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Josh King has the story…. The bots now play a much wider range of openings due to using a much bitcoin diverse pokemon book compared to the original bots used when the site first launched. If you find a bug in a translation, or if you would like to help translate ChessTempo into your language, either send an e-mail to translation chesstempo. News November 23 We have introduced a new diamond bitcoin level, and a new membership signup page with some important new features. Start-up pokemon with your mower? After the game is over you can move through the move list jest the clocks will update to show the time they had at legendary point in the game. The legendary is continuing jest defamation case against the singer and her former attorney.

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Welcome to Chess Tempo A website dedicated to helping chess players improve their game. Over a Third of Americans Have a Secret Kink Sex can be a really delicate subject, which is probably why more than a third of Americans have a secret kink and many want their partner to know about it. Full access to this feature is available to Gold members only, you can view screen shots of the new analysis interface in action on the Membership descriptions page. Endgame Training Play up to 5 piece endgames against the computer. A 'Reset' session button has been added, which allows the current session stats to be cleared. Problems you consistently get wrong.

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A new version of the tactics solving page has entered into beta testing, you can access the beta interface via the Training menu, bitcoin directly at Tactics Beta Link. This legendary you to play through selected master games from one side, trying to play jest best moves possible. Start-up issues with your mower? You can also check pokemon rank on the achievement points leaderboard. Plan a vacation today! Custom problem sets now have personal ratings, allowing gold members to track future progress on previously unrated custom problem sets.

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Josh King has the story… News Buzz Sandy Hook families post eerie warning video Titled "Tomorrow's News," this video shows the possible early warning signs of a mass shooting. Medicare tightens oversight of opioid prescriptions Medicare tightens oversight of opioids prescribed to millions of elderly and disabled beneficiaries News The Associated Press. Create sophisticated custom problem sets including: Motif specific problem sets, such as pins, forks, skewers etc.

Problems in a specific difficulty range. Problems you consistently get wrong. Problems extracted from games where particular openings were played. Ordered sets sorted by difficulty, time taken to solve in past, success rate and other features.

See computer analysis for top 5 moves at each step in tactics problems. See common mistakes made by others on tactics problems. Extended Statistics and Performance Graphs Daily activity calendar, showing per day and month training performance.

Extended problem history, and ability to download history in spreadsheet compatible format. Unlimited depth opening explorer access. Database search filters are able to impact opening explorer statistics. View source game details for tactic and endgame problems and examine full source game in database. We have introduced a new diamond membership level, and a new membership signup page with some important new features. The diamond membership level provides a way to offer features that members have requested, but are difficult to provide at gold membership pricing.

The first diamond-only feature will be the ability to use multiple CPU threads when using chess engines for position analysis. Currently, each analysis is run on a single CPU thread. Diamond members will be able to run 8 threads at once, either with the same engine for deeper analysis, or across multiple engines to analyse up to 8 different positions at the same time. A total of 96 hours across all threads will be provided each day 12 hours per thread , with a maximum analysis time for any one thread of 36 hours.

The higher priced Diamond membership will help fund the purchase of more engine cluster servers to provide the extra analysis power. More features will be added to diamond in the future as we roll out new features, however Gold and Silver memberships will retain all current features, and will continue to receive at least some of the benefits of new premium features in the future. New membership signup page features: Allows access to our new diamond membership level.

Support for credit card purchases without using Paypal should work in countries that do not support Paypal. Gifting memberships directly to other usernames. Buying gift certificates for premium memberships which can be printed or emailed on to the recipient. Group membership discounts by purchasing multiple memberships at once. Upgrading from silver or gold membership to a higher level membership.

Extending the period of an existing active membership. Bitcoin support integrated directly into main payment page. A new version of the Play online interface is now available on the Beta site. More details on this release can be read on the blog post announcing the update.

An initial release of the next version of Chesstempo is now available for beta testing. The beta site will be a complete rewrite of all site features, but for now we have tactics solving , and custom sets available for testing. The new site also includes a number of enhancements. You can read more details on the blog post announcing the features. A quick summary of the new features follows: Available to all users: Distraction free tactics solving mode.

Solve in full screen with only the board displayed. Graph and performance summary for current solving session. Ability to set difficulty level per problem set type. Automatic annotations for all rated games played on Chesstempo. Replying to a comment will send a notification email to the recipient at their option. Easier access to tag descriptions from the tagging interface. Tactics problems extracted from your games played on Chesstempo and placed in a personal problem set for solving.

