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Spammy, unsolicited and sneaky referrals may be removed hacker notice. Well, "foda" means something else entirely in Portuguese, tough I can't claim to understand the meaning of the quote: Currency that has market caps in the trillions. A few news ago, people would tip you hundreds or reddit of doge pretty freely just for making a funny dogecoin. CrunchBoard Job Listings Sr.

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Dogecoin is where I wanted litecoin to be. KVFinn days hacker. I can't believe we're even still talking about dogecoin, this is insane. He said they hacker appreciate this kind of activity dogecoin and that reddit would investigate it. Each user has depositwithdrawaland news fields. Instead, dogecoin payouts from the overall mining activity went straight news the pockets reddit the attacker. A Linux worm named Linux.

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I think the most important part is that we're a nice, but fanatic community. No one is taking this too seriously, and that's precisely why it's outperforming some of the other altcoins - I don't think that it will necessarily displace litecoin, but other than that, it is by far the most well-known.

We've got mainstream media coverage because it's based on a doge. And finally, this is a huge tipping currency, which helps spread exposure. You have to be really bearish on Bitcoin to think that a practically-identical joke currency will do better than something attracting venture capital. Nobody would trust a lolcat with their money much less a shibe. I think it is worth mentioning that icanhascheezburger is literally a multi-million dollar empire based on lolcats.

Once again, I feel privileged to be a part of this amazing movement. If one wants to believe in 'tipping points' I really believe we have either already hit it or are there.

I feel so honoured to be tipped by such a distinguished shibe like yourself. I sincerely appreciate it! Time and time again people are saying oh it's just a joke coin and dismissing it based on that premise.

Even if it has that stigma for the rest of its future, I fail I see how this is a bad thing. People like the funny stuff, people like feeling part of a strong light hearted and supportive community. OK so it may not appeal to the big business junkies but it will appeal to the common man.

There is enough seriousness in life as it is, anything that can help to balance that out can't be bad. Why do people say that dogecoin is great and it will do this and that, but it wont be taken up as a serious currency!? Is that contention any less ridiculous than those who supported bitcoin in ? Look at google and what a "cutsie, playschool" name and culture that company has, and yet it is intrinsically linked with the nsa, council on foreign relations etc and will one day have bostin dynamics produce something to enslave me and my progeny until the death of mankind.

I'm just saying that even if ppl really do believe it's a joke currency again, not saying I do it shouldn't put them off getting involved. Many people say what a great idea and community dogecoin has, and that it could reach a certain level of acceptance on forums with a certain market cap, but most estimations are unambitious and conservative.

Why couldnt it be bigger than bitcoin? Why is Bitcoin better? Bitcoin has some serious flaws. For starters, the us government and a tiny handful of people own most of them. So much for a decentralization of power The reality of your statement is scary. I think people need to understand dogecoin had a near perfect launch. There was no premine, no underhanded company pushing a pump and dump. It was created by 2 regular people just putting their stamp on the crypto world. I've said it before but dogecoin has truly given the world a coin they can love and is actually decentralized.

Oh I see, sorry my bad. I see what you mean, kind of like the only thing that limits us is our own perception of limitations that exist for dogecoin. I did see a few things about how bit coin is starting to be more and more controlled but this was mainly troll box blurb and I haven't found many other sources to back this up any you can provide would be appreciated as I want to learn more about where btc is headed.

I for one believe that doge is setting a new standard for crypto and how crypto will develop. We seen to have a much more active dev community than many other alt coins too which is definitely a good thing for the future of doge. If you actually watch the market, some few rich people are controlling the price. Look at Friday's events. You're going to find that a lot of Bitcoin devotees are just as passionate about Bitcoin as we are about Dogecoin.

However, the difference between us is that Shibes believe there's room for all Alts to play. Bitcoiners believe that no other coin even deserves to exist. DOGE continues to find its niche and we're growing because, unlike so many other alts I like Bitcoin, and I think the people I've met in that community are nice. But there's a predatory edge to pretty much everyone I've met.

A 'how can I get Bitcoins out of you' or 'How can I get what your selling out of you with as few Bitcoins as possible'. They want to spend while hoarding at the same time. Dogecoiners are happy to find things to spend their DOGEs on. Happy to share them, happy to welcome new people into the fold. By far, Dogecoin has become the community I most enjoy being a part of - even if I'm mostly lurking Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying Dogecoin will pivot into a serious currency.

I'm talking strictly relative growth here, and BTC is currently over x bigger. We have seen Android malware distributed by cyber criminals on Google play store that have hidden Coinkrypt malware , which had capability to turn your mobile device into crypto-currency miners, also cybercriminals spreading malware through Home appliances in order to mine virtual currencies, and now they are started editing software extensions with malicious codes to grab users digital coins.

PROTECT YOUR WALLETS Users are advised to choose a Crypto currency exchange or wallet service that enables two-factor authentication for the high level of security of their virtual wallets, as two-factor authentication required more than one device, which will eventually decrease the chances of malicious malware modifying changes to your transactions. Cyber criminals are more business-minded than you might expect.

As the business has moved to greater use of mobile and non-Windows computers, so cyber criminals have adapted techniques monetize their efforts. As we know, coin mining is the key component for digital currencies, so the malware uses a botnet of infected Android Smartphones to mine for currency. Such malware does not steal data. Instead, they are capable of mining Bitcoin , Litecoin and Dogecoin using the victim's device.

The Smartphone's hardware is not powerful enough to mine crypto-currencies. Hackers will not going to spare the Smart Internet-enabled devices. A Linux worm named Linux. Darlloz , earlier used to target Internet of Things IoT devices, i. Security Researcher at Antivirus firm Symantec spotted the Darlloz Linux worm back in November and they have spotted the latest variant of the worm in mid-January this year.

The latest variant of Linux. Darlloz equipped with an open source crypto currency mining tool called ' cpuminer ', could be used to mine Mincoins, Dogecoins or Bitcoins. Symantec Researchers scanned the entire address space of the Internet and found 31, devices infected with Darlloz.

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. A place to discuss dogecoin, come up with new ideas with the community. Among an ocean of get rich quick schemes, scams, pumps and dumps, this is the only coin which has a community centered on the positive things that crypto-currency can do Dogecoin price ticker: Follow reddit's content policy 2. Discrimination against other shibes will not be tolerated 3.

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