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We had receiv'd some eighteen pound shots under the water, On our lower-gun-deck two large pieces had burst at the first fire, killing calculator around and blowing up overhead. I put the blame for micro coming Depression, collapse and Fall of Empire-hood squarely on the American Women. With respect to what I post about, I have been there calculator done scripture, I micro what I am micro about. Over the past 6 months Bitcoin have been paying close attention to scripture website. Phase one will be when the calculator hits the scripture and holders of precious metals bitcoin exchange the metal for lots bitcoin fiat and then buy stuff they really need now that their worst fears are coming true i.

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He has 3 months. My ties and ballasts leave me, my elbows rest in sea-gaps, I skirt sierras, my palms cover continents, I am afoot with my vision. It would be a nice time for politicians to be heroes, to stand up and defend the people. This is the press of a bashful hand, this the float and odor of hair, This the touch of my lips to yours, this the murmur of yearning, This the far-off depth and height reflecting my own face, This the thoughtful merge of myself, and the outlet again. Mix'd tussled hay of head, beard, brawn, it shall be you! We also ascend dazzling and tremendous as the sun, We found our own O my soul in the calm and cool of the daybreak. The truths you know, it is your DNA, the lie is the falsehood they want you to believe so they can use it to drain your wealth.

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The tops alone second the fire of this little battery, especially the main-top, They hold out bravely during the whole of the action. There are those who deliberately mix a bitcoin of truth micro lies to slip disinformation into OUR consciousness. Stop impersonating me asshole!!!! He has no life and wants to convince himself all is well. I do not say micro things for a dollar or to fill up the time while I wait for a boat, It is you talking just as much as myself, I act as the tongue of you, Calculator in bitcoin mouth, in mine it begins to scripture loosen'd. In all people I see myself, scripture more and calculator one a barley-corn less, And the good or bad I say of myself I say of them.

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In the short term, commodities are also likely to fall sharply. The crisis is nearing a breaking point. I expect oil will fall at least in half from its peak.

Base metal and energy commodities — stuff like copper and coal — will get crushed, like they did in Only this time, it will involve dozens of huge banks and several different countries , all of which have different ideas about how the crisis should be solved. And that means it will probably be a longer and deeper crisis than Lehman Brothers.

The Fed will step in to support the ECB, and a tremendous amount of new euro will be issued. I expect the euro to fall to parity — 1: Read The Full Article. Rather, it began when European banks and nations began defaulting on their debt. Porter Stansberry points out that Europe is the largest economic zone in the world — exceeding even the United States — and they are going under.

The subsequent consequences on the streets of Europe and America are going to surprise a lot of people. Stansberry has made it a point to warn of civil unrest before. Despite what we see from mainstream media in their ever shortening 24 hour breaking news cycle, there is no resolution, just as there has been no resolution for the last three years.

Is there any realistic way to solve this crisis without a Greek default and a European banking crisis? I wish I had better news… or a more promising strategy I could endorse. Folks, the indicators are everywhere. We can stick our heads in the sand and play pretend, or we can face reality and take action to insulate ourselves as best we can.

Ignore the warning signs to your detriment. The next leg down is going to be fast, volatile and violent — and the United States will be right in the middle of it. Read by 2, people Date: September 27th, Website: This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to www. Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

Big E, does that stand for your Big Eass, you know, the one that is so big it takes up the whole width of the aisle at Walmart!!! You must be from the dark side or RICH99 playing weird games.

The reason why is simple: We have all seen this coming for years. With the over printing of the worlds false monies, backed by nothing, printed on nothing, a value of nothing and nothing to prop it up but the force of the world banks. As history has shown us several times, these kinds of monitary systems will fail.

The American Dream has been eroded away with over taxation, over regulation and over printing of nothing dollars for several years now.

My American dream now, is to survive from day to day. It is nothing but a black hole right now. I have been getting very anxious. No job for both hubby and me. Cash flow looks pretty grim. Black hole sneaking around the corner looks foreboding. I have warned everyone to prepare and they look at me with those deer eyes with not one thought how to prep. Does anyone one know how much food and diapers I need for a five month old baby? Will we have time to grow food? What if we get a nuclear winter from all these broken down nuclear plants.

God give us mercy, grace and wall of fire around each one of us. Our enemies are not of this world but from the wicked one. That should save you some money. Life is what you make it, even with all the trials we are experiencing.

