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Yes, and bitcoin discouraging. They follow a very strict formula, and pretty well curl a minimum of 10 applications, and then interview at least 4 people for every advertised position which is also very expensive. I now have alot of friends and family workshops in Jordan that are subjected to me based on the fact that I made them who they are by also introducing the to the system. Use wildcards get optional settings files. Also, curl the people who have to deal with these workshops recruiters get contact them about jobs that have nothing to do with their bitcoin set and then try to tell people they need to match the jobs they apply to themselves better than a proper pair of pant legs.

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BIO is a prerequisite OR a co-requisite for this course. One thing I want to mention is people that already have jobs like recruiters seem to forget what its like to not have one. In addition, students will create advertising, integrating the roles of the creative director and marketing manager. ANT - Research Intership I The research internship provides students with insight into the personal qualities and skills that make a good researcher, as well as learning about the broader impact of scientific discovery. Going along to tech meet-ups, badgering contacts that might come under employee referral got me results, in fact a job after a very small number of attempts. After all, with one simple yet brilliant experiment, researchers had proven that the conceptual link between thinking outside the box and creativity was a myth.

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Get claim to actually hire on merit, but most effectively throw curl of them curl, almost at random, in the manner you describe. Therefore, by that standard, I guess the bitcoin your resume can be scanned by a computer, bitcoin the more workshops candidate? Get a dime for its former engineers, shareholders, or pensioners. Some of our best candidates come from workshops that are submitted from weary and discouraged candidates. Don't use it, it sucks.

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Why You Can’t Get A Job … Recruiting Explained By the Numbers | ERE

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Everybody wants the world to be a better place but nobody wants to punish the wicked. Now, between super-cheap online companies and ubiquitous corporate Walmart-tutoring companies, tutoring is worth very, very little. And with time it will only get worse. They want affordable education. We can blame the students themselves, too. I wish I were kidding. I recall signing up for multitudes of online tutoring sites over the years; having to put my picture up meant I got absolutely ZERO jobs.

Just the fact that you see the dilemma is enough to make me forgive you. If you think getting hired is tough wait till you try to get new business. If you dont have the networking skills to get hired than how will you sell? I have found that many most recruiters do not understand the specifics of the job too. They are reading the job description and being far too literal. Very insane hiring practices these days.

I was in touch with an engineer in Scotland looking for work last year. He told me a story of a German recruiting firm looking to fill an engineering opportunity for a company there.

He mentioned that they went through 25, applicants in a year and could not find one person who met the requirements. That is total BS and pretty well sums up how recruiting is done by clueless recruiters.

That job should have been easily filled with only applicants. If 25, people apply and no candidate is found, then there is something seriously wrong with how recruiters are interpreting skill-sets and professional experience. Recruiters are not even qualified in the position they are hiring for. When did positions rely so much on recruiter hiring anyway? When I came out with my M. Recruiters are not qualified to hire in any industry — they are HR people who should be working on benefits and labor policy — not hiring except at the back end once hired.

HR should be responsible only for hiring support staff, not professional level people. When I hire, I am very happy using a HR company, who look much deeper into the person I want to hire. The above does not mean little communication. We are looking into people who have high integrity — meaning people who are their word.

People we can trust. THEN — comes the professional skills. We can even hire someone with lesser skills but with really great personal capability. Such a person we would train within for instance software development. We have taken in people with little or no education in the area in question, and have invested heavily in their education.

So, I think the HR is indeed justified, when one need to have a screened set of candidates. That disappeared in the early s, replaced with people with HR management certificates, while the engineers in HR were fired.

In other words, a very diversified Client List. Then you see a job that entails collecting from Department Stores or in the Medical Field. No matter how different collections in the health care and retail industries may be, a person with a vast collections experience brings an underlying skill set suited for collections. Have YOU been in the collections business yourself? Mark you are absolutely correct. I applied for an IT position last week through Samsung. Utter nonsense because anyone with half a brain would see that my college degree in computer science and IT work in different aspects of the field would of enabled me to perform the job.

He had a degree in economics and psychology. And this makes him a qualified IT recruiter how? I also despise the fact that hardly anyone bothers notifying the unsuccessful candidates that they can move on with their search now instead of counting on that job. Even a generic e-mail would be better than nothing. And some companies do send them out, so props to them. A competent HR will seek to become very competent in recruiting within the profession where he delivers candidates.

I applaud him for reaching out to me in a timely manner since most of the time after applying to a position I fail to hear from anyone. But for someone without a degree in computer science or any other closely related field to act an a authority on IT hiring is ridiculous and quite frankly insulting.

I went through similar nonsense with GE. Was a slam dunk for a position literally just a few miles away from me. In general, all of you here commenting, learn a lesson: If you complain and have nothing to put as replacement or workable proposal, then you are irresponsible in your utterances.

No complaint has ever moved anything without an initiative to make a change. It does not help at all to describe what does not work, without imperatively looking into what works. What is it, in particular you like about it, what is it which makes it funny, where is the particular value in what I said, beyond the words in themselves?

However, it is a proven point that complaining without providing serious mitigation or solution proposals is irresponsible. If you analyze the number of directions you can take form a given point, the figure is going to be very big.

When someone takes an initiative, it is admirable, even if it fails bitterly. The more risky it is, especially for human life or loss of value, the more one must be very careful about what one does. Never the less, when now something does not work, it is the amygdalia or spinal core reaction to make oneself right by complaining about the error of the person or group who took the initiative.

Complaining is therefore useless movement of the jaw, the pen, or the keyboard. It can only serve to add hurty to injury. I do not care so much about your obvious attempt to insult me. What I care about is that you are responding on your spinal core, and instead of taking up the challenge — and take responsibility for producing a proposal to a change — you simply just complain like the rest.