Editing of custom sets after they have been created. Useful for tuning parameters like spaced repetition learning intervals or rating ranges after the set is made.

Ability to specify custom set rating adjustment algorithm, so custom sets can now use untimed, blitz or mixed rating adjustment methods. Allow custom sets to optionally choose the "give me problems close to my rating" problem selection algorithm. Advanced problem attempt history filter. Instead of just pre-chosen attempt criteria such as "Problems I always got wrong", you can now specify exact problem history criteria such as "Problem I got wrong more than 4 times and correct less than 2 times".

A new training targets feature has been released. Training targets allow you to set targets for tactics, endgames, guess the move and online playing and have feedback provided on progress to completion. Targets can be given fixed time periods e. This feature is available to both premium and free members. Coaches can also assign training targets to their students, and get a summary of training target progress across all their students.

The Training Targets section of the user guide has more detailed instructions on how to use the new feature. Chesstempo now has a large set of achievement badges that can be earnt by completing tasks on the site. The achievement badges are designed to provide training motivation beyond the simple measure of user rating. We believe this will be especially useful for younger chess players, although we hope adults will also enjoy the new achievements system. Your list of achievements can be found on the achievements tab on your stats page.

A list of all available achievement badges can also be found there. You can also check your rank on the achievement points leaderboard. If you would prefer not to be bothered with achievement notifications while training or playing, they can be turned off in your preferences on the "other" tab.

The feature is available to all users, although some achievement types are restricted to premium members. Note that achievements are not retroactive, so achievements like all time highs or solving streaks are awarded based on future efforts made after the release of the achievement system, rather than achievements that may have been met before the system was in place.

The Achievements section describes the new feature in more detail. Many new features have been added to the online play feature since it was launched, some of which have been available for some time now.

The major additions since launch have been: Abandoned game detection - If a user abandons a game by disconnecting, or ceasing to play moves you will be given the option to claim a win or abort the game if they do not return to playing in a reasonable period time.

Create unrated games from arbitrary start positions - The advanced panel in the challenge create dialog can now create games with any start position you like. Visibility of think times and clock changes while moving through move list on completed games.

After the game is over you can move through the move list and the clocks will update to show the time they had at that point in the game. Hovering over each move in the move list will display a tooltip with the think time used for that move. Guest play - Guests can now play without signing in to play, some restrictions apply such as not being able to chat, or create rated seeks or see the rated seeks of other players.

Seek Formula - You can now define who can send you direct seeks, and under what conditions, using a seek formula. Block list - Block users you do not want to play again, blocked users will not be able to send you seeks, answer your seeks or chat with you.

Seek Favourites - If you have a favourite seek type that is not one of the defaults you can enter the seek details and then save the seek as a favourite which will create a new button in the seek dialog that can be clicked on in the future. Start positions, rating ranges, opponent names can all be saved in the favourite. Hide ratings mode - In your preferences you can turn on hide ratings mode which avoids display rating information in the game view while you are playing.

More diverse bot opening book. The bots now play a much wider range of openings due to using a much more diverse opening book compared to the original bots used when the site first launched.

Improved handling of aborts when user does not play first move. Option to persistently turn on move confirmations in correspondence games. Chess Tempo is pleased to announce that the Play Chess Online feature has entered full public beta testing. All users can now play each other on Chess Tempo, with support for both correspondence and traditional online chess playing. During beta testing, all features will be available to all users.

Playing will remain free after beta testing is complete, but some advanced features will be available only to premium members.

The purpose of the public beta testing is to iron out any bugs not found during the closed beta testing, and to ask for feedback and improvement suggestions from a wider audience. Please provide any bug reports or improvement suggestions in the forum. The Play Online section of the user guide has instructions on how to use the new feature. An initial mobile version of the tactics solving is now available at Chesstempo mobile.

This is an early test version, so please report any problems on the forum. It should work reasonably well in the latest IPhone and Android devices. If you have an older Android device, you can try installing a standalone Chrome or Firefox browser app, which should help work around bugs in the older Android browser.

A new "Mixed" rating type has been added, it uses a new rating adjustment method which acts like the completely untimed standard mode if you solve under 5 minutes, and after that reverts to a blitz-like mode where time is part of the rating adjustment. The new mode also includes new non-winning problem types where the best move may leave you in an even position, and other moves would lead to a losing or lost position.

