a design practice more efficient and transparent. Zac became interested first in cryptography, and then Bitcoin in He imagined new uses built on top of Bitcoin, but never acted on any of them.

After a friend told him about Ethereum, he became hooked and left his security job in late to pursue the exciting new tech full time. He imagines a future with more individual freedoms, as well as greater social prosperity and Ethereum is key to getting us there. Milad is a Software Architect with a passion for designing stable, scalable, and maintainable code. He is a senior developer with 10 years of experience in software development. While specialized in middle-tier server-side languages, he also has experience in the development of the relational databases and user interface layers.

This wide range of experience allows Milad to mentor and fill gaps in development teams, filling a full-stack roll. He loves using and playing with new technologies while valuing the stable and predictable nature of mature ecosystems. Peter has over 25 years software development experience. He is passionate about people, what motivates them and what inspires them. He has worked in a diverse range of industries, creating software and leading teams of developers and engineers. His experience with power utilities, insurance companies, educational institutions, banks, regulators and Asset Managers lead him to a place where he felt there must be a better way to transact and share data.

In he was exposed to blockchain technology. Seeing the potential of this disruptive technology he immersed himself in fully understanding how the technology worked and how it would impact the world. For 2 years he headed up the blockchain technical team at FirstRand Bank, the biggest bank in Africa before joining ConsenSys in March As an officer for the MIT Bitcoin Club he spends his time researching and developing decentralized applications and neocurrencies.

He has a strong background in altruism as a former member of the National Youth Leadership Council and during high school co-founded a non-profit, Lead2Change Milwaukee. His persona exists as much in physical as in electronic mediums as Firescar Lianna Newman is the newest addition to the Washington D.

Lianna will be joining the team as a Full Stack Developer. Lianna made the transition to tech in His entrepreneur career started in when he founded MobileBR, the first Brazilian company to offer a mobile trading platform. His previous experience includes working with genetic algorithms, data mining, distributed systems and general artificial intelligence.

He is passionate about new technologies and is particularly amazed with the possibilities brought by the BlockChain. He believes Ethereum is going to play a big role in that field and he feels very lucky to be fully involved with it. He was always interested in finance and emerging technologies and grew a passion for cryptocurrencies soon after discovering Bitcoin, and later Ethereum.

He spent his time at school researching, mining, and working on cryptocurrency projects whenever possible, including a senior CS research project creating a liquid democracy voting application built on Ethereum. After an internship at ConsenSys Connor knew this was the field he wanted to go into. His passion for blockchain based technologies has grown into a drive to change many aspects of our global financial, governance, and social systems to be more efficient, transparent, and secure.

Marian Oancea is a full-stack developer with over 12 years of experience in web development. In the present he is working with ConsenSys on projects like uPort the identity management platform , Inflekt the events and community management platform , Ujo Music and others.

Stefan is a software developer who has always been interested in the brand new technologies. After he finished university, he discovered that web 3. Stefan is convinced that programming is like nature: Johannes is currently a Ph. He has been following the rise of cryptocurrencies from the beginning, a history immutably sustained in the various blockchains. By creating a blockchain analytics platform he is making the inherent transparency of the public ledger accessible to anyone.

He holds a B. Maurycy has a passionate interest in emerging technologies and the future of computing. He is deeply enthusiastic about the potential of Ethereum. Julian studied finance at the University of Michigan, while playing online poker professionally by night.

He then worked as a prop trader for Chimera Securities until discovering Bitcoin in January His mind properly blown from the possibilities of digital property on decentralized platforms, he has been immersed in the world of software ever since. Julian is working on several projects within Consensys, with a focus on gaming.

Sean is a determined engineer, building software to decentralize the global financial-legal infrastructure. Sean is focused on developing robust exchange protocols, and off-chain scalability solutions for the Ethereum ecosystem. Sean also enjoys designing user interfaces on web and mobile platforms, with an eye for making blockchain technology accessible to consumers.

Carolyn has a background in social science and organizational systems research. Carolyn is Director of Operations at ConsenSys, She is also a co-founder of Fabriq, a identity and reputation management system for communities built on Ethereum.