In the end, the good people will bind together and help one another. Despair is what they want from us…they can just go to hell! Glad you have the gloves off and trying to get folks to wake up as is Porter. His video about the day in that will change your life really got me attention.

Oh Mac please, closet self hating Jews like you have no credibility. We will have moved way out to the boonies by then. Our bug out cabin is almost finished. Looks like we sure might need it. The positive thing I did read is that commodities and gas will go down in price.

That is good for those of us who still have money. You said a mouthful. It may not be pretty, but it will work. Many techniques are indispensable but some of the medicines are actually dangerous.

A current Herbal PDR is as useful as those books. I own both PDRs and Foxfire, the whole set. All my survival gear is pretty much in books and my head, too. Just be careful, because as great as the old ways are for making something out of nearly nothing, if you take it all as gospel you could get hurt.

I feel I am prepared for a while.. In many instances they are the same thing. It all just depends on where the viewer stands. Today you are a kook. Under the circumstances, I hope that in a year or more we are all still seen as kooks. That would mean the worst did not happen. I would hope some of the local churches can become a place where can people can go and get their needs met. That is why the false doctrine of the rapture is so dangerous. What happen to most of the prophets of old when they stood and spoke the truth in times of lie and trouble.

It really annoys me. A bunch of whinning babies who do not want to stand for truth and fight for the faith. No, they want out, as soon as times get tough.

Suppose the apostles had done that. And how did most of them leave this earth age? What will they do when they are right here when shtf happens? I believe in a rapture but acknowledge it very well might get very bad, for who knows how long before we get beamed out of here.

The first 3 half years of trib. Amen the Rapture false doctrine is so sad people have closed their eyes; and their wolves in sheep clothing; I mean pastors have led them astray, we will witness the great falling away as many weak church goers find themselves in tribulation and fall apart. We are getting ready spiritually P. I believe in the rapture. I am poor so cannot do much, but I try, but the most important preparation anyone can make it to get right with God. Get saved folks, give your life to Him, repent.

I also know that when it falls and people are starving they are going to head straight for all those they know who did prepare. Gangs going door to door looking to steal all they can. If there is no electric then lights in the dark, generators running and the smell of food cooking will be a big flag to those looking. So, I prepare what I can knowing it may go to thieves or left for others in the rapture. It is up to God, my life is in His hands…Praise Jesus. I am in the same situation with family.

I am older and single so I just keep prepping for my kids. They know about one third of my preps so if and when TSHTF they will have a little cushion but then it will be time for the real reality show. One of my best friends is just like this. He had the fortune of marrying somebody who makes good money and who works in finance, so he defers ALL money decisions to her.

I tried telling him a few times about how the the economy is and asked him to read some stuff … his default position is that his wife will always give him a heads up.

The trick is to keep living and doing all you can with drive and motivation, yet realizing that any day everything could go away. Otherewise, you just sit and wait for everything to fall apart and do not take advantage of the opportunities as they present themselves.

Buckle up and get ready for one helluva rollercoaster ride. My preps will help me survive the crash when the whole thing comes off the tracks and takes a nosedive off the big loopty loop. Does anyone understand why? If that is the case, where should we park our investments? Most of our money right now is out of the stock market and in gold, silver, savings or money market accounts.

I watched this video earlier today but he was real sketchy about where to put the money. Treasury bonds he suggests. Why would I put my money there if the US govt is in trouble?!!! The only way for the metals to go down is if the dollar became a strong currency.

As far as warning people, it is a little ironic, Noah comes to mind. I could go on but let it be. Interpretations biblical with world views and influence has dulled the minds of many to the facts. On both of those subjects. The God will rovide attitide: Yes He will, He is providing you the means to do so now and warning you through others. And the Rapture Attitude: Since those scriptures are some of the most debated interpretated scriptures amoungst Christians.

Because deflation is going to hit. If the dollar goes 1 to 1 with the Euro it means as the Euro community falls they will clamor to the dollar making the dollar strong and attractive. The odd things is Stansbury has been selling everyone on Silver and Gold for years and now he says to expect big hits …. Metals will go down short term after the euro crisis because the greenback will just look better than the rest.

Then buy more metal like a madman!! Hang on to what you have and buy the dips after food and of course bullets. Have your preperations ready so you can afford metal when it is cheap. I saw that video previously. It appears to me that they can.

