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One 4th paragraph contradicts your 2nd as well, and said 2 sentences currency in your 4th paragraph above contradict each other. One said wider efforts are, ultimately, meant to augment the powers of said wealthy, bitcoin clearly need bitcoin cyclical economic reinventions and recharged activities for the relative poor in order to retain their status. Currency you Pye for posting your thoughts and information… I greatly appreciate it. I see it as Pye does. They own the world, to think they would allow this to world on world as long as it has, is crazy.

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It's years away still. Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: Imagine the day when the US military can no longer shrug its shoulders when trillions of dollars are unaccountable. The whole end the Fed ruse was a sham designed to take us to the next level of Global Government. FYI, The following link does not connect to the document listed:

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September 30, at 4: As of now, Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: Gold, silver, cigarettes, and ammo will most likely always have value. August 17, at Bitcoin represents the power of the multitude.

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One world currency bitcoin

Bitcoin as Conditioner: Rolling Out One World Currency

Have they all been duped? Or are they just ahead of the curve? I live in Seattle and I can barely buy a cup of coffee with bitcoin here. Watching Peter Schiff stick his head in the golden sand is hard to watch.

From one perspective, the goldbugs look like typewriter salesman… outdated dinosaurs. Yah, the world could crash and internet come down, but we will have more to worry about if that happens than dollars, bitcoin, or gold… as referenced before it will all be food, ammo, and guns at that point.

I believe it will also be a huge struggle moving forward as innovative spoilers challenge conventional powers and systems, and eventual change for the better is ushered in. Many people feared the printing press, and attempted to ban it, but look what that invention did to the enlightenment of the citizens of the world. Now we have another opportunity to level the playing field once again. And then there are the monthly fees, late fees, checking fees, atm fees, etc. Another example that I think will change the world are micropayments, which could greatly benefit Newsbud… visit a website and pay the owner.

Taking financial control away from the few and giving it to the masses is a wonderful idea, and something I would love to help promote. My take is we cannot really know what will happen… but I think that it will drastically change the world. And I also think the world needs to be drastically changed.

A Ponzi scheme is a Ponzi scheme is a Ponzi scheme. Yes, time will tell us for sure that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Those who possess bitcoin are at risk of holding a valueless electronic coin that can vanish in a blink of a eye. To say bitcoin holders have control is plain absurd. However… Wait until those who have a lot of bitcoin start cashing in and see how things go!

I like the intellectual fencing on this site, but I prefer thought and come sense. No disrespect, but posting Ponzi, Ponzi, Ponzi!!! Bitcoin is finite and deflationary in nature. The more I learn about the technology, the more I look at people like you as uninformed participants in the discussion.

I would advise studying and understanding the invention blockchain technology… a decentralized mechanism for emergent consensus that Satoshi Nakamoto released to the world in … it is truly genius.

If anyone would like to get a better picture of how this so-called Ponzi scheme is in the process of changing the world forever, I would highly encourage you to watch the following entertaining and informative presentation from Andreas Antonopoulos. Fake News, Fake Money — https: You do not see central banks hoarding bitcoins, but gold.

Bitcoin was tactically released in the middle of the Financial Crisis … without coincidence, and had been originally conceived by the NSA in the listed white paper above in the Show Notes. You would presumably argue, too, that the demonstrably governmental origins of the internet itself … are irrelevant to said wider issues of power as well. Toward a long-term planned One World Currency which will be ultimately, fully traceable and auditable.

Observe the Establishmentary presence — which is conspicuously growing — the blockchain arena globally. Easy Pye, no reason to get defensive. And I get it… it has to hurt watching the price of an asset class physical gold and silver be so suppressed and manipulated, meanwhile the capital that could be moving into precious metals is going to the new kid on the block cryptocurrencies, backed by nothing.

I personally think that owning a percentage of precious metals in an investment portfolio is a wise decision. You make the point that cryptocurrencies are inflationary. The recent hardfork in Bitcoin did not double the number of Bitcoins, but instead created an entirely new coin Bitcoin Cash. To think that a new digital currency will not some hiccups along the way is unrealistic. In addition, to think that a cryptocurrency will magically take over the world and enslave everyone is equally unrealistic.

Gold, silver, cigarettes, and ammo will most likely always have value. So what if the PTB created the internet? Are you suggesting that we should stuff that genie back in the bottle. And similarly, who cares of Satoshi is the PTB. The crypto-cat is out of the bag, and flying around the world faster than governments can control. Would you suggest that the blockchain genie be put back in the bottle? You warn of a fully traceable and auditable One World Currency. Imagine the day when the US military can no longer shrug its shoulders when trillions of dollars are unaccountable.

The current fiat system is dead and dying. Cryptocurrencies seem like an incredible concept. With that said, early technology adopters like myself will lead the way… and should it prove beneficial and worthy, people like you will eventually follow. You belittle my encouragement to educate and understand this technology, which seems like a cheap shot. If this cryptocurrency invention is as evil and diabolical as you suggest, then being able to understand and counter the technology is even more important.

Not getting defensive, just arguing the points. Nor Sterling before it. Yet Magick, very much so, is technically involved. Your 4th paragraph contradicts your 2nd as well, and said 2 sentences alone in your 4th paragraph above contradict each other. The yearning for complete control always comes shrewdly wrapped via the garment of liberation.

A holistic approach is required toward observing the blockchain, as it would be toward anything potentially read: They are NOT moral people. I believe you made your case quite well. The questions and comments here are good, and I find them very interesting. If anything it has solidified my former instinct to avoid them completely. It will be interesting to see who turns out to be correct though. This is a prime example of why I appreciate Newsbud so much, you are simply not going to find this kind of information, with quality discussion, anywhere else.

