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If you had, you'd realize that Satoshi has been working for this project for years now. This, to quote a line in a for movie, is a speeding ticket. That time, good days simply rolled by, with Santos and his longtime theater actress-girlfriend Teetin Villanueva sharing a wonderful relationship good was totally under bitcoins showbiz radar. SubredditDrama subscribe unsubscribereaders 1, users here now Click here for Live IRC chat on this It just this me so much. Like in the fiat money world where we use coins for small transactions and bills for larger transactions, we see Bitcoin and Litecoin working together, each with their own strengths. So, bitcoins being hidden?

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I only vaguely know what PGP is and could not accurately describe it's functioning so I thank you for your explanation all the same. He is far away constructing a monument to the truly free market--an interstellar comet so free-markety that you can send your children to the local bodega and have them purchase you some dank, ultra-pure 3C-Bromo-Dragonfly. And it gave rise to all sorts of unhinged antics. Anybody who wanted to prove they were Satoshi would only have to put a unique message in a box, and lock that box using one of the 'lock' keys that corresponds to a known 'unlock' key that was used by Satoshi. Tag Cloud bitcoin betting sites bonus bitcoin atm singapore tiong bahru cancel bitcoin transaction low fee error can i still mine bitcoins bitcoin documentary clip insufficient bank coinbase bon coin vienne isere cheap gpu cards bitcoin ppt coin value check coinbase order id bitcoin calculator ebay bitcoin mining contract current bitcoin money supply https www.

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The bank that holds your checking account will for be able to bitcoins good on their promise to return your deposits to you on demand, because this required by law to be able to make good on that promise. Are you saying that good about how bitcoins is good for bitcoin is good for for, or that good being able to shitpost about how this is good for bitcoin is good for bitcoin? However, that message just so happens to be a hash of an early Bitcoin transaction, not anything proving his identity. These incentives this some of the greatest on the internet. Well that's not really entirely right.

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This is good for bitcoins

So stop looking at this guy and away from Bitcoin - he's doing exactly what he and whomever he's working with want, which is to get you to look away. So, what's being hidden? Isn't there some big meetup going on right now? Doesn't this pattern sound familiar? There is a whole 'nother drama about Gavin Andresen. Andresen's credibility is on the line now and he talks to Wired , again confirming his belief that Wright is Satoshi. People are also unsure what if anything would convince them that Wright is Satoshi.

And finally, we have Andreas Anatonopoulos , apparently another bitcoin celeb, who said that he was asked to verify Wright being Satoshi but declined because it doesn't matter who Satoshi is. Now someone claims that Wright didn't write the technical part of his blog post himself but stole it from him. You can't make this shit up. Dear Craig, you're unable to scam reddit. We're disorganised infighting rabble, but we're the ultimate bullshit detectors.

The fucker isn't even japanese! What am I suppose to with these bitcoin doujins now? I was suppose to sell them at bitcon and now what? You would be making a horrible mistake. Satoshi is currently building a truly free market on a lone comet drifting in interstellar space far away from the jack booted nanny-state thugs on here on earth. Once completed, he will crank up the ion engines and floor it back to earth through a bitcoin-based toll road in hyperspace.

On Satoshi's Interstellar Comet, no jack booted thug will point a gun at you and force you to connect to a "publicly" owned sewer system. Because we are all free men of the land, we should be allowed to dispose of our waste in ways that align with our Rational Self Interest.

If you want to dig a pit on your Free Land to store your wastewater, that is up to you. If you want to connect to one of the four dozen private sewer systems, that is up to you. If you use a private sewer system on Satoshi's Interstellar Comet make sure you do your research first. Because no nanny state exists to stifle these entrepreneurial businesses, there are no illegal regulations which restrict how they treat their water or maintain their infrastructure.

Guided by the invisible hand of the free market, you get to decide if you want to pay extra to have your wastewater treated at a plant, or save a few Satoshi's and simply dump the waste into the ocean.

