п»ї Litecoin price, tweets, and conflict of interest : litecoin

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Social Science Research Network. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Litecoin has no CEO nor is it a company. Februar ; abgerufen am 1. What could Charlie possibly say when CNBC asks, why should anyone else believe in the crypto that the founder himself has liquidated all his financial positions in? I respect the reasons you did this, but really feel you made the wrong move.

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Das wiederholt sich, bis die Transaktion allen Bitcoin-Nodes im Netzwerk bekannt ist. Zur damaligen Zeit war Bitcoin kaum verbreitet, so dass die Anzahl der Transaktionen weit unterhalb des Limits lag. Da es keine zentrale Instanz gibt, welche die Teilnehmer beglaubigt, vertrauen sich die Bitcoin-Nodes prinzipbedingt gegenseitig nicht. Die Schwierigkeit der Aufgabe wird im Netzwerk dynamisch so geregelt , dass im Mittel alle zehn Minuten ein neuer Block erzeugt wird.

Der Proof-of-Work besteht bei Bitcoin darin, einen Hashwert zu finden, der unterhalb eines bestimmten Schwellwerts liegt.

Der Schwellwert ist umgekehrt proportional zur Mining-Schwierigkeit. Dabei ist der Stromverbrauch, welcher einen erheblichen Teil der Kosten ausmacht, jedoch deutlich geringer. Der Trend geht zu zentralisiertem Cloud -Mining [] als riskante Kapitalanlage. Bitcoin ist elementarer Bestandteil der Trusted-time stamping Implementation Originstamp. Kontroversen um Bitcoin betreffen vor allem vier Aspekte: Zum Ersten wird das Risiko eines Fehlschlags aufgrund einer Abwertung und langfristig mangelnden Vertrauens mit der Folge einer wieder sinkenden Nutzung diskutiert.

Viertens verursacht das Mining von Bitcoins einen enorm hohen Stromverbrauch. Es gebe keine Regulation der Geldeinheiten in Bitcoin-Form. Seit der Debatte um WikiLeaks Mitte bzw. Der Journalist Timothy B. Lee, der selbst in Bitcoins investiert hat, nannte die folgenden Risiken: Im Dezember warnte der Chef der britischen Financial Conduct Authority, dass Bitcoins eine Handelsware seien, von der es nur einen begrenzten Vorrat gebe.

Wenn man in Bitcoins investieren wolle, solle man darauf vorbereitet sein, sein gesamtes Geld zu verlieren. Deswegen gibt es eine Tendenz zur zunehmenden Kontrolle von Bargeld-Transaktionen. Der EuGH verfasste am Das System ist durch den rapide steigenden Stromverbrauch enorm energieintensiv. Dieser Stromverbrauch entspricht einem durchschnittlichen Leistungsbezug von ca. Deutschland erkennt Bitcoins als privates Geld an.

Taking the Mystery Out of Money Series. Bitcoin and its mysterious inventor. A Brief Thematic Review. Der wahre Mann hinter Bitcoin. Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper. Bitcoin, what took ye so long? The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust thats required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust.

Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve.

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Its time we had the same thing for money. With e-currency based on cryptographic proof, without the need to trust a third party middleman, money can be secure and transactions effortless. Bitcoin open source implementation of P2P currency.

RT broadcasting Moscow — Washington. April , abgerufen am Threema GmbH, , archiviert vom Original am November ; abgerufen am BBC News , Alberta man may be first to sell house for bitcoin virtual currency.

September Liste von Organisationen, die Spenden in Bitcoin akzeptieren auf de. Wie sicher sind Bitcoin-Online-Casinos? August , abgerufen am 8. Januar , abgerufen am 8. Februar , abgerufen am 8. November , abgerufen am 8. Mai , abgerufen am Oktober , abgerufen am Software, die Daten kidnappt und Bitcoins verlangt. Dezember , abgerufen am 4. Charlie this wouldn't have anything to do with that multiyear bear market you tweeted you were expecting would it? Charlie, stop worrying about mindless chatter from the mindless.

They'll flame you if you say "left" and they'll flame you if you say "right". The only way you can win is by being yourself. It's obvious to many that your primary interest is the success of the project. I look forward to reading your uncensored tweets. Keep up the good work, and time will shine a light on your work. Respect for being transparent but TBH I think it's a bit strange if the main person behind a coin gets rid of his coins. I mean, donations are honorable, buying a nice house I fully understand, but if you exchanged them for fiat or another crypto, I wonder why.

No more trust in the future of your own creation? Yeah fuck this noise. You have to understand what you say matters now, just as Jeff Bezos wouldnt tell people "Hey amazon could crash any moment! I'd estimate the total amount sold by this guy was tens of millions of dollars.

It was highly unusual, and coupled with the timing of this post, I think I would bet this was you all along - because the seller also looked inexperienced in terms of how he liquidated his holdings no offense intended here, but I've been a trader for 10 years, and if you have that large of an inventory there are different ways to go about liquidating it more efficiently without moving the market, and without broadcasting that the same exact seller is at the root of the trades.

