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Thanks for the paper. Changes like these might happen in parts of a dialect continuum rather than universally across a sub- branch.

Off the top of my head, here are three innovations of roughly the same age with different distributions in Norwegian:. South, west and north, including the western valleys of Eastern Norway.. Or, does your analysis make room for reticulation?

Sorry, other readers, for the somewhat technical terminology. Not exactly sure what the corresponding terms in historical linguistics are. Rediscovered Luwian Hieroglyphic inscriptions from western Asia Minor is now out.

The discussion makes clear that the things which surprised me are actually normal. I should probably give it another go, then. I have read more. The provenance as outlined should have left a papertrail. First, the government action taken to salvage the inscriptions should be documented in Ottoman archives and other contemporary sources.

Second, the history of the international project as described should be documented in notes and correspondence of the involved as well as in department budgets and accounts. I only almost deleted a paranthetical comment. To be clear, Emilia Masson did publish the article. What I meant to say is that there should be traces and living memory of interaction with the members of the international project that Mellaart had just become involved in.

Section 4, dealing with evidence for and against the possibility of it being a forgery, is pretty bad. For instance, the fact that the writing is highly grammatically sophisticated is counted as evidence in favor of authenticity; but so is the occurrence of errors in the writing. Oh, I thought the implication was that the collaboration was not remembered by colleagues, collaborators, assistants, and students. I only almost deleted a parenthetical comment.

I have finished the paper. I agree that it seems overly elaborate for a forgery, at least if the linguistic interpretation stands scrutiny. Much rests on confirming the provenance. Residents of the village want to build a new mosque before the archaeological excavation. The inscription contains the oldest writings from the Bronze Age. The first translations of the letters written in limestone contain information on the powerful and advanced civilizations of the Bronze Age.

According to the script written in ancient Luwian language on a stone plate of 10 meters long, the combined navy of the kingdoms of Western Anatolia raided the coastal cities in the Eastern Mediterranean.

In the inscription, the spoils of this seafaring confederation played a role in the collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations, which were born according to historians.

The investigators believed that by the order of King Kupanta-Kurunda of the Bronze Age kingdom of the inscription, Milat was first built in A new team of Swiss and Dutch archaeologists arrived on the new findings.

One of the 20 people who can read the ancient Luwian language in the world, Dr. Fred Woudhuizen translated the writings. After the French archaeologist George Perrot copied the manuscripts on a piece of paper, the peasant inscription was used as construction material on the basis of a glass.

The copy of the inscription was found at the home of British historian James Melaart in When Mellaart died, his son wrote the example of the inscription at the foundation of Luvi Studies. Eberhard sent it to Zangger. The construction of the glass is older.

We have no idea what is used in the construction of the glass. There are inscriptions and fountains near the mosque where the ancient writings are.

We have not received any information about archaeological excavations. If an archaeological excavation is done here, we need a new mosque first. We allow work later, so that the people do not become victims. We will support the excavation work if our wish is fulfilled. It is such a date that we learned new.

In our elders who are involved in the making of the glass, there is no definite knowledge of the elderly. We heard from our great people that it was only burned after the War of Independence and that it was renovated from after the war. If there is such an excitation we would like to be brought out to the earth. However, archaeological work can be allowed if a suitable mosque is built by showing the place for the villagers not to be victims.

Using Google Earth I found one certain mosque on the edge of the village and one one possible facing a square. That soon brought me another news story from October , this one even with a 5 min. It is wondered where the inscription on the paper is copied, and where the inscription says it was used as a building material on the base of a glass. The fact that the subject was subject to news in national and international circles caused astonishment in the villagers who were unaware of the situation.

The peasants began to debate discussing between them, thinking that the 3,year inscription was under the oldest of the two walks in the country.

The curiosity increased the fact that even the oldest of the village did not know when the mosque was built. The village chief Bahattin Devrim said that the mosque, which is claimed to contain the inscription, was a historic mosque, but no one had any knowledge of when it was built.

Revolution telling that the mosque was changed due to the restoration in time, There are two mosques in our village but this is our oldest cam. He said that if a new mosque is made to us, there is no problem in excavation under this glass. There is also a village fountain, with fountains on the side of the outside wall of the glass said to have been found, and a fountain on the opposite side of the glass, which is considered to be Persian or Ottoman.

So there seems to be two mosques in the village. They welcome archaeologists if they just get a new mosque first. The ubiquity of poor English is a sign of the world dominance of English.

Everybody everywhere is taught English and believe they have or feel they ought to have active command of it. This sort of works for people with fairly similar native grammar and largely shared idiomaticon. It breaks down in Japan. Iinstrad I triangulated between my much poorer French and German, since those translations had been handed over to professionals. World English has become autonomous to the extent that people see no need to consult a native speaker even when it comes to expensive hardback publications, let alone less formal situations.

