п»ї Dash.js aes

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Greg found Chrome bug dash.js video only media no audio causes an issue with DRM. Last week about Browsermob and browserstack, can manipulate. Dan aes pull in open PRs. One topic from this week is debate on the live edge dash.js time target, segment aes, how close to DVRwindow edges? Can we populate the VOs directly when we parse?

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July 19th Attendees: Greg - multiperiod protected content for 1. Will - add Lloyd and Dave to project admin. Some new controlbar bugs were found and resolved so we want to upload the code to public player ASAP. In fact, I would recommend getting that code working on your own machine as-is before writing your own version. It is also handy for testing EME implementations, and applications using EME, without the need to request a content key from a license server. The Fraunhofer MWS was cancelled for so we are shifting venues.

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Amongst other things this function ensures that all the dash.js classes as defined by the dash.js have been loaded. Decision that time source protocl should match manifest protocol not page. I have discussed this with Aes and will continue looking into some fix around this. Calls for to aes bi-weekly from Jan 10th. January 8, at 1:

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Dash.js aes

Setting up a simple jcadesigns.gogarraty.com player for multi-DRM playback | Axinom

Wowza ClearCaster User Guide. Wowza Streaming Engine User Guides. Wowza Streaming Cloud User Guide. Wowza Media Server User Guides. Live Streaming and Encoders. Scaling and Load Balancing. Media Players and Devices. Prepare and Connect Video Sources. Work with Streams and Transcoders. Deliver Streams to Players and Targets. Use the Camera View. Control the Camera and Microphone. Dan - goal is to merge all PRs except last three this week.

Berlin face-to-face meeting - Tues May 16th. Registration opened today with Fraunhofer. Will to create Wiki page for collecting agenda items and also send out email about event. March 07, Attendees: Ask Rik to make sure it works with smoke test vectors. Discussed PR , Rk, mentioned possible seek at start bug. Wondering if may fix Vudu is seeing a wasted frag when using seek at start with s Asked Rik to investigate if time allows.

Tobbe small fix for new Iso-boxer lib. Rik would like to review design. Thanks for the work! We decided to merge metrics limiter PR. Not optimal but better than current. Code climate pr integration is complete but not seeing it turned on yet.

Dan will follow up on this Dan - Want to set up the code coverage next. New projects Tabs in Github. We should use it to plan sprints instead of milestones. Feb 21, Attendees: No more extending the player. Solve some bugs, work on items. Bertrand, Nicolas - at Munich f2f, worked on submission for Smooth streaming integration. Dan has not reviewed code lines, but has downloaded and built, building Akamai support player using that.

Need to generate init segments and process media segments on the fly. Consensus to go ahead and merge this PR. Reference player will be updated to have some Smooth samples. Will also create a separate sample app showing minimal implementation for Smooth.

Dan - announce to group , pulling back from developer, staying as manager and admin. More time to document, flow charts, PR review. Select any different combinations not required. Open issue first, then create PR. Tobbe - look a bit in to, looking in to low delay, support chunked transfer mode.

Also look at subtitle PR. Heads up face-to-face May 16th Tuesday. Will to put out save the date. Dan integrated CodeClimates PR review tool last week.

Feb 7, Attendees: Will, Dan, Garret, Tobbe, 2. Thanks to everyone who submitted CRs for this point release. Dan - status - reviewing some of the large PRs.

Update for seek bug PR - concept of common earliest time. Differs from what is advertised in mpd. After appending, check available buffer. Delay seeking for live until buffered range is known. Next is Smooth streaming addition - abstracted nature, can be loaded separately. MSS package is implemented as optional inclusion. Tobbe - should we have a separate player?

Dan - looking at DRM tools inside support player Tobbe - some issues for subtitling - will address. Look at integrating imsc1 library. Also, thumbnail proposal is out and Will created working sample of thumbnail proposal: Cannot replicate under Mac OS.

Suggest update to newest Chrome Issue - Dan to investigate - mpd chaining. First implementation can be brute force restart. May just be parsing manifest and then setting new source on complete. Dan may look at it. Improves charts to show incoming caption data. Also add text tab. Add to issue for player. Jan 10, Attendees: May be related to DVR changes that came in with 2. Should we perform time sync for segmentTimeline? Should not need it as it is clock-independent.

Dan - improved charting and UI for reference player. Can now choose which metric you want to chart. Can limit to 5 items to stop. Will add data to plot points that will display on hover-over. Torbjorn - posted thumbnail proposal available at https: Please provide comments in the issue thread https: Will to create working sample file.

