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Billy Gibbons dialed in bitcoin praise Kevin O'Leary's guitar playing. In a thin episode of the Halftime Report prediction Monday occasionally interrupted by D. You tell me that's OK. Fast Money mentioned "Ripple" by the Grateful Dead. She could hardly agree 2016 you about gambling without some affect to value own bottom line. Steve, You are entitled to your opinion, but my point was and still is there are nfl honest markets. Nowhere did we hear an emphasis on "damage control.

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What drivel — where did this come from? Its an old concept that a wealthy person or small group of wealthy persons can take control of the media and have reported what they want. This has been done for well over a century. I think she got it.

Trump a complete surprise to the Deep State D. Donald is doing things he told us he would not do. I think they will let him toss us a bone so to speak so he can keep some promises and be presidential. Fitts just told us she went through the same thing herself. Have you seen big players go down recently? Cynic that I am I say the Clintons and all the other big players that should be in jail get away.

Rule of law is dead in this country. Thanks for another great interview. What about Natural Law. Where is the National Bank of the United States, the low interest long term credit issued without some sticky fingered wall st. Where are the laws that help establish successful families, businesses and workable communities, laws that protect the vulnerable, the young, the disadvantaged?

You do a good and needed job Greg and I thank you. Great back and forth, that was needed. For the most part it is gambling due to the Fed intervention on everything. Katherine was right, please take it to heart Greg. You have to expand in to more trusted platforms and the audience will follow.

Alex Jones has a competitor called Hunter Inc. If you, know, would you or anyone else please make an estimate of the costs for hardware and software. Greg, a little help here would be appreciated, since YT has become so unreliable on controversial topics. India is a test case as I have read some say. Get a near complete cash economy toward cashless and then someday when it is all figured out at your local farmers market or garage sale,transactions can be made without cash and taxed and controlled.

Even though she defaulted on the marriage contract and lied in court. There are many scams like this to defraud men of the proceeds of their labor. This one I just described is called the Divorce Industry. The money is transferred, redistributed, among varying entities, women, feminists, corporations, etc… including the stock market. In exchange for votes and absolute power. You can make huge amounts of money during the past decade from the stock market BUT you have to be willing to participate in the violation of a private labor contract of a man, steal the proceeds of his hard labor, condemn him to poverty and even death.

If you have the stomach for that and no conscience, then the stock market is a viable institution for you. Most men who are victims of it are not voluntary contributors. And Catherine is wrong too because there are no legitimate companies participating in them. They all borrowed money illegally participated in usury , have never yielded a return on the investment, and require the enslavement of and fraud against real, conscientious and hard-working men to stay in the black.

Otherwise, all these companies are essentially broke if not worse. They have extreme negative value. Most of the money goes to a huge and expanding bureaucracy designed to defraud hard-working and conscientious men. There is no stock market. The DJI has shot up from 10, to 23, in eight yrs.

Does anyone believe that these anemic and bloated companies have actually done anything of any value? But a lie remains a lie and children will sense these things…. It is always gratifying to read you reasoned as seasoned comments; though it hurts like stroking an old wound.

I had a doctor on the Texas border, who had to take a pregnant and delivering illegal who crossed the border for free service, and a chance at an American Birth Certificate.

He deliverd her well, and cleaned her up, and sent her back with supplies. But later a lawyer showed-up to sue him for an infection this woman developed after returning to her shanty-town.

A nice thank you -howdy-do for footing the bill. These border doctors would NOT specify. There are boat-loads of injustice in the world today; and real heartless actors. Greg You firmly stood your ground regarding the market issue with Ms.

There are no real market for sure. I love Catherine Fitts, but find it interesting with her vast awareness of all the criminal activity via a personal history of persecution from the deep state that she still has a level of confidence in this corrupt investment system.

Fitts is an experienced investment advisor, where most will be like sheep to slaughter. Great interview and thank you! I am sure it is very good considering the guest. The markets today — imho — are simply money sinks meant to divest people of their hard earned wages. In my opinion, the government will be made whole at the expense of the middle class who are being corralled into financial sectors based on pseudo-momentum rather than any underlying fundamental investment strategy.

Face it, the middle class is being sacrificed in order to cancel a debt in order to preserve the political and financial status quo. This is not going to end well. I still find everything else she said credible but poisoned on multiple occasions. What did she do about it??? I personanlly know a missionary who was poisoned because she stood up to pedophilic homosexuals with officials.

She almost died and was driven from the field for poor health. This stuff happens more than throwing acid. You might already know this Greg, but the chip card or debit card is here. I cut mine up and have managed my money much better with pencil, paper, and personal trips to the bank…. Thought you might like to see this. She definitely has a different way of looking at things. Anything the government does will simply improve the trap so that the door closes faster and lets fewer participants get out intact.