Brill, in particular, seem to feel that it would be superfluous to hire English-speaking copy editors for English-language publications. Presumably this becomes self-reinforcing; the more people are groundlessly self-confident that they have L1 command of the language, the less the systematic failure is apparent to other L2 speakers.

On reflection, I may be being naive about Brill and English-speaking copy editors. I get the impression that even once-careful academic publishers now tend not to see the point of any copy editor.

On the other hand, I imagine that native-speakers of Akkadian got pretty narked by what all those Hittites and Amorites and Canaanites and what-have-you did to their beautiful language. To say nothing of Egyptians. As seen on LH in Dead all-your-base link, alas. And after I retire later this year, the situation will be even worse. The translation is not by Zangger himself. The narrator admires the technological achievements, which are described to a degree unusual for Plato, not ethical principles or religious practices; there are details about quarry work, ship construction, artificial harbors and so on.

The abrupt end of the story requires an explanation. Furthermore, although Critias is unfinished, it has a final form, lacking the shortcomings expected of an unfinished work. We should expect Critias to be composed the same way. Why would he have endangered his reputation by repeatedly portraying as correct what in reality was just a fairytale? How many great thinkers have there been who created a piece of novel-like literature like the Atlantis legend and then insisted again and again it was real — without losing their glory?

Likewise it is commonly believed that a tidal wave could have destroyed the old civilization, while the story unambiguously describes the flood coming down from the sky. There are thus at least eight layers of potential distortion covering the truth. Then he goes through the story almost sentence by long sentence. The text emphasizes several times that the story is set nine thousand years before Solon. Back then, says the text, it was still possible to pass there by ship, because?!? For all that lies within the mentioned mouth seems like a harbor bay with a narrow entrance; that [sea], however, can really be called a sea and the land around it in fact and truth and the full sense of the word a mainland.

The Egyptian coastline is so simple that e. Second, foreign place names written in hieroglyphs are always hard to identify because the vowels are missing.

Solon and the anonymous Egyptian priest must have had that problem if they stood in front of a column that told the tale, as the text says, and Plato mentions in Critias that Solon later replaced some names by their supposed Greek equivalents indeed that he translated the personal names into Greek because they had earlier been translated into Egyptian and thus were only preserved in Egyptian translation.

So, perhaps the Pillars of Hercules are an inaccuracy. Third, which Pillars of Hercules? The term occurs in the Odyssee, even though Homer, says Zangger, had almost certainly never heard of the Straits of Gibraltar. Some guy named Richard Hennig determined in that the term began to refer to the Straits of Gibraltar only after BC. And it is, as described, truly a sea and verily surrounded by terra firma.

And — never mind Jason and the Argonauts oldest band name ever — there are Mycenean finds from Romania to Georgia. Navigating the Dardanelles against the current and the prevailing wind was hard, too — even in , when the Black Sea Pilot said that often or ships were waiting for favorable wind at the same time. Literally, Atlantis is a daughter of Atlas. As chance would have it, Homer Iliad The Ancient Egyptians, says a source from , commonly reapplied outdated names to new settlers in the same area; and while no Atlanteans have shown up in Egyptian sources, Dardanians may have drdny fought on the Hittite side in the battle of Qadesh.

This is why the sea there can neither be passed through nor explored, because at very shallow depths the mud that the island left behind when it sank is in the way. The mud in the sea may be an ahistoric rationalizing attempt to connect the natural catastrophes and the loss of the knowledge of how to sail through the Bosphorus causally.

Then Critias says he ought to tell the details after Timaeus has presented everything from the origin of the world to the origin of man.

In the process, cites Zangger, Plato confused it with the Flood of Deucalion, which becomes even more apparent in Nomoi. Then come the alternating rings of water and land, created by Poseidon before ships existed, so perhaps of natural origin and neither perfectly circular nor perfectly concentric. Turns out the Troad is full of dry meandering riverbeds and sand heaps, on which see below.

Atlantis was divided into 10 parts, each with a ruler from the same dynasty; one of them, ruling over the best part, was at the same time king over the whole thing. Zangger interprets this as an interpretation by Solon, misinterpreting a name as Gadeira after misinterpreting the Pillars of Hercules.

Nowadays, this word is used for brass; that, however, is an alloy of copper and zinc, and zinc was unknown in Antiquity. This has caused much consternation. However, the other mentioned metals iron, gold, silver, copper, tin occur in hydrothermally deposited lead-zinc ores, which are the most common ores in the Troad and worldwide; and Strabo Geographica The man speaks Modern Greek.

Perhaps the German translators or publisher are to blame? Zangger concludes that brass was made in Antiquity by heating copper with smithsonite zinc carbonate , and that specifically in the Troad, Andeira being some 80 km southeast of Troy. This ore was rare but not unknown in Antiquity. Aristotle said that it was used for steles.

