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Again Greg github much enjoyed you interview. Most if not all of the wallets around have a feature called a backup phrase. The Fed is talking about clearing its balance sheet in September. Tax on Zero Hedge tonight about China and block-chain. I disagree with the whole thesis that man is naturally clairvoyant. Do zcash story on sex trafficking income raise awareness.

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This is the problem with Ameri-centric thinking. Cryptos seem like gambling chips to me; the slots and tables over give a slight advantage to the house — so I think there must be people operating the crypto roulette table that are skimming on the way up and on the way down. I remember he told me once they hired this wise guy from Harvard who was in charge of procuring the silver. That excludes all other purchases. Do you want to go for mainstream cryptocurrencies or are you looking for hidden gems? This also gives an overview of the market capitalisation Finally, one point to mention is that a given cryptocurrency can be listed in more exchanges, with different listing prices see below — Arbitraging.

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Tax hear and Github share your frustration. I will tell you I would not put Clif High on if Zcash thought income one minute he was a con artist. Profits will always be taxed. A very Masonic number. I am not endorsing any service or product mentioned above, nor am I providing any affiliate links.

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PM must be mined with real men, machines labour, sweat and tears. Without the stolen Austrian gold , Adolph Hitler would have been an insignificant player in world history.

By mid, Berlin was almost out of foreign currency and gold largely because of its rearmament program and would have been forced to cut back their war buildup. The rapid implementation of rearmament was only possible because of the use of available gold from the former Reich. When the Germans later invaded other European countries, one of their first stops was always the local central bank.

Hence, central bankers desperately tried to get the gold out of their countries and shipped them to America and Canada. Per the gold in the Grand canyon, one newspaper report in And yes, as we clearly know … newspapers would never ever, ever, ever lie and they would never, ever, ever make up a story — they are the bastions of truth! If it is in print, and in a newspaper, it just has to be true! The old miners of the west searched every crevice and crack to find gold and they all missed it???

In addition, during the depression all those unemployed men who went prospecting, again missed the biggest load of gold ever known? The government can confiscate your gold but they can also erase your crypto. The elite puts their money in gold and stores their gold bars off-shore; the currency of the elite is gold and they make the rules. Steven Greer, Director of SiriusDisclosure.

Call him out on the contradiction that several working free energy devices await funding, while Greer states he has funding for such projects. These projects need to go forward: Bitcoin transfers can be used to fund these enterprises over banking cartel attempts to block funding, and whose quadrillion dollar energy derivatives will devalue upon mass distribution of free energy. This is why the cartel fears bitcoin; they cannot control it.

The cartel cannot prevent bitcoin or Monero from funding free energy enterprise. Perhaps now you can understand the purpose of the insane levels of distraction the cabal creates; e. EK — Cheap energy? Cheap energy sure works for the low and middle class Chinese! I am sure glad Obama got rid of our coal industry and bankrupted all our coal companies so that the Chines could buy these coal deposits for pennies on the dollar!

Al gore and Obama smile as they fly over the west in there private jets knowing that the Chinese own all the clean American coal deposits! Yep all us Americans should be proud that we do not burn coal … let the Chinese burn it. Frederick, He did not say it was going to be this month. Remember he is just giving his date mined form the Internet.

There is going to be a lot of small wars and North Korea is not a big deal? Cliff is always interesting and always timely and on the edge. Two concerns I have related to Crypto currency are both entirely practical. The first is simple: This then would allow them to seize the physical equipment which is the actual mechanism on which all Crypto currency transactions take place. Irrespective of the secretive nature of block chain technology, control of the physical network would allow government agencies to police all traffic and or shut down those sites where Crypto currencies are used.

Secondly, as happened with gold in the past, citizens might be required to liquidate crypto in dollars. This would be done in concert with the above mentioned emergency seizure of the physical network.

This is the problem with Ameri-centric thinking. What do you think the response of s of countries affected is likely to be if they tried to do this? I will just offer one comparison: Do you think that is possible? Greg, you never ask Clif about his failed predications.

So he comes out with another newsletter! What happened to the gold and silver market and prices?? You hurt yourself as a journalist not asking about his past predictions. Clif makes my head hurt…. Ive heard about the supposed individual that cashed out of their ether based cyber coin investment and the supposed lack of the IRS to be able to find that individual to tax them, sounds like an anecdotal story.

