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Upload bubble.am to Buttbase and see what you can cash it in for. I was aware that the baseband software was proprietary and had bugs but I never imagined that ?btc has 500 impact on the main OS. January 15, Submit text NOT about price. Bitcoin Forum February 01, Cryptos will succeed or fail based on their own merit and not based on me trying to make bitcoins. What South Koreans see when they log into Bithumb.

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It's more than save enough. December 18, , They should write the articles like horoscopes and have a bit swap them as the price goes up and down. Is there any incentive to host a p2pool? Was leaving when it was k , Lucky those, who went to bed when it was 14k and missed this dump to

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I don't believe that was a smart idea. Bitcoin ticker is a little better. This might be a more pronounced sell-off. The baseband source is not available yet and until it is, it's no better ?btc any bubble.am consumer android device. Fiat isn't cryptographically secure. But apparantly this very well established economic phenomenon does not work on Bitcoin. This makes me feel bitcoins better about 500 to switch to Gemini regardless of whether they have alerts or not.

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Muchos consejos no se, es bastante lineal el juego: Muchos consejos no se, es bastante lineal el juego. Con un poco se estrategia se puede: Con un poco se estrategia se puede. Pero no me carga nunca el torneo se queda una bola azul de lado a lado por siempre. If you have a fairly powerful computer that is almost always online, you can help the network by running Bitcoin Core. You can also use Bitcoin Core as a very secure Bitcoin wallet.

Check out his other work here. We previously collected donations to fund Bitcoin advertising efforts, but we no longer accept donations. The funds already donated will be spent on some sort of advertising, as intended. As of now, If you have ideas for the remaining BTC, see here for more info.

Daily Discussion, January 10, self. Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! Daily threads are fast paced! If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow. Your price screenshots and repetitive submissions are being removed, so please stop submitting them!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. MSM is way too slow to report on crypto, it's a hot topic so they always want something to print but the trouble is the market moves so fast that by the time they've gone to press things have already changed.

Then their articles online stay live for weeks and almost always make things look worse than they already are. This 'crash' linked to S. Korea had almost recovered yet if you Google bitcoin all that comes up is doom and bloody gloom! They should write the articles like horoscopes and have a bit swap them as the price goes up and down. Everything is going red, but does it mean I should panic and sell?

Cryptocurrencies are the future!! Just came back from gym, happy to see that it's 13,3k now. Was leaving when it was k , Lucky those, who went to bed when it was 14k and missed this dump to Your predictions on btc in next two weeks? I feel like 20k in the middle of the next week then a small dip then slow rise. Which according to another kind Redditor's named starsinsky translation is sorry - I don't know how to link straight through to this hence I am copying and pasting:.

A Cheong Wa Dae official said in a telephone conversation with YTN that Park's remarks are the position of the Ministry of Justice and that other ministries have various positions. In addition, the Ministry of Justice approached from the dimension of elimination of speculation, but the Financial Services Commission explained that the Ministry of Science, Technology and Information Ministry is interested in nurturing core technologies of virtual money to prevent similar reception.

He added that virtual currency-related policies will determine the best time for policies to be effective while looking at market conditions. Doing market intervention this way" "The justice department is really crazy". I cant wait for this spam attack to be over and fees to go back to normal. But its most likely someone with deep pockets who intend to keep it going for months.

Usually when the price of something goes up people use less of it. But apparantly this very well established economic phenomenon does not work on Bitcoin. It is obviously someone propping up the fees. This should be visible via analysis of the chain. If it's one person then there ought to be some correlation in the transactions in the blocks. Anyone knows if South Korean traders can still trade on foreign exchanges after their exchanges shut down?

The exchanges aren't being shut down - the reports were mostly nonsense and the 'raids' were done by the tax department for tax compliance, not anything to do with shut down. In fact Korean exchanges have already recovered half of the dip.

It's a whole lot of panic over nothing. What about this though? It would be like if England decided to ban it straight after America formally endorsed legalised it. They are also heavily invested. It will hurt their economy. That said it isn't the only reason for this low.

It has also been a correction since ATH. That's one guy who is anti-gambling, the rest are pushing for regulations instead of a ban. A lot of the 'ban' talk is also in reference to shady small exchanges who don't follow regulations properly.

Note that the guy who wants a ban is the minister of justice. The minister of finance is actually in support of crypto and more regulations. Does anyone have any confirmed updates on the Korea story? I've seen Tweets that the MSM reports are over-stated. Does anyone have more information? I think it's over hyped. Wall Street employees get their huge bonuses on the 18th and a large portion is expected to get pumped into crypto. I'm predicting a major correction in the next three weeks to 20k, maybe even 26k by the end of feb.

I dare you to sell all you're holding now to take advantage of this dip you're talking about. Does anyone reckon BTC will fall further? Got a feeling the dip aint done yet and really want to increase my stack: Look at his other tweets as well. That is fake news. Our gov is serious. I'm thinking about move to Japan exchange. Yeah plus they are just introducing a bill to ban Bitcoin to congress. It would still spend time in committee and have to be voted on at some point down the road IF it makes it out of committee.

It's just like the US. Most bills never make it. Many are introduced just to score political points or send a message. That's what this one is. They know they can't ban bitcoin but they want to send a message for everybody to cool it a bit. Lot of investors heavily invested. Too big to ban at this time and it's a democracy and not like China. That bill will be burnt. Glad i caught 13k dip. Couldn't catch but that's ok.

I will be messaging you on Parent commenter can delete this message to hide from others. Feel free to leave The cowards and nonbelievers are the only ones who will get out with the real loot while the rest of you bravely hodl to zero. Any prediction as to when this is actually going to happen? Buffet won't buy OR short bitcoin because he doesn't understanding it a good idea , which he admits.

Buffet is good at valuing old-school companies but he isn't technically able to grasp bitcoin, and I don't think he really gets the historical context of money as a ledger system , and how much it can change in a relatively short period of time. Marc Andreessen and Balaji are much smarter and more informed. It's a bubble like gold and silver, bubbles which are thousands of years old, and joint stock corporations, which are hundreds of years old.

USD is also an obvious bubble. Bitcoins fundamentals as money are more sound than USD, this much is pretty obvious. You'll fit right it in because this looks just like our usual sarcasm. I laugh with you but also at you.

You guys have been so spectacularly wrong for so long. A lot of the excitement around bitcoin is uninformed hypebeast nonsense, which does deserve to be made fun of. Still, look at it this way: If at the beginning of the year they, instead of investing their time as ametuer comedians, had merely invested 10 weeks wages at an U.

Upload it to Buttbase and see what you can cash it in for. So I do get a chuckle when I see you guys still yammering about "bag holders". It's already been 5 years, and now you want 5 more? What are you going to say in , that you need another extension, maybe 10 years that time around?

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