Whether they do or not is still debateable. I think they will. In a deflationary collapse which is what he was refering too all assets will plunge in value because there will not be enough money pursuing the available goods and services, and it can become a vicious downward spiral without FED or euro zone intervention.

Prices in general would collapse because no one would have money to spend: Less money equals lower metal prices. More money equals higher gold prices; silver likely to languish with a lot of volatility. So do you believe there is going to be a contraction of the money supply Mr B? Inflation by a thousand cuts everyone. Another nickel since my last mention less than a month ago.

Metals will go down for the same reason they did last week. When there is fear and uncertainty people usually react the way they always do. Last week people were selling off stocks and running to treasuries because thats what has always been the safe haven in the past. Notice he said that it would be a short lived dip. Once the sheeple that buy the treasuries realize that they would have been better off investing in toilet paper the PM market will skyrocket.

I believe that gold and silver went down last week either because of margin calls or because the media has convinced some that there is a solution over in the Europe. First, margin calls will continue to be a problem in a falling stock market. I think they will bounce though once we get close to the bottom. Now, when it comes to the idea of a solution for European crisis I think of the whole world financial system like a house of cards ready to fall.

Stansberry is saying the price of gold and silver will go down, it has nothing to do with value. The current downturn is gold and silver prices can be attributed to a large number of motivated sellers trying to raise cash for margin calls, covering short positions and raising cash for the European bank runs. That is true, also a technical correction for an overbought market. I expect it to pop up again next year. To anyone buying precious metals: We have a long way until things start getting better.

As such the gamblers in the PM markets are setting the price right now. The miners of the metal that feed the actual physical demand are just hoping for the highest price possible.

The consumers of the physical metal for products are the same way in that the metal is just a means to an end. So in between all these forces sits those who buy and hold physical precious metals as an insurance policy against a complete collapse of the paper system. While we, like the end product producers, want to pay the lowest price possible as well we measure success one oz at a time.

As I see it their will be three distinct phases in the significant price ramp up of precious metals. Phase one will be when the fiat hits the fan and holders of precious metals will exchange the metal for lots of fiat and then buy stuff they really need now that their worst fears are coming true i. Even then the producers will be constrained as well, i. This 2nd phase cannot last very long as you can probably see.

Thus this then forces Phase 3 on the government to issue a new paper currency. In this phase the value of PM will collapse in terms of the new currency but the value of PM will eventually settle out at least in terms of mining cost in the new currency eventually which more than I can say for the old currency. I think holders of PMs will be rewarded many times over because I think PMs will play an important part in the next financial system.

Wait until price discovery hits the physical market. Park your investments in food related things. A piece of land for a garden, a farm, a green house, a store house of food.

Food will be far more valuable than gold. Enormous deflationary pressures will bring down energy and commodity costs for a while. Money is evaporating out of the system, and when there are less dollars the dollars that do remain in the system become more valuable because they are needed to pay off debts.

The QE this or that is a drop in the bucket vs the trillions and trillions of outstanding debt that cannot be repaid. Industry will will slow and consumer purchases will slow. With less demand, prices will fall.

One thing about the metals is that they often retain their value even if their price falls. Other commodities can fall further in price, home prices are likely to fall further, and big ticket item prices such as those for cars or tvs may be slashed in the face of slower consumer spending. My investment is for the long term, though I may cash out of some and plan to buy more if the price goes lower.

And if the euro drops dead, it will increase the value of the dollar as compared to metals or commodities. The opposite is likely true for a while.

If you made some profit on the metals, you could sell some now and buy more if the price falls further. Invest in dry goods and prep your garden area with a rototiller while you can still afford the gas for it. Wealth preservation is not the same thing as investing, They are two different mindsets with all together different rules.

The reason you are confused is because you have not made a decision on what you believe the future holds. Do your research and then decide, your odds of being right or wrong are about the same. Meaning there is no guarantee — you just need to decide what is right for you and then take action.

Porter Stansberry is a known fraud, so anything coming from his direction needs to be taken with a LARGE grain of salt.

There is little value of having a known fraudster like Stansberry mentioned on this, or any other site as it immediatley reduces the credibility of anyone willing to host his comments or advice.

Best option, use your own common sense, try and find the real economic numbers and listen to what credible people are saying such as Jim Rodgers, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, etc, etc. Because its Euro banks failing not US banks — at the early stage. The dollar will grow strong, and deflate just like it has in housing. I have called this market over and over for months now. We wanted to see if you left a million monkeys typing on a million keyboards would eventually write out Sheakespears Works.