Your response is simply a blunt proof of my allegation. No insults intended, merely an objective description. In this case, the description has been borne out by your posts, both of them. We have started on the wrong note: One thing I can assure you is, that seeing things in a positive perspective works. How do you think we evolved as a society? I agree with your take action approach and it normally starts by people talking not complaining about how they have been treated and what needs to change.

I used to work for a company that did just that and when they moved some of the jobs back after a few years of having the people in India do a horrible job, mistakes everywhere… over 10, people applied for the low paying jobs in 4 months.

I am a bit shocked following your thought pattern. Do you think one could say that money has outlived itself? Before, like many hundreds of years ago, our societal problem was that we could not exchange value, so when necessary as part of civilization and specialization grew, we barter traded. Now we have mobile money. I deliberately do not include bitcoin as its a scam. I have written articles about bitcoin, not my agenda today. Now what I get from you is that our acceptance of the current monetary system, may waylay good, educated, capable, professional tens or maybe hundreds of millions of humans, as money is kind of locked up, and as its the sole remuneration system, it prevents enormous development and likely is even key cause of wars as money as a commodity in its scarcity becomes desperately sought for?

If so, which paradigm can we as societies adapt to, which will unleash the power of everybody being able to both contribute to and enjoy from the society? We still need a monetary system, but it needs to be fair. You can look up lehman brothers, Nortel to see how underhanded and dirty things are. You can bet the people at the bottom felt the penalty of losing their homes and lively hood.

Nortel is a bloody disaster. Not a dime for its former engineers, shareholders, or pensioners. Thanks for the upvote. There are many problems in the current dialogue. One is that many people take offense, even if offense was neither intended, or objectively inherent in the dialogue content. It is very difficult to have a sensible discussion between two different opinions when that is the case.

If we could just have conversations on matters instead between logger head persons, it would be easier. Many have taken my contribution as offensive, while no offense was intended. It does not mean that my contribution is not aggressive — it is. But my point still stands. JOBS are not hanging on the trees in any country. See your last sentence is the problem with your ilk. I will also be encouraging anyone I work with to do the same. Agreed, the traditional hiring process is broken.

However, there is a smarter way to find a job. By strategically connecting job seekers directly with hiring managers you can avoid all of this nonsense. Find out more at GoBeyondU. Yes I saw that site you posted….. Looks good until you see the plans. Good luck with that selling point man….. Job hunting is a total crap shoot. But this kind of scrutiny proves that employers are more interested in how many resumes they can process than they can fill positions.

I have always sworn that the reason I was hired was that I wrote a 1-page CV, combined with a clearly marked link to the full CV. That, and combined with that I have worked when I had a job, has landed me job, after job, after job, after job…. I often think that hiring managers do not really want to hire someone better than they are. Where is the arrogance? Online CV shows that you are online, connected. You may consider that an employer who wants you to cringe out 20 pages, is not worth it working for.

An employer worth his salt will accept a targeted CV which address summarily the relevant data. What does the CV actually do?? My submissions are software many pages and it actually takes action on the computer. My CV working code software examples actually does things. Most employers also look at school graduation dates and weed us out that way. Yeah STOP with the arrogance. There are 10 tons of people who are qualified, distinguished, educated, award-winning, dedicated and focused who still get the same form rejection letter that might also go out to an average inexperienced high school diploma carrying candidate.

Now most companies are just unprofessional and leave you hanging….. And when you completely deny it it only makes you appear even more arrogant. A 1-page CV, and a mere 2-paragraph cover letter? That sounds like the old high-school excuse of writing essays and making the font larger just to meet the length requirement.

Who cares about that? I submit things that DO stuff. Harder to put 20 or more years worth of being an adult on ONE page. I got my BEST and most relevant to my field of study, jobs, closer to graduation, i. I prefer a more positive approach. Self esteem is vital to the job of selling yourself to an employer, so why look at from a pespective that could make you feel small and insignificant.

To that end, just what can you influence? People like to know the odds because in a small way it tells them that it is not their fault and they are not crazy.

This is a small contribution to the complete confusion you are left with when you have a masters degree and can check off experience and achievements in each of their requirements. Not even a phone call? Good luck finding out why. Choosing the Most Effective Resume Format: Networking to find a job? Focus on being generous. I returned to college after being laid off in ; got a B.

Otherwise it would have shown a 3-year gap in employment while I was in school full-time. I feel like the keyword master. I try not to go insane in the meantime. I am creating my own stats, and with a little finesse, hope to beat this ridiculous and seemingly ineffective recruiting system. This, of course, is without ever speaking with you. I even read an article that said some hiring managers are going back to SAT scores. Oh, now that touches a sore spot. The last interview I was at had 2 of the three people there interacting with me and being enthusiastic while the third the manager was aloof and dismissive and kept looking for stuff to poke.

Well, it could be that there are a lot more unemployed persons than we think. And the reason the Company has to eliminate or Resumes is that they do not have open jobs, but only about 5 or Bill Gates is a US citizen.

Why do applications include inquiries about high school graduation dates if not to calculate your age? There is no Rhyme or reason to the hiring process. There is no personal connection,no one knows your face ,your family, your work ethics or your experience. Your one of a thousand applicants,one of a thousand resumes, no one knows you as a person and if you are an older applicant with experience you are automatically sent into cyberspace black hole never to be given a chance for that job, even though it is supposedly illegal to discriminate against seniors.

It is a very impersonal and frustrating time to find a job these days. Things really do need to change for everyone. Interesting to read that the recruitment process is only a matter of seconds. Means that a recruiter makes a decision for a go or a no go within 10 seconds. I understand the issue that recruiters receives a large volume of resumes and the available time that the recruiter has is very short.