Where would all that million cash money go? When that seller sold the settled funds have to go somewhere dont they? Other than that his reports are worth reading though. Clif is also aware of this specifically because of the capriciousness of the human language.

In his reports if you see the same thing come up over and over again over the months, then that lends itself to a more affirming prediction. Let me think about this…. IMHO Greg you are becoming very trigger happy in your responses….

How about be respectful and not pompous and condescending and mean. This is a free site. I have Google Adds. I have zero control over them. Now they are posting dating crap. I mean, I really do NOT make enough to wade through all the crap you give me for no reason. I am not your enemy and do not want to be. The foreigners are the foreign troops and their families in plain sight. Mebane, if you know someone who owns Bitcoin, you can buy it from them directly. Greg I really enjoyed your interview with Clif High.

The Germans in WW2 believed that their enigma code was uncrackable. It did take years but eventually the allies did crack Enigma. Therefore, the possibility that anonymous feature that prevents government from monitoring crypto transaction is dubious. Your questions about crypto currencies backed by silver or gold were excellent. The retort that gold and silver are hard to move around was not sufficient to rule such a crypto.

I thank you for all that you do. The Allies cracked Enigma! Churchill decided not even to tell the Americans about Station X! The first electronic computer was designed by Turing and Tommy Flowers called Colossus was installed at Bletchley Park and the Americans were not told about it until after the was when they demanded that it be destroyed after they put pressure on the British government to hand over the plans for it.

Those plans were handed on to IBM — for irony, see my post elsewhere about Hitler. Is America now the Fourth Reich? Seriously though, the entire West as your guest discussed is in a downward period, however its not just economics, its culturally, morally, and spiritually as well. Hi Greg, Strange interview with Clif. Clif appears to have changed his tune rather dramatically.

But, his extrapolations into the future are nothing more than an expression of the hopes and fears of the Internet community as expressed in the here and now and their accuracy is severely compromised by the fallibilit of people in general.

AndrewB — Great post! Just a sprinkle of Common Sense says it is. Someone or some organization finds the largest gold find in the history of all man kind and they decide to be altruistic?

Per a technical side — the grand canyon back at the turn of the century was federal land and any one could file a claim, but in this case the prospectors realized that this was too much gold, thus they gave the claim to the Feds — yeh right. As per the other story of ancients with temples of gold … I think that was an Indiana Jones movie, this fails for the same reason.

It is the same old story since the early Spanish explorers searching for El Dorado! It is a fun dream, but that is all it is, a dream. Judy Wood and, more pertinently, John Hutchison, have looked into physics that would seem to open up that possibility, especially if one means the more modest effect of turning lighter metals, such as lead, into something heavier, say gold. There seems to be some connection to rumored classified directed energy weapons research as well. One more thing to possibly further discredit myself in your eyes: Yes, I know, rumors.

Looks like I knew even less than I thought. In atomic mass lead is heavier than gold even though it is less dense. Platinum would have been a more plausible example than lead. My attempted point was that it does look like technology may be available to stuff more particles like protons into an element using energy and end up turning energy into mass.

Cold fusion as an example of turning energy into mass was also probably off the mark. My apologies to everyone. Ask God how rare gold is in our universe … he will tell you that it is only produced when his Sun dies … now think about how often Christ died on the Cross? If you believe the Big Bang Theory, then all matter was derived from energy. Where the energy came from in the first place is ignored.

So much for theory. Past and present master metaphysicists know how to convert the universal energy into materials. Humans are suppressed by institutions and governments in order to suppress their natural abilities to beam themselves to other locations teleportation , materialize matter, telepathic communication, live on light no food or water required , etc etc.

For those of us who have experienced these enhanced abilities through practice it is currently unpractical to us them as other humans turn you into a guru or a nut. So most of us keep it quiet and only use them with others who have the ability.

IMO, to have the ability it is easier to be very pure in thought and relaxed to operate in the energy system that the human body has the natural faculties for such thought power. If humanity was allowed and supported on a mass scale to evolve there would be world peace, sharing, joy, love and happiness on a mass scale. As for Clif, his data sets bring date according to his software design. At least he is trying to predict.

This man, Clif High, stimulates the thought processes and stretches the imagination to the limit. I find him extremely interesting and thought provoking. He has given us an alternative to U. Thanks , Greg, for putting him on your show.

