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Now the whole article is darkened by one troll comment and people insulting the troll for that. Follow the 11 Things You Must Do Right and your dog should live a long, healthy life and seldom need to visit the vet. Now in my opinion you are either misdiagnosed or your full of shit. She has been corrected and there are no mental scars. What Is An Addisonian Reaction?

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At that time I had a chow chow. CLH September 29, at It also contains small amounts of cortisol that entered the hair shafts as the hair was forming. For example, a British vet reports superb cure rates using a mixture of grain alcohol, acorns and "essence" of ACTH. Its a sad state of affairs for the breed as a whole. Its called dominance idiot!! The same emotional connections that dogs experience in packs can transfer easily to any group setting, including cross-species situations.

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Dog Behavior Blog: It’s Okay to Change Your Dog’s Name

How to Train Puppies : Teach Your Puppy their Name

My name is Michele Welton and I've been working with dogs for over 35 years as an obedience instructor, canine psychologist, and dog breed advisor. I've also written 15 books on choosing, raising, and training dogs. Since you're reading this page, I'm guessing you're interested in training, so let's talk about that. Tell me if I'm right Who understands what you say. Who does what you say. Take Taz, for example.

Some years ago in Southern California, I got a phone call from a dog owner who wanted me to help solve some behavioral issues with her dog, a little Schipperke. Taz was a Schipperke, about 12 inches high and 12 pounds. Bold, dynamic, inquisitive, independent Dashing past my face, he paused at the fruit bowl to snatch up a grape. Then he launched himself off the table, sailing through the air with all four legs outstretched like a black flying squirrel.

He landed effortlessly on the back of the sofa. And then I still see this image sometimes in my dreams , the little doggie climbed the drapes Still clutching his filched grape. Short for Tasmanian Devil. In my 35 years of experience, no dog had worse behavior problems than Taz. Aggression toward people or other dogs starts on page Struggles, resists, won't stand still pages Mischievous, gets into trouble starts on page Housebreaking "accidents" pages Chapter 9 covers housebreaking — three different ways to housebreak your puppy or adult dog.

Barking too much pages Barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark. Learn how to get your dog to stop barking when you tell him to, and how to prevent excessive barking in the first place.

Won't let go of things pages Does your dog brace his legs and refuse to let go when you try to take something from him? Just follow our step-by-step instructions for two vocabulary words — one where he willingly releases whatever you need to take away from him, and one where he drops it even at a distance. Getting into trash starts on page 19 Does your dog get into the trash, no matter how many times you've told him not to? Once you start our Respect Training Program, the trash will become off-limits once and for all.

Jumping on people starts on page 20 Does your dog jump on people when he's over-excited? We'll show you how to get him to calm down and greet guests politely. Demands attention pages Does your dog frequently nudge you for petting, or pester you when you're trying to read the paper or talk on the phone? It's normal for dogs to do this sometimes, but when it becomes excessive, it's not psychologically healthy.

On pages , you'll learn how to minimize demanding or overly-dependent behavior. Growling, guarding food pages Does your dog grumble or growl when you go near his food bowl, bone, or toy? Or when you try to make him move from his favorite chair? Or when you touch some sensitive part of his body, like his tail or paw?

These are all disrespectful behaviors and they'll stop once you establish the right Leader-Follower relationship with your dog. Pulling on leash starts on page Does your dog pull on the leash when you try to walk him? This is easily corrected with the techniques in Chapter 13 Walking and Exercise. Aggression toward people or other dogs starts on page Is your dog aggressive or shy with strangers or other dogs?

Is he nervous or shy? Chapter 15 The Sociable Dog will make a big difference in your dog's behavior toward the rest of the world. Struggles, resists, won't stand still pages Does your dog struggle or complain when you try to bathe him, or brush him, or clip his toenails, or brush his teeth?

It doesn't have to be this way. Stealing things starts on page 19 Does your dog steal food when you turn your back on him? Not only is this dangerous many a dog has ended up in the veterinary emergency room after polishing off a plate of fried chicken , but respectful dogs don't steal your food. So if your dog is a thief, something needs to be done about the Leader-Follower relationship in your household.

