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BuzzFeed Style Guide

Do not, however, put ship or vessel names in quotes in headlines — because it just looks weird! Use good judgment, though, if readability is an issue e. If a word or phrase is unfamiliar to an English-speaking audience and it doesn't appear in MW , set in italics; use good judgment e. In identity posts and other stories by and targeted to people who speak a non-English language, italics are generally unnecessary for foreign words.

Avoid gendered terms like "actress," "editrix," and "songstress" outside of direct quotes and titles. Instances relating to spelling, e. If two or more people in the same story have the same surname, generally refer to all by their first name on second reference.

Chinese names generally place surnames first and then given names: Second reference should be the family name, Deng in this case. For more, AP has an entry dedicated to Chinese naming conventions. If listing several names in a bigger group pictured, begin caption with "From left: Use specific dates "Feb. Use 's for all singular possessive nouns e. More sensitive words, like the c-word or n-word, should generally be styled thusly; OK to spell out n-word if it appears in a quote or in song lyrics.

It should also be used when it is the pronoun with which someone identifies. News publication names both print and digital and magazine titles should be in roman type.

I thought, What if I were to move to Switzerland? University of California, Berkeley , on first reference using a comma after the location if it appears mid-sentence ; UC Berkeley on subsequent references.

If the word ends in a consonant, add ing or ed with no hyphen e. As an adjective, "Long Island" can stand alone without "New York" — e. Our style is as follows:. Just use "Washington" for DC datelines. Stories published by BuzzFeed's international bureaus may use state names following the city names below for clarity at their discretion. In features and essays, however, it is acceptable to spell out dates in full October 3, Do not use 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.

When a month is used with a specific date, abbreviate only Jan. Spell out the month when using alone, or with a year alone. When a phrase refers to a month, day, and year, set off the year with commas.

March was a good month because that's when I came into the world. His birthday is April Episode 3 airs Saturday, Feb. This is the phrasing generally preferred by the autistic community in relation to identity.

If a description must be used, try to be specific. An ad featuring actor Michael J. Fox swaying noticeably from the effects of Parkinson's disease drew nationwide attention. Avoid descriptions that connote pity, such as afflicted with or suffers from multiple sclerosis. Rather, has multiple sclerosis. The capitalized "Deaf" is used by members of the Deaf community in relation to identity and culture.

Avoid using "hearing-impaired"; use phrasing such as "hard of hearing" or "partially deaf. A mute person may or may not be deaf. Someone who communicates in sign language is a signer e. He is battling cancer. She is a stroke victim. Use neutral, precise descriptions: He has stomach cancer.

She is a stroke patient. Do not use the term "the mentally ill. However, STD is acceptable in headlines and when lots of quoted material in a story uses STD and using both terms interchangeably could be potentially confusing to the reader; use your best judgment.

The same goes for every position on a movie set: Executives within the studios, however, follow the standard AP rules for title capitalization. Use a line space between every question and answer and answer and answer, if more than one person is being interviewed. On first reference, spell out entire name of interviewee; on second reference, use initials capped, no periods.

If there are more than two individuals being interviewed, we may consider identifying interviewees on second reference by either their first or last names, if that lends clarity especially, for example, if there is dialogue among the interviewees where they refer to one another by their first names.

Just use good judgment. In Season 1, Episode 1 of Homeland …. The names of the show, series, and individual books are italicized, but the episode names are in quotes:. The franchise in general referring to non-media iterations is not. Chapter titles are set in quotes. The series when referring to the books, video games, TV specials, and movies is italicized.

The franchise in general referring to all iterations throughout the Extended Universe, or when used as a descriptor uses roman type: Only episodes I—VI the original trilogy and prequels include episode numbers. No need to include the year in running copy. The Force Awakens on second reference. The Last Jedi on second reference. Rogue One is OK on first reference. Jabba the Hutt lowercase the. Also known as Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Jabba on second reference. Be mindful, however, of whether a modifier is necessary given a story's or sentence's context; using it may be redundant.

See full document here. An umbrella term adj. The term may include but is not limited to: An older term NOT an umbrella term , which originated in the medical and psychological communities.

To occasionally wear clothes traditionally associated with people of the other sex. It is never appropriate to put quotation marks around either a transgender person's chosen name or the pronoun that reflects that person's gender identity. The preferred term in the community for using a trans person's assigned name at birth.

