I using Electrum client and no problems encountered. Simply follow the 1st step of the guide above to create a new wallet file and then repeat the private key import process again in that wallet file. Electrum prompted, enter the secure bitcoin you chose when setting manual the Manual wallet. Leave a Reply Bitcoin reply Your electrum address will not be published. Full Member Offline Activity: Is it a bad thing to use Electrum?
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You can get the private keys from Bitcoin Core using dumpprivkey as described in Using dumpprivkey to make a paper backup. Paste the private keys from Bitcoin-Qt here. Electrum - Bitcoin client for the common users friendly and instant August 14, , You should sweep them instead. The higher the fee density, the higher the total fee, and the more likely a transaction will be included within the next block. I Download the installer from https: Electrum - Bitcoin client for the common users friendly and instant.
Select the signed transaction file. Your transaction electrum two new coins: Future posts will introduce them. Multisig manual, Hardware wallets, etc. One bitcoin can be on a machine that is online and the other wallet can be on an offline machine. Can it alter transactions or do other kinds of harm to your wallet?
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So what you can do is load bitaddress. The uncompressed private key starts with 5. Then close your browser before you go online again. After that you can import your uncompressed private key into electrum to get the correct address. Note that entering your private key on a website is risky so you should just send the money from your blockchain. Hello my keys are beginning with 5 or K, the recover process has somewhat succeeded, but I get balance 0 and transactions recovered only till all my later transactions are not recovered, nor my actual balance.
You could try switching to a different server: However it is also possible that your coins are in a different address controlled by a different private key.
Perhaps whatever wallet software you were using would have had multiple private keys and it moved the coins to a different address like a change address. I exported successfully ALL my private keys from https: I will try to change server. Most likely your bitcoins are in a change address like I said before. What you need to do is extract the seed words and restore using that in Electrum.
Hi, here my strange situation: The remaining coins are probably in a change address. Do you have the recovery phrase for your bc. If yes then restore using that as per this guide: If you have an old bc.
However when it comes to old bc. Thanks for reply, the true is that was my mistake im an idiot ahaha because bc. However the child transaction will not confirm until the parent transaction has confirmed too.
You can try various things to get the unconfirmed transaction to confirm: But on Electrum wallet is not unconfirmed, in fact this transaction not exist and btc back to wallet.
That server has obviously dropped your transaction. However other nodes may still remember this transaction of yours. You can try spending these coins. If enough nodes have forgotten your old transaction the new one will be relayed successfully. I am logged in to my Electrum desktop wallet, but no longer have access to my 2FA or seed. In December, was create a new Electrum wallet already used it several times before , saved 12 seed words with a QR code by print screan, did two factor authentication it is a big problem now , send BTC there, left for a couple of months.
Decided to pull out, enter the address of the departure — asks 2FA. I lost my phone, I do not have it. Okay, I think, it does not matter. Restore without 2FA on Seed. Restore — 0 Balance. What the hell … there is a saved wallet. Restore — everything is ok. Can see a balance and wallet……And so on a circle … In Total: Download and install the Electrum Bitcoin wallet from https: For ease of understanding we would illustrate the standalone executable steps of the windows installer.
I Download the installer from https: Run the saved setup program. The following screen would Pop up This screen is based on the security settings of your machine. In case you wish to select the servers manually you can do so by selecting the lower radio button next to Select Server Manually. From here you can select the servers of your choice by un-checking the select server automatically check box. Click the Standard wallet option and click the Next button this leads you to the following screen.
For creating Wallet with two factor authentication, Multi Signature Wallet and Watch Bitcoin address their respective radio buttons need to be selected. Specific instructions for these wallets have been listed after the procedure of the standard wallet.
In case you were to lose your wallet due to computer failure you would need this information to recover your wallet. You need to type the seed that you have noted down from the previous screen exactly as it appeared only then the Next button would become click able. Enter a password of your choice and confirm it. Note down the password and store in a safe place. This leads you to a wallet generation screen that leads you to the Electrum wallet main interface which looks as follows.
If you drag the Bar to the right the fee goes up and as a result your Bitcoin sending transaction would be confirmed in the next Bitcoin block. If you choose a lower fee by dragging the bar to the left then your transaction confirmation would change from the next block to up to within the next 25 blocks for the lowest Fee band that is the extreme left corner. To receive Bitcoins click on the Receive Bitcoin Tab. I get a contributor label for two lines of code Seriously though Don't wait for shipping, mine NOW!
ErebusBat on August 13, , Donator Hero Member Offline Activity: Thanks for the excellent work! Will the server still be maintained on gitorious, or will this also be moved to github? Full Member Offline Activity: August 14, , This started happening the last few days. It stays stuck at 'Synchronizing I tried changing servers but all of them seem to be doing this.
Any idea what's wrong? Most of our work and resource is squandered. Our onward march is marked by devastation. Everywhere there is an appalling loss of time, effort and life. Monetary Freedom - an inalienable right Per aspera ad astra. Moderator Legendary Offline Activity: Electrum on August 13, , ThomasV, the author of Electrum, has made it public that he is not going to add new features to the client while a couple of us still see a lot of room for improvement.
ThomasV on August 14, , Tachikoma on August 14, , I checked the Debian packages but sadly they don't have 4. You could try a manual install via the QT site. We took the gamble that most distros would have 4.