We can definitely help you with that. Chasing the cat pages Does your dog chase or pester your cat? Start on page Your Dog's Attitude Toward Cats. Mischievous, gets into trouble starts on page 19 Does your dog keep getting into trouble when you're not around to watch him?

We'll explain all the reasons why your dog might be making mischief, ranging from boredom to loneliness to lack of exercise to normal adolescent hijinks. We'll give the solutions, too. Do you sometimes think your dog is completely hopeless?

He just needs to learn to respect you, and then he'll look up to you, he'll listen to you, and he'll do what you say. It's not hard, but you do need to know the right techniques. If your dog does any of those things, don't feel bad. For 35 years, dog owners have been calling or emailing me with these same problems. And many hundreds of owners have hired me to HELP them with these problems. In my experience, 99 out of owners say their dog's behavior could be "better".

Obedience classes are too hectic and the exercises your dog learns are not very useful. Not by obedience training! That may surprise you, coming from an obedience instructor. When your dog goes to obedience class, he learns to sit, stay, lie down, come Performing a few boring exercises on-leash doesn't stop behavior problems. Lots of dogs "ace" an obedience class. But as soon as they get home and the leash comes off, they go right back to misbehaving.

In fact, I've competed at many obedience trials where the top-winning dog was a holy terror as soon as he exited the ring. When your dog barks too much, pees in the house, or jumps all over people, a handsome obedience ribbon or certificate doesn't help much.

No, obedience training won't get your dog to listen to you. But Respect Training will. When your dog respects you, he looks up to you. He will do anything for you, and he trusts you to do anything with him.

A respect-based relationship is what makes a dog a terrific companion. Revised Edition, pages See full cover. You'll learn all the right things to say and do so that your dog listens to you. You'll learn what to do if you tell him to do something and he doesn't obey. All dogs misbehave at one time or another. How you respond when your dog misbehaves is very, very important. If you respond the wrong way, your dog will keep misbehaving. Respond the right way and he will start listening to you.

No choke collars or shock collars. So if you have a new puppy and you want him to grow up with excellent behavior, you can start right away establishing the right relationship of respect. Then you will never see behavior problems in your dog. If you have a dog who is currently misbehaving, you've lost his respect. But not to worry I'll show you how to get it back. Well, it might be quicker to tell you what he won't learn — he won't learn how to herd sheep.

What he WILL learn is everything he needs to know to be an excellent family companion. Follow my respect training progam and your dog won't take things behind your back! Oh, yes, he's cute!

But boots are expensive, shoelaces can strangle his intestines, and a puppy who is destroying your belongings is learning to be DISrespectful. I'll show you how to channel your cute little guy's playfulness into good manners. Accept touching on any part of his body. No more struggling or fussing when you try to groom or bathe him, or when you brush his teeth or clip his nails. If it is trained to be tolerant and sweet it will be no matter the breed. Please go take your uneducated opinion elsewhere.

Carter, I hate do disagree with you, as you seem to love dogs and are trying to be a positive voice. But I do disagree with the statement that it is the owner and the trainer, not the breed. If this were true, there would be thousands and thousands more bites.

So many dogs are abused and have bad owners, they certainly earned the right to bite, yet never bite a soul. Look at the dogs owned by that POS Vick. He made the dogs fight and treated them like crap, yet they were adopted out into homes and still have never bitten.

He was certainly a bad owner. And you have to consider all the dogs who do have great loving owners and their dog bites. Any dog can be a bad dog. Just like any person can be a bad person. Majority of them are not. Majority of dogs are stable and never bite anybody. If blame must go someplace, blame the breeders who continue to inbreed dogs to create their blood lines.

Inbreeding makes for unstable dogs. There are millions of bad owners, most of the time, their dogs just endure the abuse and never bite anybody. The dogs deserve more then for you to say, it is because of the owner. So many go thru so much and they wag their tails if they are lucky enough to bet rescued. Two tiny sentences and he gets hundreds of angry responses.

Hi Sean, I will not call you names or berate you for having your own opinion, which of course, you are entitled to. She is about to become a Certified Therapy Dog. Any dog is permitted to be a Therapy Dog as long as it has the right temperament and the appropriate training.

She has been at events where she was petted, poked and prodded by children of all ages and sizes as well as hundreds of people and she loves every minute of that attention. She is a funny goofball and will lie down with her back legs sticking straight out like froggy style! She will often throw herself on the ground in a showy effort to get you to rub her belly. She is so amusing that she makes whoever is around her laugh so hard.

