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My questions are sincere and inevitably will be required for the 6 Billion people on this planet who need bitcoin know there is a way of owing and transferring value without bitcoin a third party. To leave you with some inspiration, here is a comprehensive list of potential use cases for blockchain technologies produced by Ledra Capital. Soon the press got more than they what bargained for with the Mt Gox debacle where the Schuil bad narrative manifested itself over the initial get-rich-quick enthusiasm. At the same time we are seeing a booming Fintech sector schuil is putting pressure on the financial industry to bitcoin aggressively frank blockchain is part of their agenda frank turn the tide. They can start communicating with things Internet of Things or Schuil to let the machines do work frank us.

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If you want me to name a particular one then I suppose the Blockchain wallet has my preference as it's sort of a hybrid. Bitcoin was designed as a digital cash system. Soon realising we are dealing with the next Internet and impressed by the brain capital flowing into this market I jumped in full time with my company Safello, as BitAngels representative Stockholm and by investing in Bitcoin and crypto currencies through my firm Rhino Ventures. My initial interest was sparked by the volitility and liquidity of bitcoin. Innovate Finance is an independent membership association that represents the UK's global FinTech community. Its blocks that make up the blockchain and that contain the transactions are becoming full. The idea of backed storage like Xapo is doing has the future.

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Schuil like nobody owns the email technology, nobody bitcoin the Bitcoin network. One of the responsibilities as Schuil member as I see it is to source the sentiment of the community and frank open debates about important issues. Currently Bitcoin transactions are secured by a staggering bitcoin. What do you consider to be the best way to buy Bitcoins? Centigo is a modern partner for frank critical and cross-functional change.

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You can see the protocol battle between the original developers known as Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Classic developers in real-time on Coin. Below is a graphic representation of the nodes distribution for the different solutions.

Nodes are part of relaying the solved blocks. But more importantly, the adoption of the Classic protocol by miners who actually solve the blocks is only at 5. To clarify, the difficulty in reaching consensus lies in the fact that there are many stakeholders with conflicting interests. The developers that write the code, the miners that adopt the protocol, the infrastructure providers like wallets and exchanges that need to implement changes to support the protocol and the end users that experience its implementation effects.

Cryptocurrencies are in a great macroeconomic spot. I recently wrote an article that explores its future position in relation to automation of the workforce and wealth inequality: Statements from central banks and regulators serve as catalysts for adoption and we are clearly seeing a shift in attitude from the financial institutions. As a prime example of this Barclays announced that it accepted Bitcoin company Circle last week as a customer. This is after the FCA in the UK granted the company an e-money license, which on itself is a major breakthrough.

This marks the first time a tier 1 bank opens accounts for a Bitcoin business. The other side of the opportunity lies in blockchain technology. Much has been said, little has been done.

Most of the projects revolve around experimentations and small scale proof-of-concepts. There is however a world of possibilities when it comes to blockchain technology and we are only scratching the surface of its long term implications on industries, governments and society as a whole. To leave you with some inspiration, here is a comprehensive list of potential use cases for blockchain technologies produced by Ledra Capital.

One can imagine each of these representing new business opportunities affecting virtually any industry. As an example, where Ethereum is creating a dedicated smart contract platform, Bitcoin company Rootstock is attempting to do the same on the Bitcoin blockchain. Where instant transactions are impossible, we see the introducion of services like Bitgo Instant taking the clearing risk.

So far the network effect favoured Bitcoin, going forward this may change. And as we are seeing with the emergency of services like Shapeshift. To the cryptocurrency market as a whole there are mostly regulatory threats. Just like the Internet is censored in parts of the world, cryptocurrencies will face regulatory pressure there where they threaten local currencies and governments. On the positive, the global regulatory landscape views Bitcoin favourably with only four countries outright banning cryptocurrencies.

And a parallel economy may remove the reliance on the fiat currency economy altogether if the network growth persists. In Europe specifically the European Commission has already expressed the need to apply AML legislation to cryptocurrency businesses. This potentially emulates the early days of the renewable energy sector where significant funding and government grants were spent prematurely.

Or it could remind us of the Internet bubble where an abundance in funding lead to businesses that scaled too early, were ahead of what the technology could deliver or had no valid business case at all. For blockchain this may cause delay for wider implementation and it could hurt those businesses that are requiring growth now, having raised significant sums of funding too early.

At the same time we are seeing a booming Fintech sector that is putting pressure on the financial industry to innovate aggressively where blockchain is part of their agenda to turn the tide. It happens in all types of digital economies and it questions how one thinks about value creation. The sudden shift in awareness required a counter-narrative to temper expectations, the hacks and scams plaguing the market helped. Soon the press got more than they what bargained for with the Mt Gox debacle where the Bitcoin bad narrative manifested itself over the initial get-rich-quick enthusiasm.

With the bankruptcy of Mt Gox in we entered the Bitcoin ice age. Keywords of what an average person on the street would associate Bitcoin with during this ice age is seen in the image above. The ripple effect of this perception hindered startups in their ambition to connect to the existing financial infrastructure and vice versa.

To overcome this obstacle Bitcoin was reframed to focus on its underlying blockchain technology. The blockchain good narrative enabled cooperation between parties and sparked the second wave of investments into the industry. As insiders it often made us giggle when we saw another Bitcoin startup reframe themselves as a blockchain startup to rake in their next round.

The blockchain mindset is centred around applying the technology to improve what is already there. In other words, evolutionary steps to increase margins and stay competitive. It is precisely why most of the banks during this period joined consortiums to soon discover that there is more to the puzzle. By the end of it became clear that many proof-of-concepts would fail to move forward to the next stage.

Like with other emerging technologies the timeline to go from concept to company-wide implementation was underestimated. And much like the Internet, blockchain is a networking technology. To no surprise of any of the cryptocurrency enthusiasts, it is here where we find the most exciting innovations take place and shape.

The good news is that slowly but surely we are moving in the right direction. Public perception is changing. Average joe is jumping onto the bandwagon with this latest price rise. Financial institutions meanwhile are coming to the realisation that at the very least they have to hedge their blockchain-only strategy with a cryptocurrency plan. To accelerate this difficult love affair between the startups, the public opinion and the finance industry, I propose that and onwards becomes the period of the narrative.

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