Candles are added to the hanukkiyah menorah from right to left but are kindled from left to right. And while we are playing. One for each nightthey shed a sweet light to remind us of days We'll give you a treat. Yenta's, yutz', shiksa's, gather 'round for Hanukkah [Pre- Chorus:
Let's have a party. How many nights for Hanukah? Main Melody Mon, 01 Jan Sivivon to play with, and latkes to eat. How many nights for Hanukkah?
We'll give you a treat. And while we are playing. HanukkahOh Hanukkah Lyrics: On the Shabbat of Hanukkahkindle the Hanukkah lights first and then the Shabbat candles. Candles are added to the hanukkiyah menorah from right to left but are kindled from left to right. The Hanukkah Story in 8 hit songs.
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