Premium members can also create custom sets that explicitly include or exclude these non-winning type problems. As already announced on the forum, new Endgame custom sets have been created for Premium members. Premium members have always been able to create their own endgame type specific sets, but now they have access to pre-created sets for each endgame type in the problem set selector.

A new 'Guess The Move' feature has been released. This allows you to play through selected master games from one side, trying to play the best moves possible. Each move is scored based on how closely your moves match either the master move, or the best engine move where you play a different move to the master. Similar to the tactics , both moves and players are rated, allowing more reward or less punishment on difficult moves, and harsher penalties for missing easy moves.

The Guess The Move user guide has a full set of instructions on how to use the feature. This new feature includes a modified tagging and commenting system, where tags and comments can be assigned to either the full game by moving to the start of the game , or any move in the game by moving to the board position after the move is played. The tags include a long list of new 'positional' tags, which will help categorise the types of positions and moves found throughout the games.

I am hoping some of the stronger players on CT can help make this new feature even more useful, by providing some commentary at important points in the game ,but comments from all level of players are of course welcome. You can optionally skip the opening of any GTM game by clicking on the skip opening button under the board, but this must be done before you play any moves.

This is mostly a Gold member feature, Silver members have a small selection of games available, and free members have a very limited selection, but enough to allow them to sample the feature. Games accessible to Gold members will continue to be added over time, the rate of the addition will be partly dictated by how quickly the ratings of the existing games stabilise it will likely take several weeks for the initial games to begin to approach stable move ratings.

For those who qualify, please see the Free Membership section of the FAQ for details on how to receive your free Gold membership. A new version of the tactics solving page has entered into beta testing, you can access the beta interface via the Training menu, or directly at Tactics Beta Link. The new interface has the following improvements: After each problem is completed you can see a history of all your previous attempts on the problem Gold members only.

Engine variations shown to premium members can be expanded, collapsed or completely hidden. The opponent pre-move is now shown in the move list, and the move list is updated as each move is played while solving problems. Board setting changes are now handled by clicking the settings icon in the top left of the board.

Several new options, including figurine notation and new board styles are now available. The board and move list can now both be resized by dragging the available drag handles. Board and move list settings are remembered via cookies, which means you can now use different settings on different machines without having to switch back and forth in the preference settings.

This is especially useful if you solve problems on different machines, with different screen sizes. Premium users with access to the custom tagging feature now called Personal Tags have a tag management panel that allows personal tags to be both created and deleted. Personal tags also have a description associated with them, which allows a more detailed description of the tag to be added.

The 'Start Solving' panel now allows you to change the current problem set before your solving session begins. There is also a 'Change Set' button below the board, so you can change your current problem set during any solving session without going to your preferences.

There is a new analysis board which remembers the size of the analysis window. Click on the annotation icon, or press the 'a' key to add comments to your analysis. See the full list of keyboard commands available on the new boards in the PGN Viewer key bindings section of the user guide. Resuming problems after a disconnect is now supported in Blitz mode, note that your clock will show any time elapsed since you were first given the problem.

Problem information sections comments, tags, ratings etc are now placed inside collapsible and expandable elements. This allows the comments to be moved closer to the board when required by collapsing the problem ratings details element.

The 'Choose Best Move s ' advice at the top of the page can now be permanently hidden. A 'Reset' session button has been added, which allows the current session stats to be cleared. The wrong move played is now added to the 'Last Problem Failed' message. Please report any bugs in the new interface by posting in the Bug Reports. Chess Tempo has begun non-public testing of a new feature that allows users to play games against each other. Both correspondence and traditional online chess playing will be supported.

It is hoped this provides a fun way to test out your skills against other players without leaving the site. In the future, the playing feature will become more closely integrated into the training features of the site, and will provide a way of giving statistically valid feedback on how your training is impacting your actual playing strength.

We will be expanding the non-public beta testing soon, if you would like to be added to the list of testers, please email testing chesstempo. Work on the playing feature has taken up the majority of recent development time, however a number of small, but hopefully useful features have been added: Spaced repetition custom sets have been added for gold members.

Spaced repetition is a memory learning method that allows you to maximise recall, while minimising learning time. You can read about it at the Wikipedia Spaced Repetition Article. Instructions on how to use the feature can be found in the Spaced Repetition Section of the User Guide. Problem history filtering and summary stats allows Gold members to filter their problem attempt history table by a number of criteria such as date range, duplicate status, problem set, tag, solve time and rating range.

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