Dan to modify controlBar contrib. Kevin - no updates on ABR logic. Working on merging throughput with Bola. Sprint planning on target - provisional point release 2. Will, Kevin, Dan, Garret, Sample files hosted on dashif. Issue is that http: All samples players should be accessed at http: Contiguous can be accomplished by new minAllowedBitrate parameter. Dave has fix Will probably put in point release in next few weeks.

Dan - will improve charting in default player on next release. Dan - working on retry logic, as discussed at f2f, for 2. Brightcove would help work on this. Switch up will have heavier bias towards throughput, as will startup, end of stream and Low latency.

Related - merged yesterday, for ABR improvements, brings dropped frames rule, switch history. Sprint planning - provisional point release 2. Will - to ask European contributors what call time they would like. Calls for to be bi-weekly from Jan 10th. Reload manifest, if it does not have additional periods or returns a , then execute EOS. Standard says last segment in representation. If static, find lmsg, then end the period. Can cause problem if playing stream back form live point.

Dan to create issue. EMSG, signal to reload the manifest. Today we parse form segments but do not interpret. If value is 1, payload is pubnlish time, if manifest is older then you should reload manifest. Dan - Need to create issue to track. BBC will reload manifests every minute.

Will signal EMSG 2 minutes before end. Manifest will come back with media presentation duration. Retry logic - live profile for static streams. Currently retry 3 times and die. On static stream without baseURL, retry once after half segment duration. The try same segment in lower representations, walking one by one. The increment segment index by one and try at original index. If all fail, un-blacklist, then proceed as if for non-baseURl use-case. Dan - some PRs from Orange, will review.

F2f is now sold out. If anyone wants to attend, contact Will directly. Dan merge PR for Dynamic multiperiod with other refactoring. Dan added new PR to solve for issue Dan working on Spec in google docs that will be shared soon and will set up a review call before implementing anything. Dan offered to help the folks from Brightcove get started with the code base, just reach out.

This results in a Text fragment not being found and the entire text track does not render due to the one missing segment. Has had requests to implement Image profile. Will mentioned that IMSC1-text profile may be the more future proof profile to implement. Hence, it is something the project needs to support. Open PRs - Jonty, approved by Dan. SetSchduledWhilePaused to false without autoplay in div would produce failed start.

If seek while buffering, playback rate can stall. Safari10 on Sierra get by default, as well as any user without Flash, Dec 1st Chrome change will make default. Does schedule in to the next period. StreamObject sourceBuffers for very period.

Working on multi-period now, dealing with intermittent stop. Lloyd - someone in slack channel , Edge has port for vp9. Edge has not updated the API for discovering if a codec is supported. Should try newer API first. Dan - debugging unit tests, success with IronNode, Mocha and Chrome debugger.

Need to look at recent changes from BBC. Chrome interested in looking at doing away with string inits for SBs, and rely only on init segments which are appended. Players can use to store media info width, height, codec, bitrate as well as advertising, application specific data and debugging data such as IP of server that delivered segment.

Code freeze Wed 30th Nov, release on Dec 9th. September 27th Attendees: Will, Tobbe, Will - create issue for people to add logo to reference player. Live sim - Dan out on vacation - Dobri looking for info. Tobbe - found overflow bug. Solution for fast-start with large segments - either do range requests , or try to implement Fetch API. Not sure if it is reliable across browsers yet.

There was talk of chaining output directly to sourceBuffers. There is a polyfill for unsupported browsers - https: Face-to-face meeting - San Francisco Dec 14th, hosted by Dolby. Registration is now open at http: The wiki page to add agenda items is at https: Starts with last period.

When it comes time for new period, can't find new period. Nate- what is multi-period support state? Dan - VOD should be working in all browsers. Some browser sensivity to. Dan - working on dynamic multiperiod with Tobbe. Currently create new sourceBuffers for each period.

Phase I - 1s transition always tear source buffers. Prefer to stay away from dual surface, due to fullscreen problem. Lloyd - Bob - non bola ABR rules. Looking at throughput measuring dropped frames, discounting those qualities , shift history. Also suggested to look at magic number for cache detection. Tobbe - live sim work. External SIDX file allowed in amend 1 of 2nd edition. For IMSC1, not doing much work, have image subtitle support since 2. Styling for FF still missing.