I realise this is a very simplistic example, but bear with me. This would create a totally different report. In , the truth is an elusive creature. Clif is very pro cryptos and things are good now.

What about the world currency stated by the Economist in ? I think the elites have cryptos up their sleeve too and ready to counter the fiat currency. What happens to us then? The simplest way to play this at this point is just buy some silver along with food and water and anything else you think you will need.

This blog and the people who comment has opened my mind and education to make things much better for my life! Greg and clif thanks for sharing…. Hi Greg, Thank you for your efforts. You may want to consider putting up a wallet address for Litecoin, bitcoin, ethereum etc.

Your cost to setup is almost zero and it would be easier for a donation. Some people may prefer not to do business with paypal. Clearly Cliff is a very smart and knowledgeable guy but for such a software genius as Greg points out his website pretty much blows! Sorry just being honest — Blake Mann. Your guests have been outstanding! And, yes, a little controversial. But, still, they evince deep and wide understanding and knowledge. I personally am still skeptical that cryptocurrencies will be able to evade the grasp of the government for very long.

Thus, silver still has more allure for me. Still, I am leaning toward purchasing an electronic crypto coin wallet — just in case Cliff and some other pretty smart people really are right. For all those who wonder if cliff is a Kook or not….

He gives you info, now go find out if it has merit! He does what any good sensei does…. Greg you are the MAN!!!! I assumed Bitcoin was being pushed so that banks and drug kingpins could bypass the middle man…retail little helpers.

The users can remain completely anonymous, which is really what has every government extremely worried. There is just a ton of business being conducted using Bitcoin in the most riskiest of black market goods, that are also the most profitable, and thus worth the risk to the exchangers of the volitality. That has been the biggest price driver as so many have discovered Bitcoins effectiveness for disguise. Bitcoin has been far too risky and volatile for mainstream businesses to use, but the drug dealers are loving the Bitcoin as its price has tripled in the past year, making them even more money, while they launder money and buy and sell massive quantities of drugs.

Of course ease of tax evasion too is a major bonus. And avoidance of all banks makes it even better for the criminal networks and cartels. I just had a gut feeling and you have explained it! Cliff always gives us lots of stuff to think about. I find his data mining fascinating. Why not just sell some real gold into the system rather than paper gold? The COMEX can normally satisfy a futures contract by delivering paper dollars rather than by delivering physical metal and as long as traders are willing to take paper rather than demanding physical, why not.

At some point people holding those contracts will refuse the paper and demand the metal supposedly behind that futures contract; there will be a failure to deliver and then all hell breaks loose. As part of the trade war that is apparently picking up steam, would Russia or China attempt to crash the COMEX by demanding physical delivery? The trade war could also get ugly when EU decides to ignore the US sanctions, and go with Russia for oil and natural gas; pipelines are more reliable and less expensive than tankers crossing the Atlantic.

All Putin needs to do is play nice, not sure he can. I was hoping that the web bots would be able to answer the question of whether or not I should toss my smart phone? Much perhaps most psychology is junk science. Chemicals in our environment i. They are jealous that we can have the kind of good relationships that they will never have. They are conditioning us to be controlled like animals in a zoo, which is not that much further from where we are now.

I often wonder, who to blame? For the assault against the species. And that assault is about to intensify severely. And who to blame? He knew he was unimpeachable and he acted accordingly. He did whatever he wanted. He went to private school, and grew up in Hawaii. So, hes living in confusion just like the rest of us and the rest of the world! Zulu I hear you Bro! Karma is a bitch and what our country has been putting out into our Universe, way before O, will be coming back to us very shortly.

You can cite many factors, of which you did. But the one that brings it full circle for me is this 23 second clip. Wow, strange energy from space having collective effect on our brains???? Where did he get that from? Bitcoin will take over the dollar as the reserve currency?????

I imagine there will be a crypto currency circulating among central banks. Every central bank will probably be equipped with blocks link and secure via cryptography.

IMF would probably be the one and only cryptocurrency exchange — Bitcoin will be considered financial terrorism. That means any nation which have their entire reserve in crypto will be under total control of the IMF. No sane nation will not have certain percentage of reserve in gold to maintain independent sovereignty — Russia and China are doing that right now to shake loose from the dollar hegemony.

Clif High understands gold or interprets the internet datas correctly. Yes, cliff is a harmless waste of time for those who understand his predictions are babbling nonsense supported by imaginary data sets, but, sadly, a menace to those who follow his ramblings as guidance. Clif considers cryptos above precious metals. Cryptos are created by man and are unevenly distributed which is why sudden dumps occur when the early adopters try to take profit.