I think that is one of the biggest problems at this moment with applying for jobs online and that Recruitment companies has a program that screens or matching the resume with the job vacancy and I do not think that is the best way because recruitment process is still a people business.

Must not be qualified. And too many recruiters do the same thing, looking for fancy schools or company names instead of at what you actually did. Resumes are a very poor information source. Seeing his resume later, I realized that we would never have considered this guy based on his resume alone.

Neither are useful data. I disagree strongly here. Or a degree in electrical engineering without being able to engineer. At least from reputable schools. Yet firms want to just throw academic credentials out the door and use their own tests which are extremely narrow and certainly have nowhere near the breadth of a quality degree from a reputable school. Applying for predefined jobs is insane, as the author has convincingly illustrated. So, if the odds are stacked against you in this way, why do you subject yourself to this mechanism?

Instead, I encourage you to view this as a marketing and sales problem. Through that lens, why would you ever tolerate any contact whatsoever with HR or Recruiting? What do you have to sell, and who would logically need to buy it? What problem can you solve? In which industry would you likely find a frequent occurrence of that problem?

Within that industry, where is the logical sweet spot, i. Within those companies, who likely lives with your problem every day, and is therefore motivated to be creative in solving it? Where do such people congregate, physically or virtually? In any space, there are blogs or other forums where the industry conversation about your problem is robust, and where you can participate, learn about the industry, contribute to the conversation, make an impression, and get to know people, any of whom may seek your solution or know someone who does.

Quit being passive, waiting for someone else to do all your work for you, i. Create your own job by demonstrating relevance in the right conversations. Some of those who perceive you as relevant will give you a chance to be useful. A 22 year-old corporate drone is not the best choice for candidate selection. And yes, I was offered a job in grad school on a great career track but it was in and was rescinded due to the economy. Trying to go self employed now as getting a salaried job seems near impossible.

What is your education about? Guys be factual and open opportunities instead of general and complaining. Even those that currently have a job that are looking for promotions or a new job altogether are getting stiffed, too. How do you explain that? You may have experience but not leaderskills, or, what is your attitude? They follow a dangerous ideology where they believe if you think positive thoughts all the time then good things will happen.

Yes, that is exactly what this troll is saying. That you have an attitude issue, because of that you are venting about your problems and frustration. Its your right to disagree — however, I challenge you a bit: Try to see how far you get with a positive attitude, and how far you get with a negative attitude.

The issue is not to think positive thoughts all the time. The issue is to see what is the best most positive evaluation of any situation. Look for the benefits of any situation instead of looking into the negative sides.

This is not who we are in general; this is the attitude we assume when we go online with the very intent of letting some steam off. The Secret only contain a few truths. Integrity in all your doings is another truth leading to immense success in life. Love for all life could be no. How about honesty, character, perseverance?? Faith can be likened with Placebo effect, which is a scientific cause of healing.

I concur that just relying on ie. The Secret, or faith, or money or love, is a looooooser…. I am trying to dig into the mountain of competencies you may have. The best revenge on this piece of crap is to just let him continue being who he is. However, try to find evidence supporting that negativity wins at the end of the day. Complainers are right about their complaints but it doesnt help them.

Aiii, avgjo, I had to use an enlarger for a long time, until the member could be visible in a photo. What if not everyone wants to be a manager? My attitude and social skills WERE great.

I practically have to hire myself and pay myself from their payroll just to get hired. I asked about your skills. What can you do. What is your profession? I have coached around 2, Kenyans in terms of career choice, and you can just check where ever you want, online, it is apparently only here in Disqus I am being called names, ha ha ha…. But you have to accept that I am a gloves-off person. I do not wrap my opinions, but nor do I have any malicious things at heart.

I basically love people for who they are. Just to make it clear. I do not suffer from megalomaniac dreams that I have any kind of divine influence or effect on your or others lives. But you can count on that I do not joke with you, and you can count on that if I am writing to you directly, there is no offence intended from this old douche head: Very insightful and useful article — I now understand so much better about the process so I can master the steps to win the job.

For everyone else complaining about being unemployed, learn from the article instead of using it as an excuse for complaining and whining! Successful people feel gratitude. People who displays gratitude become successful. Unsuccessful people feel entitlement. People who show entitlement end up unsuccessful. On top of that, let me just give you a piece of my mind: If you feel merited, experienced, qualified etc.

Not even the slightest. Be ready then, that if this is so — that you are merited, experienced, qualified — and nobody recognizes it — then you are in for a fight to remain relevant. YOU simply just may be ahead of your time. Let me give you an example from MY reality: If, back then, I had thought to myself, that I was an idiot, a dreamer, unrealistic etc. IFF you are not feeling entitlement, but feeling that you are actually capable but un-recognized — then DO something about it.

Your actions should reflect your inner-most belief. Recently, quite a few people in our department left. Leadership skills you mean? Not everybody is a Type A personality thank god! All this emphasis on sole buzz words is rubbish, actually seeming to be limiting the process of finding valuable employees and visa-versa.

Oh my God, is there anything worse than hearing the old bootstrap speech from an asshole who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple? You are assuming a certain attitude is the only qualifying criterion. Seriously, I urge you to think. By your own admission, a leader need not be an SME. How exactly will work get done then? Worse, such a person evaluating my fit for a job.

And by the way, why are children and youth evaluated on their academic performance in schools and universities? Obviously, those assholes have me quite confused — well, a little bit anyways. They want to pay someone more money for little experience, yet they keep wanting someone with experience??? LOL They are insane. Either they are truly assholes like I called them earlier, or they are really stupid.