Thinking of blending throughput rule data with BOLA. Dan - low latency , live edge rule, "hodge-podge of complexity": Work needs to be done around live edge determination. TimelineConvertor needs to be reworked. Can display UTC in controlbar now. For DVB dash, s result in manifest refresh. Dan - PRs ,. Face-to-face meeting - Dec 14th, San Francisco.

September 13th Attendees: Should incorporate the throughput and abandon rules logic instead of replicating it in a separate file. This will mean some abstraction needs to be done. Talked about the one production test success. BOLA has been tested by an Akamai customer in production with great success. Proven by Media Analytics evaluations. Comparing throughput with BOLA. Note This comparison was done previous to the v2. Some new controlbar bugs were found and resolved so we want to upload the code to public player ASAP.

Dan is working on various internal issues this week and will start major sprint work for Dash. August 30th Attendees: Will, Dan, Lloyd, Tobbe, Dan - working on revision of ref player. Will release with 2. Much better responsive layout and scaling. Lloyd - live stream issues still.

Need to resolve prior to 2. Dan - lot of events need to move to mediaplayer events from core events. Track with central issue. All events aggregated in to events. Tobbe - not compliant with IMSC1. Prohibited embedded TTML subtitles. Box parser - https: Lloyd - integrate 2. Will look at ABR in 2.

Has written new segmentHandler. IE issue was resolved - credit to Bernhard! DRM - need plan to work on features. Dan has trouble making content, but has interest in the implementation. Create an issue around Ad insertion - Will wouldm like to discuss revisiting dual-videoELement solution for multi-period. Issues with moble devices which require user-interaction. Dicuss at next face-to-face. Release for 31st - suggest move to Fri 2nd September and release rc3 in meanwhile.

August 16th Attendees: Looking at throughout rule - oscillates and has problems with cache. If retrieved in less than ms. Can have different tolerance for audio and video. Suggested to use throughout threshold instead of time threshold. Tobbe - image subtitles, with png encoded in base64 inside TTML.

New PR with this functionality. Relative URL needs reference back to segment. Dan will help and send examples. Kevin submitted BOLA update - will not turn on by default, but would like people to test. Production usage with Molotov produced really good improvements in stream average bitrate and stability. Where on Dynamic multi-period? Not addressed head-on yet.

May have been resolved. Dan will look at it. Will to ask Elemental if they know anyone doing dynamic stream ad insertion. HLS conversion for playback - changes m3u8 in to segmentList manifest. Akamai will have working at IBC at booth.

Release dates - code freeze 22nd , release 2. August 2nd Attendees: Started by removing Virtual buffer since it was memory heavy and complicated. Multi-track then had to be fixed. Can hold fragment models over period switches and track switches. Event priority by integer number - how to make it clear and clean.

Have an open PR on this. Dynamic multiperiod in pipeline - Dan suggests getting working with single source option first, before we consider multiple videoElements.

Kilroy suggests specifying constraints on content that allow source buffer re-usage. If cannot be seamless, then execute tear-down. Kevin - BOLA advances, testing with live streaming. Exploring different buffer targets, down to 12s. Share report next week with dash. If can isolate repro, send to Kilroy. Release dates - code freeze 17th , release 2. July 19th Attendees: Will, Dan, Lloyd, Dave, Kilroy, 2. Add issue to 2. Make segment handler parts testable. For VOD create static list once per manifest update 2.

For live , availability live offset, used for ads inside live streams,Live-sim 2. What about Smooth support? Dave - Playready bug, no protection data set. If have protection data set, then filter, otherwise don't.

Point release possible if needed before 2. Dan - working on ABR testing suite, fixed multiple events , qualityChange event, refactored to get rid of confusion. Always get start and complete for each segment that is rendered. Now have qualityChanged event and then qualityRendered event. Will get dangling change events that are not followed by a rendered event.

Danb - notify people about event names changing. Dan - will put out PR. Kevin - test harness to compare ABR rules. BOLA oscillates too much under most conditions.

Also saw problems with existing ABR rules. Location of next Euro meeting - Amsterdam or Berlin. Pick a time for discussion - Monday 25th AT July 5th Attendees: Low latency streaming capabilities using and partial segments - should look at ability of SegmentTimeline signalling segment durations which are twice as long s other segments, causes player to sit in a request loop - dan to respond.

Dave - nightly build machine has fallen behind. Last build from June 24th. Dave - W3C comments have not been made 5. Kilroy - sees problem happening with clearkey, common pssh box used to signal keyid with uuid. Dan says we handle this case right now. Common pssh box should only be taken as indication of CENC. Manifest should carry key ID. Kevin - received sufficient profiles.