Cryptos are being used like a ponzi scheme in general bUT blockchain is of great value for business. Beware of any who have a stake in the game to make money. Where is the tangible value to some numbers in a computer? Gold has had tangible value for thousands of years. It has always been a store of value. How are cryptos a store of value when they can crash and they are springing up like mushrooms.

Much as I find Clif to be a thoughly charming and stimulating speaker I often find that his analysis is sometimes flawed. Many thanks for your continued dedication to the pursuit of truth. Cliff is babbeling about. He is cocky and his studd might go ober his head. I could hardly take that trash he stated here … so sorry … not clear at all, ….

He rates it as low. The system is installed on most Russian aircraft and surface ships. With this as a backdrop, sanctions and and increased show of force in Baltics as part of dog and pony show, Washington has few-if any- cards to play. More to the U.

Greg, Thanks for having Clif High on again. I am always fascinated by what he has to say. I would like to learn more. For some of us who are seniors, silver and gold may be the only alternatives to the dollar.

Greg, another fantastic interview. The real question as you posed: When will the cork be unscrewed? In and of itself , this is mind boggling!

The organizations he referred to establishing the crypto encapulations have yet to be publicly announced and it seems once this comes to fruition the investment world will wake up to a new dawn in Silver. That said, Clif is one smart cookie and his knowledge of the crypto world is unmatched …sofar he has been bang on!

Keep him coming on as this evolves. Would also like to see Andrew Maguire on get his view on his upcoming Bullioncoin for both Gold and Silver. Again Greg very much enjoyed you interview. Not convinced by a long shot by Cliff. We are at peak gold and he is going against all those experts that do not rely on his formulae of linguistics.

Bitcoin is backed by thin air and a hope by those speculating in it that it will become the norm. The future of currencies in a world of indiscipline and debt is to introduce a system backed by gold. Cliff is way off beam and needs to inspect his analysis. In his last interview he predicted gold at dollars per ounce by February !

Jim Rickards may have something to say about Cliff,s hypothesis. Toward the end Cliff talks about Russia and Chinas ability to take out our electronics. No current electricity ,no currency cryptos. And whats to stop our government from outlawing businesses from dealing in cryptos.

Golds been outlawed before. That being said I can see a new monetary system being created where both are very integral parts. The only thing that worries me is if we go all in on cryptos a character such as the Antichrist could come to rule the western nations. I have been contemplating this because Revelation says the armies of the East will come against Antichrist and I believe this could be an economic issue with the Eastern nations being more aligned with precious metals and the Western nations being more aligned in cryptos.

We shall see I suppose. Also, I cannot be sure that every stroke of the computer is not known by the NSA. The government can outlaw the use of bitcoin. Also what about EMP?

No internet, no bitcoin. I actually think that the only reasons that the U. I will stick with real things called gold and silver, land, gems, guns and ammo, food etc. My line of thinking,Dan. You just stated it better. High promotes cryptos as the future. Then tells us it could be wiped out. However, Cliff High is wrong on the Cryptocurrencies. There are now 70 Hedge Funds investing in Cryptocurrencies and the number is rising.

There are several hundred cryptocurrencies worldwide. They are not rising because the dollar is dying or else gold and silver would also break free.

They are rising because of excess liquidity and speculation. They only have value because some people elect to believe that they have value. As Warren Pollock pointed out — many are way too slow to be of real commercial value. Further, this whole idea that the economy is doing good in a crypto versus a dollar world is detached from reality. The jobs market is weak for quality jobs , the US consumer is burdened with debt, and we are on the cusp of debt ceiling crisis.

There is a new reality around cryptocurrencies emerging — and that is all likelihood on cryptocurrencies that are collateralized by gold and silver for example. That would be a breakthrough. Does anyone ever ask themselves why? Imagine the world in great danger … and a UFO lands on your street to take people in the neighborhood to safety on Mars … but they only have room for a few people … do you think offering them fiat paper dollars, yen, euros, yuan or bit coins would get you on board?