Generally avoid the practice of deadnaming in stories, unless it is preferred by the subject. For example, a person who transitions to become female is a transgender woman, whereas a person who transitions to become male is a transgender man. It is usually best to report on transgender people's stories from the present day instead of narrating them from some point or multiple points in the past. Transgender should be used as an adjective, not as a noun.

This also applies to names with the words "band," "group," "clan," etc. Don't cap every letter in the artist's or band's name, even if it often appears as such e. Other Artist Name, "Song Title" but spell out "featuring" in running copy; abbreviate only in lists.

When in doubt, defer to the music editors. OK to use numerals for numbers under 10 in lists of headlines, like in Celeb Gossip Roundup stories. Otherwise, spell out a number that starts a sentence "Thirty-five cats live on that island. But spell six out of nine senators because these are finite numbers under Grades as in school: Use figures for grades 10— For nations that also use dollars, clarify by using the currency's abbreviation following the number, e.

Spell out everything else under 10 e. No need to include "Fahrenheit" if it's clear from the context. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall; the 5-footinch man; the 6-foot man; the basketball team signed a 7-footer; the orca whale is 26 feet long.

The ship is feet long, feet wide, and 50 feet high. The room is 20 feet by 15 feet; the byfoot room. Forecasters are predicting 8 inches of snow tonight. Lowercase constitutional in all references. Use figures and capitalize district when joined with a figure, e. Lowercase congressional district and district whenever they stand alone. The Capitol is used only in references to DC.

Capital is used for a city or town where the seat of government is located, e. Less well-known legislation should be followed by a short description.

Dana Rohrabacher and Sen. Lindsey Graham said they were in favor of the bill, but other Republican representatives and senators demurred. Informal job titles are lowercase even before a name, e.

Andrew Cuomo , Democratic Sen. Andrew Cuomo and Jerry Brown , Reps. Mark Meadows and Justin Amash. New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker ; Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican ; etc. Similarly, registered independent is lowercase. Left-wing and right-wing are hyphenated as adjectives, but two words as nouns, e.

Do not use terms like alt-right , white nationalist , leftist , or liberal as blanket terms unless you are sure they are accurate.

I think politics is boring. Per AP, appropriate situations include:. Do not refer to the race of the person when apprehended or found. Use the hyphenated forms only as a reference to heritage or ethnicity, not religion e. Generally, American should come first in noun constructions e. American Muslim , but ask a subject how they prefer to be identified if possible. In stories where race is a factor, when possible, ask people how they choose to self-identify.

Do not use "African-American" to describe African people who live in America. Use more specific identification when possible e. One example of Latinos who are not Hispanic are Brazilians. A helpful resource can be found here. Reserve "Spanish" only to describe the people who are from Spain. Americans is OK when discussing people from the United States. In videos and other situations where space constraints must be considered, OK to abbreviate measurements tsp, tbsp, oz, lb.

Wrap sweet potatoes individually in foil and roast in the oven until soft and completely cooked through, about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Peel skin off sweet potatoes using your hands and a table knife, if it helps , then puree with the bourbon in a blender or food processor until completely smooth. This should yield about 3 cups of puree. If you yield more than 3 cups, set the excess aside for another use or discard.

If you want, you can do this ahead and refrigerate the puree for up to 2 days. In a pot of heavily salted water, cook the egg noodles al dente about 5 minutes, or 2 minutes less than the package directions say. Pour into a colander to drain, running cold water over the noodles until they are cool to stop the cooking. In a very large bowl, beat eggs, then add brown sugar and beat just until combined.

Add cottage cheese, melted butter, and the sweet potato puree, then mix with a rubber spatula until combined. Finally, add salt and the cooked noodles, and mix with a spatula until combined. Pour noodle mixture into a 9xinch baking dish. Bake uncovered for 50 minutes if noodles start to brown during this time, cover your baking dish with foil. While kugel is baking, prepare the pecan topping: First, put the cornflakes in a ziplock bag and crush with your hands.

The cornflakes should be in small pieces, but not dust. Brown butter in a medium saucepan. When butter is brown, turn off your head and add sugar, chopped pecans and crushed cornflakes and stir with a spatula until just combined. After it has baked for the full 50 minutes, remove kugel from the oven and sprinkle pecan mixture on top in an even layer.

