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If you want the community to still be wallpaper, make it more hierarchical. Shibes start a Doge4Badminton sponsorship project? Thank you for your input! The foundation is also the go-to entity for external requests, from removal or whoever, removal formulates responses in dogecoin with community attitudes. We're all kind of slammed right now as I'm sure you are as well so if we can make it work, I think wallpaper could be a dogecoin good thing for this endeavor. The rest become pretty much rubber stamps, and seldom contribute significantly.

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Now if it happens that this is the way we should go as a result of these discussions, that is fine. Tips to this bot are appreciated and will only be used to fund this bot. Subscribe to our newsletter And stay on top of the news! No one can tell the miners to update, speed up, slow down, stop or do anything. One with around 20, members had been run by one guy in his basement for many many years.

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I'd add to the removal of project managers someone who specializes in multimedia, which is a different animal then traditional or social media. I'll donate these to the cause dogecoin they become worthless. It was either none, sporadic or only when there was an uproar that we dogecoin communications. You want to grab ALL the talent available wallpaper put it to use. It's all put forward to be torn down and rebuilt, better. Click Here Email Wallpaper They removal speaking for themselves, but for us all.

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Dogecoin wallpaper removal

Projects that show humanity, kindness, generosity. Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin which has a community centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do.

Follow reddit's content policy. No promotion of adult content allowed. Spammy, unsolicited and sneaky referrals may be removed without notice. If you need an exception from a rule for a specific reason send a message to the mods to discuss. Dodgecoin funding still needed for science. There are three very important projects you can help, so let's make this happen! With these prices it looks like my next buy is going to be a big one.

I reserve a percentage to redistribute into the community and donate to charities. I will certainly be contributing to science because science has elevated us all. I just celebrated my cheaply bought dogecoins from yesterday by sending each of the tree science projects at https: Thanks for pointing it out, but it's going to bug the crap out of me now.

I grew up in southern WV, surrounded by mountaintop removal, so my life has always somehow been affected by coal mining, fortunately not to this extent. I might enjoy a. I know that he'd love to talk to you about your experience and how the water crisis has affected you. My disdain for how my state is treated led me into a career of stewardship over the land.

I'll be on the outlook for the post! Are there any projects in particular that you'd like to see on the site? Not off the top of my head, but I'll be monitoring the site for new projects and the world for new ideas. Thank you for your input! They may not be right up your alley, but they are still worthwhile projects.

Think of all the people you've ever seen interviewed on TV, and the traits that defined the good ones. That's who you want. This person should not be saddled with the day to day running of the foundation. Though the titular head, the job is too important to get bogged down in operational matters. A small Executive, comprising the necessary tasks in any nonprofit Secretary, Treasurer, maybe two more board members with no portfolio. This Executive handles the decision making and strategic planning, and interacts with the community, and should always be accessible.

Skill sets are organisational ability and communication skills, logical thinking and motivational skills. Then comes non-executive operations people. A larger, and variable group, which can change as needs arise. These don't need to be public-facing and may be pseudonymous but not anonymous.

They should be chosen for their specific technical skills in their given areas of expertise. These are your IT people, coders, artists, marketers, PR people, coordinators, etc. This group should, no, must , be selected from a global talent pool. All positions should be honorary, but there should be a donations fund to cover necessary and unreasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

Reasonable expenses, such as phone calls, stationery and the like, are part and parcel of any volunteer job, and people should not expect compensation for that sort of thing. The foundation exists to serve the community, not the other way around. These people, especially the executive, and most definitely the spokesperson, are worth their weight in gold.

Therefore, they should not be excluded on technicalities. Must be declared, and they must recuse themselves from matters where relevant, but the best people are almost certainly already, or will be, involved commercially in the currency. Pretty much my thoughts exactly; a board of at maximum five people and, ideally, five people for the simple reason that three is too few and seven too many with four and six being prone to ties if things are voted on with limited portfolio.

These people wouldn't necessarily be "always accessible" because that's impossible in a community this big , but they need to be reasonably accessible, identifiable and, as you put it, "public-facing". In our situation, I agree with you that the executive secretary could be part of the board, though I'm usually against that sort of thing because it has the potential to make organizational lines of command a bit untidy this kind of very formalized organ separation is, I think, a very German affectation: I agree that, generally, positions should be honorary, but would add that there should be funds not just to cover necessary and unreasonable expenses, but also to provide for paid-for positions should the need arise.

These shouldn't be the positions of the members of the board, but e. As for conflicts of interest: In a very narrow sense every single one of us has a conflict of interest because we own dogecoin and directly gain from appreciation of the digital currency with respect to reference currencies. I think we would have to define conflicts of interests as they relate to our specific situation and while I fully agree with you in that the people most likely to be suitable will be involved commercially in the currency, there is a world of difference between "being involved" and the kind of conflict of interest that should be prevented.

Secretariats are normally paid staff, and don't hold any policymaking powers. I don't believe there is a need to go down that path at the outset, and I've seen some quite large organisations come to grief by doing so too early. I believe at the outset it can and should be voluntary, and I don't think there would be any difficulty in finding capable volunteers to take it on.

I really believe that the sort of people we're talking about have the intelligence and integrity to both recognise conflicts of interest, and to act appropriately when they arise. That said, while only situations where someone damages the foundation for direct profit need cause concern, we've already seen the politics of FUD and innuendo conspiring to deprive the community of some of its most valuable members.

I think these matters need some careful consideration, and I would hate to see an overreaction to nonexistent threats. I generally agree with you and I'm willing to yield on the matter of conflicts of interest -- I'm usually very narrow-minded when it comes to these things because it is an additional shield against legal issues, especially in countries as finicky as Germany which is the authority I have to deal with on a daily basis.