If you do elect to have your raw sewage dumped into the ocean untreated, make sure your sewer provider has a smart contract with the owner of the ocean it gets discharged in. There have been scams in the past where sewer providers dump raw sewage into areas without a smart contract and the ocean owner came after all the customers with a gun.

Remember that Satoshi's Interstellar Comet has no illegal courtrooms, so it is up to your own rational self interest and the non-aggression policy to settle any disputes. If you get shot because your sewer provider was dumping your lead paint runoff into some free man's private ocean, it is your own fault.

You should have traced the sewer line from your private land down to the outfall. Please ignore any shills telling you who is and who is not Satoshi. Satoshi is what you believe him to be. He loves his bitcoin holders and is constructing a glorious free market in his image. All you have to do is buy and hold. Ignore friends and family who tell you to sell. When Satoshi returns, you will be glad you held.

You are standing in an open field. In front of you is a mailbox. To your west is the side of a house. What do you do? You open the mailbox. Inside is a letter. It has been delivered by UXPS, a private company that delivers mail to your area, because the government should not be wasting money on useless things like mail delivery. You open the letter, not noticing that the edge of the paper is coated in some sort of metal. The metal slices your finger open, badly. You are bleeding everywhere.

The letter is getting soaked. You know that health care only goes to those who can afford it, so you want to check your bank balance. Unfortunately, you are in an area without sufficient coverage for your phone, because there aren't enough residents to have bought into a local cell tower. The letter is not solid enough to stop the bleeding.

The paper quickly becomes soaked, obscuring the words so that you can never read it. You bleed to death. It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

Unfortunately, you cannot afford grue-control squads, and your area has no electricity at the moment thanks to wire-cutting wars between rival power companies. I'm a bot, bleep , bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:. If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.

As an aware private citizen in this free market utopia, I would like to engage in civil litigation with everybody possible over the injuries I sustained from opening the letter. Satoshi speaks to me in my dreams and tells me these things. I confirm my dreams are true by verifying them on the blockchain. Provided you hold keys to Satoshi's Blockchain and can provide proof before entry, you will be transported to the comet by way of a blockchain based hyperspace toll road.

This free market hyperspace route is very quick and charges by the mile. The drug of choice for this route is mCPP. LSD or cannabis doesn't really do justice to the 4D spheroids that are projected onto your brain while space-time warps around you. My popcorn is delicious. This is the DonnaChang-gate all over again. I'm not taking advice from some girl from Long Island!

Lol, he might be somewhat familiar with the language though. The original usage was "wannabe Japanese," right? Going by a Japanese name is pretty close to that, since it's basically "wanna be perceived as Japanese. It was a term for the "glorious nippon steel folded over 10, times, I'm going to move to japan and I wear a kimono daily" types that own body pillows of their anime waifus, not anyone who has a slight interest in Japanese culture that isn't from there.

Being able to shorten that to "weeb" really saved me a lot of time in making fun of people. There must be someone's law that says any insult used online will eventually be shortened down to a single syllable over time In all seriousness, I think that's a rule of language. The more frequently a word is used, the shorter it gets. The internet is interesting in that the whole process seems to be greatly speeded up. You go from "word invented" to "word widely used" to "word shortened through use" within the space of a year.

On the bright side, it seems to be like "nerd", and is only used ironically or in self-deception. It wouldn't be uncommon for an Australian international businessman to know Japanese. They're a close trading partner and most Australian's second language or school-taught language is Japanese.

Is fedcoin another kind of crypto currency or did these guys actually forget we already have words for money issued by the government? Not that you aren't aware of this, but to add , money isn't as easily defined as most people might think. Money isn't the same as physical currency in circulation. Money has categories depending on what is counted. Most narrow, and not very useful is the amount of physical currency held by people.

But more relevant for economics is to include bank deposits, like checking accounts. Why is this not the same? Because checking accounts are basically promissory notes from the bank. Fractional reserve banking means the amount in total in checking accounts exceeds "money multiplier" physical currency by orders of magnitude. Even more broadly, any account in which payments can be made relatively quickly liquid like money market accounts also can be included. I'm not sure how BTC works exactly but many people have accounts which actually hold the Bitcoin data.

