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Butterfly labs 10 gh s bitcoin miner review

2 New ButterFly Labs monarch bit miners

They also made overclocking easier as well. Two fans mounted on both front and back Operating Temperature: The shipping gods were good to me yet again. The S3 arrived safe and secure thanks to simple yet effective foam and bubble wrap packing. For those familiar with the S1 and S2s the interface is the same with a few tweaks.

You log in as usual to If you are going to have more than one S3, i suggest you change it to something else as well. This way as you add new ones you do not run into network errors when adding them. Once done, you can go to the miner config page and set your pools. You can also set the S3 to failover or to perform load balancing for pool management.

The setting is convenient as you can use multiple pools at once. Bitmain listened to many in the mining community that mention the S1 could be better cooled with a cowl on it. The S3 has a cowl over the blades and dual fans.

The cowl allows for very efficient cooling. The fans, despite there being two of them, were actually not as loud as my S1. My S3 ran at 42 to degree Celsius. In contrast, my S1 runs between 47 and 50 Celsius.

Bitmain has focused on making the S3 as efficient as possible. Net authorsontourlive Auto classified scripts. S b1g b2evolution baalasp baalsystems babbleboard baby stomach surgery project babybus babydays Babylon Back In Time project back-end BackBox.

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