In answering your question, Rickards just confirmed what I wrote a month ago for Newsbud. Thanks for the discussion Pye, I appreciate it. At this point, I will agree to disagree.

Looking forward to future episodes on the subject. Thank you your great video and for sharing this one as well.

But with as little as I do know, I do not see how bitcoin can possibly be good. The people I follow who say bitcoin is great because the banks hate it because it takes the power away from them etc.

Our world is the way it is because of these monsters. They own the world, to think they would allow this to go on for as long as it has, is crazy. Lynette did a video, I think yesterday, showing the IMF put out a report in March saying cryptocurrency had to come from a private company to get people used to it. As you point out in your video, and Lynette showed in hers, they have been talking about this for years!

I could be totally wrong, but I wonder if all these sanctions, forcing other countries to drop the petro dollar, are just a means to get the dollar to crash to force us into this new system. An eye opening piece!! I have never understood bitcoin but have always been suspicious of it and the idea that somehow they have been able to go around the all powerful govt with it. I was surprised to hear that Corbett was so positive about it. I know he is a News Bud reader.

It makes sense that it is a Trojan horse concocted by the power brokers to hook us and reel us in. People need this information and need to do their homework on it. Basically, what I posted was… we need a secure way to transfer money.

So, even if you value it, you cannot really control it. Would not cryptocurrencies and blockchains at least offer the option and potential for a system controled by the people? What would offer a way away from control by the elite? Ultimately, gold, silver and outright barter.

But you cannot keep control over gold, silver and similar. The goons can take it. Plus it severely limits your economic reach. Although IRS Notice did not address whether bitcoins would be considered an approved investment for retirement purposes, the fact that the Notice is treating bitcoins as property, like stock, and not as a collectible, it should be clear bitcoin is an approved investment for IRAs and k plans and would not violate IRC m.

For many retirement investors, the investment in bitcoins via a Self-Directed IRA LLC or Solo k plan could prove a very tax efficient manner for transacting with bicoins as use of bitcoin in a retail transaction typically would be a taxable "event" for many buyers, requiring them to figure out the gain they had made on the virtual currency—and eventually pay tax on it, whereas, the gains would likely not be subject to tax with retirement funds.

However, the IRS stated in the Notice that bitcoin "miners"—including people who use computers to validate bitcoin transactions or maintain transaction ledgers—also would be subject to tax on payments received in bitcoin and that "mining" that constitutes a trade or business would be subject to self-employment taxes. Accordingly, dealers in bitcoin—much like dealers in other types of property—would be subject to different tax principles than individual investors, and their gains generally would be taxed as ordinary income.

Notice is important because it sets forth some clarity by the IRS about the tax treatment of virtual currencies, but it also raised new questions, such as what government body would be in charge of regulation, as well as if purchased via a Self-Directed IRA, how would the currency be held by an IRA custodian. For more information on our Crypto IRA Solution, please click the image below to receive our free information kit.

For more information on our Crypto Solo k Solution, please click the image below to receive our free information kit. Free Crypto Solo k Solution Information Kit For more information on our Crypto Solo k Solution, please click the image below to receive our free information kit. Individual to individual, three letter federal agencies have more computing power than any other one player, yes.

They have the biggest gun, so to speak. But altogether that's nowhere close to true. They absolutely do not have enough computing power to beat out tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and someday maybe millions of nodes running a distributed network across the entire globe.

I'm not sure what you even think the government would do if somehow it could "control" bitcoin. What exactly would that even mean to you? How do they "control" it? You realize quantum computers are not actually a thing yet, right? They've made photomatter circuits and have once encased atoms in silicon with information stored on them. It's years away still. Exactly, like everything labelled "quantum" its all theoretical math make-believe.

People speak about quantum computers as if they're actually out there, or just round the corner - in the same way they do about black holes - again, a theoretical construct that has never been observed. I believe we just witnessed a star being torn apart by a black hole in real time last month I have been sufficiently convinced, by mathematician Stephen J. Crothers, that there are no such things as black holes, dark matter, exotic matter, etc.

Not only are these theoretical constructs but Crothers illustrates that even the theoretical maths that infers these things is flawed. Of course, observed data can be interpreted to fit quantum theory, but it has sent quantum science on a mad goose chase: Rationally, if the the theory keeps being contradicted by actual observation, and forces more and more invented theoretical particles to tape the theory together, then the base assumptions of the theory is incorrect. I'm not saying this only to be contrarian.

Not only are the logical contradictions in quantum science models of the universe obvious, but there is a better model in Plasma physics that elegantly explains actual observation by electro-magnetism.

The explanation is that we are not witnessing explosions out there in space, but electric filaments. Actual observation can be replicated in the plasma lab with electric current in a vacuum.

Stephen J Crothers - the non-existence of black holes - actual maths for those who can follow, well worth watching:. This would be extremely unlikely to happen because there is a limit to how many transactions can happen at the same time. We can increase the limit for the blockchain but there will still be a limit and that limit is unlikely to allow 8 billion people usage.

If that happens, transactions will not clear or they may clear but with a very high transaction fee, rendering it useless for most transactions. For currency i would think ripple more or dash. Litecoin is great for payment too, but since its supply its fixed, i think its great to storage wealth as well. Bitcoin is not gold.. It's a digital currency that is ceceptible to hacking via quatam prosessors certainly. Even if the powers that be didn't create bitcoin they have the computer power to mine it much more successfully than any independent individual.

By being a fixed supplies makes it comparable to gold. It is an analogy. And currently it has not yet being hacked, not like ethereum cough cough. There is no quantum computer in actual existence anywhere, that has more hash power than the Bitcoin botnet. If an adverserial miner shows up on the network, the developers and community would quickly change the code with a counter-measure.

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