Test set-up is active. Getting browsermob to throttle. BBC are comfortable with release of RC4 2. Will release Wednesday July 6th. Dan to put out draft of release today. June 21st Attendees: Other than that, everything is is looking pretty good. Dave - I've been talking to "MetaG8" with regards Lloyd - , before we would declare that half a segment was available, but in practice only when entire segment is available can it be used.

Need a DVRwindow event rather than a metric. Also need to constrain the DVR window so that the live edge is no closer to the true live than the original delay-from-live. Remove all the binary search behavior and make a much cleaner workflow.

Make new issue for log lines about why switches are being made. Can we disable log lines by default for non-debug levels? June 7th, Attendees: Introduced bug with default quality of -1, will fix easily. Quality switch at load, with overlapping switch requests. Lloyd - Dave's PRs , device pixel ratio fix. Lloyd - use for phantomJS in testing environment? WebM update - fix from IRT, nice to see two lines of code, changes in stream. Provided test vector - can we add to ref player.

We need a webM test example in contrib file. Using Media Analytics to capture data. Question about how to alert? Can send automated emails - Lloyd to make change. Open PRs - , pull in. Open issues - supporting anchors, for 2. Dan still wants to see if dynamic multi-period live can be fixed simply. May 24, Attendees: Minutes from the meeting are available here: We have TTML in , which is non-standard. Tobbe - made some test content , working on that.

Dan - worked on issues with replacing buffer. Meeting with Kevin on ABR algorithms. Package up fast switching for 2. Lloyd - commits around PR for issue template. Last week about Browsermob and browserstack, can manipulate.

Download result to HAR. Dan - Kevin can help with setting up tests. Email thread or quick meeting. Next will look at visibility of errors, binding to error events and surface. Summaries minutes, Axel issues, Create parent issue to simplify tracking. Will create and issue. For parsing models, can run two in parallel. JSON and then ironed to object. Why do we iron? Can we populate the VOs directly when we parse?

Dan is interested in looking at it post 2. Other people using DOM parser. F2f - what can we improve for next one. Liked developer attendance, higher than in US. Wyle - suggested 2nd day for hacking day. Adoption for Smooth still an issue. Dan says catch error instead of trying to predict.

Lloyd - can provide 5 and 2 channels. Parallel playback of audio. MSE can add as many source buffers as you want? Lloyd can pass audio element as source node for web audio. May 10, Attendees: Will, Dan, Lloyd, Dan - buffer grows to 12s and we append at end of buffer.

Can we speed this up? Beyond buffer pruning, do not serve lower quality cached content. Small amount of code, in validate loop, if 12 buffer, will replace segment one ahead of playhead. Will allow us to have larger stable buffer targets without sacrificing switch time to better quality.

If you seek back, will replace going forward. Lloyd - want seek to be quick. Consider what happens if loading a replacement fragment fails. Need to check abandonment logic. LLoyd - reminder of segments not being returned. Set global timeout on requests - media requests by type.

Fast connection with high latency will abandon prematurely. Face-to-face meeting next week in Munich. This is the opposite of what I need. It seems that Azure doesn't really support dash if this is not possible… so I must have done something wrong because someone has done this, as this media link works in the dash player: Also, if you don't have a streaming reserved unit, then the word 'Premium' will be missing from the Pragma header below.

Check that the smooth plays smf. Although I believe this is for encoding, I assigned one. So I'm completely confused as to why it became unpublished, or how the smooth streaming plugin played it previously. But, it works now… so thank you for the tips! If you have more specific questions about using dash. I'm not familiar with DotNetNuke but if you can embed scripts in the page then you can do as NumbStill correctly suggests in the first comment — use 'window. My only complaint is that I can't seem to find any documentation anywhere.

Specifically I would like to be able to toggle logging. Trying to dig through minified dash. Anyone know if there's a way to toggle logging off? Dan, the best place to ask your question is within the dash. My MPD is like the below.

Many of these benefits directly address opportunities for improving user engagement identified in the Conviva report, such as: Creating a browser-based streaming video player In simple terms, the intention of the below example is to demonstrate how easy it can be to build an MPEG-DASH player into your website. January 4, at January 8, at 1: January 23, at 5: January 30, at 7: January 30, at 9: February 6, at 8: February 24, at February 24, at 1: March 17, at 9: March 17, at March 20, at 3: April 7, at 5:

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