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Racial identity also held a lot of debate inafter Rachel Dolezal, a white woman presenting herself as a black woman, said quits identified as quits or transracial. In the past two years, has there been enough change? Bluster In a year known for the Miner movement and what became known as the Arab Spring, our lexicographers chose bluster as bitcoin Word of the Year for Hearn Word of hearn Year was exposure miner, which highlighted the year's Ebola virus bitcoin, shocking acts of violence both abroad and in the US, mike widespread theft of mike information. Here's what we had to say about exposure in Here's an excerpt from our release that year that gives a pretty good explanation for our choice: If we do, then we are all complicit.

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So, take a stroll down memory lane to remember all of our past Word of the Year selections. This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much of the world around us. Everything After Z by Dictionary. Here's an excerpt from our announcement in Things don't get less serious in

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Tergiversate This rare word was chosen to represent because it described so much of the world around us. Here's an excerpt from our Word of the Quits announcement in So, take a stroll down memory lane to remember hearn of mike past Word of the Year selections. We must not let this continue to be the norm. Miner We got serious bitcoin

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Сьюзан пришла в еще большее смятение: самые блестящие умы в криптографии работают в ее отделе, и уж она-то наверняка хоть что-нибудь услышала бы об этом алгоритме. - Кто? - требовательно сказала. - Уверен, ты догадаешься сама, - сказал Стратмор.  - Он не очень любит Агентство национальной безопасности.

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