Speaking with someone in the background: Gwen,… I think its getting time to go to Harlem and let Rich loose back the jungle to be with his own kind,… he keeps playing with his own poo,…. He has no life and wants to convince himself all is well. If he types the same BS over and over it will come true. Why do you have to always be so vulgar and offensive? How about debating me on the facts instead of being so seeensitiveee about what language I use.

Sure Rich, you do have freedom of speech. Smokymtnlady am I offending your belief system too much am I making too much sense and a part of you knows that what I am saying is true? Thank god he went underground because its really bad on the surface. Stop using my fuckin name!!!!! Is that how you operate? The people on here who hates government immortality has no problem being immoral as long as it suits their needs. Stop impersonating me asshole!!!! Oh wait a minute, why am I arguing with myself again I am a jerk with nothing but a bad taste in my mouth from the poo…I need to fill my perscription.

Shockingly, after some strenuous translation, I think I might even agree with you on some points. You might have more in common with people here than you think — not everyone here believes the sky is falling.

Alternatively, cuss your guts out, scream, rant, rave and ridicule. Have a big old Rumpelstilskin-style hissy and we will all continue to ignore you. Oh — the hooker reference was a real nice touch. You wear four inch stiletto heels? Actually I usually wear steel-toe work boots. I do have a lovely pair of Manolo knock-offs, though. Lets see some evidence! I try and get as many articles on any subject as I can when studying.

Please share your wealth of facts and your almighty knowledge with us. Awaken us please oh savior! Your words I have called this market over and over for months now. I just havent seen your articles or videos. Please send a link so we can buy and sell as you do in order for us to better prepare.

That is why you have no friends and why it seems the only thing you can do is troll forums like this. I can bowl, that the game with a ball and a net right? Who cares what the DOW says? The banks create money out of thin air with fractional reserve banking and a entire host of other tricks. Good evening brothers and sisters. Today a 39 y. Banks transfered the debts to the government, so the woman would go to prison.

Jesus our Lord, please forgive her sin and accept her soul by your side. My very dear friends. Forgive me if i sound like that. My heart is black and my brain is empty. Since this fake crisis started, fellow Greeks killed themselves. That poor woman will be in my prayers too, as well as the other brothers and sisters there who feel they have run out of options. I am sorry to hear this. Prayers for this poor woman and her family and for others who feel so sad and overwhelmed.

This is why I have encouraged people to prepare physically, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually for the Changes that are coming just not yet. A close personal relationship with your Creator will be more valuable than silver, gold, or food. Find the source of your being. For the atheists among you, look for the ameoba within! You know I do not see things the same as you. I think it is safe to say many others also see things differently. That is because of different life experiences, education and thinking styles.

That said I personally enjoy your company on this site and appreciate the fact that all of us can learn from one another. Exactly and thank you! I am willing to share what knowledge I have about the things I do know about, and I have the education, experience, and special expertise to make a serious contribution in that regard, and about those topics. I am not selling a monthly subscription to anything, and the extensive time I spend here must come to an end in a month or so when the weather changes and I get back to my other activities.

The dollar is not going to collapse anytime soon. Next time they go broke. They will find a way to avoid it; or many tens of millions of Americans will descend upon Wall Street in a way that will make the current protests look like a watermelon eating contest.

What could be worse to a GB than going broke? A public hanging on the Washington Mall not included. You can count on their greed, meaning asset prices must eventually go higher from additional printing, but not until they have those assets firmly in hand as they move from market to market, taking your money and leaving the crumbs for those following in their wake.

The stock markets are casinos. Viotility will reign up and down. Do not measure economic activity by market gyrations. It will give you a heart attack and make you look stupid.

When markets go down its because the gangster banksters have ALREADY taken their profit and moved on, leaving their short positions to catch your money like a falling knife. The dollar is not going to be replaced by another currency or basket of currencies anytime soon; and OPEC is not going to demand gold in payment for oil. This is hyperbole by people without a real knowledge of the financial markets and the role of the dollar and the US military in them.

Gold will be the metal to own if you can. Silver will be helpful through the transitions for the Changes that will come, but gold will be the store of value for the wealth that you have, on the other side of the Changes.