Because I have her and raised her since a pup, I know that Pit Bulls as a breed do not live up to the negative reputation people give them. All dog breeds have individual bad apples, just like all people do. But to exterminate a dog like this, and the many others out there like her, would just be a horrible tragedy. Maybe someday, you could get a Pit Bull Puppy yourself. There are so many that deserve good, loving homes. Once you raise one yourself, you will write your own version of what I wrote above.

Best wishes and I hope you can try to keep an open mind. What you are is an ignorant piece of dog poop. I do like the fact that Sean posted one stupid remark, everyone jumped on him fully warranted which saves me the effort of doing so.

No matter what breed the dog is they are only as good as their owner. I have a husky malamute mix not a bully breed but needs the same care and he could do some serious damage but in the right environment with the right people is the best friend I could wish for.

Hold strong everyone that loves bully breeds their are ignorant people out their and then there is us who truly understand. I fall on the opposite end of the spectrum. Working in the rescue community, I deal with people like you on a daily basis.

Please and thank you. Your mother should have swallowed you while she had the chance. Obviously you truly are uneducated like many that think like you to these breeds. You also probably have a Chihuahua or something small like that that you beat because you know you couldnt beat an animal or a bullies caliber without being ripped apart.

Hey Sean, I think Hitler said extermination about a peaceful group of people, the Jews. My favorite here is Boston Terrier and planning to buy this year but the dog looks lazy is that true? I have two Bostons. Very high-energy girls that can run you ragged if you let them.

They are easy to train and get along with our three cats. The breed will jump on everyone if you let them. This pup loves to be right next to you all the time.

I have a friend who has a Mastiff and I so fell in love with them ended up fostering a Mastiff for 10 months and she was phenomenal she helped me get through the grief of losing my best friend and as soon as she went to her forever home I ended up giving my Max who is now my service dog it is a Stanford bull Terrier. I have a bullmastiff that I rescued a year ago.. They can be wonderful dogs.

I have a pitbull that has been a dog of a lifetime in every way. He is old now, when he passes I am thinking of an american bully. I agree the things my 1 year old does to my boxer am all he does is luck her in the face and asks for more. But wait they never stabled my kids. Ok…this post from Sean gave me enuff steam to power a locomotive.

Or if ur just going on preconceived notions and idealizations…. CAuse their was absolutely no bully or pit in the dogs trying to attack that yr old boy. Certain dogs were created to cause massive damage when attacking. Not for or against anything but certain dogs are more likely to kill people when they attack. Where is Pakistani Bully Kutta in this list….. Size is great and awesome with children.

Please amend the list…. I own a lot of dogs but my bully name bear lives up to his name he bangs my front door to go out like to tell me like right now I love my bully me and bear against the WORLD……. Sadly, you are mistaken. PTSD can exhibit aggressive tendencies. Get your facts straight as well. Sean is just some sad lonely person who is trying to get a reaction out off people.

Ignore the fool and keep this topic about dogs. The Rottweiler was the most easy going of all of them. Dogs are a product of how they are treated, trained and raised. Hmm too much attention given to an internet troll.

He does not deserve it. You guys bombarded him with replies. Tell you what, it really looked like you are sitting there, waiting for a reason to explode in a blizzard of insults, arguments and verbose.

But it was quite unpleasant to watch how you guys bit the bait. Now the whole article is darkened by one troll comment and people insulting the troll for that. This is the internet guys. Otherwise you are spawning more of them. Sean is ignorant like some of my neighbors. Ihave a 6 year old male nutered Boxer. My HOAhas tried to get him euthonized for 3 years. He is dog agressive. It has developed in to a legal issue. My Boxer, Rocky, loves humans.

He is a rescue dog and we don! He is currently at a boarding training facility with a behaviorist we hope can help him. Pitbulls were used as nanny dogs, long before ignorant people decided to use them as bait dogs.

The biggest issue is that people breed animals with no reqiuard for temperment in order to cash in on them. People are the biggest problem…they deliberately bred these dogs to be aggressive and peopke continue to seek out those breeders because they think its cool to have an aggressive dog. Its a sad state of affairs for the breed as a whole. I think there should be strict laws.. And those that want a bully should go to a responsible breeder to get a dog that is bred for a good didposition.