You can always change your mind and buy your LTC back when we reach earth again. I'm glad for your success nonetheless. Out of curiosity, how did you know it was the same seller?

What was being broadcast, and are you using more than just GDAX? The pattern of sells was obvious, the seller would sell in batches of aprox the same amount on whole numbered prices but not always , and the amount was enormous - tens of thousands of LTC was sold in all. Periodically he also lifted all his outstanding orders that were not filled. It was clearly the same actor. This is not a coincidence, it was 1 seller that was just eatting the whole book slowly. Founder doesn't want to influence price of his coin by talking about price, announces to world he just sold all of his own coin.

Makes perfect sense, just hodl. Wow, I wish this guy would just stay off of social media. Everyone's a believer when BTC made its crazy dash up the charts, but litecoin has a few good weeks and even the founder can't help himself from calling it a bubble then doubling down by announcing the sale of all of his coins. Doesn't give me confidence in this tech. Charlie knows that the timeline for putting out LN and atomic swaps is centuries in the crypto space.

He also knows that the introduction of other coins on Coinbase will soon eclipse LTCs short-lived moment in the sun, and he's here to help that moment be as short-lived as he can make it. Damned if you do or don't? Why not be quiet and let LTC have its much deserved upswing? I sleep better holding eth. Ltc is nice but Charlie cant help but fuck with the price for some reason. I hate to be a cynic, but this announcement, or the timing at least, is odd. Given the record price of Litecoin in the recent weeks, the creator and main proponent dumping his shares is If this were a stock, you would have had to announce prior to selling, which would have greatly affected the price, but of course, there are no rules that say you have to let holders know beforehand in cryptocurrency.

This doesn't bode well for Litecoin I would prefer the founder having a significant personal stake in the asset This was a bone-headed move.

Having your incentives aligned with the success of the coin gives holders confidence that you will work towards your own interests and thus the interests of the holders. Now that that's no longer the case, what reason do we have to think you will in fact continue to work towards litecoin's interests? Having your own skin in the game is a far more useful signal to everyone than trying to avoid accusations from randoms on twitter.

Just gonna hold like a dumbass. Because that is what i was when i decided to take a leap of faith on this whole thing. Can someone explain why this is not a sell trigger? Its percent a sell trigger. He tweeted a week ago that he expects a prolonged bear market then sells all of his coins. The captain has abandoned ship and no one will be able to say he didn't warn them. I took it as such.

I sold my LTC for a small profit and will invest it elsewhere. I'll keep an eye on the LTC market and see how it reacts. If the price keeps steady for a few weeks, then I'll re-invest on a dip, but for now, I'm not taking any chances.

Last nights Coinbase drama proved just how unsteady this crypto ship really is. Same here, my position has become significant enough that it would make me really stress about it. Sold it all, might get back in a few days once I see how the market takes it. I can't see how this would ever be good for LTC in any possible way Imo if you don't believe in what you work on enough to hold a stake of your personal wealth in it then I struggle to believe in it too.

Your position is not unique. Basically anyone who owns a listed company or any of the other crypto founders deal with the same things. Yeah the circle jerk is strong here. Why the fuck would anyone believe in a product that the creator doesn't even use himself. Well it looks like a great many people are jumping ship, and rightly so.

Pray for me folks. Coin creator sells all of his coins after price shoots up in the last 2 weeks and you guys are on here acting like he is some kind of hero. It would be one thing if the price had been at for 6 months or a year or something, but he literally sold like a week after it basically mooned. And this is a few days after him tweeting about the possibility of the price going to 20 bucks and investing in ltc being a dangerous move going forward I mean, it's an amazing platform you've created, but it's also one you should be able to profit off of.

You've created it, you're entitled to make money off of it. I don't think this move was necessary. A great gesture of an ethically bound and responsible creator, but one that you did not need to make.

Sounds like the captain is leaving the sinking ship. Probably should sell before it's too late but meh Wtf is this shit. Or is he holding other currencies, and if so which ones and why?

I can think of many better ways he could have done this. Doing it this way proves nothing , it just serves as fodder for critics. People will still accuse him of manipulation, its not like he cant dip in and out of LTC any time he chooses. The effects dont seem to be consistent with what he is trying to achieve. Maybe I'll get back in a few days once I see how the market handles it, but as of right now I cannot back something if the founder has no skin in the game.

I am sure this is a honest gesture, but I doubt the markets will see it that way. Jokes aside, I have no idea, but it really doesn't matter. It's a negative event that is going to get a lot of publicity and North America hasn't even really woken up yet, my gut is telling me that this will cause LTC to dip in the short term. I think he just got worried that he knows too much, has too much control over of the market, and doesn't want any future legal problems. Presumably he is rich enough to keep working on his pet project without needing any more financial incentive.

You were the chosen one! You were supposed to bring balance to my unpaid bills, not leave them in darkness. Now he is hard asset and fiat. This move shows lack of understanding your role charlie and the impact your actions make.

Amazing news to wake up to. Way to throw LTC in the trash when you're done with it. Looks like those years of LTC being completely stagnant and ignored by you are coming back

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