Exodus Wallet — info on the SegWit2X hard fork. Bitcoin and selling is easy and simplified. Thanks for this informational website. That's segwit2x having other exchanges segwit2x brokers bitcoin key. I gave up trying months coinbase. Almost all Bitcoin wallets rely on Bitcoin Core in one way or another. Coinbase hurt Bitcoins future the moment coinbase opened.
I just got a few thousand dollars out of nothing. I feel like they have gone dark. It is to be effected 3 months after Segwit is activated. I disagree with that. It will weather the storm, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be pissed.
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This sub pretends like there's nothing to fear until faced with reality. I think there were a bunch of hints that they were considering adding full trading, mostly after segwit2x was canceled. What Bitcoin a Blockchain Do? Beautifully intuitive I remember when buying bitcoin was like coinbase a labyrinth. Thanks for segwit2x advice.
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It is to be effected 3 months after Segwit is activated. Segwit was originally proposed by Bitcoin Core developer Pieter Wuille at the end of His aim is to help reduce the time and cost of Bitcoin transactions by ensuring that there is an increase in the volume of transactions that can fit into each block without the need to increase the parameters of blocks.
Segwit is expected to be activated on block number , and at current transaction rate it is predicted to happen between the 16th and the 18th of November. There is a high likelihood that a new cryptocurrency will be created.
This is because the bitcoin blockchain is expected to split into two — Segwit1x and Segwit2x. The interesting bit is that it is unlikely that both chains will exist simultaneously because they will both share the same proof-of-work PoW.
Segwit2x survives and becomes the most powerful bitcoin variant. Segwit1x changes its PoW and Bitcoin Cash still exists. Segwit 1x dominates and Segwit2x become eclipsed and eventually dies out whiles bitcoin cash remains functional. Some wallets have indicated their support for segwit2x and as such will be giving free B2X coins that will likely arise as a result of the blockchain split.
Holders of bitcoin in these Segwit2x supportive wallets will get a corresponding number of B2X as the number of BTC they had as at the time of the activation of the hard fork. Those interested in getting free B2X should do their research and possibly move their coins to wallets that support the hard fork.
The introduction of forked coins to Coinbase allows a true market-driven ecosystem. I hope both sides bring their best game. The only real question is when to buy Bitcoin. Bitcoin will weather this storm and it will rise again.
The winners are those that buy it the cheapest and this might be the last time it dips this low. Hopefully it dips to 10k or 5k, waiting wishfully. The huge influx of people who started using Coinbase came in around Bitcoin price of 10kk. These make up the majority of Coinbase users and since they couldn't afford Bitcoin, they purchased Etherium or Litecoin.
Once Bitcoin dips they will buy Bitcoin. At the moment they are buying BitcoinCash just because it's cheaper. I think there is a lot of truth to what you say. I would imaging many people are buying coins that they don't even know what it's intended purpose is such as bitcoin for a currency, ether for smart contracts, tokens for measuring rain water in the Sahara etc I don't hold coins that I haven't at least been to the website about, and know what its for.
The hundreds of thousands of people registering over the last few days probably saw the tv reports, read a few online articles, googled "buy bitcoin", and opened an account, they don't know how fees work, most probably don't have a clue what a private key is, let alone know be able to dustinguish between the good, the bad, and the scammy. This sub pretends like there's nothing to fear until faced with reality. BTC needs work to compete. I agree, though it doesn't mean we shouldn't be calling out bad actors when they do reprehensible things such as not allowing customers to sell their bcash while allowing them to buy it without prior notice especially when it's clear that the price will move a certain direction once this happens.
Yep, exchanges should be trying to avoid creating surprise conditions for their customers and markets, regardless of which coin it is, and especially if their interface already can't handle the volume. Like the OP said, GDAX talks about prioritizing stability and security, but then they go and do the opposite by generating panic conditions for their customers that could be totally avoided by not dropping surprise announcements live on their trading interface.
It's not just about the BCH, people also were impacted by the flash crash and laggy interface that it created on all their other trading pairs.
Coinbase is an exchange, and they make money when people execute trades The more coins they offer, the more transactions they'll see It is what it is. Its like when video games come out and on the first day there is tons of lag because the traffic is high.
Same thing is happening here. The waiting comes from the BCH blockchain or from Coinbase internal processing? I did get mine finally. Most of mine were already on my ledger but I forgot about. Higher amounts might have more of a delay. Yes but they weren't even prepared. Also they could have sent out emails saying they were going to offer this instead of just spring it on people. This would have created some speculation and a gradual gain.
Not one mad rush. Not that there aren't a million things wrong with the way that CB rolled it out, but wasn't the original reason they agreed to implement BCH in the first place that so many of us were crying over the BCH fork and having not withdrawn our BTC to a private wallet in time? Heard over christmas dinner For real the CEO has to be bff with Roger because he gets nothing but requests to integrate segwit all day then decides to enable bcash on his broken ass engine instead It is quite a convoluted change.
An ugly one if you ask me, but not everyone agrees with my opinion. It's really not coinbase's fault that people panic. They could have done this at ANY time and the same thing would've happened. They could have announced it in advance, so everyone was aware and could make sure they would be there at market open, if they so desired. The site crashed even without announcing that they were not prepared at all.
Supposedly they are hiring new people in the new year. And they didn't even wait till the Manpower was there.
I think there were a bunch of hints that they were considering adding full trading, mostly after segwit2x was canceled. I don't think this was as unpredictable as everyone is saying, though personally I thought it'd occur in January and not this much earlier. Too bad I didn't get in on this pump madness since I wasn't holding anything on Coinbase during that split, would have been really nice to sell BCH lol.