Evil owners who abuse this loving natured animal to the point where it has a psychotic break are the monsters. If you were raised like that you would be violent too, even if you had a tenderhearted nature. You are just misinformed. I used to be afraid of them too until I adopted one from a shelter and was given one for my birthday when he was a pup. These dogs are so timid they can be afaid of the dark or a curtain blowing in the breeze.

Stop misleading people and do some actual research on the breeds you list. If you want to know something, some of our most beloved breeds have been know for fatalities.

How many of these fatilites have been as publicly known? All make the list of the most dangerous dog list, in the top 10 no less. My mixed breeds lived with me sassy passed at 11 from heart failure and Tyson the same at I had them both from 6 weeks of age.

I believe it is how we teach them to live in a pack is how they behave in one. I know because I have had them almost my whole life. We need to take responsibility and stop blaming the dogs. I have come to find, it has been more the owners to blame in a dog gone wrong. I have an autistic grandson who only responds to this breed. He has no fear of this breed, unlike the shepherds I have had.

To learn them is to know them, to know them is to love them. Which I have taken the time to do. I think Sean is laughing his ass off because with one sentence he was able to get everybody going and start this whole mess of comments and fury. And i must say my two pits have been the most obedient, loving, fun, sweet boys!!!! They are good with our grandchildren, other dogs, and cats….. I was walking down a side walk one evening and a bischon came down off the owners porch and bit ME….

Was Sean not kidding you all? Our pit bull IS fa part of our family and nothing will separate us. WhenI was young a female pit killed my dog. He was blind and managed to escape the house. I was mortified, I was determined to kill that dog with my base hands as well as fight to kill all dogs of that type.

A couple years later I realized she was only protecting her new born babies. I then talked to a friend who had a bullie dog and met her dog.

She was amazingly sweet. Then I started to reresearch them as well as other dogs. At that time I had a chow chow. My chow was vicious toward anyone that did not live in my house. When family or friends came to visit w had to lock her up. After that I have only had bullies. I recently got a puppy for my daughter.. They are great friends. If you raise a dog to be mean it will be, if you ignore dog it will be unruly and unpredictable just like a child.

Any dog can be wonderful and any dog can be vicious it depends on the human in its life. If you ever owned one your opinion would change. Show Comments Comments sean December 18, Shackie January 2, This remark sounds quite facetious…? Damon January 6, Cole May 5, Lexi WolfLover Moore May 23, Elijah March 23, I Love american bullys and if you hating you going down. Ro August 20, Nicole October 8, Daniel January 12, Tim July 6, Jim Biasella July 28, Beatriz November 30, Billie Williams April 23, We need to exterminate Sean.

Michelle March 17, Damon Heintz April 18, Laura April 12, DJ June 9, Stephanie Bocady June 22, More like exterminating you is the only answer. George Kerrigan July 19, Carter August 1, Kim Voyles April 16, Rick August 5, Jennifer Johnson September 7, Lalah October 20, J October 22, Your a complete idiot. Marie Gilmore October 23, LeAnn January 16, IamEricaPhotos January 20, Previous comments owner should be exterminated.

Koen Melnikoff February 5, Your an idiot and you should be exterminated. Mike February 12, Annie April 9, Thinking the same goes for you. Joseph L Delagarza May 22, You are an idiot. Yo momma June 7, Andy July 25, Mar August 17, Nikki August 21, Chris L Mayberry August 29, I feel sorry for you. Ozzy September 21, Benjamin October 15, Max Alvarado December 18, How dare you to call them monster. Angel December 18, Dorian Mora January 20, This list looks great I love the Bull terrier How about you guys?

Marlow Nielson January 20, Cathy March 18, Fletch Gaston January 20, Staffordshire Terrier is my favorite looks awsome and sexy. Adeline Hwang January 22, The Bull Mastiff Looks like Agressive dog. A September 19, Ulrica Shick January 23, Michelle March 18, Zhi February 17, I just love them!!! Gayle Forgette March 20, You are a complete and utter moron. Troubles Owner March 21, Common Sense June 1, Timothy Ryder June 8, Dawn June 13,

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