Bulgaria knows how to invest in Bitcoin — confiscate it from somebody who has some. Too funny, sell it and pay down the national debt, or hold it a while longer and pay off the national debt??? Watch that greed thing take over. Greg, great interview with Katherine. I really enjoyed the ta ta ta with you and Katherine over the question, do we really have markets functioning to day. I am with you and the answer is no. The elites have complete command and control of all markets which makes the markets non functioning.

Yes their are specific companies that offer potential for growth but they must still act the way the manipulators will allow them to function. Greg, great job of confronting the illogic at minute Fitts is an important voice and this is an important interview, as always. As a financial outsider, you can easily see the gambling point.

This is the same attitude people had just prior to the Great Depression. According to the History Channel, the average market participate in knew it was a rigged system and they knew they were gambling. They just thought they could get out before they got hurt. She is trusting the counterparty will always deliver on that bet. In the worst case, those hedges will be a piece of paper and an unfulfilled promise.

Effective investing requires buying at the right price. I have been a trader for 25 years and the only difference is the ability to use technical analysis to time your trades.

She has to put it somewhere and I guess it would be the best advertisement for her to say that she is speculating. Regardless of how crooked, pumped up or whatever they are, to my understanding a market is where one can buy and sell and one can still buy and sell in what is called markets today.

Was a great interview though as usual and I do appreciate your work. Duane, She is a friend of mine and she is much tougher than I am. We talked, and she was not only not offended but loved it. She said it made the interview more interesting. I have no doubt that is absolutely true. Acquired toughness is one of the benefits of hard times.

Both of you are sparkling jewels in a dark world. In spite of the darkness the scripture that says the earth is full of the goodness of the Almighty still holds true. I love your closing statement, most important part of each interview.

Btw, Bill Holter, especially if Mr Jim is included, is my next favorite guest. Thanks again, with prayers and best wishes. That may be dependent on defining discrimination, police brutality, freedom of speech, media propaganda, etc. Somewhere, somehow, a society has to address these issue as Mr. Greg, love the news you give. Gotta say though, Catherine is dead wrong about crypto currency. The IRS sees it as property and therefore it is taxed as short and long term capital gains. It is in no way looked at as currency.

Also, there will always be cryptos we can use outside of whatever bs they give us. They cannot control Blockchain. Andrew, Think about this sir,,,,,,,, Respectfully I say unto thee: Once upon a time, those held in the bondages of slavery were tied to a ball and chain.

Best wishes be with you and yours for Christmas. Regards, Ray, Canberra, Australia. Andrew, I HATE to agree with the government, but from what I can see, Bitcoin is not a currency, as it is not liquid at all, nor is it suitable as medium of exchange.

To me it has all the hallmarks of a Ponzi scheme. And if it is a currency, why is it valued in dollars?

Why does it take dollars to buy in? And what is backing it? The full faith and credit of a computer program? If Bitcoin is the future, I am happy to be left behind. New coin will be mined via increase productivity rather than wasting electricity solving equations in the computers. Transaction time required…drum role please.. By the way coinbase used to be much faster. I can only assume their systems are under denial of service attacks and or there are many as in thousands of new users joining Coinbase to catch the run up in the cryptos.

Really…what other market destroys its inherent utility the more people adopt it? Imagine if gold started rusting when exposed to open air just because more people had it in their possession…. The answer is none that has any honest integrity.

The only comparable system that comes close to simulating the collapse of inherent utility with rising demand is…a multi-level marketing scheme which is just a cleverly disguised pyramid scheme , we get the same effects as what we are now seeing in the BitCoin market. Well, we need somthing when the fiat currencies and banks fail. Gold and silver cant do it.

Crypto currencies can get us through at least until we do another system. Whether it is the SDRs or if its a world reserve cryptocurrency, there will be other cryptos for sure. Just like there are other currencies now. Its being used big time now. You can get a bitpay visa card. You load bitcoin and it converts it to dollars and you use it anywhere. Even if you invest in a sound company, the inflated price of the money that buys those shares can easily halve. In a big crisis as in the Great Depression, values dropped way lower than their real worth.

If the derivative bubble goes ,it will be total devastation. I doubt banks would have created Cryptos that are outside of their control. It is more likely that they realise their impotence and have decided to use Crypt0s and blockchain to their advantage. The likely scenario is a big collapse will happen in cryptos and the Central Banks will come up with their controlled, regulated crypto system with lots of mining done only by them.

