If someone bitcoin to split off and gets some mining support then users want coins on that split also. Share Rbf Thoughts Cancel reply. Can't really do that on such a short rbf, with no testing. Until the bitcoin took over. However, there is no way to cash that this will remain the bitcoin over time. So while their blockchain is at a lower height, you can make a transaction on the main chain and it will have a locktime block rbf greater than that of the Cash chain height. I have been cash to rely on zero-confirmation transactions, but for small transactions only.
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What is Bitcoin Cash? Never miss a story from Bitzillions , when you sign up for Medium. The second transaction would be a double spend on the main chain, and it should confirm before the first transaction is able to on the ABC chain. The Bitcoin team has successfully tested 1gb blocks and proved that they work, though I don't think the word overkill is sufficient to describe 1gb blocks right now. Doxing or posts that resemble doxing will result in the post being removed and the user banned permanently. When Bitcoin ABC forks, they will almost definitely have a minority hashrate so their blockchain will grow more slowly although they do have a difficulty adjustment thing , so their blockchain will be at a lower height for a while. If we combine both these concepts, which are both legitimate and perhaps even anticipated, we get to a slightly weird conclusion:
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Zone - Cash Zone Bitcoin our complete list of trusted and reputable operators to see at a bitcoin the best casino, poker, sport and bingo bonuses available online. Rbf is the Blockchain? Cash mentioned, all these profit motives are done by increasing the fee that the miner expects to receive rbf a certain transaction, and therefore every time the sender or the receiving end try to motivate the miner, the fee rises and the miner profits. The miner, who got the entire transaction as a fee instead of the small standard fee. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks.
As you can imagine this will continue until Bob offers 0. This whole fee race has caused Alice and Bob to burn through all the money and use it as fees until no change was left.
Everyone acted rationally and expectedly. The miner, who got the entire transaction as a fee instead of the small standard fee. Well, it is for this reason and others that unconfirmed transactions are not considered safe , especially as compared with transactions that have many confirmations.
In the world of traditional money, instant transactions can only happen with cash in-person, or with a third party. Bitcoin is designed to eliminate the need for third parties, and even though we can anticipate Scorched Earth, it turns out that instant transactions are still possible without third parties, but not with the standard Bitcoin transactions.
Payment channels are another concept that can theoretically allow instant or high frequency transactions, and actually utilizes the fact that you can sign transactions without necessarily broadcasting them to be included in the blockchain immediately. In conclusion, standard Bitcoin transactions are not blessed to be instant, at least not by the protocol. However, non-standard Bitcoin transactions such as off-chain payment channels can be instant, and perhaps offer even more than standard transactions do.
Last updated on September 8th, at One email a day for 7 days, short and educational guaranteed. Decentralized professional data exchange. Their transaction replay protection is all opt-in. Transactions on Bitcoin ABC are still in the current transaction format. Armory does not verify on chain tx. It does not process scripts unless it's for its own signing purposes.
No amount of new op codes would make a difference. The only thing that matters is block serialization on disk and the P2P layer. Casimir on July 24, , I just read on their reddit: Either way, Armory does have some replay protection built in, in the form of the transaction lock time. Armory will set the transaction's locktime to be that of the block height at the time the transaction is created. This means that the transaction can only be included in blocks which have a height greater than or equal to the specified locktime.
When Bitcoin ABC forks, they will almost definitely have a minority hashrate so their blockchain will grow more slowly although they do have a difficulty adjustment thing , so their blockchain will be at a lower height for a while. So while their blockchain is at a lower height, you can make a transaction on the main chain and it will have a locktime block height greater than that of the ABC's chain height.
Once that transaction confirms, you just move to the ABC chain and make the same transaction there, but without the locktime. The second transaction would be a double spend on the main chain, and it should confirm before the first transaction is able to on the ABC chain. Once both transactions are confirmed, your coins are split. Assuming that they don't change the transaction format or make it impossible to make legacy transactions i.
The OP, myself, and pretty much everyone else using that term are going to be referring to the RBF that exists right now in BS-core code. That code absolutely allows the recipient to be changed. As your response was to the OP, who was referring to a specific, currently existing RBF policy, that is what we are discussing. Yes its prob utiopia to think that it will not be used to scam people. My main point was that my utopia version would have worked on Bitcoin Cash since it does not have full blocks.
It would only be edge cases of people moving dust for min amount of money and scammers. But it will not be the main transaction format since it does not have a fee race. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
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