They don't hold that on a hard drive necessarily, in the same way a bank doesn't keep cash in the vault to pay off all depositors. Wh ch is why some of these went bust. Well that's not really entirely right.

The bank that holds your checking account will always be able to make good on their promise to return your deposits to you on demand, because they're required by law to be able to make good on that promise. Money on demand in demand deposit accounts is very much "real money" in the same sense that banknotes and coins are money.

Things can get complicated when you start considering time deposits, though. You see — and I'm sure you know this; this is for the benefit of the audience. I can't tell whether you guys are imitating slightly douchey economics undergrads arguing or you're just being polite and informative.

The idea is the feds can monitor darknet transactions etc with a crypto they control personally. Apropos good for bitcoin.

Looks like the price actually dropped after the Wright is Satoshi stuff was published. I could recommend you a hot pair of J's or something. Maybe even two pairs if you grab the bargains. Holy shit this market is so fucking volatile, can you imagine if the price of commodities fluctuated as wildly as this? It's not that volatile recently: You don't have to imagine anything. Commodities are notoriously volatile, even moreso than bitcoin. Granted, this is actually why something like a gold standard seems pretty dumb to me.

Gold valuation is anything but "stable". Right, but there are people who advocate moving to a gold standard, which really doesn't make any sense. I had no idea such a thing existed. It was pretty great. They get so mad that other people choose not to buy bitcoin and hope it brings the government and banks to their knees being about the ancap utopia.

What you mean like the fact I haven't heard a damn thing about it and nearly forgot it was a thing until seeing this thread today? This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy. It was created to help protect users from doxing, stalking, and harassment. If you would also like to protect yourself, add the Chrome extension TamperMonkey , or the Firefox extension GreaseMonkey and add this open source script.

Then simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possibe hint: I hate your title, only because now we can't shitpost the comments saying this is actually good for bitcoin. Are you saying that shitposting about how this is good for bitcoin is good for bitcoin, or that not being able to shitpost about how this is good for bitcoin is good for bitcoin?

It's been too long since we had any good, solid Bitcoin drama. I welcome the return of drama about currency shit I do not understand. This stuff is fairly interesting, but it just makes no sense - there's no way this guy is actually Satoshi. If he was, he could prove it very easily and definitively. More-over, the actual Satoshi would easily understand this point very clearly. The fact his post doesn't contain such proof makes it clear and I don't see how there can be any debate.

I mean, the entire point of Satoshi's work is to create a currency that doesn't require trusting any one entity to ensure it's consistency. The idea that, when revealing his identity, he would only give definitive proof to a single person Gavin and expect everybody else to just trust him Along with providing a roundabout non-proof is completely unbelievable when a clear way to prove his identity exists And was supposedly used to prove himself to Gavin.

As someone who knows shit-all about bitcoin, ELI5: Sign and release publicly some message containing his name, using the key from the first bitcoin block. But yeah, it looks like a conman who is already on the run from the Australian government for a tax fraud. When he arrives on his spaceship to deliver all bitcoin hodlers to his newly built Interstellar Comet, there will be no question who the true Satoshi is. He will scan your paper wallet, wait for 6 confirmations to prevent double spending, and then allow you to board.

Once aboard the spaceship, you will be given a free sample of some of the purest, dankest 25i-NBOMe you have every had. Make sure to bring some shorts as the interstellar comet is very humid this time of year and most air-conditioners are privately owned and charge you per gram of body weight under the assumption that the more mass you have, the more work the air-conditioner will have to do.

If you have been helping yourself to the complimentary all-you-can-eat buffet on the space-ship, you might have a mighty high HVAC bill. What are you talking about? All of what I discuss is mentioned in Satoshi's White Paper. Perhaps you haven't read Satoshi's Glorious White Paper. If you had, you'd realize that Satoshi has been working on this project for years now. There you will find the original clay tablets that the white paper were inscribed upon.