They pay the price they can get away with, paying. But nobody needs them. So, their pay is not much more than payments in peanuts. If you have a skill, even with very little experience, then they will pay through the nose to get it, if it is unique and very much wanted.

Just trying to justify this horrendously competitive world where the vast majority of normal every day folk can no longer get on in life. I feel no satisfaction having a go at any person. I spend energy and volunteer my time doing so. Not out of satisfaction, but because of that I as a coach have had success with this, countless of times. I would like to put said observation into a context: It has more to do with that the current economic structure in many countries maybe including Kenya does not favor circulation of money.

Money gets stuck with fewer people, who have less spending power. However the more rich elite are realizing in these years, that they cannot grow their riches, unless they actually grow the lowest segments of the society — which means: People living in the slums, farmers, etc.

This can be seen proven in the large scale and small scale. The large scale has a proof called Safaricom, who built their multi billion shilling empire based on their ability to reach out to the farthest corners of Kenya, effectively being able to sell as low denominations as 5 shillings in airtime. Airtel never banked on this one. Equity bank is soon taking over as a larger bank than its hitherto master — KCB.

And who did they build on? The lowest cadres of society. In terms of competition — that will always be there. It is literally in our genes, and it is not a hindrance, but a benefit for the human race. When you see that you cannot get on with life, it may also be due to that you may be thinking that everybody is supposed to get rich. That is not possible,.. So, I would like, peacefully, to get back to the original topic, just telling you, that I am OK being a douche what ever that means, and yes, the world is the sum of all of us and our contributions — being it good and bad.

And I am not trying to justify the competitive world. That world is the way it is. I live in it, so do you. My opinions in that regards are not even relevant…. In my mid 30s, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degrees. Did both in a little over 4 years from a top school.

This is so true, especially for government positions. They follow a very strict formula, and pretty well need a minimum of 10 applications, and then interview at least 4 people for every advertised position which is also very expensive. If they do hire someone who is more qualified from the outside the position will simply be grieved by the union and all is for not.

So governments, almost as a rule, will never hire you into a role that requires experience and expertise. In Canada you will need to apply for the very bottom of the proverbial totem pole type job to get in, and then start to work yourself up over the next years….

You cannot get a senior level job there no matter how skilled you are in your area of expertise. US employers can get a better deal on labor in Asia, there is no incentive for US employers to hire Americans who cost much more to employ than people in Asia. Both the USA and Asia have a superior education system and a huge body of highly skilled people. So both regions of the world have the qualified candidates all employers are looking for. What US corporations make in Asia using cheap labor they can import and sell into the West at retail price.

This results in huge profits at low tax rates for US corporations that outsource, refusing to hire Americans and only hire employees in Asia. All the fake job interviews US employers give to Americans US Citizens is just a scam to look good to the authorities.

It is no surprise that online Internet self-employment and going into business for yourself as a contractor are becoming a new norm in the USA. Transactions can be handled from bank to bank through E-Commerce and products can be shipped via the postage system.

Any information consulting services can simply be downloaded or sent via E-Book online. Employers can get a better deal on production through foreign outsourcing, automation and hiring contractors than they can with hiring direct employees.

All that crap they think they can sell back into the U. The Bill to repeal these tax breaks was killed via Republican-led Senate Filibusters in July and again on July 31, It was unfortunate that President Obama was asleep during that Debate, or he could have told Gov. You may want to contact Senator Stabenow inquire as to whether she will be resubmitting the Bill again in the Senate:.

Actually, China is not forcing American Corporations to send jobs to China. WE are our OWN worse enemy, in giving tax breaks to corporations to ship jobs and factories overseas! However, when events of this nature occur on the Senate Floor, it seems they might as well have happened on an Exosolar Planet hundreds of Light-Years from Earth. My LinkedIn Profile is at: Just about what one would expect in todays world.

The young are great at using YELP vs a conversation as to where to eat. Yep, alive and well is the No experience, but educated u get the job because you will work for peanuts, have no speeding tickets and your credit is perfect because you have none…. Buy a house, get ripped off, credit goes bad and you lose the computer sweepstakes… One reason I am glad I am in the Engineering, electrical field.

At one time it was highly packed with people, no more. You do end up working much smarter climbing down the ladder vs jumping off the platform … But, in the background, someone is stating, their older and use more medical, thus our insurance is going up. Going to be a lot of lawsuits from this soon as sooner or later a computer software is going to get busted blocking out the older folks…. He literally works 18 hours a day 6AM to Midnight 6 or days a week!

It seems he is one of the few people who can repair all of those items. The job entails a lot of electrical work, as most new appliances have Electronic Digital Controls. After coming home at 7AM Sat. He refused and said he was going to sleep for 10 hours or so! There is no Union. My friend is always training people, but many people just cannot do the job and get fired. Many times he has to fail over half the Class! HVAC is a tough job that requires a lot of skills.

I have a cousin who does it. That is simply not true. But it is a good start. The problem with college graduates taking those positions is that by and large the majority of Americans in all generations do not have a college degree. If college graduates take over blue collar jobs what happens then is you see people with no degrees being pushed out of the job market.

Overall, our current system is inefficient, and literally takes human talent on all levels of society for granted. But one thing for certain is, no one is benefiting.

People agree to living in society because it offers them the best chance for survival, and being able to live fulfilling lives. I had long been unemployed and prefer to focus and actively manage zona tips kesehatan blog seputar kesehatan artikel seputar hidup sehat saya ingin hidup sehat seputar makanan sehat zona kecantikan alami aneka kecantikan seputar tips kesehatan informasi kesehatan tips kesehatan terbaru ayo hidup sehat solusi kesehatan keluarga zona kesehatan keluarga seputar kesehatan keluarga tips kesehatan terlengkap zona artikel kesehatan sehat spot area info kesehatan zona keluarga sehat zona kesehatan wanita hidup sehat itu harus artikel kesehatan keluarga.

