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Aus dem Klassenzimmer auf den Kryptomarkt: You can assume that prominent exchanges have decent electronic security, but you should still read reviews and make sure an exchange is legitimate. It's also worth remembering that an exchange which has been hacked in the past isn't necessarily any less secure today.

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You may visit this page to compare exchanges where you can buy Ripple. This guide goes through what Ripple is, how XRP works, where to buy and what to consider when investing.

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This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of cryptocurrencies or a recommendation to invest. Historic performance is no guarantee of future returns.

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Hvad er ulempen i det du linker her? Jeg er ikke helt med? Hvilket igen taler for investering i DGB Ok, cool. Se ellers billederne nedenfor Mange tak for info. Hvor handler du DGB henne? Mange tak for info. Hvad solgte du den for? Er jeg den eneste der overvejer at smide flere penge i crypto nu.

Det ligner panik udsalg.. Redigeret af chrismm d. Det er blot nogle eksempler. Ripple og Ether lets go! Se ellers billederne nedenfor Skal I med op til skyerne.

Skal I med op til skyerne haha ses deroppe. Det er Mcafee der hyper DGB. Skulle ikke undre mig han for coins eller penge for og anbefale coins. Det tror jeg ikke. Dablam Ad hvor er du klam. Humor, se det fra den humoristiske side. Men vil gerne igang: Coinbase da det er simpelt at komme igang. Fra - euro per gang.

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