Ryan received his PhD in Mathematics from Harvard University in and was a postdoctoral assistant professor at the University of Michigan from — until being introduced to Consensys. He became interested in Haskell through word of mouth during the months before and joined the BlockApps team after learning about it as a development opportunity in the language.

Although he has been a periodic observer of Bitcoin, this was his technical introduction to blockchain technology and he has since been intrigued by its possibilities to breathe life into purely virtual creations.

Before turning to blockchain programming, Ryan specialized in the mathematics of algebraic geometry and representation theory. Simon builds decentralised applications for use in the music industry, online communities and the developing world. Before getting into blockchains, he created 2 successful side-projects Tweekly.

When he is not developing new technology, he is a musician by night. He first became involved in the industry with Bitcoin mining in , and now is an advocate for the potential of distributed systems and smart contracts. Michael brings a diverse background in product management, technology consulting, capital markets, and political economics to the blockchain.

In previous roles, he designed and deployed consumer and enterprise technologies for some of the largest organizations in the world, managed a portfolio of international financial securities, and launched a startup.

At ConsenSys, Michael is using these foundational experiences to unlock value on a global scale by building applications for the emerging blockchain economy. He believes that exponential blockchain adoption is only a beautiful Dapp away and is passionate about getting these products into the hands of people.

He is working on bringing blockchain technology into humanitarian work. After spending time working in the political sphere, Ben became extremely interested in experimental technologies and the potential they had for the impact sector, leading him to ConsenSys. Tim works as a Protocol Engineer with the Protocol Engineering Groups and Systems at ConsenSys where they design and build the future of blockchain interoperability and scalability, one protocol at a time.

Tim and his friend build an API for Ethereum code-named HappyChain, so they could stop maintaining a local copy of the blockchain for development. Tim has a background in research, day trading, sales and a degree in Computer Science from the University of San Francisco.

James Slazas has over 15 years of experience in the financial industry. Later James co-founded a hedge fund managing a portfolio of life settlements, uniquely acquiring assets as contributions as well as pricing assets from both the VBT mortality tables, as well as, underwriting internally to determine longevity risk. Slazas graduated from the University of Richmond, E. Disassembling stuff was always his business, either online or at home. He completed the first few years of a MSc in Aerospace Engineering before leaving university to found three different startups in three different areas.

He fell in love with Ethereum since its inception, and with decentralization a couple years earlier. Since then he has become an unapologetic technocrat that really believes in humanity with a little help from smart contracts. Vlad is a graphic designer, who has spent the last 7 years perfecting his art. Whether he needs to draw the perfect logo or to create an entire concept for a new project, one thing you can depend on: Having graduated Photography, he is vastly aware of how much an image conveys, and uses his acumen to put stories and histories into visuals.

After working on projects for the likes of Heineken, McDonalds or Ikea, he now comes to Consensys with a desire to learn more and to perfect his skills in a different environment. With a background in computer science and complex adaptive systems Joel now tackles problems in the cryptospace. Having a general interest in using technology to create positive change, he thinks working with blockchain technology is the best of doing so right now. When not hacking away at his computer he enjoys reading about economics and psychology, as well as playing music.

His interest in blockchain is due to its highly multidisciplinary nature, a complex intersection of computer science, cryptography, economic theory, psychology, and more. He is excited about the potential social and technological implications that will follow as the blockchain world matures.

To be more specific, Eric is mainly interested in pizza making, exploring topics in abstract algebra, and astronomy. After receiving his CPA certification and working a year in public accounting, Gabriel helped to pioneer the first blockchain research initiative at KPMG.

He has been actively following the development of the blockchain space since he was at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he led several student-run consulting engagements, won national and regional business case competitions, and re-booted a chapter of the largest fraternity in the world. Russell graduated from the University of Toronto with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Following his undergraduate years, Russell eventually received a Masters degree in a different discipline but was first the CTO and co-founder of two mobile and social applications companies, where he wrote software, directed product management, and aided business development. It was acquired by Transcontinental Inc. His Thesis inferred early adopter behaviour in collaborative consumption marketplaces from a case study of a car sharing service based out of San Francisco.

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