BIO Corequisite s: BIO - Marine Science Marine Science is designed to give the student an appreciation and understanding of the dynamics and interactions of the various components biological, chemical, physical, geological of the world's oceans.

Habitats studied will range from near shore estuarine systems to deep ocean systems. Special consideration will be given to the human use and manipulation of the Long Island coastal zone.

Laboratory sessions will include methodologies used in oceanographic sampling and analysis as well as exercises reinforcing lecture material. Field trips will also play an important part of the course work supporting lecture topics. BIO - Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology This is a one semester integrated survey of human anatomy and physiology, covering the major physiological and morphological relationships of the human organ systems.

The design of this course is appropriate preparation for Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory Technology, and certain other allied health professions, but it does not satisfy the requirements of the Nursing Curriculum. The major theme of the course is the integrative pathways and regulatory processes that maintain the homeostasis of the body.

BIO - Human Anatomy and Physiology I This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence in which human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach, with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization.

This sequence is appropriate preparation for nursing and other allied health professions. Topics included in Anatomy and Physiology I are: BIO - Human Anatomy and Physiology II This is the second semester of a two-semester sequence in which human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach, with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization.

Topics include Anatomy and Physiology II are: BIO - Botany An introduction to the biology of plants and their ancestors. Topics include cell structure and function, cell chemistry, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. The tissues, roots, stems and leaves are studied covering such topics as conduction, absorption, translocation and reproduction. A phylogenetic comparison among plant groups and their ancestors is the underlying theme.

Attendance is the laboratory course is required. BIO - Zoology An introduction to the biology of animals and their ancestors. Topics include structure and function of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems in animals. Genetics, development, behavior, ecology, and the evolution of major phyla are covered. A comparative approach is taken in studying the invertebrates and vertebrates including man. Attendance in the laboratory course is required. BIO - Human Biology An introductory course that teaches biological principles by emphasizing the structural and functional aspects of the human body, especially as they relate to everyday existence.

Includes discussion of important collateral issues such as the nature and course of disease, smoking and health, drug abuse, immunity and allergy, human genetics, birth-control, over-population, and sexually transmitted disease. BIO - Entomology The nature, structure, growth, and habits of insects and related forms are discussed. The beneficial and injurious effects of insects are covered. Recent breakthroughs and developments in the field of entomology are discussed.

Skills are developed which enable the student to identify insect plant pests, diseases and injuries. Control measures and application equipment are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the various pest management options available to the homeowner and professionals in the field. IPM integrated pest management involves an understanding of pesticides, physical and mechanical controls, biological controls, cultural controls, and legal controls. Laws regulating the activities of pest control operators and the application of hazardous pesticides are discussed.

A collection of insects and related forms is required. BIO - Introduction to Bioscience Moving beyond the basic concepts of general biology, this class explores how biology is used in both academic and commercial settings within the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutical and clinical sciences.

The debate surrounding subjects such as cloning, stem cells, and genetically modified foods will also be discussed. BIO with a grade of C- or higher Credits: BIO - Bioscience Laboratory Practices This course is designed to enable students to develop understanding of and proficient technical ability in basic bioscience laboratory practices.

There is an in-depth presentation of laboratory safety standards, utilization of material safety data sheets, and the theoretical basis for a full range of preparatory and analytical methods and the opportunity to develop expertise in these methods with a variety of laboratory equipment.

Students are required to maintain a laboratory notebook, analyze and display data in graphic form, and report results in a standard format. BIO with a grade of C- or higher Corequisite s: BIO - Medical Microbiology The role of microbes as causative agents of disease in human hosts; the morphological characterization of pathogenic species, classification of communicable diseases and epidemiological aspects.

Host-parasite relationship, infection, and host-resistance mechanisms; sero-diagnostic methods in medical practice. Chemotherapy, mode of action of antibiotics, sterilization, disinfection methods and contamination control. BIO or or or or Corequisite s: There will be an emphasis on the classification, identification and economic importance of both the animals Protozoa-Chordata and the algae microscopic and macroscopic.

The flora and fauna of the Long Island region will be stressed with field trips and collections being an integral part of the course. BIO or or Corequisite s: BIO - Bioethics This course will cover ethical issues raised as a result of modern advances in biotechnology which directly affect the quality of human life. Bioethics comprises every possible aspect of health care: It scrutinizes outmoded laws and deals with the enormous growth in available medical services.

It takes into account our views of ourselves as members of a humane society. This course is also offered as a writing intensive course at the discretion of the department. One semester of college biology with a C- or higher; for the writing intensive version, EGL with a grade of C or higher is also required. BIO W - Bioethics Writing Intensive This course will cover ethical issues raised as a result of modern advances in biotechnology which directly affect the quality of human life.

Bioethics comprises every possible aspect of health care; medical, moral, political, religious, legal and financial. EGL with a grade of C or higher, and one semester of college biology with a grade of C of higher. Offered at the discretion of the Biology Department 3,0. Laboratory procedures will involve the analysis of both chemical and biological parameters, including wastewater analysis, using New York State approved methodology.

Vegetative transecting and beach contouring will also be included. Data presentation and report writing will be emphasized. Field trips and study will be an integral and required part of this course.

Discussion of environmental laws and impact statements will be included. One semester of college biology with a laboratory and one semester of college chemistry with a laboratory.

BIO - Anatomy and Physiology I BIO is a course in which human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach, with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization. This sequence is appropriate for students with a strong foundation in basic biological principles.