Bake, uncovered, for another 30 minutes, or until set. If pecans start to brown before kugel is set, cover with foil. Within instructions, initial-cap and italicize function names e.

See more examples in this post. Retain same capitalization as actual handle, add just an apostrophe for the possessive of handle names ending in "s," etc. The terms "birth parent" and "biological parent" may not always be interchangeable. For example, a surrogate can birth a child without being a biological parent, and a sperm donor can be a biological but not birth parent.

Use context and, where applicable, a subject's preference as your guide. Capitalize in the following instances: As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. I want to be a soldier of DarkWeb I first dowloaded TOR on Windows 7. Deep Dot Web do not allow a lot of comments.

They censure a lot. I want to join too. My life had always been on struggling and i just want to make money….. If re-utilizing the favorite browser directly for the TOR download — is the execution of that process somehow hidden from the non-VPR service provider? OR, is the favorite browser somehow being accesses through the the VPN service provider, and if so, how, in effect, is that done, without the start and end points of the non-VPN browser being revealed, within the parameters of the utilization of that favorite browser, within the VPN?

Please forgive my confusion. And thank you for your time. Sincerely, Wanting to learn. Hi i want to work and geting fast money from dark web and who can teach me and help me for use drak web plses i need help about every thing Thank you if you help me. Was watching hacker and know of the risks so i want something legal from the site. Hi i want to work and geting fast money from dark web and who can teach me and help me for use drak web plses i need help about every thing Thank you if you help me…..

I need money in completing my studies. I am a smart person talented in many magazines. My name is Zico. I live in Somalia. I would like to travel to another country.

I appreciate my talents and I would like to help you. Can you please reply? I hope you will reply as soon as possible. Hacker Full i saw this movie several times and its inspired black market trading! I have a great interest in hacking please guide.

Hello people of the internet my name is Z and my goal is to make money. Enough to last the normal American man a few life times. The way I wish to make this cash I will need a crew to lift a bank in Cleveland, Ohio. Many people such as you use my name to sound cool or take my spotlight, but I insure you all of these imposters will be finished with stiffly.

It all goes to my friends who can make a big distraction across town with a few randomly placed car bombs.

Most cctv systems are set up by idiots who use the bare necessity of security for r he network. I want to be a member of the dark web i watch this web on a movie called Hacker and i decided to starch for it on my system where i found you. I visited the dark web just out of pure curiosity. It was honestly really weird and some bits, disturbing. Of course, your bit coin is enough?

Please let me know the contact number, such as email or telephone number. I visited the Rogh lewany just out of pure curiosity. It was really crazy and specialy owner Of this group Using Fake account the account of owner is blocked but now I wana create more problem in this Need You Guys support dark Hunter. This better be a joke alright buddy,i work at the special force police department in the U.

P adress and that. So you better watch ur mouth or you will end up on our waiting to be searched list. Big and stupid words from a teenager with a lot of acne. Check your windows, I am watching you.

That Is What It Is. I Hope It Lasts! It Is Almost Explainable. Soo… Now that you have posted this, and it has been indexed by Google, I am sure government authorities are using it to beat and track D-web operators at their own game… Well done. I just got done watching that and that is why I am here it changed my whole perspective on things and I want to be part of anonymous.

Kindly reply cause i really need lots of debit and credit cards. I am D and I am head security in the SOD, I have been using this site for many and I am pleased with the results that have come out of it. Having been stalked cyberly I find all of this fascinating. Currently in cyber security courses…. Honestly i want to ddos but then again i have access to this type of software to get credit card info but it is kind of sloppy but have never used tor before to download this type of software.

You sed no hackers no firewals and no guverment bu i think ther is no guverment bu hackers are definytly on d. No names,paper just one time contact. Anyone willing to help? Probably not in the right place. If not, please be kind. I am looking for an expert to help me. All traditional avenues have not worked. I have stopped using ALL of my electronics except my phone because someone is stalking me and controlling everything electronic in my life.