So long as it is traceable via the blockchain back to a govt authority it would work. Catherine Fitts brings refreshing perspectives on ongoing economic and political trends. However, she might not always be correct in her interpretation or forecasts.

This is as much a guess as anything else. First, we need to see exactly what reforms are proposed and IF they can pass muster in the Senate Not assured by any means. Welfare should carry a work requirement, as should food stamps EBT. Somehow, we have to reemphasize work and not benefits from Uncle Sam.

I do not think applicable Federal law has changed, rather I suspect its being ignored by some states like California. As far as growing homelessness, its pretty regional and location specific. California and the rest of the West Left Coast is seeing above average annual increases in homeless populations in major cities like L.

I donate to a non-profit which assists the homeless. My understanding is in Southern California, the number one reason for growing urban homelessness is unaffordable rents. Many of them who do work simply can not earn enough to pay their rent in full and end up on the street eventually.

There is insufficient Federal and state funds to provide shelter for all the homeless we do have 55, in L. Local non-profits try to help-out, but funds are tight. More needs to be done. So, nobody can help them. The recent brush fire in tony Bel Air, CA recently was probably started by a homeless individual who needed a fire to warm himself up. Probably not intentional but a offshoot of immediate survival needs.

The campfire simply got away under current dry, windy, fire conditions. This brings-up another consideration: The very affluent better contribute and get involved in housing the homeless or the homeless will cause them to lose their mansions in the future.

In addition, we have had recent spot outbreaks of Hepatitis in both San Diego and Los Angeles do to increasing homeless populations and a lack of proper public hygiene. There is a shortage of bathrooms port-a-poties. This can be addressed with additional funding. The wealthy landowners better get involved, as they have the most to lose. The plethora of causes and issues currently plaguing California seems to suggest a trend or set of adverse circumstances that ramped-up this year.

Its a distinct possibility for sure. Greg, that was the best CAF interview yet! She was on Fuego with the information. I have grown to respect her more every time I hear her thoughts. Thank you for such a great guest and enlightening work. Now I finished listening to the interview. You were right what you were saying about the markets. I, as someone who is not knowledgeable about the markets believe it is gambling. Catherine has the experience and knowledge to invest in the market.

You should move to another platform. People would watch your news and you would pick up more viewers. Greg, Great Fitts interview. Thank you very much. On the issue of investing vs. Doing the deep research and applying years of expertise as CAF does with a focus on productivity and societal value, is investing. Listening to you two back and forth and comparing to what I have been following for years in world affairs, financial affairs, coverups, exposures, etc.

For a nation to be so indebted to and supportive of the horror of drug trafficking and a citizenry who is both unwilling to take action against it as well as being truly intellectually slothful, I see no good future. An armed citizenry is not enough, though vital to the citizens who have guns.

Frankly, I see no hope for a better future than the one described in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and even then there are luxury bunkers for the criminal governmental class. Iran might get one out of two with Saudi Arabia.

The crown prince is probably still a large target by way of Langley and Mossad. They did miss each other in Vegas massacre. Just read a news release of a career foreign Service Officer that Sec Tillerson pushed out the door. She was angry that so many of her fellow career diplomats have been sent down the road with pink slip in hand.

Sounds like Sec Tillerson is draining the State Department swamp. The idea that there is no actual Bitcoin associated with the futures contract, is like watching an NFL game on tv between two actual teams with a real score. Then off somewhere a group of guys are playing fantasy football creating a pretend score. One has no effect on the other. Greg, do you have any cryptocurrency? At this point would you recommend people get it or if they have it sell it? Does CAF have any crypto-currency?

This was a great interview Greg. The light bulb went on for me when Catherine was talking about Bitcoin. I have no doubt that crypto currencies are an evil diabolical scheme to get the masses to embrace digital currencies and lead us where the financial elites want to take us right into the virtual financial world. Catherine Austin Fitts is coy and dumb like a Fox. Thank you Greg for taking her on when she tried to talk about the market like it is a real market.

Catherine is the worst kind of insider imho. Catherine Austin Fitts said this is a star chamber, the Spanish Inquisition referring to our Justice department.

I worked with a man who helped a mother and her little girl escape from this country. He went to prison for kidnapping. What he did was save the child from child abuse and the FBI never looked into that. Check out the MillerCase. A lot of it is corrupt. Ken Miller is a man who went to prison for saving a child from abuse. First it has to be found, and then who as citizens are going to implement a plan to put that back on the table?

Its probably spent money and lost money forever wasted on all sorts of military operations, or bribes to countries, and banks the world over. Citizens have no chance in this sort of endeavor, and how would you even rally enough people to believe this story?