Anatomy and Physiology I includes: The required course sequence for nursing students is BIO and BIO or equivalent with a C- or higher Corequisite s: BIO - Anatomy and Physiology II BIO is a course in which human anatomy and physiology are studied using a body systems approach, with emphasis on the interrelationships between form and function at the gross and microscopic levels of organization.

BIO - Entomology II Methods of greenhouse pest and disease control, including identification of major families of pests, diagnosis of diseases, principles of cultural and chemical control, and a survey of pests and diseases associated with economically important greenhouse crops. BIO or Corequisite s: BIO - Vertebrate Physiology This course investigates the principles of physiology in vertebrates with emphasis on mechanism of integration and homeostasis at the cellular, organ and system level.

It explores the comparative, experimental and evolutionary aspects of all vertebrate classes and surveys the impact of recent advances in cellular and molecular biology on this branch of the biological sciences. BIO L - Vertebrate Physiology Lab This laboratory course is an inquiry into the experimental methods and models for understanding vertebrate physiology. It will explore the comparative, experimental and evolutionary aspects of the mechanisms of integration and homeostasis among select vertebrate classes.

Laboratory exercises incorporate computer software-based exercises with classic physiology experiments designed to illustrate both the basic concepts of physiology as well as the comparative nature of these events in a number of vertebrate species. BIO - Principles of Ecology The course introduces the student to the nature of ecosystems, community organization and dynamics, and population growth and regulation through the understanding and use of modern ecological techniques.

The laboratory will be primarily focused on the analysis of field data collected by students. BIO - Plant Systematics An introduction to systematics using vascular plants as the model organisms. Lecture material for this course will cover all aspects of systematics from basic nomenclature, taxonomy and systematic methods through modern molecular systematics and cladistics.

Lab material will cover plant morphology and the identification of characteristics across plant lineages and their relationship to systematics. These regulations apply to all aspects of testing, clinical trials and manufacturing of Biopharmaceutical products under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration.

The course will examine the application of these regulations to the bioprocessing, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, cosmeceutical and allied industries. BIO with grade of a C- or higher Credits: Topics to be covered include cytogenetics, immunogenetics, molecular genetics, population genetics and quantitative genetics.

Computer simulations and demonstrations will present genetic principles. Students will utilize computerized databases to complete independent genomic search assignments.

BIO L - Principles of Genetics Lab Laboratory exercises include both computer simulations and the use of living organisms to illustrate genetic principles and techniques. Students will collect data utilizing standard genetics investigational techniques. BIO is a prerequisite OR a corequisite for this course. BIO - Introduction to Bioinformatics This course is intended to teach the basic tools used in bioinformatics in order to investigate biological questions.

Students will conduct independent projects utilizing existing computer programs and databases for gene searches, sequence comparisons, and phylogenetic analysis. BIO - Cell Biology This course investigates how cells develop, work, communicate, and control their activities. At the completion of this course the student should be able to engage in the broad themes of cell and molecular biology, and to relate these concepts to other studies in biology and other disciplines.

BIO L - Cell Biology Lab This course introduces students to the theory and methodology of protocols routinely used in research laboratories investigating cell structure and function. Students have the opportunity to use both common and high tech instruments to perform weekly laboratory exercises.

Experimental design, controls and data presentation and analysis are emphasized. BIO is a prerequisite OR a co-requisite for this course. Major diseases of economically important plants are emphasized. The disease process and disease cycles for representative pathogens are covered in relation to plant disease control methods.

BIO L - Essentials of Plant Pathology Lab The laboratory is designed to enable the student to acquire skills in collection and examination methods used for the diagnosis of plant diseases produced by biotic and abiotic agents, using microbial isolation and culturing techniques where applicable. The student will learn to recognize and identify directly or indirectly biotic plant pathogens among the Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists, Bacteria, Viruses and Viroids.

BIO - Ecological Topics: The Structure and Function of Nature This course introduces students to basic ecological concepts as they relate to the biotic and abiotic environment. It stresses the diversity of life and the impact that man, other organisms and environment have on each other. Laboratory exercises and field work will investigate the effects organisms have on each other as well as the effects of environmental conditions on growth and development.

Students will also characterize the nature of selected site s in terms of species diversity using plot sampling techniques.

Seminar type discussions require individuals or small groups to explore environmental issues. Topics for these discussions will be submitted to the instructor for appropriateness and approval. Students will be required to research and prepare a paper as well as make a presentation to the class.

The class will be given the opportunity to question each speaker following that individual's presentation. BIO - Principles of Immunobiology Students will be introduced to basic concepts of innate and adaptive immunity.

They will study the cellular and non-cellular components of the immune system including molecules involved in the recognition, uptake, and clearance of antigenic material. They will gain insight into how the immune system acts to eliminate bodily threats, functions to prevent unnecessary activity when threats are not present steady-state , and secures lack of immunity toward self-tissue tolerance.

Students will also review and discuss current scientific literature related to immunity and health. BIO - Neurology of Pain BIO is a comprehensive study of the various neurogenic mechanisms central to the study and understanding of pain is the focus of this lecture-based course. In addition, Clinical neuroanatomy and physiology will be reviewed. Also, a broad base review will be aimed at exploring the psychodynamic components of pain.

This includes, but is not limited to topics in addiction, brain reward cascades, and arousal mechanisms. The final portion of this course includes discussion of the various methods of pain mitigation and measurement. Strong clinical applications will be emphasized throughout the course. Students must submit a resume to the internship coordinator at least 3 months before registering for the course.

BIO with a grade of B or higher. BIO - Microbiology Based on contemporary applications of microbiology, this course is designed to present both fundamental concepts of microbial physiology and growth as well as microbial control measures ranging from asepsis to antibiosis.