Any crypto at any time, could rapidly rise in price, way above Bitcoin, or have far greater appreciation in a shorter period of time than Bitcoin has had. Infinite number of them can be issued. Never ever forget that. This is where Cliff High is stupid, dumb, ignorant and arrogant about gold. The Chinese have not been buying tons of gold over several years to waste their money. Gold will be used for international trade between nations as the discipline so no nation can create new currency by the billions out of thin air by hitting a keystroke button like the USA does now.

Cryptos are worthless tulip bulb mania enhanced by the greater fool theory. Governments only make public what they want to make public and that is propaganda and fake news. That is one of many. Cliff is a techno-geek and Cryptos are just right up his alley of what he is used to.

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Sorry Greg, energy from space causes all wars? Real inflation is measured by the price of Bitcoin?

Gold will go to Zero? He only thinks in terms of Bitcoin to determine value? Maybe she just needs a tenth of an ounce. Do people really believe this guy? That is not true. The Ethererum project which actually takes aim at transactions-per-second is sharding.

When talking about Bitcoin prices in the future, guests should state which one. Currently there are 2 bitcoin forks. China, India and Russia today, buy all of tonnes of gold mined. That excludes all other purchases. Gold is not in excess, it is in scarcity when one factors in just some, modest risks.

People always take too long to wake up. I doubt Cliff would say anything he does not believe as truth. To do so would cement his reputation in a bad light. He is very intelligent and I for one believe much of his work is accurate sooner or later. It would be interesting if Greg set something up on his site where predictions made by his guests are compared to what actually occurs months later.

Neither bitcoin nor any physical good e. Clif mentioned von Mises. The intellectual father of that movement was Carl Menger who stated that all value lives in the minds of people but this is lost on the von Mises followers. Store of value is a mis-direction belief-system happily encouraged from the establishment. The only real economic system is a flow-of-value, akin to the velocity of money. And it chokes the commercial uses of said commodities. Each new one dilutes the share of cryptos that a given person has.

This is a broken system based on millenia old dogma. No matter how many new cryptos are created with this model, the baseline currency mined for each person is also the same in terms of percentage of the entire pie. We are not going to get anywhere with the current crypto model.

Additionally, for those of you who think cryptos are outside of price-capture, have a look at the analysis from Brad Peters. He identified what he calls a pulse wave attack. Now with the CFTC approving options for bitcoin, what he describes will not only be worse, but price manipulation will be profitable:.

Too many people are spewing this nonsense about bitcoin. People, bitcoin is not anonymous! Bitcoin was not created to hide transaction tracks.

Additionally, many of the places exchanges, online wallets have to abide by Know Your Customer KYC and anti-money-laundering AML laws, with the goal of tracking backward a few transactions. Making this worse are de-anonymization techniques that gather multiple datasets and divine identification even if any one data set is anonymous.

Many of the so-called privacy cryptos are not truly private. The only one so far that looks to have real privacy potential is zcash. Monero for example has honey-pot potential issues:.

They took Ethereum, replaced the consensus model and integrated the privacy layer from Zcash. It spits out what look like hundreds of thousands of transactions per second:.

Stallman said that what people really need is a system of anonymous payment via internet, not a cryptocurrency. He also said that blockchain technology is s technology developed by some of his friends.

The attention loving part of him is becoming arrogant too.. In troubled times where people are inclined to worry about the future because they are not getting information or good leadership people will listen to irrational sources for assurance or guidance. Clif strikes me as being something of an old hippy having a second wind but somewhat immorally capitalising on his relative maturity.

He can babble on monopolising all the air time and people will hang on his every utterance. As others have mentioned he is actually not very accurate and probably no more so than anyone not using his computerised word sorting game. To be honest I am not sure his predictive linguistics is anything more than bunkum. I am inclined to agree with Scott in that I think this was one of your lesser weeks but you seem to be stressed by other matters. I hope if you find you are needing donations to offset YouTube losses you will put that out.

Thank you for your comment. I not going to be influenced by what he says. His character does make for an interesting guest though I will give you that…. From the outside I am more than a little frustrated that Americans are not more focused on taking concrete action to save their country rather than dwelling on the possibilities of aliens in Antarctica, hidden technologies, Bitcoin plays and such.

I want to pick up the bucket and put the fire out. Reflecting on my own contributions here and whether they are helping people confront important issues and motivate them to prevent the worst coming to pass I am not sure there is much point in continuing.

Sadly I think the stage is now set for an epic disaster. I wish everyone in the US good luck however. In the most part what is likely to transpire is not your fault. If you want to talk about my credibility then just a verifiable full name like I do.