First the Atlanteans built bridges across the rings of water to make the royal palace accessible. Given where the Scamander the river, not the Newt was in the Bronze Age, a bridge was needed to make the palace mountain of Troy accessible.

A harbor has never been identified in the Troad. Here Zangger makes the first attempt to interpret all of them as a whole. There has never been a serious attempt to determine its age. Schliemann, who noted several phases when the canal was renewed and used again, thought it had to be very old because the water had piled up a beach of 2 x 2 km in the bay; he cited someone who said the canal had already existed in the time of Xerxes and had, in the time of Demetrios of Skepsis a source for Strabo , diverted all of the water of the Scamander into the Aegean.

Zangger then explains how this hypothesis could be tested by digging a trench transversely through the canal. The depth fits that in the text. This canal is much larger than necessary to drain the plain; more likely it was a harbor entrance as in the text. Then the Atlanteans dug a canal one, not several as often shown connecting the three water rings at the height of the bridges, wide enough for one triere, and roofed.

Zangger identifies a fitting trench in the landscape. To be — if I understand the strange wording — deep enough to be navigable from the sea, it would have had tall, steep dams on both sides that could have been covered by wooden planks if someone indeed got that strange idea. The widths of the three water rings fit the three rivers in the Troad; the widths of the land rings are a bit too narrow.

The diameter of the central island 5 stadia fits the city center with the royal palace. The description of the quarrying fits the Troad and many other places around the Aegean. A drawing on p. It looks very compelling. The size of the floodplain stunned Plato himself, who had Critias interrupt the narration here for the only time to state that it was quite implausible that a plain that size could have been surrounded by a trench, but that he had to tell what he had heard.

All around the Mediterranean the only place with extreme and almost constant north wind is the Troad, as already mentioned at every occasion in the Iliad poetically and then again by Schliemann complainingly. The Catalogue of Ships in the Iliad says that Troy and its allies had a total of ships. Then the amount of divine nature diminishes as the amount of divine ancestry diminishes, and their riches make them decadent.

Zeus sees this and decides to punish them so they can repent and improve. Thus, Critias ends exactly where the Iliad begins: Solon may have been too old — says Plutarch — or too busy — as Plato believed. In the Nomoi, Plato praised Homer as divinely inspired. Quite the turnaround after he had, in the Republic, expressed disdain for poetic imitatio and even called Homer unsuitable for educating the youth. In a later chapter, Zangger tries to reconstruct the whole development of the plain of Troy with all the canals and sand hills.

After Scepsis come Andeira and Pioniae and the territory of Gargara. There is a stone in the neighborhood of Andeira which, when burned, becomes iron, and then, when heated in a furnace with a certain earth, distils mock-silver [ i.

These are the places which the Leleges occupied; and the same is true of the places in the neighborhood of Assus. For reasons unknown to me, Jones leaves out this fragment: Is there a geologist on board? As far as my knowledge goes, copper can form native alloys with gold and silver, but copper-zinc alloys have always been produced by smelting.

While remarkable and I suppose priceless for those who study them , they have no practical use. Very interesting stuff, and many thanks for the immense labor of translation, summary, and commentary! I have a copy of the English edition, which is dated Someone must have given it to me, as the English title would probably not have attracted my attention at the time.

Tin is mentioned explicitly elsewhere in the story. Electrum has been dug up in Troy. Omni auro inest argentum vario pondere, aliubi decuma parte, aliubi octava.

Minervae templum habet Lindos insulae Rhodiorum, in quo Helena sacravit calicem ex electro; adicit historia, mammae suae mensura. In all gold ore there is some silver, in varying proportions; a tenth part in some instances, an eighth in others. If the proportion of silver exceeds one-fifth, the metal offers no resistance on the anvil.

At Lindos, in the island of Rhodes, there is a temple dedicated to Minerva, in which there is a goblet of electrum, consecrated by Helena: One peculiar advantage of electrum is, its superior brilliancy to silver by lamp-light. Native electrum has also the property of detecting poisons; for in such case, semicircles, resembling the rainbow in appearance, will form upon the surface of the goblet, and emit a crackling noise, like that of flame, thus giving a twofold indication of the presence of poison.

The Greeks realised that it was an alloy, but since the concept of chemical elements did not yet exist, they also thought of electrum whether natural or artificial as a substance distinct from both gold and silver. I am not sure what Pliny understands by incudibus non resistit: Pliny came as close to being a scientist as any in Wome; even his down-to-earth style sounds quite modern.

He would have come still closer if it had occurred to him to obtain an electrum goblet and verify its poison-detecting properties experimentally. Well, two, thanks to my unreliable Internet connection. James Mellaart was described as having had encyclopedic knowledge as well as a vivid imagination, and as unable to read Luwian hieroglyphs like Zangger himself, BTW or cuneiform.