The role of microorganisms in natural ecosystems, research, manufacturing and human infection will be explored, with emphasis on prokaryotic genetics and metabolism. Mechanisms of evolution will be discussed within the context of emerging pathogens and novel bioengineered organisms.

The dynamics between the human microbiome and resistance to infection will be presented along with basic epidemiological models.

Lecture will cover viral strategies of invasion, viral lifecycles, viral offense and host defense, prevention and control of viral diseases, approaches for studying viruses and public health.

BIO - Principles of Immunobiology Immunobiology is a course in human immunology covering the concepts of innate and adaptive immunity and descriptions and functions of cellular and soluble factors involved in the immune response to eliminate infectious organisms.

Concepts include mechanism for regulation of the immune response, how the immune system learns to discriminate between self and non-self, induction and maintenance of immunological tolerance and the development of immunological memory. BIO - Introduction to Molecular Biology A detailed introduction to molecular biology, the course covers the techniques common to all molecular biology such as nucleic acid separation and visualization, PCR blotting, and sequencing.

Each is presented from both the view of prokaryotes as well was eukaryotes. Scientific journal articles highlighting class topics will be used to supplement class lectures.

BIO L 3,4 Credits: BIO - Forensic Molecular Biology This course explores advanced molecular biological techniques and concepts as they apply to the study of forensic investigation. The course will cover background information on body fluid identification, DNA structure and function, analytical DNA techniques, and review advancements in the field of DNA typing.

The primary focus will be the molecular biological technique known as short tandem repeats STR testing. Other topics covered include case studies, sample handling, DNA databanking CODIS , mass disaster identification, Y chromosomal analysis, paternity testing, and validation procedures. The laboratory component of this course will give the students hands-on experience in techniques and experiments that are currently being employed by forensic biology laboratories across the country.

BIO - Validation and Regulatory Affairs An introduction is provided to governmental oversight of drugs, devices and biotherapeutics, and the laws and regulations that apply to development, testing and validation of methods and equipment. BIO - Topics in Biology A study of current discoveries and applications of biology, with emphasis on student participation and written assignments. Critical thinking will be developed concerning the validity of popular reports and extraordinary claims.

Ongoing discoveries in biology will be analyzed according to their contributions to the advancement of knowledge, their possible commercial medical, or agricultural applications, and ethical issues that they may arise. Resources that will be utilized include current scientific literature, guest lectures, and the internet.

BIO - Bioscience Senior Seminar The capstone course in the Bioscience Program, utilizes guest speakers and student literature searches to explore the state of the entire field of Bioscience. Each student is required to write a paper on an approved topic in the field of Bioscience based on primary sources in the scientific literature, and to present a seminar at which the student will defend his or her correlations and conclusions about the topic.

BIO W - Bioscience Senior Seminar Writing Intensive The capstone course in the Bioscience program, utilizes guest speakers and student literature searches to explore the state of the entire field of Bioscience. Each student is required to write a paper on an approval topic in the field of Bioscience based on primary sources in the scientific literature, and to present a seminar at which the student will defend his or her correlations and conclusions about the topic. BIO L - Bioscience Internship A1 Bioscience majors may be recommended for or invited into one or more assignments in the Bioscience Internship Series, with the course number selected according to the length of the internship and whether it is a first or subsequent internship.

BIO L - Bioscience Internship A2 Bioscience majors may be recommended for or invited into one or more assignments in the Bioscience Internship Series, with the course number selected according to the length of the internship and whether it is a first or subsequent internship.

Previous Internship with a grade of B or higher, Biology faculty recommendation or invitation. Submission of resume 3 months in advance; Biology faculty recommendation or invitation. Submission of resume 3 months in advance; Biology faculty recommendation or invitation Corequisite s: BIO - Bioscience An intensive bioscience research experience for selected student in a research laboratory under the supervision of faculty engaged in current investigations in the field of bioscience.

Technical Elective for Bioscience majors. Senior status and recommendation of faculty. BUS - Accounting I Fundamental accounting concepts and principles are covered through an understanding of the following topics: Students apply concepts to the preparation of special journals, subsidiary ledgers, worksheets and financial statements.

The following topics are included: BUS with a grade of C or higher Credits: BUS - Management Theories and Practices This introductory course covers management principles pertaining to human resources, individual behavior in organizations, employee motivation and performance, and business ethics. BUS - Introduction to Business This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of American Business and its contemporary environment.

It provides an overview of organizational, national, and international trends and their impact on enterprises both large and small. BUS - Business Mathematics The fundamentals of applied mathematics in the field of accounting, finance, marketing, and selling. Topics include interest, bank discount, insurance, and annuities.

The use of arithmetic as a managerial tool is stressed. BUS - Marketing Principles This course provides the student with a sound knowledge of the basic elements of the marketing process. Major topics include the features of consumer and organizational markets, market segmentation, and target market strategies. Product planning and development, brands, packaging and other product features are covered.

Price determination and the use of various pricing strategies are discussed. The factors in the selection of channels of distribution and the features of wholesaling and retailing are considered.

Elements of the promotional process such as sales, advertising, and sales promotion are included. Ethical and legal issues in marketing, marketing of services, global marketing, and marketing on the Internet are also covered.

BUS - Contemporary Business Communications An introduction to the role and importance of effective communications in business. BUS - Advertising Art and Applications This course will combine basic advertising principles with practical media application. This course shall introduce students to the business of advertising in a contemporary global environment. The course will explore concepts of advertising, including elements of media selection and copywriting within the parameters of internal budgets, management and the application of actual advertising creation.