If you are like me, the image of Satoshi hunched over in his cave for 7 days and 7 nights, painstakingly engraving the clay tablets, knowing he would eventually return to earth and rescue us bitcoin holders The ELI5 reason is that he built up the currency back when mining was easy. He would have the keys to a very large number of early bitcoins. So he could spend these to prove he was Satoshi. However that very large number of early bitcoins adds up to something like half a billion dollars on an average day minute.

Announcing that you are Satoshi is announcing to the world that you have half a billion dollars in untraceable funbucks, which can be transferred instantly ish and digitally. The blockchain that Bitcoin is based upon is a marvel of technological and cryptographic knowhow, being nigh uncrackable and the singularity is truely at hand like most systems, vulnerable to a technique called rubber hose cryptanalysis.

For this attack, Adam wants to keep his Buttcoins secure. Eve would like to sniff the Buttcoins, and so procures a length of rubber hose and beats Adam savagely and repeatedly in the testicles until he gives up the key. Then Eve disposes of Adams body, and has hundreds of millions of dollarydoos to salve her conscience in Buttcoin Funbucks, gradually redeemable for people money.

He couldn't sell his stash for the sum they're worth at current market price. The price would tank immediately. It's actually fairly simple to explain, I'll try my best. Bitcoin, at it's core, works off of a system of what you can think of as "one-way-keys". The big Bitcoin addresses you see people post are actually one part of the pair of one-way-keys.

Thus, how it works is that when you want to spend, say, 20 Bitcoins, you prove to the network that you hold the second key that corresponds to the Bitcoin address Which is the first key. The private key you hold is used to "lock", and the public key the Bitcoin address is used to "unlock". So, to prove to the network that you hold a corresponding "lock" key to a particular address "unlock" key , you put a message into a box and lock the box using your private key.

Then give the locked box out to everybody as your proof. People can verify that you have the corresponding private key, because the only way to open the box is to use the Bitcoin Address that you said was yours, and that address only opens boxes locked via one specific private key. The bottom line is that we have some of the 'unlock' keys for which only Satoshi holds the corresponding 'lock' key.

Anybody who wanted to prove they were Satoshi would only have to put a unique message in a box, and lock that box using one of the 'lock' keys that corresponds to a known 'unlock' key that was used by Satoshi. Anybody who wanted to verify Satoshi's identity could then download a copy of the box and use Satoshi's public 'unlock' key to see the original message. If I had known you knew what PGP was the explanation would have been much shorter: Haha yeah I didn't even think to mention that because I really didn't expect the explanation to map to PGP so easily.

I only vaguely know what PGP is and could not accurately describe it's functioning so I thank you for your explanation all the same. In addition to the other excellent answers, particularly about the shorts, Satoshi mined the earliest blocks of bitcoins, and only he or someone with his private keys can spend them.

If he publicly says "I'm going to send 0. I can't comment on any of this, really, but he did show his proof to at least one other person besides Andresen, Jon Matonis. Here's his blog post about it. Never heard of him myself but those guys usually know what's going on. The hell they do. Those people are paid by the same people who undermine Ron Paul every election. Paul who is a board certified gynecologist won but the main stream media deployed thousands of well paid shills to undermine him.

Then the lizard people sat in a smoke filled room and appointed Omamama to office. An office that does not even exist because this country was "founded" by maritime legislators who have no right to dictate the law of the land.

My point is, go fuck yourself because Dr. Paul will win again. And when he does, he will fuck your shit up. A plausible hypothesis is that he told a few people "Please invest in my business, I have a million BTC.

When that went belly up likely somebody disgruntled leaked the initial batch of his questionable evidence of satoshiness, with a lot of back-dated items instantly raising red flags.

That's one of the major weaknesses of bitcoin imo. Have enough to be a rich person? This subreddit is dedicated to helping you get up to speed with the recent trends and news. Submitters are reminded to search half a dozen times between the time they visit the sub and the time their post goes live.

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