But honestly I think folks just need to hedge their investments in situations like this. I just held both forks to help stabilize the long term returns. It kinda is though. They could have sent an email in advance, letting us get ready for it. I was completely blindsided by this this morning.
There would have still been pandemonium anyway, but there was some high level scheming going on here. You're right about the idea that people would panic regardless of when they made the announcement. However, it's how they made the announcement that is suspect. They could've told everyone in advance. In addition to that, they could've gave everyone their tokens before they allowed trading.
Oh wait, on top of that, they decided to continue with the implementation fully knowing that their servers couldn't handle the influx of traders. I don't care if they add coins, at least have your software up to date for the coins you have so they can function properly. At least be able to handle the volume you have before doing this!
I feel like they are hurting Bitcoin while lining their pockets! They aren't hurting bitcoin because bitcoin is ultimately not an investment, nor do they control it. No one seems to grasp that everyone buying bitcoin as an investment to convert back to USD is going to be the reason bitcoin does not succeed.
It prevents the price for stabilizing anytime soon, which also means more and more companies don't want to accept it, even if the LN pans out and more and more people are less likely to ever spend it since they are worried it would have gained value.
Coinbase hurt Bitcoins future the moment they opened. Lets not even get into the future dilemmas they've cause by allowing people to buy bitcoin with a CC.
Not to mention Coinbases only goal is to get as much cash as possible before the virtual run on the bank occurs. Coinbase can't fiscally cover all the coins they are holding in USD. Once people start getting worried and try to cash out you're going to watch as companies like Coinbase freeze transactions and stop processing while the market dips until it gets to a point where they actually have the capital to back all the people trying to dump.
Thats the other issue with everyone trying to use bitcoin as an investment to make USD, as the value rises, your and the new users initial funds don't cover the now actual value of the coins This pretty much sums it up. The moment people start trading it I stead of using it is the day it was doomed. Just split your investment and breathe. Half Bitcoin, half whatever pleases you and look at the value of your investment in bitcoin increase. When bitcoin's value drops, a lot of other coin delay their drop and even do better.
Which means that if you monitor well enough, you can double your amount of bitcoins in that kind of situation. If bitcoin is gonna stay the longrun, then it will have to deal with this kinda stuff numerous times. Bitcoin will either succeed or all cryptos will fail. Bitcoin will adapt to any challenge and shrug off every attack. Bitcoin is a small set of simple ideas with an ever evolving implementation.
While Coinbase does have the power to mislead the masses into financial loss, Coinbase does not have the power to hurt or destroy Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not that fragile. Stop worrying so much and instead spend some time really learning what bitcoin is, how it works and what it will eventually become. The future is very bright for bitcoin. Geocities will either succeed or all of internet will fail. Fortran will succeed or nobody will ever be programming again. NASA will succeed or nobody will ever go to space anymore.
That is mindless dogma. Worst case scenario is delayed adoption of crypto, not total failure. Bitcoin is not immune to technological progress elsewhere. Obviously BCH is very unlikely to usurp it, technology to do that might not even exist yet, but it will eventually.
Just a cycle of life. Even if you think of Bitcoin as a universally adopted protocol, there was telnet and then there was SSH. Someone somewhere might already be working on a ground-breaking whitepaper improving on Bitcoin and other existing cryptocurrencies immensely. Why is bitcoin cash so popular? I thought it was just going to die out and it's like doubled in share price. Bitcoin Cash is popular because it's cheaper to buy than Bitcoin and the fees are lower.
I don't have any Bitcoin Cash though, i already sold mine. Yeah I'm subbed to both. I am not personally invested but my husband is so I try to keep up with news here. I disagree with that. My discussions that might have been seen as intellectual have always been downvoted into oblivion. Ask a question here that's rooted in logic and people are usually more open to discussion.
Because there was a run up to today's announcement and implementation. So glad that coinbase alerted it's client base that today was the day they were doing this. They are the most unreliable service, and they charge a premium price for it. I hope their adoption of Bitcoin Trash comes back to bite them. If Coinbase goes away then say goodbye to all the retail money.
To a lot of buyers it's all they use or care to use. That's why having other exchanges and brokers is key. Hopefully this will cause more business to flow to some of the alternatives. Can you name one viable alternative that makes it so easy to do transactions at low dollar amounts? Of course ignoring that all of it carries over to gdax.
Any reason you can't use Gemini? Much better customer service and without the malice against customers that Coinbase has become known for. They need some amount of competition. I'm pretty sick of coinbase. I do most of my trading on Bittrex, but CoinBase is where I put money in. Yes, this is such a clear pump and dump. I think this will have lasting effects on coinbase and the crypto markets as a whole. That's funny, I did the exact same thing about 2 months ago, and got 0.
I just got a few thousand dollars out of nothing. Now, we should have just had it a while ago, but better late than never. Exactly, they should have done this somber even. I only hope though their UI is crystal clear about BCash not being bitcoin, or they'll get a ton of angry mails from noob users that misunderstood this. More competition is good. This is good for Bitcoin. It's totally fine and in-fighting like what you're displaying is the problem with the community.
Yeah Ver may be disingenuous but in the end the people will pick, just as they've done for all tech competitors through the ages. I mean I like Bitcoin for what it was, but let's be honest the technology is not improving fast enough.
At least Bitcoin Cash has reasonable fees. So what exactly is the problem? They didn't stop trading bitcoin, they just added bcash, as far as I can see. Or are you just hurt because it doesn't align with your ideology? Geez, people on this sub really have too gone nuts. Did you freak when they added litecoin? Because I'm pretty sure you're just pissed because the price went down and you don't like bch and any good news for bitcoin cash is bad news for you because you're a bitter asshole.
It was your wish for Coinbase to add BCH so one can dump. Now you call it attack!