Mixing reinvented for your tradehill Chip Mixer. Bloody Bell Newbie Offline Activity: See my charts at http: TradeZero will enable secure cryptocurrency trading in a newspaper pool bitcoin that will be commission-free, and will allow private and larger purchases for its clientele. Wow, it looks very nice.
Oldminer on June 27, , This way the graph in the important range could be bigger and easier to read. Let us know in the comments below. Are the buy and sell values switched around for Tradehill, though? How do you code a site like that? So if you still experience any difficulties please report.
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Wednesday, January 31, Until computers are built from something other than newspaper and occupy something other than space. TradeZero will enable secure cryptocurrency trading in a dark pool environment that will be commission-free, and bitcoin allow private and larger purchases for its charts. I sent a kopec to help the pizza fund. Now, the company is adding bitcoin to its featured services due to tradehill growing demand for cryptocurrency trading.
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Very, very well thought-out presentation and UI. Not a referral link. Just a satisfied customer! Hero Member Offline Activity: I like it alot, even though the chart dosent work for me.. For Canadians by Canadians: Canada's Bitcoin Community - https: I think an option to overlay multiple markets on a single graph would be useful. If you like my post please feel free to give me some positive rep https: The Line has stopped working in tradehill is 1: See my blog at http: It's looks very good so far!
Nice design and I like the help information, that was really informative. I'm using Chrome and If I open it in two tabs one from tradehill and one for gox I get the same chart on both pages Would it be possible to include bitomat.
Klaus Alexander Seistrup http: I haven't set up proper monitoring yet and soon after I went to sleep pushing process died: If live updates are not working in your browser, let me know just remember trades are not happening sometimes even for a few minutes. But in general, to be honest, supporting IE is a low priority for me but please tell if it's working now Some errors you may have been seeing could be caused by the fact that part of my backend was down.
So if you still experience any difficulties please report. Are the buy and sell values switched around for Tradehill, though? The site is awesome, just a little "bitching": The order book graph could just show the relevant part: This way the graph in the important range could be bigger and easier to read.
It would be great if you could optimize that. Hero Member Offline Activity: Love this chart presentation. Seriously - this is a slick looking site.
I have zero complaints, the sucker looks drop-dead sexy on my phone as well! Well done and thank you! Everything looks wonderfully informative. Looking forward to more. Until computers are built from something other than matter and occupy something other than space. The WTF section actually worked, as in, I get the charts now.
Thanks for the work. I sent a kopec to help the pizza fund. Just a small request - any chance we can get the '10m, 1h, 12h, etc' view selection highlighted so we know which view we are looking at at a glance?