In addition, students will create advertising, integrating the roles of the creative director and marketing manager. Students completing this course may not receive credit for VIS BUS - Corporate Finance The overall aim of this course is to help students develop an understanding and appreciation of Finance as a business discipline - an analytical approach in assessing the financial worthiness of a business entity is stressed.

Topics covered include time value of money; financial statement analysis; valuation models; risks and rates of return; calculating beta coefficients; working capital management; capital budgeting; the cost of capital leverage and dividend policy; and financial forecasting.

BUS and Credits: BUS - Business Law I An introduction to the nature and sources of law; the role the legal system; the law of torts and crimes; the law of contracts; and real and personal property. The culmination of these concepts and functions, referred to as "team forming, storming, norming, and performing," will also be covered. Case studies will be used extensively. BUS - Financial Information Systems This course will further the understanding of accounting theory and will provide the opportunity to achieve competency in the use of computerized applications.

The course will introduce students to internal control theory within a computerized financial information system. Use of the Web for accessing relevant information will also be introduced. BUS Corequisite s: BUS - Environmental Law This elective course addresses concerns pertaining to the business environment, instructing students as to the unified ecological approach to which affect management. The political approach to business environmental concerns in the context of constitutional, common law and administrative law theories and case and statutory analysis are examined, referencing basic natural science technology.

Designed as a first law course it introduces the business, horticulture and industrial technology student to the legal process applying relevant components of environmental law studies. A nationally adopted text of a major law publisher and contemporary business periodical articles on assigned topics are to be used extensively. BUS - Electronic Commerce This cross-listed business management and business computer systems course covers electronic commerce EC foundations, retailing methodologies, and marketing research.

Focus will be on the various forms, strategies, and implementations of EC including business-to-business B2B , business-to-consumer B2C and consumer-to-consumer C2C.

BUS W - Electronic Commerce Writing Intensive This cross-listed business management and business computer systems course covers electronic commerce EC foundations, retailing methodologies, and marketing research. Students completing this course may not receive credit for BCS BUS - Business Statistics This course provides an understanding of statistical concepts and tools that are critical in business decision-making.

The discussion and development of each topic is presented in an application setting, with the statistical results providing insights and solutions to real world problems. Students will be able to calculate and perform various analyses, including but not limited to: The coursework requires extensive use of commercially available statistical software.

BUS - Consumer Behavior This course recognizes the central role of consumers in determining the fate of a firm's marketing efforts. Topics covered include the understanding of consumer motivation, perception, and learning, as well as the recognition of social influences on consumer behavior such as reference groups, opinion leadership, culture, and subcultures. Emphasis will be on the consumer's decision making process so that students can make more informed choices in the marketplace.

Topics also include the methods marketers use to influence consumer behavior and corresponding ethical and legal issues.

BUS or Department approval. BUS - Retailing This course helps students develop an understanding of the relationship of retailing to the marketing process and describes the fundamentals of modern retailing. A study is made of modern retail institutions. BUS - Industrial Marketing This course focuses on the marketing of industrial goods and services to industrial markets.

Industrial product planning, channels of distribution, promotional activities and pricing strategies are emphasized. Other topics such as understanding industrial buying and evaluating potential markets are also covered. BUS - Salesmanship This course emphasizes the creative selling techniques used by professional salespeople.

It covers all the important elements of the personal selling process with special emphasis placed on determining prospects' needs, translating features into benefits, overcoming objections and closing methods.

Participants will demonstrate their ability to apply the techniques discussed by delivering sales presentations. Prerequisite s BUS or Department approval. BUS - Sales Management The major problems of sales management in the distribution of products and services; the selection, recruitment, and training of sales personnel; measurement of the effectiveness of salespeople, supervision and compensation of salespeople; sales quotas and budgets.

BUS or Department approval Credits: BUS - Advertising Principles This course uses practical concepts to examine the role of advertising in the marketing process. Also covered are the various types of advertising media including magazines, newspapers, outdoor, transit, yellow pages, and direct mail as well as the features of advertising on television, radio and the Internet. BUS - Public Relations Principles and practices of building good public relations between industry and employees, stockholders, consumers, suppliers and the press.

The development of public relations as a top-management function. BUS W - Public Relations Writing Intensive Principles and practices of building good public relations between industry and employees, stockholders, consumers, suppliers and the press. The development of public relations as a top- management function. BUS - Personnel Human Resource Management This course develops an understanding of the important functions and tasks performed by the modern human resource department such as staffing, training, employee safety and compensation.

Emphasis throughout will be on the partnership to ensure a motivated work force. BUS - Small Business Management This course helps students develop an understanding of the relationship of small business management to the management process. It describes the fundamentals of small business management. A study is made of major problems and pitfalls faced by managers of small businesses.

BUS - Industrial Purchasing The principles and techniques of purchasing as they apply in actual practice today.

The purchasing area will be treated as a specialized function in the business organization. Constructive aspects of purchasing with emphasis on long-term policies and profit-making opportunities.

BUS - Intermediate Accounting I An in-depth study of the principles related to financial accounting topics and a study of recent developments in financial accounting required by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Topics include the following: This study will include a presentation of the following topics: The use of cost data and procedures under job order, process cost, and standard cost accounting systems as a tool of management. A faculty member shall act as a Project Advisor. The project selected will utilize skills and knowledge acquired in previous business administration and related courses.

The number of credits received will be determined by the complexity of the project and agreed upon prior to the student's starting the course. BUS - International Business This course will cover the rapid growth of international business and proliferation of multinational firms.

Topics include the nature of international business and the historical development of global markets and marketing. BUS - Investments To familiarize students with financial literature and facilities that are available as guides to the proper selection of securities and other types of investments. The course is covered from the perspective of the individual investor. As such, a logical portfolio commensurate with the financial goals of the individual is stressed.

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