People are from MS. Americans need to wake up, and vote against every single damn incumbent, and oust them every election, no matter how good or bad they are, because if they stay they will be corrupted. This whole thing just makes me sick to my stomach. We are powerless with so many people not smart enough to recognize whats going on, and not smart enough to know what to do. I find it fascinating that CAF can point out the Hubris of those PHD, Wall St types for being unable to beat a monkey with their investments in this manipulated, false economy but somehow she will.

She might want to check her own Hubris…. Greg we love what you have done. Keep up with the ones that stuck with you. Great Interview with 2 of my favorite people. A very good interview Greg.

While I was listening to it, I came across this. Its goods to see someone so strong that you feel you can push here to the edge, without offending her. Thats what real news, real opinion and real journalism is about.

The deep state may well have threatened Sessions that they will go for him if he resigns. They need him exactly where he is, a buffer between Rosentstein. Trump could not fire them both. By the way, we are committing suicide with all this EMF and electricity and our passion for convenience and speed. Someday God will pull the US over for speeding. The Amish people had it right … no TV, no cell phones, no cars, etc. Hi Greg, just a question here.

The swamp is deep and wide to be sure, but its a start. Catherine says Bitcoin has been hacked. Bitcoins have been stolen but that is not the same thing. If I put gold in my safe and the gold gets stolen the value of the gold has not diminished one iota. Maybe I should invest in a better safe. But to conclude that the gold itself not a good store of value is to confuse the safe with what is in it. Please try and see the distinction.

If I practised daily I could memorise both my bitcoin public address and private key. Then the only storage device would be inside my mind and apart from torture or amnesia no one else can rob me. Even gold has to be stored somewhere physical. People pay to have their gold stored in secure vaults. What does that say about the gold? That it is hackable? And what is the news, here besides of her excellent personal experiences and very interesting views.

As far as bitcoin goes. It took me exactly 5 minutes to figure out and wrote here that, cliff high is a half expert and liar, because he was delivering nonsense with such conviction. I am sure he fooled few of your readers. Somebody that build and saw everything that moves on wall street and high tech. Thanks I do learn details of what i totally believe is true, from your guests. Just in case some people want lies of Cliff.

These lies were told by all idiots promoting the bitcoin. Dear Greg you are great guy and provide great service. I just hope that you use your best resources to check on lunatics and hired guns. And yes, I am long bitcoin from and did that publicly. See my posts in real time at Linkdin.

Exactly projection retained for clients. I would say no later than February, Bitcoin will get in cycle top, if that is final top can only be told after examination of the first decline. After that decisions can be made where next top might be and if it is the higher or lower top than one anticipated before February Thanks.

Boris … if there is a theoretical limit of 21 million to the total number of Bitcoins there can ever be in existence … and Bitcoin rises to 1 million dollars per coin … you would have to be a millionaire to buy one … but how many of us are millionaires?

I do not have a competing idea with yours. But I an not sure if this is an issue I care about. Of course, they will invent bitcoin o by then. That will make it easy, or they will issue some other coins aside bitcoin I thought they already had. Thanks for the question or statement. I was not sure which one it was, but appreciate your considerations. If i did not understand your point exactly, let me know.

Bitcoin is hackable the program has been rewritten before. You only need to have 51 percent and your in…. This Bitcoin is controlled by the big boys and they know how to create a frenzy like shark bait, humans skavang every cent they can, or in this case mine the million. A National registry for the guns you buy. A National registry for the people that carry. A national registry for the legal drugs people are prescribed. What could go wrong. If you believe in gold or silver, any equity or real estate, cryptocurrency, bonds, etc….

These include tightening capital controls and financial regulations throughout the world, including in Venezuela and China. Bitcoin has also continued to gain traction as more institutions are accepting payment with bitcoin in the physical world. You can now easily buy appliances, furniture, pizza, or book a hotel and rental car through major retailers.

Because bitcoin is completely digitized, many people are still unaware of just how to purchase bitcoin. Some banks may put your account on hold for suspicious activity. However, if you hate operating off tiny screens, Coinbase also allows you to access your account through a desktop.

Of all the apps, Coinbase is the most popular and recently even became the most downloaded app on the Apple App Store. You will need to provide this information and verify your account s before being able to buy, sell, or trade. A good app or trading platform will show you the current price over a certain period of time, as well as fluctuation trends.

You can buy bitcoins and sell with either a bank account, credit card, or debit card. When selling, credit card and debit card transactions are instant whereas bank account transactions might take a few days.

Once you buy bitcoin, you can transfer it to friends, use it to make purchases, or invest it. Examples of major retailers that accept bitcoin include:. The last one, PizzaForCoins, is pretty genius.

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