You can trace my body of work and my career. Use a verifiable full name so we know you are not a paid troll. Fake troll, Use a real verifiable name if you want to criticize and NOT be suspected as a real troll. I have been expecting a crash since For me it is all become mombo jumbo. Greg you know I think your a honest man, BUT at some point you gota be sick as I am prepping for things that never happen.

I have more food then 25 people can eat in a week. I feel like a fool, but not like I felt when the stocks crashed in This crypto talk is a waste of good time.

The MIC is far greater the all the crypto combined. A spoon can serve dinner. It will never stir 5 gallons of wine. Barnum comes to mind …. Article on Zero Hedge tonight about China and block-chain. The government seems to be preparing to take control and intends to use it to collect taxes and faciltate monetary transparency. The central banks around the world will do the same. IMO, the central banks put the crypto trail balloon out there, just like the bail-in trial balloon.

The tax collector will be at the door of crypto currency speculators very soon; if they think that speculators may be avoiding taxes, then they cancel their passports and ability to leave the country. Their is no free lunch. I suspect their will be a lot of amended tax returns among crypto speculators. If my read of the Zero Hedge article is correct, then the game may have just changed. I do enjoy Cliff. I would enjoy a weekend of camping with Cliff. I due have concerns, he has lived to long in California.

This is like stocks…being driven high by fad…. Everybody can tell what your trading with. Silver bullion is not workable. Funny shaped Silver stamps are not going to work for YOU. He is to……futuristic in his outlook. Let me say this……you pull paper out in some shit hole or pull out silver or gold….. He admits, the Dow could run up because of inflation…. Do you think Cops will try and confiscate your guns…..

They will die to quickly. Obama transferred control to the UN. We are at opposite ends. Is not a blow off. It will kill millions and burden us with Trillions in costs. You need to decide, if the system will rock on for ever….. James Hastings; Clif High lives in Washington state. He is moving from the Olympia area to the coast of Washington. Okay Cherokee Jim, thanks, You and other posters just convinced me.

If a government can make gold illegal, as they did before, they could simply make crypto currencies illegal. Swiss banks only put their customers into allocated gold bars. This article is good about how easily bitcoin and other such currencies can be manipulated just like gold. Cliff is too much in love with these currencies that require some kind of internet connection.

Greg, You were right Clif High was wrong. Teddy Roosevelt ran as a Bull Moose party candidate in but did not win. So he was not a new president like Trump is. He may have been treated really bad during the campaign but he was never in the white house. Paul, I never call out anyone right off the bat after reading what they state. I have history behind my statements. You need to provide solid sources to back a statement like that. Unless you are kin to Al Gore with an agenda like Climate Change…..

I mean Global Warming ….. Progressives anymore blow with the wind. Whatever lie is convenient they go with if it pushes their agenda. They depend on the ignorance of the masses. Greg Thank you for hearing my thoughts, it is very optimistic of you to read all that is place before you , I love the Knowledge i find in your comment section. The national debate can arguably be summarized by the question: In the past two years, has there been enough change? Has there been too much?

Meanwhile, many Americans continue to face change in their homes, bank accounts and jobs. Only time will tell if the latest wave of change Americans voted for in the midterm elections will result in a negative or positive outcome.

This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much of the world around us. Tergiversate means "to change repeatedly one's attitude or opinions with respect to a cause, subject, etc.

And so, we named tergiversate the Word of the Year. In a year known for the Occupy movement and what became known as the Arab Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as their Word of the Year for Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice:.

We got serious in Here's an excerpt from our announcement in Things don't get less serious in Our Word of the Year was exposure , which highlighted the year's Ebola virus outbreak, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, and widespread theft of personal information. Here's what we had to say about exposure in From the pervading sense of vulnerability surrounding Ebola to the visibility into acts of crime or misconduct that ignited critical conversations about race, gender, and violence, various senses of exposure were out in the open this year.

Fluidity of identity was a huge theme in Racial identity also held a lot of debate in , after Rachel Dolezal, a white woman presenting herself as a black woman, said she identified as biracial or transracial.

Our Word of the Year in reflected the many facets of identity that surfaced that year. In , we selected xenophobia as our Word of the Year. Fear of the "other" was a huge theme in , from Brexit to President Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric. Despite being chosen as the Word of the Year, xenophobia is not to be celebrated.

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