The letters he wrote to Zangger in were handwritten, and really hard to read photos were shown! Afterwards, Zangger was asked if he had ever seen any of the original inscriptions. There are tells in western Anatolia no farther east than the east end of the Marmara Sea. But nobody has started digging on almost any of the tells. Oh, and, the Iliad contains lots of facts that were jumbled together at random. If you have anything that needs editing, feel free to contact me.

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Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscription Deciphered? October 17, by languagehat Comments. Another of those intriguing-if-true reports, this one by Natasha Frost for Atlas Obscura: Anybody know anything about this? October 17, at 8: As they say, W4tP wait for the paper ….

October 17, at 9: October 17, at Mellaart seems to have been the victim of fraudsters there. October 18, at 7: The table of contents promises 30 pages on the Dorak affair. October 18, at 8: I have now set skepticism levels to Code Red. October 18, at October 18, at 1: October 18, at 2: Trond Engen is a very bad man.

October 18, at 3: If I had no other reason to keep this site going, I would do so for the sake of puns like that. October 18, at 4: October 18, at 5: October 18, at 6: Perhaps they could only settle where they could bring their water buffalo.

October 19, at 1: October 19, at 8: October 19, at 9: October 19, at October 19, at 5: October 19, at 6: October 20, at October 20, at 1: Zangger argues that Plato did figure it out, and abandoned the Critias mid-sentence…. October 20, at 4: Stesichorus must have been extraordinarily influential, to wrest the story of such a central figure as Herakles out of the Dardanelles and place it at the mouth of the Mediterranean Columnas Herculis legimus et in Ponto et in Hispania, as quoted in the paper and discussed at greater length in the book.

October 20, at 8: From the LiveScience article: I find the latter idea pretty unpersuasive. Do you drop it like a live grenade? October 20, at 6: October 21, at 2: Which parts are the geographic details that resemble Troy so suspiciously? Is it the abundance of elephants in the country? Did Troy ever hold sway over all the country from the Pillars to Egypt? Did Schliemann find a temple with a roof of ivory, inside an enclosure of gold?

To me, that seems an adequate summary of Zangger. Not deep enough to hold water. October 21, at 9: October 21, at Zangger certainly tries in the book. As I said, wait for Christmas. October 21, at 3: October 21, at 4: October 21, at 7: October 22, at 6: October 22, at 7: October 22, at 8: October 22, at 9: Achaeans, Danaeans in Homer.

October 22, at October 22, at 1: Ras-wa becoming Ars-wa and then Arts-wa spelled with an extra a in the middle for cuneiform reasons is conceivable… Not really. October 22, at 2: October 22, at 4: Why does all this New World stuff end up associated with Turkey? October 22, at 5: Possibly because I am wrong. October 23, at 1: October 23, at 6: Maybe for the rhyme? October 23, at 7: October 23, at 8: October 23, at 2: October 23, at 3: October 23, at 4: October 23, at 5: From The Book of Jubilee: October 23, at 9: October 23, at October 24, at 1: October 24, at 2: Actually it makes very good sense.

October 24, at 4: October 24, at 9: That may explain N. October 24, at No more encores, Ladies and Gentlemen! Lameen has left the building. October 24, at 6: He forgot his New Jersey.

October 24, at 7: Such things happen with ethnic names. October 24, at 8: No idea of what those names are. I give my tongue to the cat. October 25, at October 25, at 5: October 25, at 6: October 25, at 7: The logical consequence of this is that 1. Gomer — Cimmerians horse nomads of Ukraine who were driven out by the Scythians Magog — nobody has the slightest idea, most logical version is that they could be the Massagetae horse nomads of Central Asia Madai — the Medes Iranian people, conquered and assimilated by Persians, located in modern western Iran Jovan — Greeks from Greek term Ionia, ie, Aegean islands and Aegean coast of Asia Minor Tubal — Tabal Luwian Neo-Hitite kingdom in south-central Anatolia Meschech — Anatolian people known in Assyrian sources as Mushki.

Dyakonoff believes that they were Indo-European invaders from the Balkans whose language was actually the direct ancestor of Armenian Tiras — Tyrsenians ie, Etruscans. October 25, at 9: De Camp was certainly a talented writer. I just wish he had stuck to his own material.

That only works in Italic. October 25, at 8: Yes, I do too. October 26, at 1: Jubilees was written at latest in BCE, probably earlier. I think we have to look elsewhere for the Tiras isles. October 26, at 5: The division between the sons of Ham seems straightforward on similar criteria as Europe.. October 26, at October 26, at 3: David, There are several intriguing items linking Italic with Slavic: October 26, at 8: Your private keys are never held or known by ledger wallet or a third party: With Ledger Nano S, your wallet remains decentralized, you are your own bank.

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