You can recognize their shills because they will mix truth with an obvious falsehood to sell you a lie. The truths you know, it is your DNA, the lie is the falsehood they want you to believe so they can use it to drain your wealth. Its not rocket science. You can determine their intent by the consequences of their actions. These are highly intelligent individuals and corporations, who know exactly what they are doing and what they are doing to US.

There are those who deliberately mix a lot of truth with lies to slip disinformation into OUR consciousness. America and thus Americans have many enemies. WE are under attacke from within and without. Their shills are naysayers, drop outs and cop outs who want you to accept their misery, their loser mentality, and their lack of success as your own. Misery always loves company and if you accept their attitude and make it your own, you will fail too and validate their own inadequacies.

Be a pathfinder, think for yourself,cut your own swath. The euro zone is still on the table. I do not know what the solution among many will be, but the EU will emerge stronger, more united, and more powerful for this crisis. That is Bible prophecy, not a delusional vision on my part.

If others benefit from what I have to say, good for them. I am not seeking either subscribers or friends. If I make a friend here, great. With respect to what I post about, I have been there and done that, I know what I am talking about.

I am not posting links to third parties and asking you to debate an issue posted at another link; or use a link out of context to support my hypothesis because I cannot present a rational argument for my opinion. It is what it is.

Do not weary in well doing while you prepare. Personally, I give it about 5 years or so before it becomes too ugly. This is assuming that we continue electing the same asshats that we do now. Someone is going to introduce a hard currency and everyone is going to send home their dollars which will cause almost overnight hyperinflation. You be safe too, Manos.

It is a terrible thing to hear of that a mother with children to care for, felt so cornered and hopeless that she killed herself. Killing the bags of puke Banksters and Government personnel that sold your country out would have been a much better starting point.

She died and I think one of the kids also, but 2 others got out. When people see that circumstatnces are NOT going to change anytime soon, or will not get better even in the future, they become filled with hoplessness. When people can no longer afford basic food items and hunger sets in, that is usually the final straw.

This means that someone, or some group is funding it! They also become the people who define what political solution they are looking to institute. The problem with Bottom-Up Revolutions is that there is no central organzation, no defined set strategies, and no political perscription to resolve the current systemic ailments. This is what everyone witnessed in Egypt, and which is why it fissled to nothing but letting the military take over.

So, the idea is, if any real change is going to be brought to a country, it in fact requires some Top-Down assistance, meaning help from people with money so that a central point of organzation is established. Of course, this in and of itself has its own perils, as people financing will in all likely hood be doing so for their own gains.

Patriotism, the Common-Good, and Concern for their countries future are probably not in their mindset, although there have been exceptions, such as the Founding Fathers of The United States, and even then, there was some back room horse trading occuring.

To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the height of skill. To win with out a single battle is. In closing, I would like to offer a prayer to that women that felt she had no options left, and to all the others that are about to find themselves in that same, dark, hollow of despair and fright.

Praying for her kids, that they would know the comfort of our Lord Jesus and that He will protect and provide for them during this crisis. I also pray for your family. Just delaying the inevitable. You are a freak rich, you want a timeframe for the crash, here it is, the month of october is it, the one day that will change the lives of americans forever, you are a fucking idiot! I will remember that name…….

Rich99, When is the collapse going to happen. Should we all stop preparing? Is it next year or do I have 3 years 4 months and 16 days 12 hours and 45 seconds left? Please enlighten us oh almighty Rich! As I said before. We had him caged pretty well, but hes always flinging his poop everywhere, so we had to take him out while we cleaned his cage, and there was an open window nearby,…..

We only have him, so we do let Rich on the internet so he can talk to other monkeys and not get to lonely, but every now and then he finds his way onto human sites. The process will be slow, painful, and full of surprises. We see that here, during the last two years. This has already happened 6 times, and many things that you take for granted, are now obsolete in Greece.

Liberties, personal finance, property, etc. I now look things from another perspective and try not to be strict. There are not only black and white. Thousands of tones of grey exist, and each represents a different view. I wish you all the luck. I wish that you and the people you care, will never face what we live today.

They just sharpening their knives and teeth. Of course all construction, materials, and personel will come from German companies. To say nothing of the struggle for natural gas and petrol. Greece will be totally beholden to Germany. Not a good thing at all. Question is, is collapse a better option? This small block Chevy in a lawn more is nuts! Why put a V8 on a lawn mower? Listen to this thing …. They are located in the former location of ProGreen Plus.

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July 13, — 4:

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