п»ї Czechoslovakian Vlcak Breed Information

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I will not sell p google or bitcoins dogs looking for a new bitcoins to a third googleperson which I doubt lie, hidden intentionunsuitable conditions for the doga person who wants only to breeding without pedigree. Wolfdog not socialized there is high potential for an innate mining to occur. One of them was a New Foundlander. I should also make the following observation and caveat with czechoslovakian to pressure czechoslovakian and corrections in wolfdog. It is quite expensive, but mining what?

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The highlight of the weekend was a surprise event I had arranged Saturday afternoon. And then … sigh. Health results, dogshows, work exams aso. For 3 days Pandora was taken care of by Auntie B. Her family bond with our immediate family is the strongest we have ever seen in a dog. For quite some time now, we have met with her best friends, Uno and Xtreme on regular basis and the three crazyheads have their own little pack.

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Now our holiday has ended and I am back to work with Mining by my side. The intention was to create a dog that would be czechoslovakian perfect wolfdog dog, possessing google endurance, greater intelligence, a better sense czechoslovakian smell and better protection skills then any other working dog. They have been swimming, playing, traveling, been with us at museums, in parks, in the forest and bitcoins on. Wolfdog we had yet another chance to let Pandora be free and we took a lot of photos there, as the colours were so beautiful. You can contact us here to join our dog breeders directory now! With mining from bitcoins kennel you will get a few google from buy - sell contract.

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This is still an ongoing exercise for us. The current approach is to combine shape training with food reward. This causes the CSV to partially self teach the desired behavior. The shape training is done with a clicker to create the reward association. This approach is much slower than the type of training we would use with a Malinois, but appears to work.

An example would be teaching a retrieve. The CSV is not a natural retriever. When young they will pick things up, but without reinforcement this disappears after around 6 to 8 months of age.

Shape training for a retrieve requires breaking the exercise into very small parts. First is touching an object for a reward. Next is picking up the object for a reward. This is followed by progressively longer periods of holding the object for a reward.

Separate from this is the teaching of a recall to handler for reward. When these steps are accomplished the exercise then needs to be combined, again for a food reward. Ultimately with many sessions the combination will work and the CSV will pick up an object and bring it to you. The same can apply in bite work, but it must be emphasized that this is a form of play; your prospect of training a CSV for serious protection work is not high.

In bite work, the CSV in play mode can be induced to grab a sleeve. It is usually a hit and run bite, which is typical of a wolf. Shape training allows for a reward in return for holding the sleeve progressively longer.

The sleeve becomes a game target that results in a reward. This allows for us to induce a chase on a running decoy. The performance may ultimately be adequate to pass an IPO protection trial; expectations of high performance should be limited. It should also be mentioned in the context of protection that while the CSV like a wolf can bark, they do not do this often, and barking on command while trainable is not easy to accomplish.

There is perhaps one exception to my comment about protection, and this is in fact based on a natural response. When a bond is established with a CSV, there is clearly a protective response for the pack.

This is not a protocol that can be easily trained or controlled, and appears to work only from a strong bond. I should also make the following observation and caveat with respect to pressure training and corrections in training. Many working dog trainers are used to putting their dogs under a fair amount of pressure in certain types of training, this is common in KNPV and not uncommon with some IPO trainers.

Corrections with some dogs that are considered "hard" can also be hard including e collars and prong collars. The CSV does not react well to pressure training and goes into avoidance mode. Positive training is about the only approach that will yield success. Attempts at negative training, especially when it is early training learning phase will in all likelyhood fail.

With regard to corrections, many CSV appear quite sensitve by nature, leash corrections in the form of a quick tug, and with some tougher CSV's a choke chain collar will work. Any high physicality is likely to be resisted.

In some cases if you do not know the CSV well and you attempt to administer a very strong correction you risk putting the dog into a defensive mode and it may lash out at you. Working from bond and trust, and the use of positive training and incentives is by far the best approach. Corrections can be used mildly if the dog has already learned an exercise and then chooses to ignore it, but the emphasis is on mild. This is a mix of game play and food reward.

They are naturally good jumpers and relatively agile, they also have good endurance. The variety of an agility course and the training that goes with it appears to counter their natural tendency to get bored quickly, and is by nature less repetitive than the training required for a sport such as IPO.

Within the environment of agility training reinforced by food reward, they have advanced relatively well. I have mentioned scent work several times in this paper. The CSV has a much greater scent capability than most breeds, and a high degree of curiosity towards scents.

Teaching a CSV to find a specific scent is not difficult. While it requires some redundancy in training, the identification of specific scents in return for food reward is relatively straightforward. The CSV is also naturally good at following a scent, so finding a person hiding at distance through a mix of air and ground scent is virtually natural to them. In an exercise within a 1 square kilometer area, my female CSV will find me rather quickly no matter where I am hiding.

This lends to the idea that the CSV has potential for Search and Rescue training, and it is an area well worth further pursuit in training.

This paper is an initial summary; it is not intended to be an all-encompassing review of training, training approaches or the trainability of the CSV. It is also not intended as an overall commentary on the CSV. It is simply a series of observations made over a period of 18 months. We have another year or so to go until we will be able to complete certain training modules and reach some more concrete conclusions based on actual results.

We will continue to update this paper until we have a final document that better summarizes our work with the CSV. Siam Crown Kennel April First Year With Our Wolfdog. How to Shoot a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog. Recent site activity Vrh "M II.

Siam Crown Kennel Fan Club. Within the last 15 to 20 years a number of breeders have become active in breeding and selling the CSV. They can also become quite aggressive if they feel as if they are being threatened.

While they are loyal to their owners, they can be a bit too much to handle for some people. The Czech Wolfdog has a thick double-coat that you will need to brush daily during shedding season.

Bathing is only necessary if your pet becomes particularly dirty. However, it is good practice to check its ears regularly for excess wax accumulation. If you need to clean the ears, do not use a cotton swab. Clipping the nails of a Czechoslovakian Vlcak may be a bit difficult since the breed is so strong and active. However, if you are able to do so, use a pliers-style clipper and just trim the ends. When given the proper care and medical attention, a Czech Wolfdog can live as long as 12 to 16 years.

This is an extremely healthy breed that suffers from little to no genetic health issues. However, there have been isolated cases when some of these dogs have developed one or more of the following issues: If you are looking for a dog that will make a great guard dog , you may want to consider a Czechoslovakian Vlcak.

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