I even took my phone to the police who ran a forensic test on it but they said it was clean. NOT SO, but no one believes me. I am afraid it is someone close to me and I am very afraid! A page showed that have a document says: Our products are of the grade A quality type. Dear October third 5: You can still get through them. Ik weet het nog niet zo Goed Met Jullie nu ik Beschik niet echt over Jullie Kennis maar wat ik nu Wou weten wat betekent eindelijk dark web ik vertaal uit dit gegeven een duister web maar uit wat bestaat dan zo een Duister web of is dat enkel iemand die Anoniem wil blijven maar wat heeft het dan met Duister te Maken.

Can someone please tell me what im doing wrong? I look around to make some money online and offline in London ,I accept for beg something to sell cells , laptops etc I will sell ofc at low price at my circles. After this you will give me the commission from that I seal at low price fast ,secure because are friend of friends of friends you now what I mean? I really think writer is trying to help those who have at least a half a brain to get to deep or dark web and understand how to do it and keep identity private but then all you idiots come on with these fucking idiot comments and ask questions that are answered in article cause you are not smart enough to read — and you want to go into deep web?????

You need a job for one and i promise you, if your a kid reading this and you want to find the dark web, you might end up in prison when you grow up. SO get a life and a job and stop searching for the dark web. Hi I live in Sweden and I need to some money can you help me? I can sell and shop allting just help me please. I am developing a group of intelligent individuals who would like to combine talents to get rich. Must be strong minded and not a fucking idiot like most of those who post on here.

Be smart enough to avoid prison but not afraid of it. Become a welder in film. You get to wear a helmet like Darth Vader and you get to burn money itself. Why would you want to hack facebook? Everybody tells you everything private about themself anyways. I was searching for money and work to pay the fees in the internet , now i ended up here, anyone know the quickest way of earning money.. I am just a beginner programmer but good at designing.

Can someone here explain? I have a PhD in Psychology and this was not covered during my extensive research. Can anyone help me I am struggling to understand stage three 3 to stage four 4 on how to access Dark web. YOU people behave like kids……… You think life is a joke?

I understand i know nothing of the world works the times have changed and now the web makes the decisions I want to know what is really happening and who i pulling all the strings today. Send Bitcoins or Die: Are you trying to find out how to access the dark web? The articles and content found on Dark Web News are for general information purposes only and are not intended to solicit illegal activity or constitute legal advice. Using drugs is harmful to your health and can cause serious problems including death and imprisonment, and any treatment should not be undertaken without medical supervision.

Hide Your Stash 2. Hide Your Stash 1. If U Trust ME! Research the dark web quite more and you will find the cash by yourself. I want to turn off the lights in my house, maybe you know? I need the identity of a fake facebook account HELP. Help me get money really needed and I have info just need to securely access it thanks. Hi i also would like Tod hack a FB account ans Chance oft some hell??

There is no security on internet. Do you know any one can be hacked. I would recommend doing this: One good brand of VPN in your router. Then another good brand on VPN on your computer and then tor.

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I do not know how to use it, let me know in detail in Indonesian.. Thanks for pointing that out. I got a headache trying to read your post, no wonder you a red-listed. He was a piece of crap that floated onto our shore. Most of us have some sense at least. Wow, your an idiot! Leave this Country and quit whining Mr. A american who dont know to speak good english???!!!! Why you always lying, why you always lying mmmm my god stop fuvking lying!

OK I have an onion, how do I access the black web? You are the Oscar Wilde of the 21st Century. See, everybody wants to fight all the time. Try cleaning up your own back yard faggot. I need a credit clone card anyone help can me. Looking to buy oxycodone ran out of my script early please help. XD I hear you man, there was a very long conversation about onions somewhere on here. Shrek has lots of onions.

Question is, how do I get to any of them? Yup, opera does not have access to. I thought a VPN was part of Beta? Am I in the wrong place.

To get facebook login password price. To access the dark web you need to download tor. Thanks this site helps legal hacking more popular. I have to agree. To think they drive cars!

Maybe you should stay away if you have to ask. Formulate your own opinions, become the individual you were always meant to be. Become the monster that man is; do not stay as prey to the system. Haha…some of the funniest shit I have read. How can I enter here en without operating system while preserving the confidentiality.

Some of these comments make me want to bang my head against a wall. So you put the lime in the coconut or is it lemon? This page has been far more entertaining than any show you can currently find on the tele. This really is hilarious. Far more than anything you will see on the TV.

