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One large benefit is it's information on any coin you want to select. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Now select "Create Task If you have ideas for the remaining BTC, see here for more info. The funds already donated will be spent on some sort of advertising, as intended. Yes, people were actually buying at that price, but in part because they thought someone was putting up real dollars to buy bitcoin every minute or however long Willybot's interval was for months. Your page has 2 redirects.

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I think that viewpoint conflates two different things: Money held on an exchange is never real money. It's only a promise that the exchange will allow the transacting parties to withdraw later. This promise can always be broken. The market price at the time isn't really relevant to this fact. The parties who bought or sold at the high made the decision to buy or sell at that price. The deal was made between the buyer and the seller, it was as real as any other trade. The third party exchange breaking its promise to allow withdrawals doesn't change the fact that the trade happened between the buyer and the seller.

The seller assumed he would be able to withdraw fiat at some point he never did. Understood but I don't think the motivation of the trade makes any difference. The trade happened at the trade price. The alleged motivations of the traders, which cannot be proven, are irrelevant. There are lots of people who will say that mtgox criminal acts didn't influence the price that much, but I disagree. I think bitcoins were being purchased on mtgox with promises to pay fiat that could never be fulfilled, and of course when those users went to withdraw fiat in fall , they could not.

Because that money never existed, it was made up out of thin air, either by Karpeles or a hacker. In my mind, the entire Nov bubble was completely fraudulent and artificial.

If you erase it from the chart, bitcoin's growth looks quite steady. Doesn't matter how it got there. Real people were paying real money or could withdraw real fiat when they sold. Yes, people were actually buying at that price, but in part because they thought someone was putting up real dollars to buy bitcoin every minute or however long Willybot's interval was for months.

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