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By starbucks way, it is just a matter of short time until these big ones start biting the bicoin pie anyway. Bitcointalk has Opened my This is an obvious troll. But there's no starbucks I would. Be bitcointalk to choose a financial institution that has a location you can visit within 3 hours of placing your hold.

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In real-world relevant computational tasks, nVidia and CUDA are dominating in ease starbucks use, flexibility and computational throughput. Easy site for detailed research. This subreddit is not about general financial news. New merchants are starbucks to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after those have been announced they are bitcointalk longer bitcointalk and should starbucks be re-posted. Bitcoin Forum - Info Center. Likely won't be accepting it straight at the register, but you know those Starbucks Cards that they have bitcointalk pay a 3.

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Cue the people calling for my head for trying to engineer a Spotflux and Hotspotshield and Sbux and Bitcoin Conspiracy. For people like me: This actually makes a bit more sense to me. Starbucks themselves accepting bitcoin doesn't sound likely. The tech company that does payments is much more likely. However, will this be a starbucks announcement, or a square announcement? But it sounds like instead of going that route they're going to just farm it all out to Square?

My point is something is happening. Imagine starbucks owns a bunch of bitcoins. They announce, which cements the legitimacy of bitcoins, prices boom I feel that might iinduce a panic sale if starbucks cashed out , though they'd probably sit on it for a while. Plus they'd be pioneers once again.

I'm kinda surprised other corporations haven't done this first I just created this account, and that too via a VPN. I'm not going to lose my job because I can't contain my excitement and posted on Reddit. Thanks for the heads up, and please forgive the skeptics among us, bitcoiners have been trained to be skeptical by all the scammers and pumpers. I first heard about Okcupid's accepting bitcoin in a post like this one, and indeed it happened a few days later, so I am a beliver. By the way, it is just a matter of short time until these big ones start biting the bicoin pie anyway.

I agree, the work load alone would crash the system. When this day come though, it will be amazing. When I'm talking to people about bitcoin that aren't really familiar with it or that are looking to enter it from a business perspective my go to point is "The company that makes it possible to buy a coffee at Starbucks is the company that legitimizes bitcoin.

The reduction in friction in using the coins is the game changer. This could be true or false, either way like others have said it is bound to happen sooner or later and it could well be true now. It's also clear that once a chain or two start accepting bitcoin it won't take long before everyone does. And as far as I know likes of paypal, ebay, starbacks and others have been all internally discussing bitcoin and they may have hedged their chances developing against it just in case it's not a fad.

Richard Branson owns a good chunk of Square and just announced his full support. I think either the information was conflated or next week is going to be amazing. It's convention on some other subreddits to privately verify claims with moderators.

A mod posting like this confirms that hasn't happened. I don't see them allowing you to pay with bitcoins straight at the register, though. I suppose we'll find out! Dont understand the connection? There was a video on eBay's blog.. I work for Starbucks too. Though I've never heard of any of this. But there's no reason I would. I'm a lowly barista coffee slave.

But I gotta say I am SO stoked to hear this. I will quite possibly be the first to pay for a drink with BTC, assuming it's a nationwide thing. This is not an article.. Articles will come after Thanksgiving. And you can disregard if it bothers you.. Actually, it kind of makes sense. Likely won't be accepting it straight at the register, but you know those Starbucks Cards that they have to pay a 3.

They could use BitPay or Coinbase to fund the cards. Customer pays Bitcoins, merchant receives USD. Yep, and Bitcoin is going to be used for microtransations in Fallout 4 too! Sure they involve marketing, but what about your developers? Keeping all 5 billion stores current with BTC prices is going to be a major pain in the ass. That doesn't sound that hard as long as all the stores have functional internet connection.

I imagine they wouldn't quote BTC prices directly for their products. They will likely not be accepting it at their stores. Think about their Starbucks Cards and how easy it would be to top them up with bitcoins: Sign the petition http: Why buy coffee when you can buy cheap, vintage trading card packs with bitcoin: It actually makes sense.

My background isn't in IT so I could be wrong, but it's definitely not out of the question. Plus couldn't it potentially alleviate some cc transaction fees? So I'm still waiting. I have your quotes ready in hand. And it's almost Christmas Explanation please good sir. I'm a BTC enthusiast as well.. I'm surprised at the people either calling me a troll or one guy said he hopes I get caught and fired!! What's with all the harshness: They only trust in the algorithm and distributed consensus through proof of work.

Those insulting you are trolls but you have to admit a huge claim like this with no proof should be met with healthy skepticism. I think you should raise that bet substantially. That would be a way to convince people, and make you some extra coins.

In any case, if the the bet ever gets tracked to your real identity via CoinValidation or something similar and you do get fired or sued it at least will have been worth your while: You definitely shouldn't have to prove yourself. Rumors are fun, and betting on them is even more fun. This may be a coincidence, but this new user is using my twitter name https: I would like to state that this account has nothing to do with me or my trading targets. It is a coincidence, I didn't even see your twitter handle!

All - this person is absolutely correct, we have no connection, and it's a major coincidence. I was just trying to be anonymous and cool with my name. Clearly I'm not that innovative. Sorry to the other Bitcoin Oracle. We are not the same.

I'm not using your twitter name.. I didn't even see your twitter.. I just felt it was only a week away so what the hell. Again, I'm sorry if you think I intentionally used your twitter handle. Why don't you make a bet here and put your money where your mouth is.

I think "reddit" need to wise up and start using financial instruments. Bets are one of the simpler ones, but very effective and in use for ages. A prediction market might be nice akin to now-defunct "intrade" or new zealand based iPredict [ https: He did the same thing in his Ebay post and then dissapeared.

Just like he will do this time. And the next time. I thought I was going to use this gif. Now I have to use this one. I don't care if true. If not true, nothing has changed. Sbux will accept bitcoin at some point anyway. If true, the better. Let the games begin. Fuck it, I upvoted this. We'll see on the 28th if he is for real.

The proper way to settle this is through a bet on bitbet. I made a bet to that effect, approval pending. Here is the bet: To increase probability of approval I will fund it with a dollar. Do not tip this address if you do not trust me. It is the funding address given by bitbet.

I do not know how to prove this to you. Don't be such a fucking idiot man! He hardly even changed the words! It's some broke ass kid who owns a few coins and is shitting his pants because of tonights crash. How goddamn fucking dumb do you have to be to fall for this shit! I truly believe he is trying to pump the value. Merit has Opened my New forum software , Bitcoin Wiki. Last post by Festusk in Re: Last post by taeewo in Re: Indian scenerio on c Off-topic Other topics that might be of interest to bitcoiners.

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