Can I access the drk web with phone or tablet. So there is finnaly one with brains on right place. Sory i am new man… help me to hecking?

Because being white matters, right? Go play your poker. How much does a bitcoin cost? And how do I buy them? I need lots of gift cards preferably visa to buy new car. They have some recommendations follow those. Can you get me the pics and messages off an I phone with the phone number…. Try reading this article maybe? Where is your location?

Can i do some money or this is jus a myth? Can i make money over here or this is jus a myth?????? I can not afford a vpn how to find one free give good? People and their drama. Seriously take your shit to mail or face to face. I need something in black mountain mc…. I have been in IT for 31 years. I want to be a hacker plz help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Who can access an I phone using the phone number… need messages and pics ….

Every one should be try to find the best way to improve your ability for hacking. I can do any thing to be hacker can some one help me. I can do any thing to be hacker can some one help me plz. I will send you bank details on priv.

I can do any thing to be hacker can some one help me plz,sir. Hello Sir how can i earned money faster like with in a month. What do you help me hack money in paypal? I want to make money faster. How will i do that through Dark web? What is That Really? SO Can u give me the tips.. To hacks the game? Hi Is there anyone teach me how to make the money through hacked site? Most people talk so much crap!

I am new to this i want to becme hacker. Anyone can tell me how to hack a WiFi seriously.. Can i join to your group Plice am join to your group I can to your group plice. The FBI is watching this conversation…. I just joined and I want to learn more,, if you can help me? How to unlock iCloud for free, plz help!!! Publish Gina Millers bank details for the world to see what a shit hole she is.

Is there any darkweb hackers community forum that I can discuss what I need? Help me to get fast money brother?? Are you seriusly,,I think this is a bullshit. What are some good sites on the dark web for making money? Hello how can i make fast money through dark web? I can help you get alot of money if you have a credit card. Can we try again please I did everything that was asked of me, please! This is confidential track ip or stay out!!!!!!! In a week how do i mony fast,commented on anonymously?

Im new to this, my intentions are just for money. Cant log into anything…. Holy shit, my duck was removed by a horny hacker woman. Some folk have too much time on their hands. I just watched Hacker movie…. I ts cool to know something like dark web exist.. Thanks, you have shown me the way to go — now to try it. Who can sell me Alibaba Gold Member Hacked account?

I like dark chocolate. Do you have to buy this on the dark web? How are mine going to hack web mail to send massive mails. How i can meet the leader of the DarkWeb? And if I hack the dark web can I join the anonymous group? Who wants to join the dark web? I can show you. Hello can anyone help me to hack power rangers game on android.

Well i i dont have a debit or credit card so i couldnt buy the vpn. How can i be a hacker please tell me.. Should i take any course for it or not?? How to create unlimited gmail account… Please tell me how to create unlimited gmail. Any person can teach me how can i making trojan. Hello… Im new in this…can u plzz help me in making some money….!!! We shall rise again! I wanna join dark web…..

He forgot to mention all of the f u ck ed up snuf films…. Who want join dark web Cal this number How to access a Darkweb? Fuck man you are a fucking cops and you are not from Somalia. Read a book called hacking you will understand everything. I would like to join you please accept my invitation. I want to Make a account In here…. Do U give me the link. Is it really as simple as it says. I always thought I had to buy specialist equipment. Why is this special forces here? I feel bad for some reason.

Anybody with the education and skills to do what you claim would know how to use proper grammar! Lmao yeah… We are all shaking at the knees… You are such a scary powerful person! This ia crazy, i thought dark web was smthn else, atleast now i know so i dont get arrested lol.

I saw the movie called the hacker is this website real. Same i Have seen the movie i want to know if the website is real. How much money could I earn off this website. Late summer was a good time to hack the world at summer 18 go do it.

The Dark web will scam you. Grams is a complete scam! Please help me, teach me how to make money online. I am looking around to make aom money so i hope som one can help me with it! Hi can you help me with how to hack the ATM machine? Umm hey I want to join this web but idk how, so if can anyone help plz tell me. People are stupid these days, they have no life and believe this shit. I want to be a member of dark web….. Hi I need to get money can you help me? I would like to buy a mexican.

I want to be hacker help me with your experience. Anyone help me to become hacker. A great teacher for me. Low Anonymous plss help me i need your help plss help me. Please enter your comment!

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