I also really don't like the way the Bitcoin Foundation organized itself, but I'm pretty sure we can find a neat and tidy system. Heh, yes, I've seen a couple of those moves myself One with around 20, members had been run by one guy in his basement for many many years. Fast forward though grandiose plans, construction, hiring and reshuffles Its not the same organisation that it was, but then this is not the mid 20th century either. He wouldn't be doing the actual work, much like I wouldn't expect the Treasurer to do the books, or the Sectretary open the mail, but rather oversee those who did.

I would hope that the foundation wouldn't be venturing into any legal minefields, so shields hopefully won't be vital necessities, but rather handy optional extras. As for legal minefields: In my experience, everything can be a legal minefield. Another unincorporated NPO I've dealt with had to endure the shenanigans of an elderly former chairman they subsequently expelled and who proceeded to sue and harass the members of the board directly. This only stopped when he kicked the bucket and the lawyer he had appointed to continue the fight on his behalf had the decency and good sense to settle for a moderate sum.

True, technically this is also possible in our setup, but easier to deflect onto an incorporated organization that explicitly provides for indemnification. I agree that project managers don't need to be in the board. However, I think it would be wise that at least some board members have project management experience, so they fully understand the practical implications of their decisions.

I don't think that - at this stage - the main focus should be on bylaws. These bylaws, which may be translated as the legal rules of the entity, normally lay down the purpose of the foundation, the voting rules and several other things like rules on replacement and dissolvement.

All in all not exactly rocket science in most cases, and most of these rules will naturally flow from the more important first steps of reaching a shared vision on what the foundation stands for, should do and whom it represents, etc. I am not familiar with US law, but I could imagine that when an entity such as this is registered there, the applicable US laws require these bylaws to be made, authorized by a notary. I understand you're trying not to be negative, but I'm not seeing many changes to make it better.

Lots of criticism with a few suggestions but, as someone who seems to know what they're talking about, why not be a positive part of the process? Yes, I'm sorry I was as harsh as I was, I was just frustrated because my experience is that once something is "out there", it's "out there" and subsequently changing things requires a lot of effort because people have mixed recollections and are easily confused as much as I've always hated marketing and advertising, it's not all smoke and mirrors, there is a point to the incessance and simplicity ; we had been trying to come up with sensible structures before the kerfuffle of last week brought the foundation into disarray and I was mildly vexed over this work falling under the table.

The Foundation has been handling significant funds and eventually, this is going to cause problems, be it with the IRS or in terms of personal liability always tricky in unincorporated entities. As such, while I understand the reluctance, it is usually better to incorporate first, ask questions later. My original thinking after listening to the people from the foundation was incorporating with a couple of founding members e. I think the idea is valid, the problem is that we have no original board members to incorporate with.

I'm diggin what you said up there. And you seem quite knowledgeable on this stuff It's all put forward to be torn down and rebuilt, better. Attacking people for 'not knowing' things adds little to the conversation. The goals, as set out, were clear -- so, I guess my point is: Help us make it better. I offered you guys my help and assistance while thinking this up, sorry to come across as slightly miffed when I wasn't contacted again and then see something like this.

I also did not have the time over the last two days to engage in anything more because I had to work. When did you offer me your assistance?

I'm so sorry man! I end up getting slammed with messages and PMs some days and I don't know my arse from a hole in the ground. Anyway, if you have specific suggestions on how to help make this birdie fly, we're all ears. I was the person contacted. I stated this at the time and will say this again: I will do my best to keep you and everyone informed with progress as it develops. We are to ensure a fair voting process and also try to help get things set up, however I felt and still feel that neither you or I should make the choice of selecting someone to help without first having that help offered within these discussion posts.

Now if it happens that this is the way we should go as a result of these discussions, that is fine. But I personally don't know enough to be able to say that one person is better to select over another and wanted to give all the opportunity to offer assistance prior to selecting or enlisting any particular persons assistance.

If I offended anyone by doing this, then I apologize but it was not meant to omit anyone, it was meant to include everyone. You and I have put so much work into this and if this shibe should of been brought on board earlier, then this is entirely my fault and should not be directed at you in any way. Hey mumzie - did you tell me that he contacted you? I mean, it's possible, I've been so slammed that I may have entirely missed it.

Either way, looking at your rationale, I agree with your decision to wait to hear from the community. I'm not personally offended, I'm just This would've been a discussion between us for sure re: I know; sorry for being a bit court and miffed. I was just getting a bit frustrated because of mixed signals and because you usually try to sort these things out before drafts about board setup etc.

And yes, this was presented as a first draft. We put a good deal of effort forward to try and present something that was thought out. Even researching existing foundations, etc. What would you suggest the first step be? That's why I rue being as short and snotty as I was initially. I know you three are amongst the greatest people in this community. No worries, I'm pretty sure we'd be glad to have you on board to help, if you're still willing.

We're all kind of slammed right now as I'm sure you are as well so if we can make it work, I think it could be a very good thing for this endeavor. No I don't think I did. I think it will all work out also, but I wanted to clearly state that this was not on you.

It came across wrong in any case and I'm sorry for that: I know how overwhelmed the two of you must have been and as I wrote, you're both great people that I have a lot of respect for -- and therefore I should not have been as harsh as I was. That's okay, we're all a bit frazzled given the size and scope of what's been asked of us.

It's a huge task and we've made it somewhat more problematic by putting it to the community at large I think it's important to have our community feel actually connected to the Foundation 2. In the old one, there was always this feeling of a barrier between the community and the Foundation. Hopefully that's something that can be fixed by going this route. I would like to hop in here and say something right quick. Yes, you did contact me, and yes, your offer to help is something that should be used and I did tell you that we would be making posts with regards to the agenda, and that I would do my best to keep you and everyone else informed regarding progress as it develops.

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